HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2a USE PERMIT 81-13 05-04-81DATE: May 4, 1981 PUBLIC HEARING NO. 2 5-4-81 Inter-Corn TO: FROH: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Community Development Department APPEAL of Use Permit 81-13 Applicant: Location: Robert P. Warmington Company 13112 Newport Avenue, Suite I & H Request: To appeal the Planning Agency denial of Use Permit 81-13 which turned down the application of B'Nai Israel Congregation for the use of Packer Square (Suite I and H) as a religious congregation and class area. BACKGROUND On April 6, 1981, the Planning Agency denied the above application by the adoption of Resolution 1955B. On April 7, 1981, the Robert P. Warmington Company requested an appeal hearing before the City Council. Copies of the staff report, resolution, minutes and correspondence are provided for your information. RECOMMENDED ACTION Following the public hearing, uphold the findings of the Planning Agency and deny the appeal. MAC/dat DATE: April 6, 1981  ~ LIC HEARING NO. 3 Inter-Corn TO: FROH: -- SUBJECT: Honorable Chaimvan and Planning Agency Members ComTunity Development Department Use Permit No. 81-13 Applicant: Loc~tion: Request: Robert P. WarmingtonC~mpany 13112 Newport Avenue, Suites I & H To amend Use Permit No. 78-18 to authorize the location of a religous congregation in the commercial shopping center BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION In Aug~st of 1978, the Planning Agency approved Use Permit No. 78-18 which authorized construction of the PackersSquare comnercial center. The proposal called for the development of retail stores, office buildings and one restaurant. The parking allocation is sufficient to cover minimum zoning requirements based upon used square footage and restaurant seating. This application has been submitted on behalf of the congregation, B'Nai Israel, to be authorized to hold worship services, as well as other religious instruction, meetings, and activities in two adjoining retail commercial suites. The two suites to be used total 3042 square feet. Based upon this floor area, (commercial use) there are 15 parking spaces allocated in the parking lot for use by users of the suites. STAFF CONCERNS 1. Packers Square presently experiences parking space difficulties with its present use and without the total floor space being rented or leased. A portion of these difficulties can be attributed to parking lot design. 2. The proposed use for the group assembly would primarily be on Saturdays which is one of the busier days for the IrvineRanch Market. 3. Other proposed uses by the applicant indicate that it would be a school with pick-up and drop-off of the students. This would not be a compatible use with the existing commercial use and this use could also generate a traffic congestion problem for the oenter. ( ( Staff Report Use Permit 81-13 Page 9. 4. The applicant has indicated that on certain occasions there will be a range from 22 to 100 persons congregated for activities at a given time. Based upon a 15 space allocation, only 45 people could assemble at the proposed suites and be in conformance with a strict interpretation of the parking regulations. In previous actions, the Planning Agency has taken into account the time of day for assembly to determine exact parking demands. 5. Extensive interior modifications will be required to bring the saites up to building code requirements for an assembly use. 6. There is concern over the use of the rear delivery alley by the congregation if parking demands exceed availability near the suites. This could block delivery and emergency vehicles in attempting to serve the center. REODMMENDED ACTION Staff has strong reservations concerning an approval for the subject use r~uest. A favorable recommendation by staff would be based upon num~erous control conditions over the time of use and number of participants. Such conditions would be the responsibility of staff to monitor to ensure compliance. The full range of activities requested by the congregation warrants a single use development and not a shared site with heavy co~raercial/professlonal usage. Two draft resolutions are attached for consideration. AGW: hn 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 1V 18 19 2O 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 ~0 32 RESOLUTION NO. 1955 B A RESOLUTI(1N OF THE Pkth~ING AGI~2~CY OF THE CiTY OF TUSTIN, DENYING T~[E OPEILiTION OF A P~IGIOUS INSTRUCTIONAL ASS~4BLY AT SUITF~ H AND I, 13221 NEWPORT AVENUE ~The Planing Agent7 of the City of Tustin does here~f resolvt? as fol lows: i. The Planning Agency finds and detem0ines as follow:~: A. That a proper application, (Use Permit No. 81-13), tms been filed on behalf B'Nai Israel Congregati(m by the Robert P. Warmington Company to authorize the use of Suites H and I, 13112 Newport Avenue for religious instruction assembly. B. That a public hearing was duly called, noticed and held on said application. C. That establishment, maintenance, and operation o[ the use applied for mt the site proposed would not be compatible with the existing improv~nts with adjacent land ruses based upon the following : 1. The site was orignially designaw] ~ mn office retail co~rcial center. 2. The site does not exceed minim~m parking accom- modation rt~quirements for its designed usc .,and floor ar~ squax~ footage, and therefore there are no extnt spaces available for ~ss~mbly 3. Th,:~re %~ald be an increase in F~{rking l)roble~m3 due to conflict between c~mJnerc!al usage and congregation Farking demands. Agoncy, held on (~_ Recording Secretary AGW:hn [Larch 31, 1981 II. ~]e Planning Agency hereby denies Use Pem~it 81-13, appllc~ for to authori?~ a religious instructioaal ass%,~bly with a previously constructed commercial shopping center. a regular m~eting ,of the Tustin Planning ~ ]/ day of L/~5~.&.~-/ , 1981. ,-) Dbnald ,I~, Skltarel ti C?tai rma~ ~ Planning A~ency Minutes April 6, 1981 3:00 ~.M. Page 3 Use Permit ~o. 81-13 Applicant: Location: Request: Robert P. Warmington Co. 13112 Newport Ave. Suite I and II To authorize the location of a religious congregation in the commercial shopping center. Alan Warren presented the staff report Mr. Warren stated that because of the parking problems that exist in this square, only a maximum total of .55 people could assemble at these suites at any one time. Mrs. Kennedy was concerned with the probability of only 45 persons assembling at any one time. The Public Hearing was opened. Because of the obvious parking problem, it was suggested the applicant look for another site. Motion by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy to deny use permit 81-13 by approval of Resolution 19S5 B. AYES: Edgar, Kennedy, Hoesterey and Sharp. NOES: Sa!tarelli. 'qne 12obert P. Warming on another generation of caring... April 7, 1981 Mr. Michael Brotemarkel Director of Community Development City of Tustin Centennial at Main Tustin, California Re: Appeal of Planning Agency Decision Amendment to Use Permit No. 78-18 Dear Mr. Brotemarkel.: At their regualr meeting of April 6, 1981, the Planning Agency of the City of Tustin Denied the application of The Robert P. Warmington Co. to amend Use Permit No.78-18, authorizing the location of a religious congregation (B'Nai Israel) in the Packers Square Shopping Center. I was under the impression that the Agency meeting began at 4:00 P.M.; unfortunately, I was not present when the hearing on this item took place. And, there were approximately forty (40) members of the B'Nai Isreal Congregation in attendance who did not state their support of this requested action. For these reasons, please accept this letter as a formal request from The Robert P. Warmington Co. to appeal the decision of the Planning Agency to deny the proposed amendment to Use Permit No. 78-18 to the City Council for final determination. Should you have any questions, please call me. Respectfu-ly submitted, THE ROBERT P. WARMINGTON CO. Robert H. Odle RHO:bw 16592 Hale Avenue Irvine, California 92714 (714) 549-8867