HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 ADDITIONAL COMP. 05-04-81DATE:
April 23, 1981
Honorable Mayor and Council
Community Development Department
Request for Additional Compliance Year-325 S. "C" Street
Thomas J. Kelly, Sr., by letters dated March 30, and April 22, 1981, has
requested an additional year for compliance with the zoning ordinance
without forfeiture of security deposit for the property located at 325
S. "C" Street.
This case goes back to September 27, 1978 when Mr. Kelly desired to
convert an existing structure to mixed residential and commercial use.
Public Hearings and Council discussions were held on the subject from
April 2, 1979 through May 1, 1979.
The matter was resolved by the signing of an agreement on May 1, 1979
(copy attached) whereby Mr. Kelly was permitted to continue his unlawful
mixed use of the building during the conversion period. The agreement
further provided that a security bond would automatically be forfeited
on May 1, 1981 if the use of the property was not in compliance with the
zoning ordinance (No. 510) on that date.
There is no authority for an illegal use of property in any State law or
court interpretation of zoning laws. There was no basis for a
variance. The Council, in a unique and humanistic manner, authorized
the continued violation of the zoning ordinance for a two year period on
the basis of financial security to assure compliance by May 1, 1981.
There is now a request for an extension of this special privilege for
one more year.
The matter was brought to my attention on April 22. Since the Council
has not had a previous opportunity to review the requested extension, it
is recommended that the security deposit not be forfeited until the
Council has had the opportunity to consider the request.
If the City Council believes that there is sufficient justification for
not enforcing the a§reement, the City Council should direct the City
Attorney to prepare and the applicant sign an amendment to the agreement
extending the time period for compliance. It is suggested that six
months should be an adequate additional period for compliance. The
motion would be stated substantially as follows:
"Direct the City Attorney to prepare an amendment to the agreement with
Thomas J. and Mary Kelly dated i May 1979, and authorize the Mayor to
sign on behalf of the City, extending the required date of compliance
for a period of~month(s) from 1 May 1981."
April 22, 1981
Donald J..',iaIturclli, Ma.~or
Richard B. Edgar, Ma,vor P;*o-tem
Ursula E. Kennedy
Jamcs FI ,Sharp
Ronald B. tloestcre.',
Hr. and Mrs. Thomas d. Kelly, Sr.
330 E1Camino Real
Tustin, CA 92650
Subject: Conversion of 325 S. "C" Street to Com~aercial Use
Dear ~r. and ~,lrs. Kelly:
Ackno'~ledgement is made of your letter of March 33, 1981, reQuasting an additional
year for the c3mpletion of the conversion of ~he str,~¢ture at 325 S. "C" Street to
commercial use, a~d ~our ~etter of April 22, 1981, concer~.~n~' the sane ~Jb]ect.
n~ ter:~s of the agreement (section attached) yo:~r security deposit is to be withdrawn
City and paid over to the City's general fun<i oq May I, i9~! for reduction of
legal expenses to gain compliance. This agree~]emt can be amemded only b>' the City
Council. The next meeting of the City Council is on Hay 4, 1981, three days after
the date of ~orfeit.
In consideration of your -initial request being made on March 30, 198!, ! will ask
that the City not foreclose on your deposit until after the City Council i~as an
opportunity to review your request on ~lay ~, Ig81.
It is also noted in your letter of Harch 30, that you intended to apply for building
peri, its by April I5, 1981. I have no record of receipt of these permit applications.
Your request will be considered by the City Council on May 4, under new business,
which will be heard either in late afternoon or during the evening session.
Sincerely yours,
R. Kenneth Fleagle, I~.P.A.
Acting Community Development Director
, 1979, by and between the CITY OF TUSTI;4'- ~ municipal corporation,/
("City") and THOMAS 3. KELLY and MARY KELLY (hereina[ter collectively
A. Kelly is the owner of real property at 32b South "C" Street, more
particularly described as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference and shown on the plat m~rked Exhibit B attached hereto
and incorporated herein by this reference ("the property").
B. The subject property is located in the downtown commerical area of the
City of Tustin.
T.. The property has been and now is developed for and in use as residential
property. Kelly desires to convert the property to commerci-al occupancy and uses
as soon as he is economically able to do so. Kelly estim~Aes and represents to City
that he can, and wi!l, completely convert all uses and occupancies on the property
from residential, to commercial on or before May 1, 1981, and will by that date
have eliminated ail other non-commercial uses aad~ speci£ica!ty~ by that date, will
have eliminated all residential uses~ whether single family, multiple family, motel,
hotel or other classification of use as permanent, or temporary residences or places
ol abode.
D. The Tustin City Code does not permit a mixture of residential and
commercial uses on the same property. Kelly wishes to continue the residential
uses heretofore and presently existing on the property Oaring the period until May
1, 1951~ while he is converting the property to commercial uses. Further, during
the period until May 1, !981, Kelly also wishes to have a portion of the property
used for commercial occupancy and use. Kelly contends that the residential
occupancy and uses now being made of the property~ which he wishes to continue
until May 1~ 1981~ are of a hotel type permitted in commercial zones. KeIlys'
position in this regard is disputed by City, but City acknowledges that the question
is arguable.
E. The parties desire and intend by this agreement to resolve the matter
on a basis fair and e~uitable to all.
1. Kelly will proceed in a diligent fashion to fully convert the occupancy
and uses o[ the property from residential to commercial during 1979 and 1950 and
agrees that prior to May 1, 1981, he will have fully converted 311 occupancies and
uses to commercial. Kelly agrees that by ?,.lay 1, 1981, he will have completely
eliminated all occupancies and uses of a residential nature, including, but not
limited to, single family dwellings, multiple dwellings, hotels, motels.
2. City agrees that until May 1, 1951, Kelly may continue the uses and
occupancies presently existing on the subject property and may have such commer-
cial occupancies and uses on the property as are otherwise permitted in the zoning
ordinances of the City of Tustin.
3. Kelly represe,~.ts, warrants and agrees that he ~vill have all residential
uses on the property terminated before 'day 1, 1931, and as additional security ~or
said agreement ando~.~o~.~on~:o-,*' Nell,:' agrees to [erthwith post with the City. cash in
the amount of Eleven Hundred Filly Seven Bollars ($1,157.00) which said sum shall
be deposited in a s~vings account in the name o{ City. Upon complete per£ormxnce
by Kelly el his
oo,,o=.,ons under ,~s agreement within the time herein specified,
said deposit with interest~ shall be returned to Kelly. Upon any Iailt~re of Kelly to
fully perform as h .... n agreed, said s,am shx!t .~ot-thwith be withdrawn by City and
paid over into th~ Cit.',"s general ~und as full or partial mitigatior~ and reduction of
the expenses anticipzted by City in tal<ing legal action against Kelly.
IN ~VlTMES5 'a'HEREOF .the parties hereto have executed this agreement the
day and year £irst above written.
T/Kelly K D:I
.'lQ R: ;v re:D: 4/16/79
330 C! Camino Real,
Tustin, California, 92680
(714) 332-0035
March 30, 1981
City of Tustin
Centennial 0ay
Tustin, California, 92680
ATTENTION: Mr. Michael Bromichae!
Ref: Conversion - 325 i. "C" St., Tustin, Calif. 92680
desidentio! to Commercial
Dear Mr. Gromichael:
we ore progressing in t direction of this conversion,
since two of the previous dwellings are no longer occupied
by Senior Citizens. in the all masonary portion of the
buAding, we have one unit as a beginning Tobacco Department
of our main shop. The other unit is being used by us as
With the approval of an extension, and the final completion
of the work, 1 would expect and appreciate the refund of
our bond..
Thank you for your review of this matter.
mr. Thom_ s Kelly
� °. Ill,