HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2 CABLE RATE INC. 04-20-81DATE: April 10, 1981 TO: FROM: S UBJ ECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DAN BLANK~SHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR PRELIMINARY HEARING ON PROPOSED RATE INCREASE BY CO~4UNITY CABLEVISION A preliminary hearing on the proposed rate increase by Con]nunity Canlevision was held by the City Administrator at 7:05 p.m. on wednesday, April 8, 1981 at Nelson School, 14392 Browning Avenue, Tustin, California. This action was in accoraance with Section 7421b of the Tustin City Code and Council's authorization at its March 16, 1981 meeting. The hearing was attended by approximately 14 people and lasted for an bout an~ forty minutes. Tom La Fourcade representing Community Cablevision presented the company's proposal. Attached is the explanatory material previously provided Dy Community Cablevision which was the basis of the company's presentation. Following the presentation, the following citizens asked questions or submitted Oddments: Peer A. Swan, 14351 Morning glory Cliff Cornell, 14282 Raintree Robert Sibley, 2152 Maple court Margaret Thon~son, 2251 Barberry Road, (Pres. Laurelwood Homeowners) Ron White, 14431Raintree Brenda P-za~ail, 2171 Snow~e_~_~ry David Miller, 2312 D~hlia 2~ive Simon Naoufai, 2192 A numker cf ccnce-~p.~ ze_~_ voiced about the size of the percentage increase ana probier~ L%e Laurei~ccd ~_=ociation would have due to any annual nine percent maxim~... ~ncrease limit to which they were subject. However, at the conclusion o~ the Pmarinw, I asked ~e audience if anyone had any information that could indicate Une proposed rate increase was excessive. No one ha~ any such infornmtion and basically agreed that the rate increase appearea to De reasonable. I asked the audience if the real problem was the difficulty ~%e Association ~ould have in LaurelwooO raising its fees to cover the increase on the 12 channel service. They agreed that was the_ case. I then asked the company if their primary objective was to get authorization of their new 26 channel service rate. They responded that was correct. I aske~ the company and the audienc9 if a two step process would ~nswer their various concerns: first, Council approval of the new 26 channel service rate on April 20th, and; second, Council consideration of the 12 channel service rate increase within 90 days to permit the Association to get legal help in order to determine their alternatives. Everyone agreed t~]at such a two step process appeared to be a goo~ solution to their separate interests. I therefore notifie~ the audience I would recommend such a process at the April 20, 1981, 7:30 p.m. Council hearing. The hearing was then aO]ourneo. e Council announce the recommendation of the City ~dministrator as a result the preliminary hearing. Council open the public hearing and ask for any testimony in favor of or against the reconmlendation. If there is no substantive testimony in opposition to the recol,~er~ation, close the hearing ar~ adopt the reoommendation arm findings of the City Administrator. 4. If there is substantive testir~ony in opposition to the recomnendation, close or continue the hearing ar~ decide om the action to ~e taken. Recon~nendation and Findings of the City Administrator as a result of the preliminary hearing. The proposed 12 channel service rate and the proposed 26 charnel service rate appear to be reasonable and are already in effect in Newport Beadu and Irvine cities. e Conmlunity Cablevision is proposing a greatly improve~ service which is desirable and should be made available for their applicable service area. The Laurelwood Association has a procedural and fmonetaz!; problem on adapting to the proposed 12 channel service rate increase, and shoul~ be given a peric~ of time to study and select an alternative in cooperation with the C~r~unity Cablevision Co.~pany. There are other tecb~uical matters present om the question of the eligioility of C~L~uniuy Cablevisicc to claim application of Government Co~e Section 53C~6.~. which exempts Luem from City regulation of rates, however the Company h~ not chose~ ~ claLu~ e×e~tion an~ therefore the question is moot. iu is thereCore recc~enced that Community Cablevision's requeste~ rate ~ne new 26 cn~unei se~cice De approve~ and authorize~; and tha~ Co,unity CaD!evision's re~.'nest for the 12 channel service rate increase be continued for a period of ti~ not to exceed 90 days in order Cot the Laurelwfx~ Association ~nd Conraunity Cablevision to explore the alternatives available to see if a mdtually ~zatisfactory solution can be found. During that period, it is further reco~mende~ that the propose~ 12 channel service rate increase be granted unless a mutually satisfactory alternative of a reasonable nature is recon~nended by the Laurelwood Association an~ Core, unity Cablevis ion. ReSpectfully submitted, City A~ministrator RESOLUTION NO. 81-48 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, PERTAINIDG TO A SUBSCRIBER RATE IMCREASE BY CO~tMU~ITY CABLEVISION COMPANY. WHEREAS, Community Cablevision Company applied to the City Administrator for rate increases pursuant to Tustin City Code Section 742ib; WHEREAS, the City Administrator conducted a pre- liminary hearing into the matter on April 8, 1981; WHEREAS, the City Administrator prepared a report of the hearing containing his findings and his recommendations concerning the application of Community Cablevision Company; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, determines that good cause exists to adopt the opinion and recommendation of the City Administrator. NOW, THEREFOP~, the City Council of the City of ?ustin, California, resolves to adopt the recommendations of the City Administrator pertaining to the application of Com- munity Cablevision Company, as follows: !. The City Council approves the construction of a CA~3 ?'~em ~rcvidinc 26-channel service and that the follow- in~ rates ~e effective for said service commencing on April 20, 1981: a. Installation Charge $34.95 (plus an annual equip- ment fee of $25.00 for each home terminal in- stalled) b. Subscriber Rate 10.95/mo. c. Additional Outlets 5.00/mo. (each) 2. The City Council shall consider in ninety (90) days a rate increase for those subscribers electing to maintain 12-channel service as follows: 1 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22, 23, 24 ~i 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 a. Installation Charge b. Subscriber Fee (i) Association Rate (ii) Single Rate c. Additional Outlets $10.00 6.70/mo. 8.00/mo. 2.00/mo. (each) PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, this day of , 1981. ATTEST: James B. Sharp, Mayor Mary E. Wynn, City Clerk RLL:lw:D:4/13/81 -2- DATE: April 8, 1981 n er-Com TO: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTP~ATOR FROM: J~iES G. ROUP~KE, CITY ATTORNEY ROBERT L. LAVOIE, DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY SUBJ[CICITY REGULATION OF RATE STRUCTURES OF CATV FRANCHISEES -- COMe, UNITY CABLEVISION APPLICATION FOR RATE INCREASE The authority of a city in the State of California to award cable television franchises and to charge a franchise fee from the franchisee is set out in Government Code Sections 53066 and 53066.1. Government Code Section 53066 provides generally that a city may authorize by franchise the construction of a com- munity antenna television system and may prescribe such rules and regulations as it deems advisable to protect the individual sub- scribers to the services of the CATV system. The award of a franchise may be made on the basis of quality of service, rates to the subscriber, income to the city, experience and financial responsibility of the franchisee plus any other considerations that will safeguard the local public interest. The City's authority to regulate the subscriber fees charged by a CATV franchisee is limited in certain circu3nstances by Government Code Section 53066.1. Government Code Section 53066.1 limits the city's control of subscriber rates when the CATV franchisee falls within the provis±~ns of subparagraphs (a) and (b) thereof. Government Code Secticn ~3066.1(a) ~rc~ides generally that any CATV system which: twenty or more channels to subscribers; .- ives or has contracted to receive television (2) rede sirnals by satellite earth receiving station; (3) has a subscriber penetration ratio of less than 70% certified by the CATV system; (4) is located in a county which has available three significantly reviewed television stations; and (5) is providing or has agreed promptly to provide a co--unity services channel program, shall upon election of the CATV system and upon the filing of a declaration to that effect with the city, be exempt from regulation or control by a city as to rates, charges and rate structures, except for the first year following the date of delivery of service pursuant to the initial grant of the franchise. In the case of Community Cablevision, it provides only 12 channels to CATV service, and has a subscriber ratio of more than 70% (i.e., 677 out of 877 residences or 77.19%) and is there- fore not exempted by Government Code Section 53066.1(a) from City regulation of subscriber rates. Government Code Section 53066.1(b) provides generally that any CATV system which: (1) meets the requirements of all of (a) above except for the requirement of paragraph (3) of having a subscriber penetration ratio of less than 70%, or (2) provides between 12 and 20 channels of television service in a franchise area with fewer than 3,500 subscribers in a community of less than 20,000 in population, and other- wise meets the requirements of Government Code Section 53066.1 subparagraphs (a) (4) and (a) (5), may upon election by the CATV system and declaration filed with the city, adjust its rates by an amount not to exceed 75% of the per- centage increase in the consumer price index for the period since the date of last previous increase, or December 31, 1975, if there have been no increases since that date. The system may make a rate adjustment under the precedin~ sentence only for the period occurring within three years from the date a system would be entitled to make an adjustment. This portion of Government Code S 53066.1(b) is not applic- able to Conm~unity Cab!evision (although a later portion of ~ 53066.1(b) may be ax discussed below), in that it provides for systems providing between 12 and 20 channels of services. Community Cablevision pro- vides ~2 channels of service~ this is outside the scope of "between 12 and 20 channels". This is made clear by the last part of Government Cc~e ~ ~2~6~I(b) . The remaln~er of Government Code ~ 53066.1(b) provides that a cable television system which prior to January 1, 1980, had 12 or fewer channels and subsequently rebuilds its system to 20 or more ckannels, may raise its rates to a level, within three years of completion of the rebuild, not to exceed the state-wide average rate for those cable television systems having 20 or more channels. This last sentence provides for CATV systems providing "12 or fewer channels" and which increase to "20 or more channels" of service. If Community Cablevision remains at 12 channels of service then its subscriber rates may ~e fully regulated by the City. Should Community Cablevision increase its service to provide 20 or more channels of service then it may increase its rates to a level, within three years of completion of the improvement, not to exceed the state- wide average for systems providing more than 20 channels of service. -2- Community Cablevision is contemplating an increase to 26 available channels. If and when such an increase in service is completed the last sentence of paragraph (b) of Government Code ~ 53066.1 shall become applicable allowing Community Cablevision a rate increase to the average state-wide rate for systems having 20 or more channels. This office contacted the California Public Broad- casting Commission to determine the state-wide average subscriber rate. We were informed that no such statistic has been compiled to date. In conclusion, it is our opinion that Community Cable- vision does not come within the provisions of Government Code ~ 53066.1 and that the City of Tustin may properly regulate its subscriber rates. RLL:lw:D:4/8/81 -3- Ch. 1086 STA 'CXZS OV 97, COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION-~SUBSCRIBER RATES CHAPTER 1086 ASSEMBLY BILL NO. 699 An 'act to add Section 53066.1 t~ the Governmen! Code, relating to community an- tenaa television. LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL'S DIGEST Under existing law, the governing body of a city or county or city and county may authorize by franchise or license the con- strnction of a eommnnity antenna television system. The law presently imposes mnximnnl limitatioas on the a~nounts of f~ for the granting of such a franchise or lit~nse and permits the award of a franchise to ~ made on the b~sis of. among other things, the rates to the subseri~r,' This bill would, upon request of thc franchise or licens~, modify local regulation by the franchisor, m~der specified condi- tions, of the rates, charges, a~ rate structures of a franchis~ or ]icens~ if such franchisee or licensee provides a community anten- na television system, as defined, which provides a commmfity serv- ice channel program, as specified. - It would permit the franchisor to act tis a public trustee of sach community service channel or channels, ns specified. It would exempt a frauchisce or licensee from liability for nets aris- ing frolll tile nsc of thc camm~mity service ehanuel by others. It wollld prcscrlhe . cc, mf, laint system with respect to such a franchisce's or licensee's scr~ces and provide for the levying of certain penalties for failure to remedy a complaint, as specified. The bill would cease ~o be ,q,erativc on Jam~ary I 1~4, cwpt a pr.vision we,fid reqv:ti:~ in effect bcyoml that date requiring that r;lIes II~ca ~n t.ffect shall n,}t l~c suhject to reduction by h,cal F~q~d!y, thc bill wuuld rt.,i ;ire the California Public Broad- C.l;r~'~ C'..ql lIiiSS[&l tO make a -i,ccifi~(l report by April 15. 19S2, rk:&:.k::g :he effect of the bill. and wouhl impose specified filing 2'he .~.egb~'e 6! ;Jxc Stale o! Califoraia do enact ~ SECTION 1. Section 53006.1is added rathe Guvermnent Code, torend; 5506&1. m; Notwithstanding the provi~ions of Section 53~6, any cable television system ;; hich: (1) Provides 20 or more channels to the cahle television suhscril~r, (2) Receives or h~s contracted to receive tc]eviqina s]g~mls hy satellite earth ~- ~iving station, (3/ Has a subscriber penetration ratio of less than 70 percent certified hy the Ide television system, snhjcct to review by the franchisor or ll~nsor, (4) Is located in a~(mnty or portion of :~ cmmty which has available thrr~ signif- icantly viewed tek vision stations, as defined by the Federal Communications Com- mission, or two signif~c;~ntly viewed t(4exision stations and an educational televi- sion station, and sTs- 0s0 g CUL.Xn SESSION Ch. 1086 (5) Is providing or-has ago'ced promptly to provide a conmmnity servico~ channel program as defined in subdivision (dL shall, ripen election by tbe cable television system and upon fl~c filing of a declara- tion to that effect with thc francblsor, bc excmp~ from regulation or control by a tures, except for the first year following the da~e of delivery of service pnrsuan~ to the initial grant of a franchise. ~) Notwithstanding the prov)sions of Section 53066, any cable television system which: (1) Otherwise ~n~ets the requirements of sabdivision (a) except for the r~ quirement of paragraph (3) of sal~ivision (a), or (2) Provides ~tw~n 12 and 20 channels of television servl~ in a franchise area with fewer than 3,5~ snhscrihers in a community of less than 20,~ in population, and otherwise meets the reqnirements of paragraphs (4) and (5) of subdivision (a), · . may, upon election by the cable television system and declaration fil~ with the franchtsor, adjust its rate by an amoant not to exc~d 75 percent of the percentage ' increase in the Consumer Price Index for the period since the date of the last pr~ vlou$ rate increase, or December 31, 1975, if there have been no increases since De- cetnber 31. 1975. A system may make a rate adjustment nnder the preceding sen- ' tence only for the peri~ occurring within three years from the date a system would be entitled nnder such scnten~ to make an adjustment. A cable television system which, prior to Jammry 1, 19~, had 12 or fewer channels, and snbsequently rebuilds its system to 20 or more channels, may raise its rates to a level, within for those cat,lc television systems having 20 or m,.,re channels. (c)(l) Prior to April 15, 19S2. the Calif,,mia Public Broadcasting Cummls~ion telccomntunic;t~b,;~s p.,Ik.y of the state of the rate adjustments by cable television ins its rates p~:rstlau; to this section shall file witb tbc C:difornia Public Broad- scribers and ~er,-ic-s y~y~v~ded. After thc required filing on Sel,~cmber 15, 19S1, all state on t1:a~ d,~te for the class of service provided. . . (d) A cable television system shall be dec,ned to be offering a conmmnitv servi~ ¢kannel program if the system does all of the following: 41 VA) Provides for those systmns which furnish between 12 and 20 channels, one functional equivalent of a single ¢omnmnity service channel; or (B) provides for those s.vst.m~ winch furnmp ,no,] ?]pS~,~chan,;e1 is in use anring S0 ;~cent o~. ed channel, a -econd such cna,kne~,nt;~[~e'~luring 'my ednsecutive 13-bour period for deletions ny a ~ , t' it; ':~ "':"~'*' . Ch. 1086 STATUTES OF 1979 (2) Participates In a statewide cooperative program, ~dmini~tered by .an associa- tion of cable uperators, with the advice of potential risers, that: (A) provid~ In- struction and training for individuals, groups, entities and agencies interested in Jug communlt3' scrrl('cs channels, (B) fnrnishes guidelines Ior the use and allocation an independent board of directors, including representatives of local nongo~'ernmen- ta] user groups and Imhlie agencies. Soch foundation shah have grant-making thority to nse~ and shall have, as its primary purpose, thc pronmtion and encour- agement of uso of community servicm channels. (3) Provides fifty cents ($0.~) per subscriber per year to tho foundatlon'¢skab- lished pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivlsion Id). (4) Provides to Iodividuals, groups, and entitles using commnnity service technical advice by l~al program staff and reasonable access to local studio facili- ties. if such facilities and staff are part of the local system. ' ' (5) Cooperates with courses and programs in s~ondary schools, community eof leges and elsewhere which furnish training In the uses iff cmnmunity servi~ chan- (6) Has available for u~ without charge tape playback facilities for entran~ into the system. . (7) Provides through display Information on comnnmity service channels, and by other ineans, lnelmling written noti~ to subscribers, information to potential u~rs of the Opportunity to bare access to community ~rvicc channels. · (8) Unless the franchisor elects to act as trustee for the community channel channels, consults with the franchisor In establisbl ~g policies for tbe use of commu- nity service channel or channels. (9) Provides to governu~ent and educational agencies reasonable access to each station facilities for the receipt of programming for thc community service channel. (10) Regularly provides to thc foundation for community service channels and to the i,ublic and pnblic agencies inforn~:'ttion containing tho name, address and tele- phone numher of the system, the name of tho systtqn m;tm~ger, and the status and ~t:,~z:~tb,n Of the cor~lm~mity access c]lanlle]s. (e) The fr~nt'hisee or licensee may utilize nny comm~Hlity serv ce c]~an~el which gr~mm~g is ~ven s,:l~ednling priority. ~f~ TSe frTm~t~i~or may elect tu ac~ as public ~ru~tee or alq~Oiu~ a delegate, report- ~.~ t~ ~e f:'a:~chl~r. 1o act as l,~hllc tr~slee of the commmdty service channel, ~:~ ~he ~:anohis~ or licensee, or such delegate as is ~ppointed a trustee of ~.::~:~:.:ry secvice eham~els~ shall not be liable for acts arising from ~he B~ tr:~::~'h~see or l~censee shall establish regulations governing ~he use of such nels which provide uniform and l~omliscriminatory stalldards, e~sure adequate o~ p.:,-:uni;y for participation by local nongovermncntal nsers and incorpnrate restri~ t~o~ on Ii~lous or slanderous or illegal programs. (h) The Califcrnia l'ublic Broadcasting Commission, in cooperatioa with the CMi- ~ornla Arts Council, the Office of Appropriate Technology, the State Department of Edt:Cation and the State Departmeut of Consumer Affairs, sad such other agencies as requested by the commission, shall nndertake efforts to encourage state and l~al shall prepare a report by January 1. 19~, tmlicatiug the uses that government and ~.hannels. (i) The Regents of the University of California, if it so elects, the Trustees of the' California Sta~, University and Colleges, the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges and the State Dcp~,~t,nent of Education shall negotiate with'. 4220. ' Changes or additions In text are Indicated by underline :t.. {A) l,rovides in- ;~-x:~o :md allocation · .~ grant-making au- '. f,,undation es~ab- . ,~:~] ~.rrice channels :;, ,cai studio facill- :.~].pity service chart- ,' :ies for entrance ~c~channels, and by .-"~,blress and [ele- or local g)vern- )n with the Calf " e Department of .;2~0 state and local · Trustees of the ,f the California -!.:all negotiate with'_ ~Ic--ded by underline 1979-1950 REGULAI~ SESSION Ch. 1086 .~entenee sh;tll retort to the Legislatnre on or before June ]5, 1981, concerning the extent to which there has ~,en nsc of television, including salcllite interconnection, to fulfill the mission of each agency and aetaal nsc of community service channel ~d other cable and broadcast facilities. Such report sbaI1 also indicate the pros- peet for additional nses of'such interconnected facilities and shall make recommen- dations for such ]egiMation as may be need~ to assure al)propriate 'use of such chanaels. · ' (J) For purposes of this section, the following definition~ stroll ~pply: (1) "Cable television system" means a community antenna television system serv- (2) "Class of servia" ~eans a category as described in subdivision (a), or in paragraphs (1) or (2) of subdivision (b). .(3) "Consmner I'ri~ Index" means the consnmer pri(~ index puld~sbed at the end of the month following the rate adjustment by the United States Burea~ of Labor Statistics for the area in which the cable televisiou system is'located or the nearest area for wbleh such index ~ published. (4) "Satelll~ eartll receiving station" means any structure or device ntillzefl to receh'e signals from a satellite. (5) "Subscriber penetration ratio" means the mind,error snbscrihing reside~wes vialed by the total number of residences having cable available. · (k) In addition to any other penalty provisions ia the franchise or ]icen~t if a franchi,ee or licensee files a declaration pursmlut to sabdivisiou (a) or (b) the fran- and if s,cb franchisee or licensce fails within a l'pagollllhlo ].q'iod f,,llowing receipt a penal~y of lip to five buudred d,llars {$500) for any ,,,-cur,'cnce or se~-ies of relat- ; ..... 1 c,~e the penalt) shall not exco,d lwo l~m,h't.d dollars ($200). if the fran- :zzy. :::e year, of tbe sanctions pro, idea in tbia section, a~] of the procedure for ,+,',:rblkin in writing to the franchisor of the frauchisce's failure to resolve a cvmpla~nt which is preventable and rcasouably wRhin the francbisee's or liceus~'s evntrol. ~e proper address of the franchisor or licensor to which compla}uts ma~ l.e directed shall he iucluded in such notice. SEC. ~. If any provision of this act or the application thereof to any person or circumstances Is held invalid, snch invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the act which can be ~iven effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the prnvisions of this act nrc sev~ralde. Approved Sept. 2L 1~7~. ' - Filed Sept. 28. 3~2~. ..- deletions by asterisks * * * 4221