HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdditional Public Input for 9-27-16 meeting September 19, 2016 Dear Ms. Dox e. Wt"'rc N%citing in regard,, to the proposed development at 6th and B in Old Town. My fain ilt and I have concerns with the project in terms of traffic and parking. Our area is already severek impacted by the surroundin overcrowded units at Tustin Acres on Main St. Our major concern with the project is the increased traffic and parking problems added to our Old Town residential streets. There will no doubt be increased curl_struction traffic for the duration of the project. We live on S. Myrtle Ave., and it's already as if we live on a freeway in the morning and evening hours. The street is currentl% used as a through street mostly by non- residents, and I'm sure this will 0111\ increase \�ith dad laborers, etc. We are hoping that in lieu of the traffic and construction, Intercorp Companies can pay for mitigation measures to lessen the impact of their development. Ideally, our street would be closed off on both ends as a cul-de-sac. However, other measures would also permanently alleviate our street's issues as well as those of ALL Old Town residents, like chocker curb extensions or parking permits. Currently,the surrounding streets from Pacific to S. Myrtle are congested with o\erniy,ht parking by people that do not live on these streets or even in Tustin. Daily, our neighborhood is impacted by the vehicles and people who park on our residential streets for Tustin Acres or other areas—often Cor the many apartments over the bridge near the zoo. Our Old Town streets are heavily used by people trying to reach the freeway and other through streets. They do not STOP at our stop signs, drive over the speed limit, vandalize our neighborhood with tagging, trash our mail, steal packages from our door steps,do drugs in their cars, sleep o�erniuht in their vehicles, dump all their trash on our curbs, and run across the street with their children without across walk. (pictures attached) The City of Tustin needs to help us. Families are moving OL11 of ow- Old town neighborhood due to their increased concems for their family's safer\ 1� e have NO consistent sidewalks to walk on for us and the many non-resident pedestrians. Thi, is coupled with an increase in the traffic/parking issues that this new development will bring. There is no place for pedestrians, especially children and caregivers to walk. Many sidewalks end or simply disappear. We need a complete set of sidewalks. Recently handicap curbs were installed, but several lead into the dirt or grass, not a sidewalk. What a waste of money, time, and resources. Daily, children walking home to Santa Ana from Tustin schools are in the street. Our family wishes that our daULliter could team to ride her bike in her neighborhood, walk to her friend's house. or «alk into tkmri %%ith family. We can't do this, as we have no complete side%\alks down our strict ur the surrounding blocks. We have to go to Irvine and elsewhere to do thz;e things. We have approximately 10 children on S. Myrtle Ave, but you'i l nes er see ANY out in their yard, riding bikes, or walking the neighborhood because of the hi4lh spccds and density of traffic. I'm concerned that this project will only make matters worse. We need a safe and efficient flow of vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists through our roadways. We need parking permits to eliminate the problems caused by overnk-,ht t agrants and overnight parked vehicles that do not belong to our neighborhood. We would like to be proud to live in Old Town and carry on its traditions. However, it is quickly becoming overrun with. drifters, traffic, litter,drugs, and vandalism. It is inaccessible to pedestrians and thou e wanting to make a positive impact on the community. If thing's don't change, Old Tr)%\n will no doubt lose more upstanding families/citizens. We are pleading for your help. Sincerely, Stephanie Goodenough & Family SEP 2 7 2016 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT Attachment to eriiad from Stephanie Goodenough r. WPIN- 'a i Iit+ Y�l ` s 4 !qA � a � �� � ♦• �4' a��'f 4• - '. " Y " " lier y ''w` t•�,. �. � ,,,� - .� �. oto.-�. ... — — ... -._._ IS j7A r 1„r e!w, i. • is + 7MIs w '7 r n N� 4 a �• n -A ` w u ' if a.. i. Dove, Elaine From: Brian Ulrich < Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 2:26 PM To: Dove, Elaine Subject: 420 W. Sixth Street & 320-694 S. B Street SUPPORT! Elaine, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for VOUr thoughtful review of the proposed Vintage project. 4s new de�clopmcnt is oftcn Al-MInd 1.c rJC\ etc. I am tlirillcd 10 Sec a well de,i,11112d. hic-h yu�diLN re'sidential project that will in% this more .arca. Old Tt-m n will continue to improv c %� ith additional density which %%ill further ,Lipport the ,swill hu,,mkcSSes that we love and I'i-etluent. I v�Iilt 10 vOicc 111y Support and l lock ik)tA".ard to ,cin, inoiv X l' Ilii, 4 development. Best regards, Brian Ulrich L Dove, Elaine From: SCOTT Satchell < Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 5:53 PM To: Dove, Elaine Subject: Fw; Concerns about Old Town Tustin laindy On Tuesday. September 27, 2016 5:03 PM, SCOTT Satchell < wrote: Please do not let this happenll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l The reason people live here is because it is a quaint Community. We drive into this Haven and you are trying to take this away from all of us.? People will move out of Tustin, you will destroy this town. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN! Very very concerned. Please and Thank you. Cindy i Dove, Elaine From: Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 4:13 PM To: Dove, Elaine Subject: Against the Old Town Tustin Development Elaine, It is %\ ith -,reat concern that I am emajhn« VOL[ �1110W die pro.l ct +)1' 140 condos beimT .ioveloped in Old Town Tu,tin. rV, -i rc,ident of tustin for the p< ,t 10 vcans, and many more to coinc. chi; i, something that I do not Nvant it) ,ee happen. For everyone th Et li\c, In +,r an}t.tnd Old Ten\n Tustin, tltc% know that this is a bad idea. The foot truilii of Old Town Tt:stin his already incre<i,ed a tremendO , amount in the past few vears and I cannot what it would be like it'this were to happen. If the,c Conde., to I,G developed, they would need tc, rliar1.1c the route of thy: Tiller DaNs P:ir.idc and maybe even step the Chilli Crook: 010 htcaTt�c that g rmvs more and more every year with massi%e imOL1111, 01, pc+�ple. I Would hate to see these condo, ,,,, rip and have Tustin lo,c the stnaIl, beautiful, and peas u�I-Lll Llnali(ic, it hies. I can its,ure YOU that il' these arc LtCcloped the locals will not -,L) .inywhere near ter troutl;l OIL ViA11 "Gu,tin bec,[Usc it will N2 wa\ too cro%kdcd. We lone hak in4? Tll,till �t. J ,111_i1l city, that i; the hc:nity ol' it .end M1v ni t unily moved here <UnLl ,t tve�d here. Please do evcrtizhint, yuu can to help w, ,top this de�clopriicm t:ow h,4)f1Cnink. Thank you, Carissa Satchell t F seternber 2 , 201 Cherie Thompson Elizabeth Binsack Director of Community Development . City of Tusn 300 Centennial way Tustin, QA 92780 Re: Public hearing for GENERAL PLAN AM EN D M ENT 2018.01;ZONE CHANGE 2016-0 01, SUBDIVISION 2016-03 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 17990; DEVELOPMENT AGREEME NT 018-002;AND DESIGN REVIEW 2018-004 FOR A SU BDIVISJON OF AN EXISTING 6.81 ACRE LOT FOR CONDOMINIUM PURP sEs TO CONSTRUCT 140 FOIA-SALE RESIDENTIAL UNITS. Proposed for 420 W. Sixth Street, Tustin; "Pro'ecti Dear Ms. Binsacl , The purpose of this letter is to voicetion for the above ] � referenced Project, since l will not be able to attend the public hearing on September 27, 2016. l have been a property owner and resident on W. Broth street for 2 ears and I a v , with.the adverse rn very farn�l�. a�r dynamics associated with living directly across the street from the Tustin Freeway Center industrial park, located at 420 W6st Sixth Street, such as P.4 hour operations, Pe tin , truck and forklift traffic, etc. While there are some benefits to living across from weekend street parking it, such as weekend pa n and buildings which act s sound barrier to traffic on interstate 5, 1 believe the proposed residential units will provide far more benefits to W. Sixthtresidents. � rest Benefits that i am in favor of include: 1. Beautification. The architecture and layout of the Project, especially the street facia . � p� l� rr�es, are esthetically pleasing and a complementary addition o the neighborhood.rhood. Th proposed p o Project will be a sic p p ed me improvement instead of cold, concrete warehouses. The industrial • park nullifies the Old Town Tustin historic vibe on W. Sixth Street. . Old Town downtown foot traffic. J would love to see our downtown area transform to more of a hub for evening and weekend foot traffic for all ages, with restaurants entertain etc. l believe location lcati , r•ner� , shops, of the Project wili add more customers for enhancing existing businesses and attracting more businesses to downtown, 3. Restful ni hts slee , will Replacing the industrial park with residential units provide W. Sixth Street,residents with typical{neighborhood r;quiet hours." household h from sleepcountlessbeen awakened ntless tires over the years, and even recently, with the sound of semi trucks idling, and forklift beeping as pre-dawn deliveries are unloaded.dd, we have been faced with the options of getting out of bed to call Tustin police, speaking directly to the forklift operator,p ator, or j' CItl of Tustin 420 W. Sixth Street Project Page staying in bed in hopes he finishes sooner than later. We have tried all three. Either way, sleep is-disrupted and frustrations rise with the residents. . Landscape apoeal. Over time, the current owner of the industrial park has slowed down the frequency of landscape maintenance surrounding the complex. It has become more common for weeds to grog between the crack of the sidewalks and in tree wells, and for hedges to quickly become overgrown, creating a ung ept appearance. However, through proper maintenance of a homeowner's association at the Project landscape appeal will retuto 11 Sixth Street. PA rn Concerns: The only concern I have about the Project is the potential forF arkin on W. Sixth Street t become a headache for current residents. luny residents in Old Town will be waryabout abo this because of the huge problem of overflow parking that s 111s over from Tustin Acres loo � ated an W. Broth Street and Main Street. A large number r of residents from that community park outside the complexandifill up street parking on Pacific Street, Main and parts of W. Sixth Street. The Project provides many parking spaces for residents and quests within the complex, but additional measures are needed to encourage residents of the Project to park in the Project so W. kith street reside � 1 residents don't endure the same parking headaches Tustin Acres has created on neighboring streets, A win-win solution is needed. Thank your for your time in considering my thoughts. Sincerely, r Cherie Thompson Dove. Elaine From: Brian Ulrich <ulrich.brian@gmaiI.com Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2016 2:26 Pik To: Doge, Elaine Subject: 420 W. Sixth Street&'320-694 S. B Street SUPPORT! Tr Blaine, 1 wanted to take a moment'to thank you for your thoughtful review the proposed Vintacreproject. s never 1 � development i often focused around Le a y etc. I arra thrilled t see a well deslar�ed, hl qualityresidential t) project that will invigorate this more local area. Old Town will continue to improve with additional density which will further support the small businesses that we love and fre Uent. l want to voice m'support and l lP look forward t seeing more of this type of development. Best regards, i Brian Ulrich 18472 Gramercy Dr. North Tustin, CA 92705 5 9 3 • Dove, Elaine From: loveslife- @yahoo.c rn Seat: Tuesday, September"27, 2016 4;13 PVI To: Dove, Elaine Subject: Against the Old Town Tustin Development Elaine, It is with great concern that I am ernailing you about the project of loo condos being developed in old Town Tustin. As a resident of tustrn for the past 16 years, and many more to cone this is something that I do not want to see happen. For everyone that lives in or around old Town Tustin, they know that this is a bad idea. The foot traffic of old Town Tustin has already increased a tremendous amount in thea t few years and I 1 cannot imagine what it would be like if this were to happen. If these condos were to be developed, they would need to charge the route of the Tiller Days Parade and maybe even stop the Chilli Cook off because that grows more and more every year with massive amounts of people. I would hate to see these condos Oro up,and have Tustin lose the small, beautiful, and peaceful dualities it has. I'ean assure you that if these ar e developed the locals will not go anywhere near or around old Town Tustin because it will be waytoo crowded. We loge having Tustin as a small city, that is the beauty o it and why my mi moved here and stayed here. Please se o everything you can to help us stop this dveloprnent from happening. Thank you, Larissa Stchell F F