HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 SIX STAR CABLE 04-20-81DATE: APRIg 15, 1981 OlD BUSINESS 4-20-81 TO: FROth SUBJECT: DAN BIANq<~NSHtP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR BOB LEDENDECk~R, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC W~RKS/CITY ENGINEER SIX STD~R-NIELSON CABLEVISION Attad~ed is a copy of letter of request from Six Star-Nielson Cablevision for the City Council to reconsider ~heir application of City property for the following: 1. One fifty foot high communications tower 2. Three satellite signal receiving ~ntennas 3. One small electronic equipma_nt building Their ~i~n-~ . or~,~l.,=~ aoplicatlon ~ntafned a recuest for a one hundred foot high cca~unications to'~er in lie's of a fifty foot high tower. The atta~.ed letter refesences five (5) potential sites ~f assessor's parcel map n~bers. Maps with these assessor parcel numbers are attained for your reference. Parcel 401-i31-10 has recently been developed as a parking lot and would not be suitable fc~ an insta!!at[~n as requested. In ti%e e';~nt one of the le~'.ested sites is acceptable in concept to the City, then this r_~c~zes~~,,~_ bep .... .... ~=_~--~ as a use permit through, the Tustin Planning Acen~f,~ therezoue,-~..- .~e_=~ ...... ~=~_ acszcn ~;-'= approval or disapproval by the Council can be_ ==ken at this tire. If it is ts. 5 is~ncil's desire to proceed with ~is recjuest then staff sho~td 'ce ~lre~-~ei to prxe£s ~ne required use permit applicat[on. BL:db Attad~raent cc: Mary Wynn ~''~' CommunityDev. Dept. ?_4 I- 1,5 t April 13, 1981 Mr. Dan Blankenship City Administrator City of Tustin 300 Centennial Tustin, California 92680 Dear Mr. Blankenship: In response to our recent discussion ~'ith you and with the City Attorney's office, Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc. wishes to re-apply to the City Council for permission to use City property located on Bene%a Way for the installation of a 50 feet high communications ~ower, three (3) satellite signal receiving antennas, and a small electronic equipment building. We have also surveyed City owned sites nearby for consideration by the Cizy Cocncil . Six Star is applying for one of these publicly owned properties because off-air, microwave, and satellite received signals are available at these sizes with a minimum of distortion. This diversiry of video programming, which we have undertaken to prova.~:e under our cnl~,!e television franchise with the City of ~f~szin. ~¥ili be available and of bene[it to all the citizens of Tu~r~r AdC~ticn~i_y, funds from the lease of the property and the si~e imTrz, vemenr value tax will be of direct benefit to the en~/re corx~xlzS-. ~ix Star requests an opportunity to address the Ci?y Council on Al}ril 20, 1951 to more fully explain our proposal. As an exan~p!e of Six Star's desire to enhance %he aethetic appearance of our facility in Tustin, our engineering department has designed towers that would b~ visually compatible in color and design with the sixty-seven (67) feet high light standards now existin~ at Columbus Tustin Intermediate School and the thirty (30) and foray-five (45) feet high light poles adjacent to and across the street from the Beneta Way Tustin Waterworks pump station. We are a~reeable ~o working with City Staff to develop landscape screening to minimize or eliminate any object- ]onable features of our site plan. A site plan and a micro%'ove signal path chart are attached. -2- Six Star proposes that the City Council grant permission for Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc. to use one (1) of the following sites as an antenna/tower location: 1. Beneta Way - Lot #1 (Assessors map 401-242-6) 2. Prospect Avenue - Columbus Tustin Park (Assessors map 401-131-10) 3. Beneta Way Tustin Waterworks (Assessors map 401- 242-5) 4. Prospect Avenue - Columbus Tustin Park (Assessors map 401-131-12) 5. Prospect Avenue - Columbus Tustin Park (Assessors map 401-131-!4) Within the areas surrounding the sites surveyed, we have found one and two story homes, two story commercial buildings, one and two story school buildings, sixty seven (67) and thirty (30) feet high light poles, thirty (30) feet high amateur radio antennas mounted on one story homes, and forty-five (45) feet high utility poles. ~¥e feel that locatin~ our facility in a public and institutional zoned area would not adversely affect the surrounding community, particularly with the ~se of landscape screening, to obscure the main %c~ver and antenna structures. Our company believes it is critic~ily importan~ t'or the efficient operation of the Tustin Cable system, in terms of both current and future communication needs to be centrally located to our service areas where only minzmai com~uniczt?2:~ inserference will be experie,~ced. Tuslir, l~.~.nd [cr d.~d2~a~;ion to such minimal use as .'.'~ signal re- cep~2~)n sire !~ ersremely scarce to non-existant due to the high com~ercia! anl re£~,~n~ial densities. We ho~e that zbe City Council would be sensitive re', the unique and u¥i!$ty nazure of our activity and grant a favorable decision zo cur company in u~ilizing one of the requested City properties. Respectfully Submitted, SIX SFAR CABL~23~-S44kN OF .~STI~.,, INC. Robert R. Patty Area Manager RRP:bac ATTACI{MENTS E