SECTION: ciT~ c0u.3cIr.
APPROVED: 2-19-80
EFFECTIVE: 2-19-80
To provide a-consistent procedure for the selection of the Mayor and Mayor Pro
Tempore by the City Council.
1. The Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore shall be selecte<l annually' for. a one-year
term, but shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council.
2. The selection shall be at the meeting in even-ntmlbered years when the
official canvass of returns is certified, and the first meeting of April
in odd-numl~ered years.
The selection procedure shall be as follows:
a. The Mayor shall yield the chair at the start of the evening meeting to
C~-z Clerk for the purpose of reorganizing the Council (no change
of seats,.
b. The ~i' .
C_=~ Clerk shall call for nominations for the position of Mayor.
c. Any Council member may nominate another member, no second is required'.
d. After nominations are closed, the City .Clerk shall call-for an open
vote by show of hands or voice vote and shall announce the selection.
e. The City Clerk shall call for nominations for the position of Mayor
Pro Tempore following the same procedure as for Mayor.
4. Upon completion of both selections:
a. The City Cler~ or City Attorney shall administer the Oath of Office to
the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore (possible photographs).
b. The former Mayor shall present the gavel of office to the new Mayor,
and the new Mayor shall present a plaque to the outgoing Mayor.
The Mayor shall assume the Mayor's chair and the Mayor Pro Tempore
shall assume the chair to the Mayor's right (required by the voting
Mayor Selection Procedure
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d. The Mayor may shift the assigned chairs of the balance of the Council.
e. The Mayor may present proposed committee assignments for Council approval
or may wait for the next meeting.
f. The Mayor shall proceed with conducting the balance of the evening meeting
in odd-numbered years or adjourn the meeting in even-numbered years.
5. Other Policies
a. The Mayor shall receive new name cards designated "Mayor."
b. The Council's pictures in the City Hall hallway shall be rearranged with
the Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore On the left side with Mayor on top, and
with the balance of the Council on the right side in order of tenure.
c. The Council's stationery will be changed by staff.
d. The Maintenance Division will update the voting panels in the Council
By majurLty vote of the City Council.
By order of the City Council.