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DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 6, 1981 NEW BUSINESS No. 6 4-6-81 Inter-Corn HonOrable Mayor and City Council Members Co.Amity Development Department Historic building guidelines BACKGROUND iN/) DISCUSSION At the March 16, 1981 meeting the Planning Agency reco~raended favorable consideration by the City Council of the State Historic ~ailding Code. ?ne agency also directed staff to investigate ~ggested criteria which the city could adopt to aid in designating historic sites. S~c,.~itted here~u for consideration, is a proposed amendment to the city's adoptel Development Guidelines which addresses selection criteria for historic sites. This Historical site and Building section is ~-~afZe5 ~ the format of the development handbook and if a:~opted can ~ add~ as the last chapter. qrief!y, t~.~ 5~g=~ent establishes a policy of historic preservation; defines wb~ ,37Lz!isies a historic site should exhibit; and sets proceedu~s ~o fo!!c~v for a historic designation. If this addition to the Development Guidelines is approved, then the Council can begin review of the State Historic Building Code with criteria for its use established. REC~,~ED ACTION Approval of the Historic Si~es and Buildings Section to the City's Development Guidelines by adoption of Resolution No. 81-33. AGW:hn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 RESOLUTION 81-33 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, ASS~NDING THE HANDBOOK OF GUIDELINES FOR PLANNING, ZONIN3 AND DEVELOP- MENT FOR HISTORIC SITES AND BUILDINGS 1. Development guidelines for property within the City of Tustin were adopted by the City Council by Resolution 78- 78. 2. The California States Legislature in Title 24 of the State Administrative Code, provides the means for the pre- servatio~ of the historic v~lue of designated buildings by the passage of the State Historical Building Code. 3. The City Council, by adoption of specific Plan No. 1, has stated encouragement of the renovation of existing victorian and western style building in the E1Camino Real area , (Section G.4, Ordinance 510). ~e City Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows: t. Tb3.t ~.n Historic Site and Buildings Amendment, Section XIX, s~g!i ~ added to the adopted Handbook of Guidelines for Pi~tnlng. Zoning and Development. (Exhibit A) 2. in cg~!iance with Section 65940 of the State Government Code, this ~endraens, dated April 6, 1981, three copies which ~-~'e ~ file in the office of the City Clerk is here'~y ~pprcv~d and adopted. and J~LC,P~ ~ a regular meeting of the City Couacil of 'the of Tustin~ held ~n the 6th day of April, 1981. Donald J. Saltarelli ~Mayor Ma'ry E. Wynn City Clerk AGW:hn March 26, 1981 32 XIX. HISTORIC SITE AND BUILDINGS A. Purpose The City Council finds that the recognition, preservation, protection, and use of cultural resources are necessary to health, property, social, and cultural enrichment and general welfare of the people. The purpose of this part is: 1. To protect, enhance and perpetuate areas, districts, streets, places, and buildings, structures, outdoor works of art, natural features and other similar objects which are reminders of past eras, events, and persons important in local, state or national history, or which provide significant examples of architectural styles of the past or are landmarks in the history of architecture, or which are unique and irreplaceable assets to the City and its neighborhoods, or which provide for this and future generations significant examples of the physical surroundings in which past generations lived; 2. To develop and :.~aintain appropriate settings and environments for these cult~ral resources; o.~- To intensify r2~.e vi~al and aesthetic character and diversity of Z;te '~ ty and thais er_~nce its identity through the preservation of varied archi~ectm~ai ~tyl~=s ~_%ich reflect the City's cultural, social, economic, po]_itical and zrchisecu~al history. 4. Tos,,."~=~.=~%~.~.~ .... =._ ci~-ic pride in the beauty and notable accomplishments of the ~_.~tv s ~-=~ ~nd thereby to encourage co~mnity involvement in the Ci:y's future. B. Ck:i:eria for E~s±?o~ion of Landmarks, Historic Sites or Buildings A ©altural Reso~arce my be recommended for designation as a I~ndmark, Historic Site or Building if it manifests one of the following criteria: 1. Attributable to the development, heritage or cultural characteristics of the City, the southern California region, the State or the Nation or if it is associated with the life of a historically significant person; or 2. It is the site of an historic event with significant place in history; or 3. It exemplifies the cultural, political, economic, social or historic heritage o~ the co~tmity; or 4. It portrays the environment in an era of history characterized by a distinctive architectural style; or 5. It embodies those distinguishing characteristics of an architecutural type or engineering specimen; or EXHIBIT "A", Page 1 Res. 81-33, 4/6/81 6. It is the work of a person or persons whose work has significantly influenced the development of the City or the southern California region; or 7. It contains elements of design, detail, materials, or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; 8. It is a part of or related to a distinctive area and should be developed or preserved according to a specific historical, cultural or architectural motif; or 9. It represents an established and familiar visual feature of a neighbor- hood or cora~3u~ty due to its unique location or specific distinguishing charateristic; or 10. It is, or has bccn, a val,mble information source important to the prehistory or history of the City, the southern California region or the State. C. Procee~ures for Desi~tion of Historical Sites and Buildings The City Council ~.~'~? ~esignate a landmark, site or building of historical significance through ire following proceedure: 1. (~.er initiated fo~l application to the City Council. ~9uch application shall contain: Justification for historical consideration (k%se upon Section B). b. P~ognk~ 5f 3reservation, restoration, rehabilitation an~ renovation for the ~t ~_~e ~d building. C. A main~e~nae program for the continued up keep of the historic site. 2. The City Council may seek the advise of recognized history experts ~o aid in its deteralination of historical significance. 3. The City Council shall declare site ~ld buildings of historic significance by resolution. D. Special Development Consideration Buildings and stm~ctures designated as Historic ~ildings, shall be authorized to follow the provisions of the State Historic Building Codeas adopted by the City of Tustin. EXHIBIT "A", Page 2 Res. 81-33, 4/6/81