HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 2 TUSTIN TILLER DAYS 4-6-81DATE: March 31, 1981 4-6-81 Inter-Corn TO: FROH: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council ~ers Ronald A. Nault, Finance DireCtor -k~~ Tustin Tiller Days At the February 19, 1980 Council meeting, Council authorized $2,500 in support of the Tustin Tiller Days Street Fair (see Exhibit I attached), and considered assuming the insurance coverage for the event. It is not clear, in the minutes, whether or not the City expected any repayment of this support from the Tiller Days Committee. To date there has been no repayment. The attached Financial Report from the Tiller Committee (See Exhibit II), shows a cash balance of $1,004.94. According to Cherrill Webb, Committee Chairman, two additional bills have been paid totaling $639.26, leaving a cash balance of $365.68. This is shc:~ in the Committee's budget for the 1981 fair, presented to Council January i9, 1991. (See Exhibit III). The Committee's request for funds to support the 1981 Tiller Days Fair is $6,000 and insurance coverage. The minutes of the January 19, 1981 Council meeting ' (see Exhibit IV) states that the City would "advance the funding for the oper- ation of the fair, with the expectation that there is going to be enough revenue from the operaticn to refund the money to the City." I would not consider t~s action, tc be a loan by the City with a guaranteed payback, but more in the nature cf a ~_~aw which can hopefully be reimbursed. attachments OTHER BUSINESS EXHIBIT I Page 5, 2-19-80 Contact the A.T. & S.F..Railroad and P.U.C. as to whether the joint use of the railroad right-of-way would be acceptable to each agency, or whether it is the intent of the railroad to discontinue the rail usage on this line. }~tion carried 4-0, Sharp absent. 2. CITY POLICY MANUAL The staff report was given by Dan Blankenship, City Administrator. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, to approve the following four Council Policy Statements as the initial policies in the new manual: 2-01 6-01 9-01 2-02 Agenda Policy-City Council Agenda Policy-Planning Agency Agenda Policy-Redevelopment Agency Mayor Selection and Recognition Motion carried 4-0, Sharp absent. Cherrill R. Webb, 1601 Bullard, Santa Ana, explained that as Chairman of%~ the Tiller Days Committee, she was soliciting the guidance and support of ~ the Council to work with the Tiller Days Committee to help in building a program for this and the coming yea~s to make the city-wide event self supporting. It was ~ved by Kennedy, seconded by Welsh, to approve in concept: l) acceptance and support of the street fair as a real community project, and 2) furnishing approximately $2,500 from the 1980-81 budget to support the fair, with the hope of making a similar amount of revenue from the sale of booths to make the fair self-supporting in future years if possible; and staff was directed to investigate insurance costs and report back to the Council. Attorney Rourke gointed out that if the committee gets the insurance for the fair, they ~Du!d have to pay the premium. If the City assumes the responsibiiS=y cf the insurance, it ~ay not cost any additional premium but Could ce~t a tremendous amount if claims or suits were filed. ~:otion carmel 4-0, Sharp absent. Kathy ~__~. ~.:~., S~-unerville, offered the help of the 4th of July committee of Tustin !-~ead~ws strictly in an advisory capacity as they have had many years of experience. EXECUTIVE SESSION Dan Blankenship, City Administrator, asked for an Exec6tive Session following the meeting for legal and personnel matters. Council concurred. RESOLUTION 80-20 A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustln, AUTHORIZING P~%CES~NT OF POLITICAL SIGNS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Dan Blankenship, City Administrator, gave the staff report stating that the Planning Department has presented this resolution to implement the Council's request of the last meeting to provide some degree of regulation limiting political signs on public right of ways to being in the parkway. ~yor Schuster was opposed to cluttering the parkways with signs. Councilman Saltarelli expressed that the center islands had been more of a problem than the parkways. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded by Kennedy, that Resolutfon No. 80-20 be_ passed and adopted. Motion tied' 2-2, Schuster and ~¢elsh opposed. It was moved by Saltarelli, seconded'by Kennedy, to put this on the March 3rd agenda for consideration by a' full Council. Carried 4-0, Sharp absent. EXHIBIT II DAYS ,~ ., c .,, . :\ND (RENTAL ~? ,OO1 I,,5;!,CES ( INCO,"~E :.. ~-J '.U~: BOUNCE Ai'4D ( ."iO>:EU ADVANCIi!) FqOM CIT"' ToT.AL F, EPQqlTS 863.20 $4~g6.10 F.<" :[: .q !-i S S,zuare Danc,~,ts $!25.{1N l'ustin Static,nary 17.38 q":-;~".n ,':e'~.'~ (ads) ~:. C. C~r;t~','al Service 12 ~. Fa]ff. ~t,iison Co. l:' ,'.f 'ib~l in ( Bus. License) ( Dunk Ta~;.:) --=r~ "(~r Committa) 2rSn:~n & 7~,isc. HeLp from t:it,; I.F..g q $398t..O0 Cnqh r,:~ llnn'~l $1004.9A '~=:~*re way be a fe~.: -.ore If *:e had hmt had al]. the 1;d~or donated f~r setting un and taking ¢lo~ra i t -.~'~! d have cost approx [m;~t (~ Iv $1 SON 'I~.~ cn4t ,~f mater:.~l~ and ,,tc.c-trfcal Corrt'~ th;~t were I (~qq. .EXHIBIT III Tustln Tiller Days October 9, 10,1981 I ha~ a meeting o£ the community on December 11, 1980. Six people showed. ! feel we did Eet a little info~.ation and tmput. This i~ what we need to have a Tustin Tiller Day Street Faire for 1981. A.¥.~.O. (S°ccor) will be willing to cancel their soccor games on the Saturday October 10, 1981 so that we would have more ~articfpation at the ~arade and Street Faire. They will also have a representative at our plan~ing meetin§s. We must have someone from the City on the plannlng co~:mfttee that is in a position to go ahead and order the things that are needed, such as electricity, trash cans, barracades etc. I already have the ok from Chief Thayer to have a Vo~ice representative. We ~ll ~ead a~ain the insu~ance coverase from the City. Costs for running a Tustin Street Faire. We are again asking funds from the city zo hnlp us get started. Adverstising a~d prim!i~g Childrens rides ~oo~ ~o~ce Train Ride Seccrity Electricity Sanitatio~ Pentel of Prafessio~aI Booths Pa?ment to ~nai~n for Gas, Phone C~ls, ~isc. Expenses $600.00 2000.00 ~00.00 700.00 216.00 120.00 1000.00 1000.00 Total 6000.00 Estimated Income from Street Faire Rental o~ Booths $75.00 for Booths with electricity . 50.00 for spaces without electricity 50 booths @ $75.00 , 20 Spaces @ 50.00 rides at $.50 each ~pprox. $3750.00 1000.00 Total 6250.00 Honey on hand from last year $365.68 Cherrill Wehb 19~0 Street Faire Chairman CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6, 1-19-81 EXHIBIT IV ~ING OF T~SPIN CITY RECONVENED January 19, 1981 SLIDE PRE- SENTATION A 20-minute John Wayne Airport slide presentation was given by Dennis Horn, Chief of Operations, John Wayne Airport. II. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSIN~ESS Following discussion regarding noise, curfew, traffic l~atterns and pollution, the City Administrator reported that this matter will be agendized for ~he next Council meeting so that Council's concerns can be recorde~before the meeting of the Board of Supervisors. ~SOLuTfON NO. 81--5 - A Res°lution of the City Council of the City of Tustin, DETERMINING THE VALUE OF WP~ITTEN PROTESTS AND ORDE-~ING THE ANNEXATION OF THE AREA'KNOWN AS "IRVINE BOUL~-gARD- DEAN STREET ANNEXATION NO. 121" TO THE CITY OF TUSTINt SUBJECT TO THE CONFIRMATION BY THE VOTERS. Ken Fleagl~, Consultant, reported that the assessed valu~ion was calculated 'to be less than 50% and the Council has the right, if .it so desires, to order the annexation beoause a majority of the protests were not dated but the recom~e~ action is that it be scheduled at the next regular election held ~e first Tuesday following the first ~onday of June, 198~. It was muved by Edgar, seconded by Sharp, to adopt Resol%faion No. Sl-5. Carried 5:0. TIL~.~R DAYS ~RT ' ' ' ~ Che~rill Webb, Chairperson for the Tustin Tiller Days, requested{ thau someone from the Tustin City staff be a member of the eom-i mitt~e. She said this would save them time and money as that I persun ~ be able to advise them about rules and procedures. ~ The new date will allow the High School Band more time to get organized for the parade. Councilwoman Kennedy' asked about co-sponsoring this event with the School District and Cherrill Webb was in favor of asking them. Councilman Edgar co~ented that the cooperation of the School District is essential but he was not in favor of them ~eing on the same committee. It was moved by Edgar, seconded by Kennedy, to support the Tiller Days Report in concept, to assume the responsibility of' the liability insurance, and to advance the funding for the operation of the Faire with the expectation that there is going to be enough revenue from the operation to refund the ~ney t~ the City. Councilman Hoesterey was in favor of the committee taking some more positive action to get more participation for rental of / booths. ? Ms. Webb sai~ that she hope~ to tent professional booths instead/ of the School Dimtriot booths as they were too smal~o IV. OT~u~R BUSINESS 1. CITY COUNCZr- ~INUTES Page 7, 1-19-81 Helen Edgar reported that when she was President of 'the Well Wishers they had to close .down .their booth because they did .not have enough business to keep it open. Mayor Saltarelli said that he was opposed to the motion ~ecause this was not included in the budget and he did not know what the spending limitations are. Motion carried.4:1, Saltarelli opposed. Cherrill Webb asked that she be notified which staff member would serve on the committee. PERSONNEL It was moved by Hoesterey, seconded by Sharp, to deny WiI~ia~ Hull's request for a hearing ~efore the City Council to review the discipline impose4 by the City Administrator. Carrie4 5:0. 2. ,c~,:UuT~V= SESSION Mayor Saltarelli requested a brief Executive Session for discus- sion of personnel matters. Council concurred. It was m~ved by Sharp, seconded by Saltarelli. to a~journ at 8:55 p.m. to an Executive Session for discussion of ~ersonnel matters and thence to the next regular meetin~ on February 2,