HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-E3 (CC RES 16-55 (RESPONSE TO COMMENTS))City of Tustin Vintage Residential Project Response to Comments for Initial Study (IS) / Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) Lead Agency: City of Tustin Community Development Department 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Project Applicant: Intracorp SoCal-1, LLC 4041 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 250 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Table of Contents Section Page 1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................1-1 1.2 FORMAT OF THE RESPONSE TO COMMENTS..........................................................1-1 1.3 CEQA REQUIREMENTS REGARDING COMMENTS AND RESPONSES ....................1-1 2. RESPONSE TO COMMENTS......................................................................................................2-1 3. REVISIONS TO THE MND...........................................................................................................3-1 3.1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 3-1 3.2 MND REVISIONS IN RESPONSE TO WRITTEN COMMENTS.....................................3-1 APPENDICES A. Traffic Impact Analysis Memo Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page i Table of Contents LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Figure5 Site Plan...........................................................................................................................3-5 Figure8 Landscape Plan...............................................................................................................3-7 Figure 10 Recreation Area............................................................................................................... 3-9 Figure11 Paseos........................................................................................................................3-11 Page ii October 2016 1. Introduction 1.1 INTRODUCTION This document contains responses to the comments that the City of Tustin received on the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Vintage project during the public review period, which began July 27, 2016, and closed August 26, 2016. This document has been prepared in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as amended (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) and the State CEQA Guidelines (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, § 15000 et seq.) and represents the independent judgment of the Lead Agency. This document and the circulated MND together comprise the Final MND. 1.2 FORMAT OF THE RESPONSE TO COMMENTS This document is organized as follows: Section 1, Introduction. This section describes CEQA requirements and content of this Final MND. Section 2, Response to Comments. This section provides a list of agencies and interested persons commenting on the MND; copies of comment letters received during the public review period, and individual responses to written comments. To facilitate review of the responses, each comment letter has been reproduced and assigned a number (Al through A4 for letters received from agencies and organizations, and R1 through R4 for letters received from residents). Individual comments have been numbered for each letter and the letter is followed by responses with references to the corresponding comment number. Section 3, Revisions to the MND. This section contains revisions to the MND text and figures as a result of the comments received by agencies and interested persons as described in Section 2, and/or typographical errors and omissions discovered subsequent to release of the MND for public review. The responses to comments contain material and revisions that will be added to the text of the Final MND. The City of Tustin staff has reviewed this material and determined that none of this material constitutes the type of significant new information that requires recirculation of the MND for further public comment under CEQA Guidelines Section 15073.5. None of this new material indicates that the project will result in a significant new environmental impact not previously disclosed in the Vintage MND. Additionally, none of this material indicates that there would be a substantial increase in the severity of a previously identified environmental impact that will not be mitigated, or that there would be any of the other circumstances requiring recirculation described in Section 15073.5. 1.3 CEQA REQUIREMENTS REGARDING COMMENTS AND RESPONSES CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines do not require that lead agencies prepare formal written responses to comments on a Mitigated Negative Declaration. Nevertheless, the City of Tustin, in the interest of full disclosure, has prepared formal written responses to comments on the MND. Because CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines do not outline a procedure for responding to comments on Mitigated Negative Declarations, the City of Tustin implements the procedures for responding to comments on environmental impact reports in this situation. Thus, in accordance with CEQA, Public Resources Code Section 21092.5, copies of the written responses to public agencies will be forwarded to those agencies at least 10 days prior to the City Council's consideration of the MND. The responses will be forwarded with copies of this Final Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page 1-I 1. Introduction MND, as permitted by CEQA, and will conform to the legal standards established for response to comments on draft environmental impact reports. Page 1-2 October 2016 2. Response to Comments 2. Response to Comments This section provides all written responses received on the MND and the City's responses to each comment. Comment letters and specific comments are given letters and numbers for reference purposes. Where sections of the MND are excerpted in this document, the sections are shown indented. Changes to the MND text are shown in bold underlined text for additions and s'r�At for deletions. The following is a list of agencies and persons that submitted comments on the MND during the public review period. Number Reference Commenting Person/Agency Date of Comment Page No. Agencies & Organizations Al Department of Transportation Caltrans August 17, 2016 2-11 A2 Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) August 31, 2016 2-11 A3 Orange County Fire Authority OCFA) August 11, 2016 2-11 A4 South Coast Air Quality Management District 11, 2016 2-19 Residents -August R1 Dave Hackett lAugust26, 2016 12-23 R2 Heather Hackett I August 25, 2016 12-27 R3 I Maureen Li lAugust 15, 2016 12-31 R4 I Reese Udall lAuciust 26, 2016 2-27 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin *Page 2-1 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-2 October 2016 2. Response to Comments LETTER Al —Christopher Herre, Branch Chief, Caltrans (2 pages) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DIMCT 12 3347 MICM SON DRIVE, SlUrFE leo 1RVINE.CA 92612-8894 PHONE (949) 72.4-2085 PAX (949) 72A-2592 M 711 www.".Ca.gov August 17, 2016 Ms. Elaine Dove City of Tustin Planning Division 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA. 92780 Dear Ms. Dove: RECEIVED SerrafrsDrmghr. AUGy�q Serious 0r ghr. UG 2 2 B16 Nerve -wrl COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Bk: File: IGR/CEQA SCH#: 2016071081 Log #: 2016-00100 I-5 The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) appreciates the opportunity to review and comment on the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Vintage Lofts Residential Project. The project applicant is proposing to subdivide a 6.81 -acre lot into two development parcels for condominium purposes to accommodate 140 -residential units and ancillary uses, including, but not Iimited to onsite private drives, parking, sidewalks, recreation uses and community center, walls and landscaping. The discretionary actions required to allow for the development of 140 multi -family residential units are as follows: • General Plan Amendment -- Change the site's land use designation from I (Industrial) to Planned Community Residential (PC Residential). • Zone Change — Change the site's zoning from Planned Industrial (PM) to Planned Community Residential (P -C) District. • Tentative Tract Map — Subdivision of existing 6.81 -acre parcel into two development parcels for condominium purposes. ■ Design Review ■ Development Agreement - The Development Agreement authorizes the development of project with a 5 -year term and two 1 -year extensions and in return requires public benefits in the form of payment of park in -lieu, affordable housing and traffic fees over and above the City's standard development impact fees, city signage and public infrastructure improvements. Caltrans Local Development-Inlergovernmental Review program reviews impacts of local development to the transportation system, including the State Highway System. The Department works to ensure that local land use planning and development decisions include the provision of transportation choices, including transit, intercity rail passenger service, air service, walking and biking, when appropriate. The Department advocates community design (e.g. urban infill, mixed use, transit oriented development) that promotes an efficient transportation system and healthy communities. "Provrde a swA. sm=inu5k, rnfrgmW;znd e,QtClenr tmnVwia*n ,lyorm ro ehbance Cnty�wnla's economy and IrmNllry" Al -1 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin *Page 2-3 2. Response to Comments Ms. Elaine Dove August 17, 2016 Page 2 Caltrans is a commenting agency at this time on this project and has the following comments for your consideration, in addition to those made in our letter to the city dated Al -2 June 15, 2016 (see attached). Hydraulics: Hydraulic comments: • Final construction plans and hydrology calculations (existing & proposed condition) need to be reviewed and approved by hydraulics branch during Encroachment Permit Process. • Need the hydraulic calculations (existing & proposed condition) to clarify that there will be no increase in water surface elevation in the existing system. • No diversion flow shall be allowed. 1. Need a letter from City of Tustin concurring approval of this proposal prior to Caltrans final approval. 2. Caltrans Maintenance Branch should review and make comments on this proposal. Landscape Architecture: Al -3 2. On page 48 the 3rd paragraph under Response it is stated " The buildings would be Al -4 replaced with 140 two -three and four story residential units" This is the only mention of a four story residents is this an error? Permits: 3. In the event of any activity in Caltrans right-of-way an encroachment permit will be required. For specific details on the Department's Encroachment Permits procedure, Al -5 please refer to Department Encroachment Permits Manual, Eight Edition. This Manual is available on the web site: hltp://www.dot.ca.gov/trafficops/ep( "Provide a safe. susramable, inregrared and efJtclew rrartspormrinn igvem 7a enhance Callfarnra's economy and 11va61lNy" Page 2-4 October 2016 2. Response to Comments Ms. Elaine Dove August 17, 2016 Page 3 Please continue to keep us informed of this project and any future developments that could potentially impact State transportation facilities. If you have any questions or need to contact us, please do not hesitate to call Aileen Kennedy at (949) 724-2239. Sincerely, MAUREEN EL HARAKE Branch Chief, Regional -Community -Transit Planning District 12 c: Eric Dickson, Landscape Architecture Steven Sowers, Traffic Operations Southwest Kamran Mazhar, Traffic Design Ahmad Khosravi, Hydraulics Scott Morgan, Office of Planning and Research "Provide a safe, sustainable. integrated and efficient transportation system to enhance California's econamy and livability" Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin *Page 2-5 2. Response to Comments Attachment to Caltrans' August 17, 2016 Letter U&1 of At t i 4I&-- a ffVKN1A STAIE 1RAN5PORTATION AGSM t ILIMU:MLtiT}RO .L'_Sictttcr DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SCH#: None DISTRICT 12 Log #: 4733 3347 MICHELSON DRIVE, SUITE 100 1-5 IRVIN[; CA 92612-8894 Serlaur Drwtght. PHONE (949)724.2086 Serlaadmught FAX (949) 724-2592 Help save muert TTY 711 www.dol.ca.gov June 13, 2016 Ms. Elaine Dove File: IGR/CEQA City of Tustin SCH#: None Planning Division Log #: 4733 300 Centennial Way 1-5 Tustin, CA, 92780 Dear Ms. Dove: Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the General Plan Amendment (GPA) 2016-01, Zone Change 2016-001, Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) No. 17993 and Desitin Review (DR) 2016-004, for the Vintage 140 unit condominium complex at 420 W. 6th Street within the City of Tustin. Caltrans Local Development -Intergovernmental Review program reviews impacts of local development to the transportation system, including the State Highway System. The Department works to ensure that local land use planning and development decisions include the provision of transportation choices, including transit, intercity rail passenger service, air service, walking and biking, when appropriate. To ensure a safe, efficient, and reliable transportation system, we encourage early consultation and coordination with local jurisdictions and project proponents on all development projects that utilize the multimodal transportation network. The Department advocates community design (e.g. urban infill, mixed use, transit oriented development) that promotes an efficient transportation system and healthy communities The Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is a commenting agency on this project and has the following comments for your consideration. Traffic Operations: 1. Demonstrate if a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) is needed following the Caltrans TIS guide at h t ;www. v t ffi oc. i a fit ti i e. f. 2. If a TIS is required, please prepare a draft TIS scope proposal and submit for our review, include any Vehicle Miles Travel (VMT) red uci ng strategies, Provide aWe sastalnable Oregmied and efJ cim rranWrfallon sy'alem to enhance Cal{fomla's ec my andHvabdAy' Al -6 Al -7 Page 2-6 October 2016 2. Response to Comments Ms. Elaine Dove June 13, 2016 Page 2 3. Submit the required traffic analysis scenarios for a general plan amendment showing traffic impacts at all intersections leading to and from all California State Highways. Include all intersections with ramps at the Newport Avenue and Red Al -8 Hill Avenue interchanges for the I-5 Santa Ana Freeway. As a minimum, provide Existing Conditions, Proposed Project Only with Select Zone Analysis, General Plan Build -out Only, and General Plan Build -out Plus Proposed Project. Office of Outdoor Advertising: 4. Regarding A-15 (Freeway Signage) of the project plans, if the display operates as an on - premise display as defined in Business and Professions Code 5272 ODA (Outdoor Advertising) will not require a permit. 5. However if the display advertises off -premise commercial copy you will have to apply for a State ODA Permit and comply with the current standards of the California Outdoor Advertising Act and the Federal Highway Beautification Act. Information on outdoor advertising may be obtained by contacting George Anzo Jr. Southern Area Manager George.anzordot.ca.gov. . 6. Illuminated signs could be considered a traffic safety hazard given the potential of light and glare to distract drivers. Section 21466.5 of the California Vehicle Code regulates illumination by placing limits on maximum light output. http://w%vw.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/det.qil/pubs/vctop/vc/d­l 1/c2/a3/21466.5 Landscape Architecture: 7. There is no existing landscape adjacent to the proposed project. The area between Caltrans right of way and the proposed development is too narrow to landscape. There are no landscaping issues. 8. The proposed 20' high sound wall is located about 8' below the level of the 1-5 freeway, and approximately 12' of sound wall will be visible from the freeway level with 3 story buildings above and beyond the sound wall, The height of the proposed sound wall is approximately the height of the existing building. 9. Please provide final detail plans of the sound wall aesthetics visible from the freeway. 'Prnririe a mfr, rwlalwnhle, i'ncl.egmled and emcient iransporotivn .nyvem iv enho ur Cv;Ebmia'f economy and llrvbifity" Al -9 Al -10 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin *Page 2-7 2. Response to Comments Ms. Elaine Dove June 13, 2016 Page 3 10. The visual character of the corridor changes slightly from the existing commercial theme to a residential theme. Although the development will consist of 2 and 3 story buildings, Al -10 freeway viewers would not notice substantial visual changes along the freeways. cont'd Local Development IGR: 11. Please identify if there is an environmental determination for this project under CEQA. I Al -11 Please continue to keep us informed of this project and any future developments that could potentially impact State transportation facilities. If you have any questions or need to contact us, please do not hesitate to call Aileen Kennedy at (949) 724-2239. Sincerely, MAUREEN EL RARAKE Branch Chief, Regional -Community -Transit Planning District 12 c: Steve Sower, Traffic Operations Southwest George Anzo Jr - Southern Area Manager Office of Outdoor Advertising Greg Grant, Right of Way Engineering Kamran Mazhar, Chief Design F& Traffic Design Pravlde a =k. nWalwbk, fnkwuied wde/frclrnr erawWrlaflm sysrem 0 eolwme Caltlanfa's eranoary and inubduy" Page 2-8 October 2016 2. Response to Comments Al. Response to Comments from Maureen EI Harake, Branch Chief, Caltrans, dated August 17, 2016. Al -1 This comment is a summary of the Vintage residential project and a summary of the role Caltrans' Local Development -Intergovernmental Review program. Because this summary does not raise concerns related to the project's environmental impacts, no response is necessary. Al -2 This comment references a comment letter submitted to the City of Tustin on June 15, 2016; this letter is addressed in Response to Comment A1-6 through Al -12. A1-3 Caltrans review is underway. Although no improvements are proposed within the Caltrans right of way, due to the site's proximity to Interstate 5, the hydraulic plans and final calculations were submitted to Caltrans on July 7, 2016 to ensure that an encroachment permit would not be required. Al -4 The proposed project would be limited to three stories. The last paragraph on page 48 is revised to indicate that demolished buildings would be replaced with 140 two-, and three-story residential units. Al -5 Please refer to Response to Comment A1-3 above. Al -6 This comment is a summary of the role Caltrans' Local Development - Intergovernmental Review program. Because this summary does not raise concerns related to the project's environmental impacts, no response is necessary. Al -7 According to the Trip Generation Thresholds provided on page 2 of the Caltrans Guide for the Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies, a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) may be required if a project generates 1 or more trips assigned to a state highway facility. As demonstrated in MND page 126, Table 4-20, Project Trip Generation (provided below), the project would generate fewer trips than the existing land use. Therefore, the project would result in fewer trips on the surrounding roadway network than in the existing condition. AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land Use Units Daily In Out Total In Out Total Trip Rates Condorrinium' DU 5.81 0.07 0.37 0.44 0.35 0.17 0.52 Industrial Park2 TSF 6.83 0.67 0.15 0.82 0.18 0.67 0.85 Proi ect Trip Generation Proposed Project (Condos) 140 DU 813 10 51 62 49 24 73 Existing Industrial Park 183.43 TSF -1253 -123 -27 -150 -33 -123 -156 Total Trip Generation -439 -113 24 -89 16 -99 -83 TSF =Thousand Square Feet 'Trip rates from the Institute of Transporation Engineers, Trip Generation, 9th Edition, 2012. Land Use Code 230 -Condominium 'Trip rates from the Institute of Transporation Engineers, Trip Generation, 9th Edition, 2012. Land Use Code 130 -Indust rid Park. Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin *Page 2-9 2. Response to Comments Al -8 Please see the response to Comment A1-6. A TIS following the Caltrans Guide is not required based on the project trip generation. The City's TIA comports with the City's existing standards for traffic studies and based on that analysis, the proposed project would not result in any significant impacts. As discussed in the MND and the project TIA (Transpo Group, Inc., 2016), no project impacts are forecast under the Existing With -Project conditions and in the Buildout Year 2035 With -Project scenario. Therefore, no mitigation is required. Al -9 The comment is a summary of Caltrans requirements related to freeway signage. The project shall comply with all Caltrans regulations related to freeway signage. The project would construct a non -illuminated sign identifying "Old Town Tustin" which shall be placed/imbedded on the project sound wall adjacent to Interstate 5 freeway and be of a size and in a location which will not encroach into Caltrans right-of-way; therefore, Caltrans review would not be required. Al -10 The comment correctly states that there are no landscape issues, that the three-story buildings would be visible beyond the 20 -foot sound wall, but would not cuase substantial visual changes along the freeway. As requested, the final plans for the sound wall have been submitted to Caltrans as part of the hydrology review. As discussed in Section I, Aesthetics, of the MND, visual and aesthetic impacts would be less than significant. All lighting fixtures are required to have light shielding pursuant to the City's municipal code, "Tustin City Code" (TCC) Section 9271 hh, which would prevent light spillage off of the property. The 20 -foot noise wall adjacent to the site boundary with 1-5 would screen passing motorists from light and glare impacts. Al -11 The environmental documentation for this project is a MND. All project impacts would be less than significant with implementation of existing regulations, project design features, and mitigation measures. Page 2-10 October 2016 2. Response to Comments LETTER A2 — Scott Morgan, Director, OPR (1 page) �,OF PL1yp„ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ( Alkok%'fi GOVERNOR'S OFFICE Of PLANNING AND RESEARCH STATE CLEARINGHOUSE AND PLANNING UNIT' EDMUND G. BROWN JR. GovEalloR KENALEX DMEctoR August 29, 2016 Elaine Dove City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Subject: Vintage Lofts Residential Project SCH#: 2016071081 Dear Elaine Dove: RECEIVED AUG 31 2016 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT The State Clearinghouse submitted the above named Mitigated Negative Declaration to selected state agencies for review. The review period closed on August 26, 2016, and no state agencies submitted comments by that date. This letter acknowledges that you have complied with the State Clearinghouse review requirements for draft environmental documents, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. Please call the State Clearinghouse at (916) 445-0613 if you have any questions regarding the environmental review process. If you have a question about the above-named project, please refer to the ten -digit State Clearinghouse number when contacting this office. Sincerely, S; Morgan Director, State Clearinghouse 140010th Street P.O. Box 3044 Sacramento, California 95812-3044 (916) 445-0613 PAX(916)323-3018 www.opr.ca.gov A2-1 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page 2-11 2. Response to Comments Document Details Report State Clearinghouse Data Base SCH# 2o16071081 Project Title Vintage Lofts Residential Project Lead Agency Tustin, City of Type MND Mitigated Negative Declaration Description The Vintage Lofts Residential project proposes to subdivide a 6.81 acre lot into two parcels for condominium purposes to accommodate 140 for sale residential units and ancillary uses (e.g private drives, parking, sidewalks, recreation uses and community center, walls and landscaping). The discretionary actions required to allow the project include a general plan amendment, zone change, planned community residential district standards, tentative tract map, and development agreement. .Leat! Agency Contact Name Elaine Dove Agency City of Tustin Phone (714) 573-3136 Fax email Address 300 Centennial Way City Tustin State CA Zip 92580 Project Location County Orange City Tustin Region Lat/Long 33' 44'21 " N / 117° 49'37" W Cross Streets Southwest comer of W. 6th St and S. B St Parcel No. 401-341-04 Township 5W Range 9W Section Base SB Proximity to: Highways 5 Airports Railways Waterways Schools Tustin HS Land Use GP: Industrial; Z: Planned industrial Project Issues Aesthetic/Visual; Agricultural Land; Air Quality; Archaeologic -Historic; Biolbgical Resources; Drainage/Absorption; Flood Pfain/Flooding; Forest Land/Fire Hazard; Geologic/Seismic; Minerals; Noise; Population/Housing Balance; Public Services; Recreation/Parks; Schools/Universities; Septic System; Sewer Capacity; Soil Erosion/Compaction/Grading; Solid Waste; Toxic/Hazardous; Traffic/Circulation; Vegetation; Water Quality; Water Supply; Wetland/Riparian; Landuse; Growth Inducing; Cumulative Effects Reviewing Resources Agency; Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 5; Department of Parks and Recreation; Agencies Department of Water Resources; Office of Emergency Services, California; California Highway Patrol; Caltrans, District 12; Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 8; Native American Heritage Commission Date Received 07/28/2016 Start of Review 07/28/2016 End of Review 08J26/2016 N OYP.' Rlanke in data field. raciilf frnm incnffinianr inf—mine ....,.AA -A k- i—a Page 2-12 October 2016 2. Response to Comments A2. Response to Comments from Scott Morgan, Director, OPR, dated April 20, 2012. A2-1 This comment states that the State Clearinghouse circulated the MND for state agency review. As the comment does not raise concerns related to the project's environmental impacts, no response is necessary. Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin *Page 2-13 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-14 October 2016 2. Response to Comments LETTER A3 — Tamera Rivers, Management Analyst, Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) (2 pages) ti=lar ORANGE COUNTY FIRE AUTHORITY P.O. Box 57115, Irvine, CA 92619-711 S • 1 Fire Authority Road, Irvine. CA 92602 Jeff Bowman, Fire Chief (714) 573-6000 www.ocra.org °�oxtc+ August 11, 2016 City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA92780 Attn: Elaine Dove, Senior Planner Subject: Mitigated Negative Declaration - Vintage Lofts Residential Project Dear Ms. Dove: Thank you for the opportunity to review the subject document. As stated in the document, The Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) provides fire protection and emergency medical services response to the project area. We have the following comments regarding the subject document: o Page 117 - Orange County Fire Authority has 72 fire stations. o Page 120 - Under Project Design Features, the following items should be considered in order to insure a fire safe project: I O Structures should have automatic fire sprinkler systems. O Access to and around structures to meet OCFA and California Fire Code I requirements O A water supply system to supply fire hydrants and automatic fire sprinkler systems. I Fire hydrant spacing is 500 feet between fire hydrants. e Turning radius and access in and around the project site and buildings shall be I designed to accommodate large fire department vehicles and their weight. o If the project includes traffic signals on public access ways, they should include the installation of optical preemption devices. • All electrically operated gates within the Project shall install emergency opening devices as approved by the Orange County Fire Authority. In addition, we would like to point out that all standard conditions with regard to development, including water supply, built in fire protection systems, road grades and width, access, building materials, and the like will be applied to this project at the time of plan submittal. Serving the Cides of Aliso VicJo • Buena Part. • Cypress • Dana Point - Iryin • Laguna Nibs • Laguna Niguel • Laguna Woods • Lake Forest • La Palma Los Alamilos • Mission Viejo • Placendn - Rancho Sana Margoria -San Clemente • San Juan Capistrano • Santa Ann • Seal Deach • Stanton • Tustin -Villa Park Westminster • Yorba Linda • and Unincorporated Areas of Orange County RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS AND SMOKE ALARMS SAVE LIVES A3-1 A3-2 A3-3 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page 2-I5 2. Response to Comments Sincerely, a -l", 9'1_� Tamera Rivers Management Analyst (714)573-6199 Serving the Cities of: Aliso Viejo • Buenu Park • Cypress • Donn Point • Irvine • Lagunn Hills • Laguna Niguel • Laguna Woods -Lake Forest • La Palma Los Alamitos • Mission Viejo • Placentia • Rancho Soma Margarita •Son Clemente • San Juan Capistrano • Santa Ano • Seal Beach • Stanton • Tustin • Vti la Park Westminster • Yorha Linda • and Unincorporated Areas of Orange County RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS AND SMOKE ALARMS SAVE LIVES Page 2-16 October 2016 2. Response to Comments A3. Response to Comment from Tamera Rivers, Management Analyst, OCFA A3-1 OCFA provides a comment correcting the number of fire stations within its service area. Page 117 of the MND is revised to state that OCFA consists of 72 fire stations. See Section 3 of this Response to Comment document, Revisions to the MND. A3-2 The commenter provides a list of OCFA standard conditions and suggests they be included as Project Design Features (PDFs). These items have not been included as PDFs because they are required by existing regulation (OCFA and CA Fire Code Requirements) and compliance with the such regulation is required by City of Tustin Conditions of Approval. Prior to issuance of building permits, the City of Tustin would route the project plans to the OCFA for review and approval, and requires the payment of OCFA Plan Check and inspection fees, per Condition of Approval 16.5. Condition 14.7 ensures that the adequacy of a proposed water system plan, including the number, size and distribution of fire hydrants, must meet OCFA fire protection requirements and must be stamped and approved by OCFA. A3-3 The proposed project would comply with all applicable OCFA standard conditions applied at the time of OCFA submittal. The project does not include electronically operated gates or new traffic signals. Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin •Page 2-17 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-18 October 2016 2. Response to Comments LETTER A4 — Jillian Wong, PHD, Planning and Rules Manager, SCAQMD (2 pages) South Coast M Air Quality Management District 21865 Copley Drive, Diamond Bar, CA 91765-4178 (909) 396-2000 • vww.agmd.gov SENT VIA E-MAIL AND USPS: August 11, 2016 edove6dUstinca.ore Elaine Dove, Senior Planner Community Development Department City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Draft Mitigated Negative Declaration (DMND) for the Proposed Vintage Lofts Residential Prosect The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) staff appreciates the opportunity to comment on the above-mentioned document. The following comments are meant as guidance for the Lead Agency and should be incorporated into the Final MND. Proiect Description In the project description, the Lead Agency proposes to demolish the 11 existing industrial -park buildings totaling 183,430 square feet' in order to subdivide the 6.81 -acre lot into two parcels. Construction would then begin to build 148 -residential condominium homes' along with ancillary uses (e.g., private driveways, parking, sidewalks, recreation uses, a clubhouse, walls and landscaping). Construction will occur in three phases over an approximately 25 month period starting in 2017 with occupancy starting in 2018. Health Risk Assessment and Associated Mitigation The Lead Agency notes that the proposed residences will be sited just north of the Interstate -5 Freeway, which has an average daily traffic volume of 324,000 vehicles that includes 19,030 diesel trucks. 3 Because of the close proximity to the existing freeway, residents would be exposed to diesel particulate matter, which is a toxic air contaminant. As part of the Lead Agency's analyses, a health risk assessment was performed. That analysis determined that future residents would be exposed to cancer risk that would exceed the SCAQMD's recommended significance threshold of 10 in one million cases. To reduce the estimated risk to a less than significant level, the Lead Agency mitigation including a heating, ventilation, and air 1 DMND, Appendix B: AQ & GHG Analyses, CalFFMod output sheets used 175,500 square feet for demolition Zlbi4 Page 15 and CalEEMod output sheet, Land Use Size. 3 htw://www.dot.ca.gov/trafficops/census/ Caltrans 2014 Traffic Volumes on California Highways, Back Peak Month (The peak month ADT is the average daily traffic for the month of heaviest traffic flow. This data is obtained because on many routes, high traffic volumes which occur during a certain season of the year are more representative of traffic conditions than the annual ADT) for I-5 at Newport Avenue and 2014 Daily Truck Traffic percentage (5.5%) for Tustin/Junction Rte. 55. A4-1 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page 2-19 2. Response to Comments Elaine Dove 2 August 11, 2016 conditioning (HVAC) air filtration system for each residential unit. The air filtration system will A4-1 have a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) of 13 or higher. These and other support cont'd. actions will also be part of the development's Covenant, Codes & Restrictions (CC&Rs). Rmed on the proposed mitigation, the project's cancer risk was estimated to be less than significant. Limits to Enhanced Filtration Units The Lead Agency should consider the limitations of the proposed mitigation for this project (enhanced filtration) on housing residents. For example, because the filters would not have any effectiveness unless the HVAC system is running, there may be increased energy costs to the resident. The proposed mitigation also assumes that the filters operate 100 percent of the time while residents are indoors. These filters also have no ability to filter out any toxic gases from vehicle exhaust. The presumed effectiveness and feasibility of this mitigation should therefore be evaluated in more detail prior to assuming that it will sufficiently alleviate near roadway exposures. Compliance With SCAQMD Rules A4-2 Finally, the project includes demolition and soil disturbance activities that could fall under the following SCAQMD rules: Rule 1403 — Asbestos Emissions from Demolition/Renovation Activities would apply if asbestos is found during demolition, and Rule 1166 — Volatile Organic A4-3 Compound Emissions from Decontamination of Soil would apply if soils containing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are encountered during soil disturbance activities. if applicable, compliance with these rules should be included in the Final MND. Please provide the SCAQMD with written responses to all comments contained herein prior to A4-4 the adoption of the Final MND. The SCAQMD staff is available to work with the Lead Agency to address these issues and any other air quality questions that may arise. Please contact Gordon Mize, Air Quality Specialist — CEQA Section, at (909) 396-3302, if you have any questions regarding these comments. Sincerely, P W ?VC ay .lillian Wong, Ph.D. Planning and Rules Manager Planning, Rn1C Development & Area Sources JW.0M ( )RC 1 60 802-0 5 Control Number " Support Actions I)escribed in the I)raf IS&ND on Page 38. Page 2-20 October 2016 2. Response to Comments A4. Response to Comments from Jillian Wong, PHD, Planning and Rules Manager, South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), dated August 11, 2016. A4-1 This comment is a summary of the project description, the findings of the Health Risk Assessment (HRA), and the project's air filtration mitigation measure. Because this summary does not raise concerns related to the project's environmental impacts, no response is necessary. A4-2 Based on market research, the developer/applicant has identified a consumer demand for upgraded air filtration systems in similarly located projects. Therefore, the developer/applicant has included as a project design feature (PDF -1) upgraded air filtration systems, rated MERV13 or higher, in all residential units. According to Status of Research on Potential Mitigation Concepts to Reduce Exposure to Nearby Traffic Pollution, prepared by California Air Resources Board (CARB), August 23, 2012, research has shown that homes with positive static pressure HVAC systems with MERV 13 to 16 air filters result in a 90 percent reduction in fine particles (PM10) when compared to outdoor levels of PM10. It should be noted that the requirement for MERV 13 filters is a project design feature and is not mitigation, as CEQA is limited to the analysis of a project onto the surrounding environment and does not include analysis of environmental impacts onto the proposed project. Pursuant to California Building Industry Association v. Bay Area Air Quality Management District (2015) 62 CalAth 369, Case No. S213478, agencies are not required to analyze the CEQA impact of existing environmental conditions on a project's future users or residents, unless the proposed project risks exacerbating those environmental hazards or conditions that already exist. The proposed project would not exacerbate existing environmental hazards. As discussed in the MND, all construction and operational air quality impacts are found to be less than significant. The project will negligibly add ADT to the I-5 Freeway. The health risk assessment determined that the net reductions from the filtration system would result in the risks being lowered to less than 10 in one million, the SCAQMD cancer risk significance threshold. Therefore, impacts related to emissions from I-5 would be less than significant. The health risk assessment has been provided to the City as an information item for land use decision making, but is not a CEQA required analysis condition. A4-3 Pursuant to existing regulations, the project applicant will be required to ensure that all contractors that perform work on the proposed project adhere to all applicable regulations, including SCAQMD Rule 1403 and 1166. Page 89 of the MND has been revised to state that the project includes demolition and soil disturbance activities that are subject to SCAQMD Rule 1403 — Asbestos Emissions from Demolition/Renovation Activities — if asbestos is found during demolition, and Rule 1166 — Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Decontamination of Soil for soils containing VOCs. A4-4 Written responses will be transmitted to SCAQMD prior to adoption of the MND by the City Council. Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin *Page 2-21 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-22 October 2016 2. Response to Comments LETTER R1 — Dave Hackett, Dated August 26, 2016 (1 page) From: Hackett, Dave [mailtD:HackettD@CTT.com] Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 4:21 PM To: Dove, Elaine Subject: 420 W. 6th Street Hi Elaine! My name is Dave Hackett. I own 445 112 W. 6th Steet with my wife and live directly across the street from the proposed project at 420 W. 6th St. Although there are aspects of the prop osedprojectI am very concerned about the additional traffic, parking, and the construction dirt/noise. The parking on 6th St. is already an issue due to the residents of Tustin Acres and some apartments parking on the street. Often cars will stay three and four days in a row parked on 6th. I also see people being dropped off to park their car in my neighborhood. The additional homes will add to the issue. I would fully support any permit parking for residents only or a no parking overnight initiative. In addition speeding on 6th Street is areal issue. I am concerned not only about the speed but the volume of traffic. Hopefully there will not be an entrance to the developm ent in front of my house. I am concerned on how the additional traffic will be handled. I would support speed bumps. Hopefully the developers will work with the current residents regarding the noise and dirt. Regards, Dave & Karen Hackett Sent from my iPhone NOTICE: The information contained in this message is proprietary and/or confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, you are hereby notified to: (i) delete the message and all copies; (ii) do not disclose, distribute or use the message in any manner; and (iii) notify the sender immediately. R1-1 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin •Page 2-23 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-24 October 2016 2. Response to Comments R1. Response to Comments from Dave Hackett, dated August 26, 2016. R1-1 The commenter's main concern is that the proposed project could negatively impact traffic speed and volume, and parking in the area. The commenter also expresses concern with regard to the potential negative construction noise and construction dust impacts of the proposed project. The MND demonstrated that there are not significant and unavoidable impacts associated with the proposed 140 -unit development, including Air Quality, Noise, and Traffic. As demonstrated in MND Section 3.3, Air Quality, there are no project -related air quality impacts from short-term construction activities or long-term operation of the project. The project will comply with South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 402 (Nuisance) and Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust). As required by PPP -3 of the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP, Section 4 herein) the project developer will require construction contractors and subcontractors to employ the following enhanced dust control measures during construction to minimize particulate matter (PM -10 and PM -2.5) emissions: 1. Suspend the use of all construction equipment during first -stage smog alerts. 2. Apply soil stabilizers such as hay bales or aggregate cover to inactive areas. 3. Prepare a high wind dust control plan and implement plan elements and terminate soil disturbance when winds exceed 25 mph. 4. Stabilize previously disturbed areas if subsequent construction is delayed. 5. Water exposed surfaces and haul roads 3 times/day. 6. Cover all stock piles with tarps. 7. Replace ground cover in disturbed areas quickly. 8. Reduce speeds on unpaved roads to less than 15 mph. 9. Trenches shall be left exposed for as short a time as possible. 10. Identify proper compaction for backfilled soils in construction specifications. 11. Cover all trucks hauling dirt, sand, or loose material or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. 12. Sweep streets daily if visible soil material is carried out from the construction site. 13. Provide water spray during loading and unloading of earthen materials. 14. Minimize in -out traffic from construction zone. Section 3.12, Noise, demonstrates that changes in traffic noise due to the project would not result in significant long-term, traffic -related noise impacts to offsite uses and no mitigation is required. Likewise, the project would not result in any significant short- term or long-term impacts from project construction or operations. The project's Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) was prepared by a licensed traffic engineer, utilizing City of Tustin intersection evaluation methodology and significance criteria. The TIA is consistent with City of Tustin traffic study guidelines and the Caltrans Guide for the Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies. Section 3.16, Transportation/Traffic, and the project -specific traffic study both demonstrate that the project would not result in more traffic as compared to existing conditions, but would reduce the volume of traffic to the site. The project would generate a net total of 439 fewer daily trips (-439) including 89 fewer trips (-89) during the AM peak hour and 83 fewer trips (-83) during the PM peak hour. Net negative trips are anticipated because the existing industrial use generates more trips than the Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin •Page 2-25 2. Response to Comments proposed residential use. As a result, in the project's opening year, and in year 2035, all intersections would continue to operate at acceptable Level of Service (LOS) B or better in the "with -project" traffic condition. Project -generated traffic would not contribute to a significant cumulative traffic impact in either the AM or PM peak hours. The majority of intersections would operate at LOS A. Every unit in the Vintage project would have a two -car attached garage. Parking for the proposed project would meet the off-street parking requirements of the City of Tustin. A total of 315 parking spaces are required, including 280 covered spaces and 35 guest parking spaces. The project provides 280 garage spaces and 69 guest parking spaces for a total of 349 parking spaces. City Condition of Approval 6.5 (k) requires residents to keep garages clear and available to park vehicles. In addition, the CC&Rs shall include provisions requiring the HOA to develop and adopt an enforcement program for parking regulations within the development to ensure garages are kept clear. The rest of the MND demonstrates that there are no significant environmental impacts. These comments, including the comment's support for speed bumps, permit parking and no overnight parking will be forwarded to the decisionmakers for their consideration. Page 2-26 October 2016 2. Response to Comments LETTER R2 — Heather Hackett, Dated August 25, 2016 (1 page) From: Heather Hackett [mailm;hackett.heather@gmail.com] Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2016 7:47 PM To: Dove, Elaine Subject: 420 W. 6th Street Hi Elaine! My name is Heather Hackett. I own 445 W. 6th Ste et and live directly across the street from the proposed project at 420 W. 6th St. Although there are aspects of the proposed project am very concerned about the additional traffic, parking, and the construction dirt/noise. The parking on 6th St. is already an issue due to the residents of Tustin Acres and some apartments parking on the street. Often cars will stay three and four days in a row parked on 6th. I also see people being dropped off to park their car in my neighborhood. The additional homes will add to the issue. I would fully support any permit parking for residents only or a no parking overnight initiative. In additi on speeding on 6th Street is a real issue. I am concerned not only about the speed but the volume of traffic. Hopefully there will not be an entrance to the developm ent in front of my house. I am concerned on how the additional traffic will be handled. I would support speed bumps. Hopefully the developers will work with the current residents regarding the noise and dirt. Regards, Heather Hackett R2-1 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin *Page 2-27 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-28 October 2016 2. Response to Comments R2. Response to Comments from Heather Hackett, dated August 25, 2016. R2-1 The commenter's makes the identical comments as Dave Hackett in Letter R-1 and is referred to Responses to Comment R1-1. These comments will be forwarded to the decisionmakers for their consideration. Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin •Page 2-29 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-30 October 2016 2. Response to Comments Maureen Li, Dated August 15, 2016 (1 page) -----Original Message ----- From: Maureen Li [mailto:Maureen.Li@wdc.com] Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 1:43 PM To: Dove, Elaine Cc: maureenli@yahoo.com Subject: Intracorp So Cal -1LLC - Written Comments Dear Ms. Dove, As a property owner near by, I am writing to express my concern related to additional residential development in a very cramped area of Old Town Tustin. Not only the streets are narrow ( 6th, Pacific , A and B) surrounding the proposed development, over the years, high density apartment complexes were built at the end of 6th street and apartments at the City line with Santa Ana to the East_ All kinds of vehicles were parked on the streets mentioned in Old Town Tustin. The proposed development will posted additional Parking challenges and continue to be the #1 concerns for the impacted home owners. We see folks from other high density area coming to drop off their vehicles and left them parked overnight and over the weekends. They came in 2-3 at a time and carpool back to where they come from_ Other uses skateboards, roller blades and other transport after dropping off their vehicle parked on 6th, Pacific, Main, A and B streets. These folks left behind trash and all drips on the roadway. I have to call police several time because my driveway was blocked by the parked vehicle preventing me from getting out. I understanding the importance of community development. If I may suggest the fallowing actions for your consideration: Traffic study to support the added traffic resulting from the condo development. Requiring parking permits for the residents who reside in the area and no parking on these streets without a City issued permit. Red curb the areas where parked vehicle is interfering with our driveway access. I can be contacted at maureenli@yahoo.com if you need any additional information from me. Respectfully submitted, Maureen Li HO - 535 Pacific street Tustin R1-3 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin *Page 2-31 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-32 October 2016 2. Response to Comments R3. Response to Comments from Maureen Li, dated August 15, 2016. R3-1 The commenter states that there is a parking issue in this part of Old Tustin and expresses concern that the proposed project would result in additional parking challenges on public streets. The commenter wants to ensure that a traffic study for the project has been prepared. Furthermore, she expresses support of permit parking on the local public streets and the use of red curbs in areas where parking is interfering with private driveways. Section 3.16, Transportation/Traffic, and the project -specific traffic study both demonstrate that the project would not result in more traffic as compared to existing conditions, but would reduce the volume of traffic to the site. The project would generate a net total of 439 fewer daily trips (-439) including 89 fewer trips (-89) during the AM peak hour and 83 fewer trips (-83) during the PM peak hour. Net negative trips are anticipated because the existing industrial use generates more trips than the proposed residential use. As a result, in the project's opening year, and in year 2035, all intersections would continue to operate at acceptable Level of Service (LOS) B or better in the "with -project" traffic condition. Project -generated traffic would not contribute to a significant cumulative traffic impact in either the AM or PM peak hours. The majority of intersections would operate at LOS A. Every unit in the Vintage project would have a two -car attached garage. Parking for the proposed project would meet the off-street parking requirements of the City of Tustin. A total of 315 parking spaces are required, including 280 covered spaces and 35 guest parking spaces. The project provides 280 garage spaces and 69 guest parking spaces for a total of 349 parking spaces. City Condition of Approval 6.5 (k) requires residents to keep garages clear and available to park vehicles. In addition, the CC&Rs shall include provisions requiring the HOA to develop and adopt an enforcement program for parking regulations within the development to ensure garages are kept clear. The rest of the MND demonstrates that there are no significant environmental impacts. These comments, including the comment's in support for permit parking and no overnight and red curbs near private driveways, will be forwarded to the decisionmakers for their consideration. Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin •Page 2-33 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-34 October 2016 2. Response to Comments LETTER R4 — Reese Udall, Dated August 26, 2016 (1 page) From: Reese Udall [mailto:reeseudall@hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, August 26, 2016 4:31 PM To: Dove, Elaine Subject: Vintage Lofts Project Hi Elaine, Carne in today 8/26 to inspect the Vintage Lofts Project on 6th Street. I own a small 5 -unit apartment building down wind and caddy -corner to this project at 545 S. B St. This project sound nice and removing the industrial park is a plus. The current concerns are for my many tenants, the neighborhood and future building values as follows: 1) dust corning down wind blanketing everything (the plan is to take 5' of top soil off), 2) dirty streets and 3) future parking. If these issues arise, I am confident the City will help rectify the problem. Thanks for your time and attention to this matter. Reese Udall, Manager 545 S. B Street Apartments, LLC 949-363-7238 R4-1 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page 2-35 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-36 October 2016 2. Response to Comments R4. Response to Comments from Reese Udall, dated August 26, 2016. R4-1 The Commenter's concern is that the proposed project could negatively impact individual property value. The commenter also expresses concern for the proposed project with regard to construction dust and parking. The Commenter's concerns regarding property value will be shared with the decision - makers. However, it should be noted that neither the Public Resources Code nor the State CEQA Guidelines requires that a MND evaluate social or economic impacts of a project unless those social or economic impacts would lead to physical environmental changes (CEQA Guidelines Section 15064(e) and Section 15131). Since property values are an economic consideration, they are not included within the MND. As demonstrated in MND Section 3.3, Air Quality, there are no project -related air quality impacts from short-term construction activities or long-term operation of the project. The project will comply with South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 402 (Nuisance) and Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust). The project developer will require construction contractors and subcontractors to employ the following enhanced dust control measures during construction to minimize particulate matter (PM -10 and PM -2.5) emissions: 1. Suspend the use of all construction equipment during first -stage smog alerts. 2. Apply soil stabilizers such as hay bales or aggregate cover to inactive areas. 3. Prepare a high wind dust control plan and implement plan elements and terminate soil disturbance when winds exceed 25 mph. 4. Stabilize previously disturbed areas if subsequent construction is delayed. 5. Water exposed surfaces and haul roads 3 times/day. 6. Cover all stock piles with tarps. 7. Replace ground cover in disturbed areas quickly. 8. Reduce speeds on unpaved roads to less than 15 mph. 9. Trenches shall be left exposed for as short a time as possible. 10. Identify proper compaction for backfilled soils in construction specifications. 11. Cover all trucks hauling dirt, sand, or loose material or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. 12. Sweep streets daily if visible soil material is carried out from the construction site. 13. Provide water spray during loading and unloading of earthen materials. 14. Minimize in -out traffic from construction zone. As determined by the MND, dust control measures required by the SCAQMD would ensure that there are no significant impacts to streets and adjacent properties. Please see Response to Comment R1-1 for a detailed response to the project's provision of guest parking spaces. The rest of the MND demonstrates that there are no significant environmental impacts. These comments will be forwarded to the decisionmakers for their consideration. Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin •Page 2-37 2. Response to Comments This page intentionally left blank. Page 2-38 October 2016 3. Revisions to the MND 3.1 INTRODUCTION This section contains revisions to the MND based upon (1) additional or revised information required to prepare a response to a specific comment; (2) applicable updated information that was not available at the time of MND publication; and/or (3) typographical errors. Changes made to the MND are identified here in strokeeut tex4 to indicate deletions and in bold underlined text to signify additions. These changes do not result in new, different or more significant impacts than previously identified. These changes represent minor alterations that clarify and amplify information that was contained in the publicly circulated version of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. 3.2 MND REVISIONS IN RESPONSE TO WRITTEN COMMENTS The following text has been revised in response to comments received on the MND. Page 7, Project Location, is revised as follows: The proposed project site is located at southwest corner of W. 6th Street and S. B Street (420 4 320- 438 W. 6TH Street and 338 620 — 694 S. B Street) in Tustin, California. Page 48, Section I, Aesthetics, is revised as follows: The buildings would be replaced with 140 two-; and three-,-, and four --story residential units. Page 50, Section I, Aesthetics is revised as follows: PPP -2: Lighting. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a photometric lighting plan showing compliance with the TCC Section 8102, (""^T which requires a minimum one foot- candle of light on the private drives and parking surfaces and a minimum of one-quarter foot-candle of light on the walking surfaces. The lighting plan is to be overlaid onto a tree landscape plan. The photometric plan must also show no light spillage pursuant to TCC Section 9271 hh. Page 89, Section VIII, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, is revised as follows: Prior to demolition of the site, building materials will be carefully assessed for the presence of lead- based paint, and its removal, where necessary, will need to comply with State and federal regulations, including Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Rule 29, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1926.The OSHA rule establishes standards for occupational health and environmental controls for lead exposure. The standard also includes requirements addressing exposure assessment, methods of compliance, respiratory protection, protective clothing and equipment, hygiene facilities and practices, medical surveillance, medical removal protection, emnlovee information and trainina. sians. recordkeenina. and observation of monitorina. Because Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin •Page 3-1 3. Revisions to the MND 29 CFR Part 1926 is an existing regulation, federal law requires compliance with 29 CFR Part 1926 whether it is included in this Initial Study or not. Furthermore, Title 17, CCR, Division 1, Chapter 8. identifies procedures for accreditation, certification, and work practices for lead-based paint and lead hazards. Section 36100 thereof specifically sets forth requirements for lead-based paint abatement in public and residential buildings. Furthermore, the project includes demolition and soil disturbance activities that are subject to SCAQMD Rule 1403 which governs the demolition of buildings containing asbestos materials (ACMs). Rule 1403 specifies work practices with the goal of minimizing asbestos emissions during building demolition and renovation activities, including the removal and associated disturbance of ACMs. The requirements for demolition and renovation activities include asbestos surveying; notification; ACM removal procedures and time schedules; ACM handling and clean-up procedures; and storage, disposal, and landfill disposal requirements for asbestos -containing waste materials (ACWM). The project is also subject to SCAQMD Rule 1166 which sets requirements to control the emission of VOC from excavating, grading, handling and treating VOC-contaminated soil as a result of leakage from storage or transfer operations, accidental spillage, or other deposition. Prior to demolition of the site, building materials would be carefully assessed for the presence of ACMs and removal, where necessary, will need to comply with State and federal regulations, including Rules 1403 And 1166 Page 118, Section XIV, Public Services, is revised as follows: The OCFA consists of 7 divisions, 9 battalions, 74 72 fire stations, 951 firefighters, 6 executive chiefs, and 248 professional staff members. Page 118, Section XIV, Public Services, is revised as follows: availability ef adequate fore PFeteGtien serviGes. The agreements s eper's pre rata fair share equipment, and persenne'. PPP -7 Is a Gity of Tustin standard A-e-nd-itie.n -;;nd- stipulates that the develepe must enter Onte the Sser.,Ured fire preteGtien agreement prier te i.,Ssuanr.e ef any building permits for the proposed proje6t. Implementation of PPP 7would reduce potential impacts related to the proje6t'S M neremental contFibution to cumulative Fegional demand fOF fiFe proteotion services to a less than significant level. Page 128, Section 3.16 Transportation and Traffic, is revised as follows: As shown in Table 4-22, all study area intersections are forecast to operate at satisfactory LOS under the Buildout Year 2013 With -Project conditions. Page 120, Section XIV, Public Services, is revised as follows: Page 3-2 October 2016 3. Revisions to the MND Table 5-1, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, has been revised as follows: Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page 3-3 3. Revisions to the MND 5.0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program TABLE 5-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Number Measure Monitoring Activity Implementation Responsibilityfor Timing Outside Agency Responsibilityl Oversight of Coordination Verification Com pliancel I Verification AESTHETICS Design Features RProect None Policies, Plans, and Procedures PPP -1 Project construction hours will be limited to the Construction hours. Project City of Tustin Ongoing NIA hours of 7:00 a.m. and 600 p.m., Mondays Deaelcper/Construction Community through Friday, and the hours of 9:00 a.m. and Contractor Development Dept_ 6800 p.m. on Saturday and never on Sundays or city -observed federal holidays. Pi Prior to the issuance of building permits, the Lighting plan. Project City of Tustin Prior to Building N/A applicant shall submit a photometric lighting plan Developer/Construction Community Permits showing compliance wth the TCC Section 8102, Contractor Development Dept. (N192Y42);-which requires a minimum one foot- candle of light on the private drives and parking surfaces and a minimum of one-quarter foot- candle of light on the vvelking surfaces. The lighting plan is to be overlaid onto a tree landscape plan. The photometric plan must also show no light spillage pursuant to TCC Section 9271 hh. Mitigation Measures None. AIR QUALITY Pro'ect Desi nFeatures PDF -1 The applicantrdeveloper shall install upgraded air Air filtration systems. Project Cityof Tustin Prior to Building NIA filtration systems in all residential units, Air DevelcperfConstructicn Community Permits filtration devices shall be rated MERV13 or higher. Contractor Development Dept. Ventilation systems in residential units shall meet the following minimal deli n standards: City of Tustin - Initial SludyAWitigefed Nega floe Declaration Page 142 Oulage Lofts R -id -6.1 Proiect July 2016 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin 11 3-1 3. Revisions to the MND 5.0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program TABLE 5-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Number Measure Monitoring Activity Implementation Respon sibilityfor Timing Outside Agency Responsibilityl Oversight of Coordination Verification Com pliancel Verification A MERV13 or higher rating; At least one air exchanges) per hour of fresh outside filtered air; At least four air exchange(s) per hour recirculation; and At least 0.25 air exchange(s) per hour in unfiltered infiltration. ;Ioan ng Ra intenanise, and 9 OF Was ng a the monitoring, and FeplaGeMeRi of the filters, as needed Policies Plans, and Procedures Pli Fugitive dust. Project City of Tustin Ongoing– Possible The project will comply with South Coast Air Developer/Construction Community Durina coordination with Quality Management District(SCAQMD) Rule 402 Contractor Development Dept. Construction SCAQMD (Nuisance) and Rule 403 (Fugitive Dust), The project developer will require construction contractors and subcontractors to employ the following enhanced dust control measures during construction to minimize particulate matter (PM -10 and PM -2.5 emissions. City of Tustin - Initial SrudyMifigafed V ge floe Declaration Pege 143 Vintage Lofts Resd-6.1 Proiect July 2616 Page 3-2 October 2016 3. Revisions to the MND 5.0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program TABLE 5-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Number Measure Monitoring Activity Implementation Respon sibilityfor Timing Outside Agency Responsibility/ Oversight of Coordination Verification Com pliancel Verification 1. Suspend the use of all construction equipment during first -stage smog alerts. 2. Apply soil stabilizers such as hay bales or aggregate cover to inactive areas. 3. Prepare a high vend dust control plan and implement plan elements and terminate soil disturbance when winds exceed 25 mph. 4. Stabilize previously disturbed areas if subsequent construction is delayed. 5. Water exposed surfaces and haul roads 3 timesiday 6. Cover all stock piles with tarps. 7, Replace ground cover in disturbed areas quickly. 8. Reduce speeds on unpaved roads to less than 15 mph. 9, Trenches shall be left exposed for as short a time as possible. 10. Identify proper compaction for backfilled soils in construction specifications. 11. Cover all trucks hauling dirt, sand, or loose material or require all trucks to maintain at least two feet of freeboard. 12. Sneep streets daily if visible soil material is carried out from the construction site. 13, Provide Aeter spray during loading and unloading of earthen materials. 14. Minimize in -out traffic from construction zone. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES Proecr Design Features None. Policies Plans and Procedures None Miti tion Measures Cityof Tustin- Inigal Srudyiblitigefed Negaf!�Decfararion Page 144 Vintage Lofts Resde 6.1 Proiect July 2616 Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page 3-3 3. Revisions to the MND 5.0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program TABLE 5-1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Number Measure Monitoring Activity Implementation Respon sibilityfor Timing Outside Agency Responsibilityl Oversight of Coordination Verification Com pliancel Verification MM B-1 Prior to approval of grading plans, the Community Nesting Bird Survey Project City of Tustin Prior to grading NIA Development Department shall verify that the Developer/Construction Community permit following note is included on the contractor Contractor Development Dept specifications to ensure compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (M BTA) To avoid impacts on nesting birds, vegetation on the project site should be cleared between September 1 and February 28. If vegetation clearing occurs inside the peak nesting season (between March 1 and August 31), a pre - construction survey (or possibly multiple surveys) shall be conducted by a qualified Biologist to identify if there are any active nesting locations. If the Biologist does not find any active nests within the impact area, then vegetation clearing/construction work will be allowed. If the Biologist finds an active nest within the construction area and determines that the nest may be impacted by construction activities, the Biologist wll delineate an appropriate buffer zona around the nest depending on the species and the type of construction activity. Construction acttvdies would be prohibited in the buffer zone until a qualified Biologist determines that the nest has been abandoned." CULTURAL RESOURCES Pro ecr Design Features None. Policies, Plans, and Procedures PPP -4 Should human remains be discovered duringDiscovery of human Project City of Tustin Aagefag— Possibl project construction, the projectwould be required remaire. Developer/Construction Community During Grading =inae tion with to comply with State Health and Safety Code Contractor Development Dept. NAHC and City of Tustin - Initial SrudyW Ilgafed Neige floe Declaration Page 145 Vintage Lofts Residential Project Juty 2016 Page 3-4 October 2016 3. Revisions to the MND MND Figures 5, 8, 10, and 11 have been revised as follows: Figure 5 Site Plan Z7""r- -- VINTAGE RESIDENTIAL PROJECT City of Tustin September 20, 2016 N6RM LI-f,WAUN6, �ocm. xe ou;rc suA.nHn�EHs �E saasr 9raucr, oAaF w:. 114711,111 Rlk rcr+o..tc�aEz ;Is 11- NES- 09 rC- RGN]E]E>. :I9 CI. T-K'STYif COOR F,ufI , • rorr ITY, coiox s-�Fa+F� 51 SF.. 61 SW CC MSC iW 51 S,Mb S .CC-M$C1.t2 eK ::xuis.A.w sin-.:alae=:rEu.Ei 1Vx4ltiN.w SIR:-Cal:%ti::HHAY'l f.0.. . E<fTSNAry S1H'. (ai,'ri S; HFiAF t F' •=MMi0.6E5lLECJ.70.�71HAEl fZ=MM1UlbE5 tiCJ.aIS:)1EME3 .. - ;k FIGURE 5 Site Plan Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page 3-5 3. Revisions to the MND This page intentionally blank. Page 3-6 October 2016 3. Revisions to the MND Figure 8 Landscape Plan mmmI * ac -END yrs VINTAGE RESIDENTIAL PROTECT City of Tustin Scplcmbcr 20, 2016 FIGURE 8 Landscape Plan Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin • Page 3-7 3. Revisions to the MND This page intentionally left blank. Page 3-8 October 2016 Figure 10 Recreation Area 3. Revisions to the MND PUBLIC PARK PLANTING DG PATH TURF ENHANCED PAVING U ECORATIVE FEATURE DOG WASTE STATION SEAT WALL I NO MOW GRASS RECREATION AREA BUILT IN BBQ POTTED PLANTS ENHANCED PAVING POOL WROUGHT IRON FENCE RAISED PLANTER W/ BENCH VINTAGE RESIDENTIAL PROJECT City of'Custin September 20, 2016 Vintage Residential Project FIGURE 10 Recreation Area City of Tustin •Page 3-9 3. Revisions to the MND This page intentionally left blank. Page 3-10 October 2016 Figure 11 Paseos I I!- u�iJ J/ 4 TYPICAL'.ELROSE PLACEPASEO VINTAGE RESIDENTIAL PROJECT City ofTustin September 20, 2016 Vintage Residential Project 3. Revisions to the MND SHADE TOLERANT STRING LIG -COLORED CO - OUTDOOR SE - POTTED PL, FIRE PIT GATHE TYPICAL 'VERANDA COURT' PASEO FIGURE II Paseos City of Tustin •Page 3-11 3. Revisions to the MND This page intentionally left blank. Page 3-12 October 2016 Appendices Appendix A. Traffic Impact Analysis Memo Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin Appendices This page intentionally left blank. October 2016 DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT Appendices Inter -Com JUNE 28, 2016 ELAINE DOVE, SENIOR PLANNER TUSTIN BUILDING OUR FUTURE HONORING OUR PAST KRYS SALDIVAR, PUBLIC WORKS MANAGER-TRAFFIC/TRANSPORTATION DRAFT TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS: 420 W. 6T" STREET RESIDENTIAL PROJECT —2ND REVIEW Public Works Staff has reviewed the Revised 420 W. 6T" Street Residential Project dated May 13, 2016. The preparation of the document is consistent with Tustin requirements and the conclusions are supported throughout the analysis. However, there are minor inconsistencies and corrections throughout the document that need to be addressed. Please consider the following comments: 1. There are a couple of minor inconsistencies and corrections in Figure 3 for intersections #1 and #3. Note that SB is a driveway at #1 and NB is a driveway at #3 but Figure 4 inconsistent as far as showing corresponding lanes and turn volumes. Also at #1 note de facto NBR. 2. In Figure 5, please note in the title that this Figure represents the Buildout Year (2035) Peak Hour Volumes "No -Project." 3. Please re -review the headings on the calculation sheets in the Appendices to be consistent with the headings in the document figures (i.e. Pacific & W 611 St vs. E 611 St.?). Again, City staff did not check every work sheet, but did notice inconsistencies on a few. Please contact me if you have any questions. Vintage Residential Project City of Tustin Appendices This page intentionally left blank. October 2016