HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 9 BIKE LANES WALNUT 02-17-81DATE: TO: F ROM: SUBJECT: FEBP~3ARY 5, 1981 NEW BUSINESS NO. 9 2/17/81 inter- Corn DAN BLkNKENSHIP, CITY AD~[INISTRATOR BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER WALNUT AVENUE BIKE LANES In December, 1980 staff received a request (copy attached) for bike lanes on Walnut Ave. frcm Cherrywood L~ne to Browning Avenue and that a "No Right Turn OnRed" for the proposed signal at the corner of Walnut and Browning Avenues from Nelson Sd]ool and the Nelson P.T.O. . These two items were studied by staff with the findings being outlined in the attached report, if a 5' wide bike lane were to be installed, there ~uld be twenty two feet remaining for vehicular traffic. ~btorists would still attempt to drive this width as twD lanes. Therefore, it would be beneficial to strip Walnut Ave. as a four lane road (two lanes each direction). This would provide two designated travel lanes for vehicles and a designated bike lane. Westbound Walnut should be striped for two lanes between Cherr~ Lane and Red Hill Avenue with a 5 foot wide bike lane bet~.~enRaintreeRoad and Browning Avenue. Eastbound Walnut Avenue should be striped for two lanes between Oxford Avenue and Cherrywood Lane and a 5 foot wide bike lane between Browning Avenue and Raintree Road. This striping will require the ramoval of all on-street parking along Walnut Avenue between Red Hill Ave. and RaintreeRoad. The "No Right Turnon Red" should only be installed if the crossing guard is r~NDved and after 'the traffic signal is installed. It is suggessted that we observe the intersection after the traffic signal is installed and operational and make a decision at that time as to whether there is a need for the "No Right Turn OnRed". ~TION: It is recc~m~nded that the Tustin City Council, at t~heir meeting of February 17, 1981, approve the following: 1. Restripe westbound Walnut Ave. for two 11' wide travel lanes between Cherrywood ~ne and Red Hill Ave. e Stripe a 5' wide bike lane for westbound Walnut Ave. bet~en Raintree Rd. and Bro%~ing Ave. 3. Restripe eastbound Walnut Avenue for two 11' wide travel lanes between Oxford Ave. and Cherrywood Lane. 4. Stripe a 5' wide bike lane for eastbound Walnut Ave. between Browning Ave. and Raintree Rd. ,J ~iALNUT AVENUE BIKE L~NES FEBRUAR~ 5, 1981 Page 2 RECO~g~EN/)ATION: (Continued) 5. Remove all on-street parking along Walnut Avenue between R~d Hill Avenue and Raintree Road. No action on the "No Right Turn On Red" until such time the traffic signal at Walnut and Browning A~nues is installed and operational for further staff review. BOB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CIT~ ENGINEER BL:db cc: William Watts, Principal Nelson School Bonnie Hermann, Nelson P.T.O. December 1, 1980 Mr. Robert Ledendecker Director of Public Works City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA .92680 D""C 1 ..-, T/dS~l.r¢ PUBLIC WOP,,'I'S DEPt. Dear Mr. Ledendecker: It has come to our attention that the children bicycling to Nelson School, from points east of Bro~,~ing and Walnut, are having difficulty staying on the street. In particular, it is the area between Cherrywood and Browning on the north side of Walnut. Since the traffic has increased dramatically in the past year, it has become more difficult to bike west on Walnut and turn north on the corner of Browning. Many children " have resorted to pulling their bikes up onto the sidewalk in an effort to avoid being brushed by cars. This leads to a pedestrian problem as the sidewalks are already crowded. We feel it is necessary to provide a bike lane area on the north side of Walnut between CherrywOod and Brovming. Also we would like to recormr, end a "no right turn" on the red light for the proposed signal at the corner of Walnut and Browning. Thank you. Sincerely, William Watts Principal, W. R. Nelson School Bonn±e Hermann President, W. R. Nelson PTO es 500 sor eb C :;erzeet co[ifo nia 9.9_t5 /0 .: 714.-750-7501 DATE: JANUARY 28, 1981 ln e -Com TO: BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER F~O~: NORM HOWER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SUBJECT:TUSTIN UNIFIED SCHOOL REQUESTS - WALNUT AVE. AND BROWNING AVE. In reference to the Tustin School District requests for {1) bike lane on Walnut Avenue east of Browning Avenue and 12) a "no right turn on red" for the future signal at the Walnut Avenue and Browning Avenue intersection: {1) Bike Lane on the North Side of Walnut Avenue Between Browning Avenue and Cherrywood Lane - Thru traffic volume has shown an increase in the past year from 13,800 in 1979 to 17,350 in 1980. If traffic continues to increase it is anticipated that Walnut Avenue will need to be striped for an additional lane in each direction. The existing width through a majority of this area is 64' with a 10' painted island and 27' for each directiDn of travel, including parking. If a bike lane were to be installed, plus an additional travel lane, it would result in a 5' wide bike lane with two 11' travel lanes. This is the minimum usable bike lane width next to a gutter and with a narrow travel lane next to the bike lane. It may be wise to establish a bike lane at the time the additional lane is installed so as to give the children a definite area to stay within. I do not think this will solve the problem of being brushed by cars though. There will also need to be a return bike lane on the south side. (2} "Right Turn on Red" at Future Signal - I would recommend that a "No right turn on red" restriction be installed at this location only if and when the crossing guard is removed, and then only if it is apparent after--signal has been in operation for a period of t~-~-~-that it is needed. .. ~' ~ !~'"'~ ~ NORM HOWER TRAFFIC ENGINEER NH:db