HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 2 MICOM WORD PROC 2-17-81DATE: February 11, 1981 REPORTS No... 2 2 17~811 Inter-Corn TO: FROH: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COt~CIL GARY NAPPER, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MICOM ~I)RD PPDCESSING MAINT~ANCE ~LREEMENT At the September 15, 1980 Council meeting, City Council directed Staff to review the Mi~omWord Processing Maintenance Agreement relative to service response time and penalty clauses. Since that meeting, Staff and the City Attorney have been working with Micom to read~ an agreeable contract regarding our maintenance service. During this negotiation period of 4.5 months, Mi~0m continued to service and repairour 7 word processors at their cost. The attached documents represent our entire maintenance contract, and addreses all concerns raised by City Council, including: 1. A 4-business hour response time from notification by City. 2. A credit penalty of .5% of the monthly maintenance charge for each additional hour or part thereof when failing to respond within the timeperiod allotted. 3. A credit penalty of .5% of the monthly charge for each hour of downtime over 12 hours during any 24-hour business period. 4. An afterhours/weekend response time within a monthly average of 4 hours. The annual contract (Dst of $8,654.00 includes all parts and labor, and this cost was previously approved by City Council on September 2, 1980, along with the original purchase of the systems. Maintenance billing becomes effective upon the final date of system installation, which occurred on January 21, 1981 (1 1/2 weeks before the City's execution date of the agreement). As indiCators of Micom's actual service experience in the L.A./Orange County area, their following data is suk~itted: Mean days between service calls Mean time to repair system Average response time 125 days .90 hours 1.16 hours Additionally, the MicomWord Processor (which the City purchased) has w~n the Datapro Award for 1978, 1979, and 1980 (2 certificates attached; the 1980 certificate is to be received in March). This is awarded each year to the one outstanding system based upon user acceptance, after nation-wide survey and vendor oompetition. Other published survey material on Micom has been included for your information. in light of Micom's service reputatio~ and our approved maintenance contract, staff is secure in the belief that our word processing investment will be adequately maintained in the future. Respectfully submitted, ~~ s~sis tan t GN:dmt attachments: Maintenance Agreement, Addendum 1 and 2. 1979 and 1978 Micom Datapro Awards The Office Products AnalySt, August 1980 report ITllEO Attachment I MAINTENANCE PLAN AGREEMENT CUSTOMER NAME 81LL TO STREET ADDRESS CITY 'r,,~- ~ ,-, 300 Centennial Way STATE CUSTOMER INSTALLATION ADDRESS CITY CUSTOMER'S PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER CA' ZiP CODE 92680 Ac Ab~v~ STATE ZiP CODE REMARKS 8383 MODEL SERIAL NO. DESCRIPTION ZONE QUARTERLY ANNUAL EFFECTIVE : RATE RATE DATE W£~.Shee~ Fe~d~r 1-21-81 (2) 2001-8 2001 -uuwl~e ~racm / 2646 ~) 2001-,% 2001DD Qume 15" /Sheet Feeder 2528 1-21-81. ~3) 2001-3 2001DD Qume 15" 3480 TOTAL 8654 ~ IF ADDITIONAL SPACE IS REQUIRED, CHECK BOX AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL LIST The underslgned customer (hereln called the "Cust. omer'3 agrees to 'purchase, and Mlcom Systems, Inc. (herein called "Mlcom"}, agrees to provide, the maintenance described In this Maintenance Plan Agreement (herein called the "Agreement") for the MI,:om equipment (herein called the' "Equipment") Identified in this Agreement in accordance with the prices, te~.s and con- ditions contained hereln and as set forth in Micom Data Systems. Inc. Equipment and Accessories Price List. -'- -. MAINTENANCE PLAN AGREEMENT ,. INVOICING .' Mlcom Data Systems, Inc.,. (herein called ('Micom') agrees to render to the undersigned~ Customer, maintenance service 'on 'tl~e Micom equipment listed on the reverse hereof at the basic rates prescribed by Micom, such rates to be payable in advance. *.. 2. DESCRIPTION OF MAINTENANCE Except as herein otherwise 'stiPulated, the maintenance will consist of; A. Corrective Maintenance Calls: During Micom's regular business hours, when requested by the Customer, emergency service will be rendered as promptly as possible. At other times when per- sonnel are available, emer. gency.service will be rendered at Micom's overtime rates. B. Preventive Maintenance Inspections: During Micom'~ regular business hours, at ~'easonable Inter- vals selected by Micom, periodic inspections will be carried out for the purpose of testing cleaning, lubricating and adjusting the equipment. C. Replacement' o~ Parts: Wheh'necessary to ensure proper functioning of the equipment, parts other than operating supplies or media will be replaced by Micom on an exchange basis without charge. D. Operating Software Maintenance: Operating software will. be updated from time to time without charge at the discretion of Micom to maintain or Improve the system's perfor- mance or reliability.. E. Hardware Modifications: Modifications to the hardwar, e will be performed from time to time at-the discretion of Micom in order to maintain or impro;~e performance or reliability of equipment. ' ' i ........ ' 3. AFTER HOURS. LABOR RATES'., ......... Afl'er regular busines£ hours and on Saturdays and Sundays $100.00 per hour 13aslc rates apply to hours of equipment usage up to 52 hours per week. If custor~er runs a 2nd shift, customer will be charged and shall pay an additional charge equal to 50% of the publish- ed basic ch~ge. Any. service provided at customer req.uest outside of normal business ho.u? will be charged at published rates. 4. LIMITATIONS. Maintenance service does not include: (ii) (iii) · (v)' ;.any force of nature, A .' the fumlshlng of supplies,. 13~. making specification changes, C. performing services connected with relocation of the Equipment, D. adding or removing accessories, attachments.or other devices or alteration of .the Equip-. ment, E. repair or replacement of parts necessitated L--y - - (i) accldent or abuse, use of operating supplies other than those comparable to Micom, Impro~r operation of'tl~e Equip .merit, ' ' ' '" ' :'" " acts of third parties, .. - - - '- --. .. .: · ;Iteratlon.of the Equlpr~ent, and/or the standard operating software supplied by Micom. Repairs and replacements necessitated by any 4(A) through 4(E) will be undertaken by. Mlcom only on the Customer's approval of estimated additional .charge.s and the Customer's agree- merit to pay the actual charge. Only Micom approved accessories or devices'may be attache~l to the Equipment. · Micom assumes no liability for the destruction of files stored on flexible diskettes. MICOM SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LOSS OF TIME, MALFUNCTION AND/OR DAMAGE TO THE EQUIPMENT IN THE EVENTiTHAT THE EQUIPMENT IS OPERATED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OR WITH OPERATING SUPPLIES OTHER THAN THOSE COMPARABLE TO MICOM. TI~RMINATION .' This agreement shall become effective on its date and shall remain in force for a period of one year and from year to.year thereafter unless terminated by either party upon written notice given to theother party at least 30 days prior to th,e end of the first or any subsequent year. in the event customer breaches the maintenance contract prior to the end of the initial 12 month agreement i~eriod, customer shall pay the monthly charge for the balance of the agreement period. During any 12 month extension period, customer shall pay the monthly charge for the balance of the agreement period. Any such notice given by Micom or the Customer shall be:given to the other at the address shown on p'age I of this Agreement and shall be deemed delivered'When a properly addressed letter containing such-notice postage prepaid, is deposited in the U. S. Mails. ~_o. CHANGES · Customer agrees to pay Micom for such maintenance service at the aforesaid rates and on the terms. stated herein~ Micom may change prices, terms and conditions effective at the end of the initial twelve .12) month period or any subsequent twelve {12) month period but not by less than forty-five (45) days' written notice to customer prior to the expiration of any such period. If any change is unsatisfacto.!7 to customer, customer may cancel it's Micom maintenance agreement upon at least thirty (30) days'Writ- ten notice prior to the expiration of the then current twelve (12) month period. CONTINGENCIES Micom shall not be responsible for failure to render service du'e to causes beyond it~ control, including, but not limited to, work stoppages, fires., civil disobediences, riots, rebellions, acts of God and simllar occurrences. . LIABILITY' FOR INJURY OR DAMAGE. ' MlCOM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE, FOR ANY INJURY TO THE CUSTOMER'S PERSONNEL OR DAMAGE TO THE CUSTOMER'S PROPERTY ARISING FROM ITS OWNERSHIP OR USE OF THE EQUIPMENT MAINTAINED BY MICOM UNLESS'SUCH INJURY OR DAMAGE IS A DIRECT RESULT OF NEGLIGENCE OF MICOM. FURTHERMORE, MICOM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY DELAYS OR OTHER CIRCUMSTANCES IN RENDERING MAINTENANCE SERVICE HEREUNDER, AND MICOM SHALL NOT BE LIABLE IN ANY EVENT FOR INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CAUSED BY ITS FAILURE TO TIMELY OR PROPERLY PERFORM ITS OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER, MICOM SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR FAILURE TO RENDER SERVICE DUE TO STRIKES, FIRE, FLOOD AND OTHER CAUSES BEYOND ITS ... CONTROL NOR WHERE'THE EQUIP. MEi-~.T IS DAMAGED DUE TO NEGLIGENCE OR MISUSE BY THE' CUSTOMER.' GENERAL . Customer represents that on the date hereof the equipment has been Inspected and Is in good operating conditions. B. Free Access: Micom shall have free access to the Equipment to perform MPA services dur- ing its normal business hours. C. Taxes: Not withstanding anything to the contrary contained herein any 'tax (other than State or Federal Income .Taxes of Micom) now or hereafter asse.ssed, levied or imposed by any governmental authority based upon or measured by the pl'oceeds of the service rendered by Micorn, or any part thereof will ba added to the rates prescribed by Micom. D. Asslgnmer~t: Thls agreement may not be assigned by customer without the prior written consent of Micom. : E. Headings: ' The headings a[3d titles of this Agreement are inserted only for convenience and shall not affect the interpretation'or construction of any provisions. · - F. Entire Agreement: G. MICOr4 warrants that t~e Equipment sold hereunder is free from defects in material and workmanship and is serviceable for a period of five years after the Equipment installation date; provided, if anyone other than MICOM's technical representative (or such other person approved in writing by MICOM)' services the Equipment:at any time, MICOM may, at its election, terminate this warranty. MICOM HAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY OTHER KIND, EXPRESS OR II, PLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE EQUIPMENT, I~I4ETHER AS TO NERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR P~UR~OSE OR ANY OTHER HATTER. September 22, 1980 MICOM DATA SYSTEMS, INC. 505 N. Tustin Avenue S, uite 230 Santa Aha. Californ;a 92705 fl14) Mr. Gary Napper Administrative Assistant City of Tustin 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Gary: In response to your request regarding the ~intenance Agreement policy be- tween Mlcom and the City of Tustin, the following imformation is submitted: For "On-Call" service Micom's maintenance personnel shall arrive at the City of Tustin installation site within four (4) hours after notification by the City of Tustin that service is required. Except for causes beyond the control of Micom, if the maintenance personnel fail to arrive at City of Tust!n's installation site within four (4) hours, inside the 50 mile ra- dius, }~com shall grant a credit to the City of Tustin in the amount of percent of the monthly maintenance charge for each hour or park thereof (prorated) beg~nning with the time of notification an~ ending with the time . . of arrival. If a machine remains inoperative due to a malfunction through no fault or negligence of the City of Tustin for a total of twelve (12) hours or more during any twenty-four (24) hour period, Micom shall grant a credit to the City of Tusttn for each such hour in the amount of .5 percent of the month- ly maintenance charge for the inoperative machine plus .5 percent of the monthly maintenance charge for any machine not usable as a result of the breakdown. Downtime for each incident shall start from the time the City of Tustin makes a bona fide attempt to contact }~com's designated represen- tative at the prearranged contact point until the machine is returned in good operating condition. When maintenance credit is due, the total number of creditable hours shall be accumulated for the month and adjusted to the 'nearest half hour. Time required to reconstruct .data stored on disc fiJes, drums, tapes, memories, etc., shall be considered as downtime. Sincerely, Branch Manager -PHILLIPS ADDENDUM NO. 2 TO: RE: CITY OF TU5TIN 5'00 Centennial Way Tustin ~ California ATTENTION: Mr. Gary Napper Administrative Assistant ; MAINTENANCE: PLAN AGREEMENT SIGNED ON BEHALF OF MICOM' /z /80 Gentlemen: · This Addendum N~. 2 is an addendum to the Maintenance Plan Agreement and Addendum No. 1' [hereto~ copies of each of which are attached to this Addendum No. 2. Anything stated in the Maintenance Plan Agreement and Addendum No. 1 to the contrary~ notwithstanding~ it is hereby agreed by and between the City of Tustin and MICOM Data Systems~ Inc. as follows: 1. MICOM will provide corrective maintenance service for MICOM equipment wherever requested, by. City. Maintenance service will be rendered in a prompt and expeditious manner. Emergency service (meaning service ..... required because equi(>ment is fully or partially inoperative in some material respect) will be provided by MICOM maintenance personnel arriving and commencing repair work within an average of four (4) hours of the time MICOM has been notified by City and completing required corrective work expeditiously. 2. If emergency ..corrective maintenance or any part of it is required to be done other than between the hours of 8;00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, in order to comply with the requirements set forth in paragraph 1 above, City will pay to MICOM $100.00 for the first man-hour spent on such work and $?0.00 for each man-hour thereafter. 3. Customer has' not inspected the equipment and is not capable of inspecting the equipment and therefore makes no representations about whether it is in good operating condition on the date of delivery. 4. Upon each failure of MICOM to provide maintenance as provided in · this Addendum No. 2, Git>' shall receive a credit in its favor equal to .5% of the monthly maintenance charge for each hour or part thereof from the time of notification to the time of arrival of MICOM's maintenance personnel and commencement of corrective work. 5. City shall be entitled to a credit for any time2that a machine remains inoperative due to a malfunction through no fault or negligence of City which continues for twelve (12) hours or more during any twenty-four (2~} hour business period, which credit shall be equal to .5~ of the monthly maintenance charge for the inoperative machine plus .5~ of the monthly maintenance charge for any other machine not useable as a result of the breakdown of the first machine, with these credits being for each hour of such breakdown, including time required to reconstruct data stored on disks~ files, drums, tapes, memories, etc. Dated: J(]R:se:D:9/29/80 JOR:se:R:10/17/80 AE;P:vv:R:11/13/80 A(3P:vv:R:12/12/80 , 198~/ CITY OF TUSTIN Date ~ - ~ City Attorney Attachment 3 --~'~~F RECEIVED SEP 5 1980 RECEIVED %V~'"'~c~¢' '¢ ~/'' ~ ~.' 0 Z 1988 August, 1980 Vol. 4, No. 8 ICE PRODU~S ANALYST . .... . ., U3~~~ ..... ~~ monthly newsletter devoted to me . ~:.~;=~~~¢~:~,~.~~~ cost/pe~ormance analysis o, office products ~-- ................. ' ~ ~-~~¢%7::jj~~~]iIA/~'' · COPIERS · REPROGRAPHICS · ' --" .............. ~ ~ · WORD PROCESSING Which Standalone Word .Processor ~ Best for You? Despite the recent focus of attention on multi-terminal word processing systems, the standalone sector is still very much alive, as confirmed by IBM's June announcement of its Displaywriter. Standalone word processors are ideal for small · organizations, dedicated tasks within a large firm, or for users trying to "walk before they run." For those who feel they may eventually want to expand to a multi-terminal configuration, a standalone which can be upgraded to share a data base and peripherals should be considered. In this issue of the CPA, we have evaluated the Burroughs R III, Dictaphone Dual Display, Micom 2001, Vydec 1800 and the Xerox 860. On the basis of extensive end-user interviews, we have rated the-s, yst~ms below ac_c~rding~o_q_~reliability, service, features and overall cost/performance, as can be seen in Table L CRT Screen Size Screen Format Buffer Memory Memory Size Simultaneous Edit/Print Storage Medium Media Capacity(chars.) No. of Media Stations Printer and Speed Print Pitch Communications Option Multi-terminal Option Price Table I System Soecifications and OPA Burroughs Dictaphone ~Micom / Vydec Xerox R III Dual Display~0~l__~_~,/_ 180__0 860 9" diag. 15" diag. ]?J~--d-~ag. 8"x10.5" 8"x10"(2) 30 lines x 66 lines x 31 lines x 64 lines x 66 lines x 72 chars. 102 chars. 80 chars. 96 chars. 85 chars. 9K 7K 8K 4.1K 5.6K 64K 96K 65K 24K+ 96-128K Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Diskette/2D2S Diskette Diskette Diskette Diskette/ Diskette Disk 144K/286K 500K 3O0K 250K 300K/10MB 2 2 1 or 2 2 2 Qume,55cps Diablo,40cps Qume,45-55cps Qume,45cps Diablo,35cps 10,12,pro. 10,12,pro. 10,12,pro. 1~,12 10,12,pro. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes $9,895-14,500 $15,950 $12,500-13,500 $13,70G $13,500-15,39U+ OPA Overall Ratings ' / %~ --Editing Capability Good-Excel. Excellent ~/~ellent Gooa Excellent Reliability Very Good Good /Excellent Very Good Very Good Training Good Good / Very Good , Good Good Service Good Very Good / Ver~ Good/ Good 'ger~. Good Cost/Performance Very Good Very Good I Excel!~n~ Good ~ Very Go~d Rank {1 = Best) 4 3 ' ~~ .1 /_= . 5 2 (1) The opinions expressed in this table and newsletter are strictly those of the editors and publisher of the OPA. [2) Par~ial-Page d~$u!ay also avaiia~le. Ease oK Operat'ion' ' Quality of Training Vendor's Support"- -- Quality of Service Table II CPA End 'User Evaluation Burroughs Dictaphone R III Dual Display .very Good very Good 'Excellent ,~Good ..Gock] Very Good 'GOO~ Very Good Good Verg' ~od': GOOd F~xcellent Good Very Good Very Good ryder Xerox 1800 860 Promptness of Service "Fair ' Good Very Good Editing Capability Excellent(I) Excellent Excellent Long Document Applications Very Good Excellent ~/ery. Good(2) Co~ r espondence .Appl ica t ions .'Excellent' Excellent ; Excellent ~ Good - · . ... Very Good · J .' ' . [~ Excellent Excellent .... Excellent Deleting Text. ] .......... ' ....... ' ' Ease of Handling Medi'a~~'''h '" Good '"~ : :~'~ ,Very G6od .... Very'Good Display Quality~..".-''d'-. '~ '. Very Good .'- Excellent. Very Good. _Productivity Iflcreases ' Excellent .Very Good " Excellent ,verall Evaluation ' ' Very Good- Very Good Excellent ".-.' '":'(]l~ Models 330 and 340 · (2) ' . : ' ."~ollowing Pitney Bowes' a'equisition of Artec, a small manufacturer of r, processing sy~s.L most notably its popular single-line dispIay unit, the ~ 0" the sales and supporl'-~nctions were delegated-to its Dictaphone-subsidiar,,},~", om -of-the- largest manufacturer~.~dictation'equipment. Not only does Dicta...~. ne al~.eady have an extensive sales organ~on in place, but as a vendor of~ffd [~rocessing "input" ~splay is unique~'kkthat it ef~only s~stem on the market which features both a 37 character display abo~ board and a full-page CRT screen. '~ood Fair Good Good Very Good Very Very Good Very Good Very Good Very Good Excel Good Excel Excellent .Excel Good .Good Very Good .yery Excellent ,Excel '.V~ry Good' Excel Very Good' 'Excel · Very Good Excel Good Very ~uai Diskette version The single-line display enables the oper~ typing errors quickly and receive error or prompting messag?' larger d~l~y is helpful when making edir~.ng corrections or format changes~ Dual Display ($15,~'9'9'9'9'9'9'9'~) can be used as a standalone .or in a shared-resource ~f' ~ration where up to eigh%,..work, stations (either Dual Displays or sing~spla~., can share up to four dual-d~'ns~oppy d?k drives. Lhs~ . less and thus were .s{ill very early on ~r. ve..lrif.t~qr,.rce..nt of ~st ms represented new installations while th~~imaril~y,~ec IBM equipment. Many users were upgrading Art'6e~?$~qt~i.nsta!laCl0nS' ~ DATE; February 11, 1981 2 -.17 ~81 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director Report of Employee Turnover Attached are two statistical sheets concerning turnover rates. The figures are computed on the basis of total full-time terminations and total non-probationary terminations. The second report only considers terminations or permanent, non- probationary employees, and is in many ways a truer reflection of the changes which have been made. The total terminations report shows a significant increase in termination in 1979 with some decreases in 1980. It is important to note the decrease in sworn police terminations. This is a vital position, and the consistency gained by maintaining a balanced stable work force greatly improves the effi- ciency and quality of the police response. The total terminations report includes those employees who quit after a short period, who are terminated for cause during probation or otherwise do not complete one year of employment. This reflects, in part, a change in City attitude toward using the probationary period as a screening tool, and not passing employees unless they meet the City's needs and standards. It also reflects a change in the marketplace which has led more individuals toward City employment who do not understand the differencies between public and private employment, and who subsequently are dissatisfied and leave the City. There has been a higher per capita turnover rate among maintenance and police non-sworn employees which reflects, in part, both of the trends indicated above. We are attempting to determine more precisely the reasons for this turnover in order to attempt to stabilize those areas. The non-probationary terminations report shows a significant increase in 1979 with a substantial decrease, in all areas, in 1980. This is important to note since it means we have been more effective in maintaining the longer-term, exper- ienced employees which helps maintain the quality and efficiency of City services. Tustin is a smaller, transitiona~ City, and it is not unreasonable to have a 15 to 20% turnover rate, depending upon the influences of the general labor market. Many employees gain experience here and will move to larger cities or higher positions in smaller cities as a means of advancement. This is generally a posi- tive situation, as these employees are motivated to prove their capacities, and will often outperform a more stable counterpart. The emphasis of this office is not to eliminate all turnover, but to eliminate unnecessary terminations and the concurrent waste of City funds and efforts. Honorable Mayor and City Council February 11, 1981 Page 2 It is intended that this report will be updated on a quarterly basis and submitted to the Council as an informational report with any relevant comments or analysis. RPG/ka f Attachment TURNOVER STATISTICS NON-PROBATIONARY TERMINATIONS G~E~L EMPLOYEE SWORN POLICE % # % TOTAL EMPLOYEE % 1978 QUARTER 1 3 3.4 Q2 0 0 Q3 3 3.4 Q4 5 5.6 TOTAL 11 12.4 0 0 1 2.1 1 2.1 1 2.1 3 6.3 3 1 4 6 14 2.2 0.7 2.9 4.4 10.2 1979 1980 QUARTER 1 ' 6 5.9 Q2 8 7.8 Q3 6 5.9 Q4 2 2.0 TOTAL 22 21.6 QUARTER 1 3 3.1 Q2 5 5.2 Q3 7 7.2 Q4* 1 0.8 TOTAL 16 16.3 7 14.6 1 2.1 6 12.5 2 4.2 16 33.3 2 3.7 0 0 1 1.9 1 1.9 4 7.4 13 9 12 4 38 5 5 8 2 20 8.7 6.0 8.0 2.7 25.3 3.3 '-3.3 5.3 1.2 13.1 * Water Employees included in totals TURNOVER STATISTICS TOTAL TERMINATIONS GENERAL EMPLOYEE SWORN POLICE ~ % # % TOTAL EMPLOYEE # 1978 QUARTER 1 4 4.5 Q2 3 3.4 Q3 4 4.5 Q4 6 6.7 TOTAL 17 19.1 1 2.1 2 4.2 2 4.2 1 2.1 6 12 .~6 5 4.1 5 2.7 6 5.5 7 6.8 23 19.2 1979 1980 QUARTER 1 8 7.8 Q2 8 7.8 Q3 10 9.8 Q4 3 2.9 TOTAL 29 28.4 QUARTER 1 6 6.2 Q2 13 13.4 Q3 13 13.4 Q4* 5 4.3 TOTAL 37 37.3 8 16.7 16 10.6 2 4.2 10 6.7 7 14.6 17 11.3 2 4.2 5 3.3 19 39.6 48 32.0 2 3.7 2 3.7 1 1.9 2 3.7 7 13.0 8 5.3 15 9.9 14 9.3 7 4.1 44 28.6 * Water Employees included in totals