HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 4 PERS RULES & REGS 2-2-81DATE:
January 22, 1981
Honorable Mayor and City Council
Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director
Resolution modifying Personnel Rules and Regulations
Attached is the resolution implementing the change in the Personnel Rules
and Regulations concerning reclassifications, approved in concept by the
Council at the January 5, 1981 meeting.
Also attached is the original text of the sections to be amended.
Text of Sections to be Amended
Section 3, subparagraph F
F. Reclassification. Positions which have changes materially shall be
reallocated by the~City Administrator to the proper existing class
or a new class shall be recommended for adoption. Reclassifications
shall not be used for the purpose of avoiding restrictions surround-
ing demotions and promotions.
Section 6, subparagraph C. Item (1)
(1) Promotional and Open Competition Examination. Promotional examina-
tions shall be used whenever necessary to ~ill vacancies. Only
employees who meetl the requirements set forth in a promotional
examination announ.cement may compete in such examinations. All other
examinations shall be open competitive examinations and any person
meeting the requirements specified in the open competitive examina-
tion announcement may compete therein.
Section 9, subparagraph B
Promotion. Insofar as necessary, all vacancies shall be filled by
promotion from within the service and shall be based upon the results
of a promotional examination. In the event that no permanent employ-
ee qualifies for such promotion as a result of such promotional exa-
mination, the City Administrator shall conduct an open competitive
examination for the position and prepare and certify an eligibility
list from which the appointing power shall make the appointment. The
City Administrator shall conduct an open competitive examination for
the position and prepare and certify an eligibility list from which
the appointing power shall make the appointment. The City Administra-
tor may conduct a combined promotional open examination when in his
judgement this procedure will expedite the filling of a position with
the most qualified individual available.
The City Council of the City of Tustin hereby resolves
that the Personnel Rules and Regulations of the City of
Tustin be amended as follows:
1. Section 3, subparagraph F is hereby amended to
read as follows:
F. Reclassifications. A position whose duties
and responsibiliies has been determined by
a job analysis to have changed substantially
shall be reallocated by the City Council to
a new and appropriate classification upon
recommendation of the Department Head and
review and approval of the City Administrator.
All reclassified positions shall be filled through
open competitive examination, except as follows:
1) If a position with an incumbent is moved to
a class with a lower salary range, the
incumbent shall first be given the opportunity
of taking a voluntary demotion into the new
position without examination.
2) If a position with an incumbent does not
change salary range, the incumbent may be
placed in the new position without examination.
3)If a position with an incumbent is moved to
a higher salary range, the Department Head
/ may request a closed,,promotional examination.
If, in the opinion of the City Administrator,
there would be no adverse impact on the
City's Affirmative Action efforts, and it is
in the best int£.~ests of the City, a closed
promotional examination may be authorized.
Such an examinat]on shall be designed to
determine if those candidates who apply a~e
fully qualified to perform the duties of the
new position, and, if so, which of the
candidates is best qualified to assume those
Any incumbent in a position which is reclassified who does
not move to the new position through one of the means
mentioned in subparagraphs 1 to 3 above, or through open
competitive competition, shall have the opportunity to
compete for, or transfer to, any open positions in the City
as otherwise provided in these rules and regulations. If
not hired for any position prior to the date the reclassified
position is filled, the incumbent shall be laid off and the
employee's name placed on a re-employment list for_bi%e- ~
appropriate class~as$~-- ~ d~-~-~cz---'
2. Section 6, subparagraph C, Item (1) is hereby
amended to read as follows:
(i) Promotional and ~pen Competitive Examinations
Promotional examinations shall be used, upon
the request of the Department Head and
approval of the City Adminnistrator in such
instances where there would be no adverse
impact on the City's Affirmative Action
efforts and it is in the best interests of
the City. Only employees who meet the
requirements set forth in a promotional
examination announcement may compete therein.
A combined promotional and open competitive
examination may be given when this procedure
will expedite the filling of a position with
the most qualified individual available.
Section 9, subparagraph B is hereby amended to
read as follows:
B. Promotion. In instances where a request of
the Department Head and review by the City
Administrator indicate ~hat a promotional
examination would best serve the needs of
the City and would not adversely affect the
City's Affirmative Action efforts, such an
examination shall be used to fill the
position. In the event that no permanent
employee qualifies for such promotion as a
result of such promotional examination, the
Personnel Director shall conduct an open,
competitive examination for the position. A
combined promotional and open competitive
examination may be given when this procedure
will expedite the filling of a position with
the most qualified individual available.
PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regulat meeting of
the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, this
2nd day of February, 1981.