HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 SIX STAR CABLE 02-02-81DATE: TO: FROH: SUBJECT: 1/27/81 OLD BUSINESS Inter-Corn HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL JAMES G. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY SIX STAR CABLEVISION, REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF TRANSFER OF SHARES OF SIX STAR CABLEVISION OF TUSTIN, INC. You will recall.that the City has previously had a request from Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc. for approval of transfer of its shares. This approval is required by the terms of the franchise which was granted Six Star. The matter has been continued several times for further information to be furnished to the City. We have now received the final information requested. Letter of attorney William Marticorena is enclosed. Since the original request of Six Star we became aware of the problems with the Securities and Exchange Commission of certain persons involved in the complex ownership of Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc. Certain materials in that regard are enclosed. From the information we have received to this point we do not have any information which indicates that there have been any improper activities by Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc., the City's franchisee. The problems that caused the embroilment with the Securities and Exchange Commission involve the sale of fractional shares in other corporations. The Securities and Exchange representa- tive has advised me that to the best of that agency's know- lege and belief, Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc. has not been fractionalized. Enclosed herewith is a form of resolution. This resolution sets forth in detail the complex ownership of Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc. and would, if adopted, give consent to the transfer of ownership. However, in addition to the approval by the City of"transfer of ownership, Six Star is also .requesting that any future transfer of shares of Neilson Enterprises, Inc. or of S~-~ Star Cablevision Holding Company, Inc. not require further Council approval. The basis for this request is as set forth in the enclosed letter of attorney Marticorena. Prior to the disclosure of the adverse information regarding certain persons involved in the ownership of Six Star, we were prepared and intended to the transfer requested and also that the Council consent to future transfers of the shares of Neilson Enterprises, Inc. without additional Council approval, however, with the more current information, this matter is submitted to the Council without recommendation. JGR:se:D:l/26/81 Enclosure cc: D.B., w/encl. William Marticorena 1 4 § ? 8 9 10 11 t.2 lS 14 15 16 IV 18 19 2.O 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 RESOLUTION NO. 81-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING TRANSFER OF SHARES OF SIX STAR CABLEVISION OF TUSTIN, INC. WHEREAS, Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc., a California corporation waslgranted a franchise to operate a cable television ; system within the City of Tustin by Ordinance No. 792, as amended; and WHEREAS, S~ction 7418(d) of the Tustin City Code requires that ownership interests of the franchisee shall not be trans- ferred without the consent of the City; and WHEREAS, t~e owners of the outstanding shares of Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc., a California corporation, now desire to transfer those shares to Six Star Cablevision Associates, Limited, a New Jersey.limited partnership, and immediately there- after to Six Star Nielson Cablevision, a California partnership; and WHEREAS, ~t has been represented and warranted to the City of Tustin by the franchisee as follows: A. Six Star Cablevision Associates, Limited, is a New Jersey limited partnership consisting of Six Star Cablevision, Inc., a New Jersey corporation, as general partner, and Six Star Cablevision Holding Co., Inc., Roger H. Maggio, Paul Skulsky, Stuart C. Harris and Victor Sharar, as limited partners. B. Six Star Cablevision, Inc., is a New Jersey corporation, all of the shares of stock of which are owned by Paul Skulsky, Stuart C. Harris, Roger H. Maggio and Victor Sharar. C. Six Star Cablevision Holding CO., Inc., is a New Jersey corporation, all of the shares of stock of which are owned by Paul Skulsky, Roger H. Maggio and Stuart C. Harris. D. Six Star Nielson Cablevision is a California general -1- partnership composed of Six Star Cablevision Associates Limited, described above, and N.E.I.-CAL., INC., a California corporation all of the shares of which are owned by Nielson Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation. E. All of the shareholders of Nielson Enterprises, Inc., a Delaware corporation, who own more than three percent (3%) of the outstanding shares of stock of said corporation are: Glenn E. Nielson, Glenn W. Nielson, Margaret Ruth Bullock, Joanne Livingston, James Nielson,/Annmarie Hales, and Olive W. Nielson. NOW, THEREFORE, the ~ity Council of the City of Tustin, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. The outstanding shares of Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, Inc., which was granted a cable television franchise pursuant to Ordinance No. 792, as amended, may be transferred and assigned to Six Star Cablevision Associates, Limited, a New Jersey limited partnership, and immediately thereafter may be transferred to Six Star Cablevision Associates Limited, a New Jersey limited partnership, and immediately thereafter transferred to Six Star Nielson Cablevision, a California partnership, the structure and ownership of the shares of each and all of said entities to be as represented and warranted to the City of Tustin, as set forth hereinabove. 2. This approval shall be contingent upon and subject to the further requirement that no change, direct or indirect, in the structure or ownership of Six Star Nielson Cablevision, or any of the entities which are a part thereof, or of any of the owners of shares of any of said entities,~ §h~ll be effective without the prior approval by resolution of the City Council of the City of Tustin or otherwise the said franchise shall be forfeited. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City -2- 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 :].4 15 :1.6 17 :1.8 3.9 20 2~ 25 26 27 £8 29 3O 31 32 Council ATTEST: of the CITY CLERK JGR:se:D:7/14/80 JGR:se:R:ll/7/80 JGR:se:R:ll/7/80 JGR:se:R:i/17/81 City of Tustin, , 1981. California, this MAYOR -3- day of RUTAN & TUCKER ATTORN~'¥~ AT LAW January 22, 198~ James G. Rourke Attorney at Law ' ' 1055 North Main, Suite 1020 Santa Ana, California 92701 Dear Jim: This letter is to reiterate the request of Six Star Nielson Cablevision to delete both Nielson Enterprises and Six Star Cablevision Holding Company, Inc. froin the stock'transfer restrictions of the resolution approving the transfer of shares front Six Star Cablevision to Six Star Nielson Cablevision. As I recall from our telephone conversation, you agreed to recommend to the City Council that Nielson Enterprises, because of the diversified nature of that company, be eliminated from the stock transfer provision. Six Star Cablevision Holding Company, Inc. is likewise a diversified company which owns franchises in a number of states, including California. It is also but a limited partner in Six Star Cablevision Associates, Limited, a New Jersey Limited Partnership, which is the general partner of Six Star Nielson Cablevision. Thus, Six Star Cablevision Holding Company, Inc. plays a very limited role in Six Star Nielson Cablevision, and has no operational control over the Tustin franchise. The majority of the holdings of Six Star Cablevision Holding Company~ Inc. are in areas outside of Southern California. ~' The transfer of the catstanding shares of Six Star Cablevision Holding Company, Inc. would have little, if any, '- RJ'TAN & TUCKER James G. Rourke Page Two January 22, 1981 impact upon the ability of Six Star Nielson Cablevision to construct or operate the Tustin CATV System. However, a stock transfer restriction upon that entity may hinder its efforts to secure financing for the construction of wholly unrelated systems and thus be undesirable from a financial planning viewpoibt. Therefore, we respectfully request that the stock transfer restriction upon Six Star Cablevision Holding Company, Inc. be eliminated. I look forward to discussing this issue with the Council at their meeting iof February 2, 1981. If you have any questions in this matter o2 wish to discuss it further, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, RUTAN & TUCKER William M. Marticorena danuary 5, l>ul Segional A:l::.inist ra tot Securities & ~ ~'~ ..' - 26 Fe~?eral Plaza ~:ew v~,-'.._.~_,., ~ew York 10007 In the Matter of Stuart C. Harris, et al. On Feh. ru~.r? 27, 1980, you wrote to ;;r. Dan Biankcnship, Cit~: A~::~inistr~tor of tl;e City of Tu~tin, a.=A-.inq us for cer- tain infor:~ation regarding Six Star Cablevision (un~]er its vari_~us nar. es z:n~] affiliates) an~ persons related thereto re which t'."~e City '-"e h--..~;~ ..... .... ==._..,- ;.e?,~- -' in the Los i~ns a~g:inst ~iz ~tar (un~er its variou~ ha?es) an~] Messrs. ~.ecau:~e the City of Tustin is involved with Zix Star Ca::l,~vision of T~stin by reason of havi~g cranked to it in 1~7~ a mon-e×c!u~.ive franchise for c&blevision in certain l~ortion£..' ef t+~e City, we. are very concerned and intcreste~ iD io~.n~,--;n.= .... as . -c~.~ ~ a~ ,~)cssii:l~.- about these co,~,.ponies and their ','.e woulz~, appreciate if you woul{] [.~roviC~e us .~n as In_c .... ~ulon as .~ ..... ~.,le for our review an~ consi~.eration. Very truly yours, Ci'£Y OF 5~USTIi~ BY 12/30/E0 DCc: City Attorney :.euicnal Of£ic~ York, ;~ew York I0007 January 5, 1981 Securities & Exchange Commission 500 North Capitol Street Washington D. C. 20549 RE: In the Matter of Stuart C. Harris, et al. Gentlemen: We read in the Los Angeles Times~of the proceedings and consent decree by some of the defendants in the above-referenced matter relative to Six Star Cablevision, Messrs. Harris, Skulsky and ~.~agiore. Because the City of Tustin previously granted a non- exclusive franchise ~o Six Star Cablevision of Tustin, we are very concerned and interested in knowing as much as possible about the defendants in the above-referenced matter. Accordingly, we would appreciate if you could advise us as to what materials might be available which we could order for our review. ~ Very truly yours, CITY OF TUSTIN BY C~y Attorney JGR:se:D:12/30/80 City Center Centennial ]-usti~, California 92680 (714) 544-8890 with 96ntroversy over- its: ?.,~with Nielson Enterpris~ (. hearings 'on 'the .companies, biggest name~ 'ih : -' -the computer tdbeat future.': of cable television- Santa reevaluatiiag erie of the~ ~eserVed for local haves-.._31: the wake zof : ':"~'--"' prediction of three 0f the 'firm's' ' r su6cess against ~d Aleks, head of t hn our Santa "th~k the (bid] "Oti its'merit..s,'t, Could Probably Do Ii represe Santa Arm: - ,ystem,they , that the nine Martidbr~ria 'of Rutan ::' sit down and 'a Santa Aha law firrm': ::~' * 'it,' _ aefi6n-'w~ the latest :<¢-_'."_But' these ne',,( 'i~e/n'aih und6r 71OCk' and key:L'. 'itl' ~,the- inerea~gly-'7,~ i~i-talnly i. fidrease the /aid City 6or~ultani Carl Pilniek: l :~ble~ f~nchise' ~ic.?y'thei~,bein~'a,~le t0.1~a os Ang~ icl still has- to:'cbn/pl6te. '): it/re iff- SahtA Aha, c0nsidercd a k*~"j,'.'s, ufic,essfully.' ~.!~ ~.~('. !eport on each.oflthe pr0po~ls;. ',/n~rk6£:iri .h' field Witli potentially'"s~~. . R.ey. es said that'at. ining .competirig:'e6sts,I ge ~rv?e.?~ Cv//~ finan~'i~l ~rowth. technology, ii.:~'..i}-,' :";:'-~ '~i- (!~:': 5,~?~: :~'.:L ': ':: .... "'.. ;" '.'.; ":~.":'??? how: many massive "; ' ~' '~' ' ~'" '~b: '(~u'~ <'' '<':Aftei- "one bidder, .Teleprompmr ' "~;mi~fit be hidden ¢ the '~9~*, [°.. -~"S.~n?.g;* .....[~.n~-.1. ~? '"~bl~ TV/rah' ~i local advertisemen(: ?temi :~'.'.'-' 'i 2 ;: 5 ;_ < ::7 At the time City ~anager Arnom.," Nov- 12 'e'xtollih~ its 'umrmsal 'and :-:'.' · ~' L '- ' ~'i _;..'.._ ~?o.n ~'.. ord, ered ~ th9 i:'.~P, r6 .P°S .a~, '::~'seekLng}''.eoris~r/' ~<ea up,?ayor ,mmes.w.a:r..a sma. - Manhger .Wilson warned all bidders :." agai/iit Woods;'38, but thq move was necessary lo (nseour= ' ~ ' · - · · :< tO avoid similar ~,-.~r lobbying prior to the hearings.':<. bidsWere unde ~ard urged-that the'h~arings: .?<::-., ~,-;-; '-;; i~o. Inediat¥lv '" '' ': ' '''/~;>" '):''2' "-~kll gllfltler8 · · eo mc' ;i> i jh'', h": · ........ h*a't'the'pre-he~i~ing review . '{vhich has a local office 'in Ne~'P°rt'-: ,..winch, ,m?m. oea ow. nih nde~t, i~_'ssibly tintil 'a 'new · '~Beach and Six-Star, the"other bid- ~;,-:7,mansx°~n'-'.'-lux takes over after the M~reh 3 ·: ders'include American Four of the s~evez~'~ouneil ' ' Communieati°ns, .. California" C9: ':" ;'~ 5L~':---- ~[~ ) :.*c:"--r - Cablev~ioi/s--v¢ estate administration' is ~itdcl. C~ble TV CableviSion of .Sant~' Xna[?'.? :-S~i- Niek~fn ~::~ Productions ~ affiliate.grOups. a' fiZanchise in aa Villa Park: ~- Accordih~t3-d Si~:S~. N-ieison-'' firm of Santa ':: Court egedly. Used ~ocia) Seeurity br' records .tO fde' we 6ri " and techz:? time.-4 n New JerSey;~' ,~ _., .- ~,., Niels$fi Enferprlses'Iric., X ~ '~dd~ tha,t fl'et had hce~,s to the :; initial · . i i~al .owners(of_th~ ...... Prbpdsals.sincethebids-~r~ ~ . grp...up of New.Jersey.~ Stuar.t}7'~ up by Wilson. He said the'Propo-%Ls''~:)...~ ., ~oI,,. Roger~ Maggie and Para-:> would be"retUrned 9iew :.: ~ wettareomces, .... . were named this' week" ~.! ' :' theSecuri ., Commission. The .. ged the frafidul'ent~ I million oi clearly domin- groul~ a~ defen-~e, and bank issues 'o:-- show~ ~ ~t on ~e 10,~ or ~e ~SE w~ ~ ~.~ w~ ~f 11/' :e .Short-term[ tv~ 9/~ ac- T asury bil~ wer~ :.[ ' ' · .WASHINGTON Gt~--The 811' ' The report said Conrail. which · freight ~rviee in the Northea~ and'parts . west. must undergo basic reerganJzatkn Ill scope if it ia to have any hopes for e~mr, omi · ' - It also mig~e~o~d that Conrail'etim!r,.a~tis ; ~ ;~ '~v..'.. . $2.1billionoffederalmoneyoverthene~f;,=- ' ~'~ ' ~ ~':'~rh~ futm-e ~ill require new partnerships" if Com'ail is ~ ' ;J~" ' chairman of the U.S. Railway  Corn-ail s financing by st4, te ami well as increased involvemer~ by 1 ·" :? determining Conrairs future~ . ' 3..ba' ~oinLs. to- '- i:.. . ~. . The assodation report, whichasmzmed~-- c-'vn from ZC040 been m%~l for pm'pasea unrelated to the investment in- ~ ~ench francs, .; tere~ in the CATV systems. The company also must :.t~0Swi~s,~. appohat an advisory conm~ttee~ of five inve-~.or:ff to, ~, 208.70 Japanese · among other things, ex~m/ine and l-eview the acca~mt- ~?'"50, and 1.q0T2 lng, Ema.mSal and operating controls involved L'~ cper-a- ~ ~mfroml.20~. ' tionoftheCATV's3~,ems..,.: "> .-.. ' - ·-> ..... ' -- major expansion in the healLh care field '.: new progranS, mad .utitute division."': .: ~' l~Su~averTrade FmLt~ l,,as-estab :=..d rose in New'ti' The defendanta ~clude Cable/Tel Corp. and'Cable/ eenterinLosAngele~at2410~.vertY_~.,Yd- from $221132. In' Tel Systems Corp., Six Star Cable-'is/on Holding Co. .... .*Tose to $2.32425 (Lh, e holding company of all of the frmnchises), Cable '-' -I-'awren~e Live"'m0re · r; Promotlonalnc.(thepromoterofthesystems),SLxStar :.more, h_a~...aw:al.Led.:~a..__~!;ml~/~.~' '..J in japan az~-~.:'? Cablevision Cor~u-uction Co. (which con.rutted all of.-- Ntet~en.r~cxets ,~, Tokyo, 209.55yen, .~; the sgrstem~), and Sb: Star Cablevision 1912m, agement - the $42 million Adv2n0~d ~:~,2durt, ZCO02., Corp.(whichmm-.~gedthesystem~), .' -- ... [.)'m~..!~sou..th~s:Oe ~: -...: ..,:~. !¢, dorm fmrn,: '~MI of the compan!es and Harrla and Skuls!-.,y s/gned ' ~'N.w, ~ibs4h".-~dat~ ia Swim francs,.': consent decree~ The other defendants did not and face . ternat/onal 6xecutive search 'firm, .~ Pad,2, 4.6325 trial, according to Stephen L. Hammerman, administra- ~tate~Inc.,NewEngl,ara:l: :.nwn from 4.68Z~ .torofLheNewYorkre¢onalSECoffice. ' . -."7; .' and willbe known as. DuU:h guilders, .~ Harris signed a c~nsent decree tn 1976 in Which he .. cording to N. W. Gibson, and Milan, 946. ~:. alum agreed not to sell unreg4_stered stock. That case was ".. officer et' the newly formed c,m~,.., ;.~-"h ..-:om95a ' ....... :.;:cal/edSEOvs. ROTEXInterna~ona/Inc. 'C.7'¢ ¢ .... 'teramLoaAng~es-?~-~i: ;,s to Dxscnss Fife With Shareholders o : · ' ' "' .7:; . : '...... ' ' : . .. i,....~,, r4' /'-.-..-:p .~.<-'.rt?.i:..'2f-~.'.~:q-'~ to discuss hhese ,%? PoIloc~ a: lawjer, ~d Nevada / .whose management Is Ln aIegal ,:dng."__:.,.,,; .:, .. ~law is one o! the meat !~ for al-,.: .~ with rmancte~ Kirk Ke-ltortan. ' "'' ..... · ~., ~. ,. s ( tu! ceaLb..acd,:m'i_ mnd.conte~.de~..':'L;:;;~;.t.-~.,`` ?~:ent" """ ' .... '-:'* '' :.z ........;.7-.. _.& ;,._._.,4,...__;_._ '___. _.~;_..: ..... :__' ................ - ....... · ,._ L .' '" in SEC Stpck Charg& S~ Star Nielson Cablevision, ." Which akeady owns a cable tele~Z' sion franchl.e in Ms ~ngeles ad is involv~ in bi~ for four othea, Said ~ursday iL h~ no affiEation'~5~. the .S~ St~ cable firms accused earlier this week by the 8eduritie~' and ~change Comm~ssion o[ frau .... who~ s~ned consent decr~ w,th- out admitting or deny*~ ~legaBons ~. yes.rs *n the ~s ~ngeles cable ~.:. The three ~nvestors, 8tu~t C. H~rris of Fa~rla~; N.J., Roger Hi .Skulsky of Gold Spring V~ley, 2.-N.Y., own half of ~ S~ Nielson, 2which in turn ii involved., ih' joint ventures wi~ local businesses in ~e effort ~ wm the'remmmng c;ty 'cable franchises from the ~s~- ~-f'The 'financi~ '6rrangem~h~ iff the L.A. frankhises:ar~.entirely ~f-: fer~nt" said an assistant to 'a 'city c6ufi~ilman. "bht I thin~ (h~- SEC ~ ~s going to ~au~the fiounc~ ~ l~k more closely'at the S~ S~' .. The SEC:complaint'hg~nst'~- "ble/Tel Co~; and 21 affi~htes w~ 'based on actiohs allegedly.~en by 'th~ defendan~ in 1~77 and 1978 ~ lng the ~elling ~[' the inve~tmehB)o~ SOl~-tfiese~ s ..Gre~ter Scrutiny Likely~ : :- But Six Star is likely to come un- . der greater scrutiny in Los Angeles,' "i. ' i~part bc, eau~6 the ~EU alleged that ~ ,~.-.Harris, Maggie, and Skulsky diveri-', ..~ :'- ~;~ ow~us~.~ ::". ~ ...~ .'~ ';~::-' , :-'., ,'~-''41' :~." ie~'s that ..have'plagued cable ~ ~_ :: ' assistanti~d.,.~ :,: :~ , :-; '.,"' ' ~: ~ ~: Dburis.insisted~ih~X'neither S~' '" of i~ Mnhates had - i. St~ nor any ....... :' q ~ d0~e'anything wron~ and thai'the - ' .,.~" .' - ~efg~dants who a~eed ~ the con.. ?.: ~..~ '-~en~ de6ree did bo J'tb'hvoid a pro'-. " '- -: ;" tract~legalstruggle.'We Want t~s: .,~:, '~ cloud removed as quickly as : "' ble Uecause ~(,~ are bidding, for ! e t franchises all acro~.the country.. ' ~5 :' / ~' , ~'~ --' .~ty Coun~l ~sid~nt John per-. :' ~ ~. :.~ ~-, ~ ' '~o,' according to ~n aid~, :~ -' :~ ~;' ~' ' t0'"~k';~he city's" Departmentr 0f til ' -' .-',:-' .~ , Transportahon to prep~e a re~rt-'~': '-':., '- . '~ ~ [ ' ~ranch~s~ ~ as. aw~ded j M J~'.[: ~: ~,.- · [~. "~ "" 1~9, and S~ Star is cwrentlfcom/'l' t_ :- ' ~-. ~ pl~tmg construction of the system, :.: ,., . which covers an area that includes,. ;: .- '*' ".~ T~e: requesi ' ~rom ;Ferraro;'_, . ,' .~'.: ;; however, is not ~recfly related ,[': l~'~.'. ~ :~ the SEC complaint bfit to a~efi~n~ the council on bother. - the p~op~ed ~a~s: fol ~able service.: [../?~-:~':/'[, · [. - S~ Stalls one of ~igh't bidd~'f~ ' ':2" t~e p~tenti~l] lucrativ~ East ~ ' Fe/na~do' Valley[ franchife... It for~ed a comply ~alled Sg St~.''- ~ablevision of LOS' [. ,AssociatSs Inc., ~'hich is" 89%' ~" owned by S~ Star Nielson. ' --,' -'f'. · ' '_Ih the bid S~.'St~ 'h~s 'a ' .~a~tbe'c m Bdrt Bo'~6kma~n, a ~ .~erhando Wiley 'au~ dealer.:.h f~ bi. for 'three other franchises--the. ' ~uthfcentral areaj Bo~le Heights, , . ~d, Wilmin~on--SM S~ is a - p~tner m a ]omt vent~e with the. ~ndfit~-con~oll~ U~vers~ Ca-' 'ble 'Systems Ltd..'of ~s' Angel8s, ::(which 0~ns 'the oiler 60% of ':~afious ~filfates, twb ot~er 'cabl9 ~uth~ru .California, S~ S~. Cable~qsion of Iflglew~ ~d S~St~ ~blev~ion of Pomonm . ...c: ,.- .... ..) · ,..' ..~..'....~. . . '