HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 O.C. JOHN WAYNE 02-02-81DATE: January 19, 1981 NEW BUSINESS ln e -Com TO: FROM: HONORABLE MAYORi AND CITY COUNCIL D31q ~k-~qSHIP, CITY gI~MINISTP~'iIDR SUBJECT: ORANGE CDUNTY JOHN WAYNE AIRPOR~ Attached is material on the resolutio~fto be considered by the Orange County Division of the League onFebruary 5th regarding the Airport..Also attach~ is information provided by Supervisor RilDy on a related effort by Supervisor Clark to expar~ airport operations beyond -the level presently contemplated by the Board. The increase is slight, producing a 12.7% increase in oo~nercial flights (from 55 to 62 a day) and a 6.7% decrease in projected noise level reduction (from 7.5 to 7.0 decibels). However, it isl a step in the wrong direction for sound pollution reduction. It appears tome that the direction being pursuad by the Board of Supervisors, (prior to Supervisor Clark's suggestion) is a sound approach that atteni0ts to consider all facets of the problem and reach a gocd compromise! ae Conmercial flights can increase to 55 per day if the airlines use quieter jets, thus increasing ~%e service available to the ~ublic. Noise reduction is m~ndated over a certain ti~ period. Airport facilities are proposed to be upgraded and expanded to handle the present and modest projected increased passenger volumes. The airport terminal facilities are so undersized as to create a crowded lobby which alaDse defies people getting to where they must go. The extended runway allow~ take-offs and higher altitudes to reduo~ noise to Newport Beach without changing landing points. If Council concurs, I wou.ld reco~u[~end the following actions: Support Supervisor Riley's position to maintain the current master plan approach. 2. Support the proposed' resolution before the Orange COunty Division of the League. 3. A~rove the attached Goal Statement for the City. I also believe the COuncil should request the following changes: The preferential runway plan (taking off toward Tustin) s~ould not be ~ minim~n of 200 hours as shown in the League Resolution, but should only be when required by Santa Ana winds conditions. 2. The County should attempt to find another .small airport for all of the "touch and go" practice landings of small planes which would appear to add air traffic congestion and potenti .al hazards to a stressed situation. 3. The County should avoi~ expansion of private aViation at this location as such ' expansion w~uld appear to irritate or conflict with the expansion of commercial aviation. Respectfully submitted, DAN BLANK~NSHIP, City Administrator DB:dmt MEMBER CITIES ANAHEIM BREA EUENA PA RK COSTA f, fEBA CYPRESS FOUNTAIt~ VALLEY · FULLERTON GARDEN GROVE HUNTINGTON BEACH IR VINE LAGUNA BEACH ~ LA HARRA LA PAL~A LOS ALAf~ITOS WEWPORT BEACH ORANGE PLACENTIA SAN CLE,~ENTE 3AN JUAN CAPISTRANO Z~%~NTON TUETIN VILLA PARK ~E$TMINSTER YORSA LINDA Orange County Division LEAGUE OF CAL!IFOKNIA I J 'S WEST FIFTH STREET, SUITE 5, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92701 {714) 972-0077 Januaz~ 9' 1981 FROM: RE: MAYORS, COUNCILI MEMBERS,' CITY MANAGERS (PLEASE DISTRIBUTE) DON HOLT, REsoLUTIONS COMHITTEE CHAIRMAN RESOLUTION FOR CONSIDEPJ~TION AT OUR FEBRUARY 5, 1981 GE~'~q~ RA~ MEETING Enclosed is a resolution from the City of Newport Beach that was amended and approved by the Resolutions Committee. (The enclosed version is the final amended version). : This resolution will be considered for approval at our February 5, 1981 General Heeting. Please review it carefully and be prepared to vote on it. RESOLUTION NUMBER.'r A RESOLUTION OF THE ORANGE COUNTY DIVISION, LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES SUPPORTING THE ISSUANCE OF'A VARIANCE FOR THE CONTINUED OPERATION OF JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT AND ENCOURAGING AN ACTIVE NOISE REDUCTION PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the State Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics, will be conducting public hearings on the issue of the application of the County of Orange for a variance to allow the continued operation of John Wayne Airport, in violation of the State Airport Noise Standards; and WHEREAS, the Orange County Division, League of California Cities supports th~ issuancelof a variance to allow the continued operation of John Wayne Airport, but only under appropriate conditions; and ~HEREAS, Joh~ Wayne Airport iscurrently operating by virtue of the terms of a variance issued by the State Department of Transportation, which variance contains certain conditions relating to noise control at John Wayne Airport; and WHEREAS, the noise placed upon the surrounding community imposes 'heavy burdens on the residents of the area affected by airport noise; and' ~qEEREAS, the Orange County Division, League of California Cities acknowledges that Joh~ Wayne Airport provides an important link in the regional air transportation system of Southern California; and WHEREAS, the. Orange County Division, League of California Cities supports the continue~ operation of John Wayne Airport, but only with limits upon activity and noise impact so as to not more severely impact residents and proper%y owners surrounding the airport, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County Division, League of California Cities supports the issuance of a variance for the continued o~eration of John Wayne Airport. The Orange County Division, League of California Cities further supports the imposition of the existing conditions of the variance which prohibit an increase in the' noise im~a~t of John Wayne Airport consistent with safety and encourages an active noise reduction program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Orange County Division, League of California Cities requests member cities to adopt resolutions s~milar to this Resolution in regards to the application of the County of Orange for a variance for continued oDera~on~ o~ John Wayne A~*l~or~. ADOPTED this day of , 1981. ATTEST: Councilwoman Norma Hertzog President Mayor Pro Tem Don Holt, Jr. Chairman, Resolutions Committee Robert G. H~skell Executive Director VARIANCE CONDITIONS FOR ORANGE COUNTY AIRPORT (JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT) The variance issued ,~Y the State Department of Transportation on March 6, 1979, contained the following conditions on the operation of John ~ayne Airpor%: 1. The term of the variance would be for one year, but to remain in effect unt%l a new variance was granted. 2. Continued u~se of noise abatement departure and arrival procedures. 3. Uti. lization:~of preferential runway at least 200 hours per year: 4. The continued use of the ll-point Noise Abatement Program. The Noise Abatement Program provided a curfew exemption for quiet jets. A summary of the il-point Noise Abatement Progrgm is printed on the reverse of this sheet. 5. P~rsue an E!R for the 737-foot extension of Runway 19R. 6. The County Will not permit any activity, under its control which would result in an increase in the 1975 65 and 70 CNEL noise contours. The County further is to work closer with business jet operators in seeking their cooperation to reduce noise. ~ 7. The County is required to file quarterly noise reports with the State of California Department of Transportation listing actions taken to comply with conditions of the variance. 8. The County',is to request the FAA to make a study to determine what additional equipment could be installed or practices implemented to reduce noise levels. 9. The County.to'make available spokesmen to meet with interested parties concerning operation of John Wayne Airport at the call of the Department of Transportation. January' 8, 1980 -over- SUPERVISOR, FIFTH DISTRICT THOM~S F. RILE%~ ~::HAIRIRAN OF THE: BOARD OF SUPE:RVISORS ORANGE COUNTYAONIINISTRATION BUILDING 515 NORTH SYCAMORE. P.O. BOX 687, SANTA ANA,CALIFORNIA 92702 PHONE; 834'3550 (ARIA CODE 714) January 12, 1981; Fifth District Hayors' Breakfast Attendees TO: FROM: Thomas ~. Riley,.Supervisor SUBJECT: John Wayne Airport Master Plan In view of the recent activities concerning the Master Plan, I prepared the enclosed information package to keep you fully abreast of my efforts in the matter. Thomas . Riley ~ Supervisor, Fifth District TFR: kiv Enclosure County of Orange Honorable Ralph B. Clark · r Chairman of the Board I~ F850-1:23.1 DATE: January 12, 1981 DEPT/DIST: Board of Supervisors - Fourth District £RO~: Thomas F. Riley, Supervisor Board of Supervisors - Fifth District -U~JECT: John Wayne Airport Master Plan Ralph, I am surprised and disappointed by your recent proposal for a last minute consideration of a substantial increase in the number of commercial flights at John Wayne Airport. Our conversations of Friday and Saturday never really laid your plan out clearly. :However, I. have now had the time to review your material and to discuss it with ~taff, and I cannot support it. I only trust you will not bring it to the Board of Superv~sors for consideration before I am back to' express my concerns. /. Throughout the20 months, during which we have been at work in the preparation. of the Master Plan, I have done all I know how .to do to defend the integrity of the Plan and to win ~he confidence of the people and government of Newport Beach.~ Frankly, I believe the credibility of the Board of Supervisors is at its highest point con6eKning the John Wayne Airport, and I should think that if we are ever to improve conditions at the airp6rt,.we would want to do all we can to protect what credibility we now have. If we were to proceed with your proposal, I am confident it would be the unwinding of our uneasy truce with Newport Beach. Nobody could reasonably dispute that we must make improvements at John Wayne Airport, if only to make it more convenient for those who already use it. Our airport must become a better welcoming mat to people entering Orange County. I share your desire to ~et on with these long-awaited improvements, and I hope 1981 will not end without some work being initiated. The proposed Master Plan is our blueprint for action to guide future developments over the next twenty years. I plan to continue supporting the Master Plan and the improvements it proposes. But you must agree that there is plenty to accomplish with the con-. gestion and noise we,no~ have, before it would be prudent even to consider additional flights. Please consider this my formal request that the matter not be brought to the Board of Supervisors prior to my return from the hospital. Thomas F. Riley Supervisor, Fifth District TFR:ps cc: Each Board Office Supervisor Thomas F. Riley Steve Kozak John ~,layne Airport Master Plan DEPT/DIST: DATE: January 9, 1981 Board of Supervisors, Fifth District Board of Supervisor§, Fifth District As you know, the noise reduction goal contained in the Master Plan is 7.5 decibels. This would permit an increase in air carrier.average daily departure~from 41 to 55 and achieve a reduction in the number of acres of incompatible la~d from 237.to 31. The Fourth District is renewing their efforts to increase the number of air carrier operations under the M~ster Plan from 55 to 62 as evidenced by the attached January 8 memo from Supervisor Clark to the other Board members. The Fourth District strategy a~p~ars to be to present the so'called "alternative scenario ~1" (62 ADD) as a Master Plan option; have the. necessa~ environmental documentation completed sothe EIR is adequate; and ultimately press for Master Plan certification under scenario #1. Supervisor Clark's January 8 memo appears to be testing the waters for this approach. I am continuing to devote my energies to maintain support in the other offices for the original Master Plan goals and objectives. · ~teve Kozak Executive Assistant SK:t Attachment ounty of Orange · - ro Board Members DATE: January 8, 19~1 DEPT/DIST: Districts l, 2, 3 & 5 FROM: Ralph B. Clark, Chairman 4th District ;UBJECT: John Wayne Airport Master Plan The attached package was prepared' by my staff. In essence it states - that .the proposed Master .Plan designates 86$ ofthe, benefits.of the quieter technology aircraft toward reducing noise: A min6r modifica-' tion to'the Plan wduld allow a 13% increase'in fl.ights and still keep 84%.of the benefits of new aircraft for community noise reduction. I am convinced that this alterhative should be available to the Board. The Airport staff heeds as much time as possible to prepare the back-up material for this Qlternative.so that it can be included in the scheduled hearingsbythe Airport Commission, Planni.ng Commission, and Board of Super¥isors. .~ I.will be contacting you tomorrow to find odt if you support thi~ ' alternative or at least want it made available. Ralph B. Clark -:~ RBC: scs ~ County of Orange F RO.V~: ~U~JECT: DATE: January 8, 1981 Ralph B. Clark DEPT/DIST: Steve Malone ~ John Wayne Airport Master Plan You have assigned to me the task of monitori.ng the progress of the Airport Master Plan and its related studies with an eye toward maximizing service to the public and the business community while staying within.operational "' and environmental constraints. In this ~egard, several thi.ngs have occurred which warrant your attehtion. These matters can be rather technical and complicated, so a brief amount of background is necessary.· John Wayne Airport d'urr~ntly serves approximately 25% of the total air travel demand generated by 0rahge County and about 51% of our short haul demand. With the $75 million of imp?ovements contemplated in the Master Plan, the percentage of short haul demand served will drop by the year 2000, to only 34%. In other words, despite the proposed'improvements, over the next 20 years, we will lose ground in terms of service to the citizens of Orange County. Steps which can be taken now to lessen this future shortfall would be well advised. A major part of the Master Plan effort is to reduce the level of noise in the surrounding co~uni.ty. This is mandated not only by Board policy but also by our noise variance from the State. it would, be possible to fight this issue but no one believes it could be done successfully. The issue then becomes one of th~ degree of noise reduction. The degree of noise reduction translates directly into permissable fl.ights and numbers of passengers served. The draft Master Plan calls for a noise reduction goal of 7.5 decibels which would allow flights to increase from the current 41 per day to 55 per day with quieter aircraft..A slight modification of only .5 decibels would, however, allow another 13% increase in flights to 62 per day. The noise reduction goal would be amended to 7.0 decibels. The negative implications of this sl.ightly lesser noise reduction· goal are: I. The incompatible land use area around the airport would be reduced from its current 237 acres to 38 acres rather than 31 acres with the 7.5 decibel goal. An incompatible area re- duction of 84% rather than' 86%. 2. While parking would still be adequate, vehicle access to the airport would be marginally strained. Now for the problem: The EIR for the Master Plan is not adequate for a full range of choices by the Board. The further we deviate from the proposed noise reduction goal (7.5 dB) and flight levels (55), the greater the EIR's inadequacy. Ralph B. Clark January 8, 1981 Page Two The staffs of, the Airport and the EMA believe that changing the'goal to. 7.0 decibels and 62 flights can be accomplished with mino'r modifications to the documents. But changes more drastic than that will require major overhauls, time delays, a~d renewed controversy. Even with the minor change (.5 dB), the Board may have to make a finding of overriding nec- .-essity to bri.ng about the increased fl.ight levels. ' .- The staff does not want to prepare the documentation to support the 7.0 dB 'noise reduction goal unless there i~,~ome indication by the Supervisors that they want that alternative available. Newport Beach may oppose the Change but the ability to increase flights by 13% without significant environmental impacts seems worth the effort .... It should be kept in mind that once the Board selects a noise goal and flight level, those decisions will prevail for m~ny years. I~ would take a Whole new protracted planning effort and ~nother EIR to amend them in the future. Im 1.ight of the ~emand for air s6rvice in Orange County, the decision to maximize fl.ights should be made while we have the chance. You may want to mention this issue to the other members of the Board to see if they support havi.ng this alternative available. In the assorted staff reports and memos, it is called "alternative scenario #1.!' SM:cs Attachments Friday, January 9, 1981 ' - . DA~LY Pti Increase · · ' ' '" "'' ' :,:;~f;' .. . - · ~'c::/. by Citer 'k':' . · . : ,'t~%N ' -_-.. ,;-·-.~:F.: .... ,. By FRrDERICK SCIio~MEHI':'T '. ;~, -~. ,,~ . Of thi,.Daily Pilot Stall ; ..:.',, J.,:.. ~.~:~..-. · .. , ..... ~-,~...~, "7 I'Orange County Board of: Supervisors Chairman. Ral~)h' · Clark has 'asked..:.f~!low supervisors to eonsi~ler a 50 per- - cent increase in the numbei' of permitted daily jet departures from John Wayne' Airport as part of their consideration of the proposed airport master plan. Clark,.in a memo to fellow board members, said such an in: crease in flights could be aceom-' modated with only a slight re- laxation of noise standa'r<ls con: templated in the proposedplan· The county now permits 41 : commercial jet .departures per day from the airport. Clark.ha~ suggested ..that figfire be in: - ' . creased to'62. The master plan ::' ' : ' ' calls fei: 'an .increase to 55 flights. -,:. 2' ;.:.'' '?~:~"-' ':- The 's'Upervigor~'.' i/hairman circulated the memo to other hoard members Thursday. One county official familiar with. ai'rport issues termed' i Clark',s, p~,oposal :a }'tria~ balloon...~, .... .; ~ :i..,¢ ..~ .:. [ The master i;lan'wnl be ;ub, i ;ject of public hearings before. ~ the county Airport Commission,: } Planning ·Commission and the, . ............... i Board of Supervisdrs within thex flexi several weeks.. · . ,.,:, ,:. As'written, the mastiff plan: calls for an increase in thel number of flights as noise ira-. pacts on residential areas sur:. rounding the airport are re: duced. Noise reductions are predicated on comrhercial airlines purchasing new aircraft outfitted with quieter engines. .... ;.' .' Under the plan, th'e. hig.tl..ri, else imp~t area 'surrounding the,. :. 'In'light of the demand for mr airport would be reduced by 86 , service in Orange. C. ounty, the per.cent, from 237 acres to 31 -'decision to maxam~ze .flights _. acres..: ~. -.'; ~; v- --'. : ' .'..',<'. ,-.-'~.should be made while w.e. have ' .Under ~lark's propgsal that -' the chance."'-: :--'::~: ,:L:. :? ..-",-_~: · high noise impact area would be ' .: Clark said he will solicit com-' reduced to 38 acres for a reduc- ~ -.'ment on the prgposal from other. lion in the impacted area of 154 ' supervisors.-..:'. ~.' .':' ';'.~.:: 7.. --:. perc~nt..~?,.~:~:.: '., %) · Supervisor Thomas Riley,. '. His proP°~al is based'on an :- Whose district includes.the ' · over'all reduction of seven dec- airpo~,' was'to be briefed.on ibels as opposed to ?.5 decibels' . Clark s proposal this morning. contemplated in. the master. Riley is hospitalized in Newport plan· * - ':-': -~ ' - Beach with a respiratory illness. ' '.The City"~ff' i,leWP0ri ' ' '" Beach, ; Riley has defended the pro- 'Cl~/rk aide Steve Malone said in" posed master plan as the best an accompanying memo, "may . me&ns of solving the conflicting oppose the change, but the abili- problems -associated with the ' ty to increase flights, by 13 per- -.' airport. ~; '-' · ,: , '-i,',-.- ..,;'- · cent without significant environ'- · . According to documents sub- mental impacts seems worth the . mitred to the board by Clark, the effort. -.'.~...'..s.:;...k:' .' x - *'negative impacts" associated : The 13 percent.figure is the' With the suggested increase difference between the 55 flights . from the 55 flights proposed in · called for in the master plan and ~ the master plan to 62 are: - the 62 flights proposed by Clark. ~·'..,-.~:' ' A lesser reduction in 'the · - ......... :~;-~,,'.'&:-5~L.., .::. . : -2 'area impacted by noise. .~':' '- - ....... : :~-.. :-=-.Traffic congestion'related· to increased passenger :flow through the airport. -- '...'-. ' :.- ," According to the documents, the suggested change from a maximum of 55 to 62. flights can be accomplished with only' "minor modifications" -to-the· proposed master plan and its ac- ' companying environmental ira-' · ' pact report. '. .".~?,' .::,.:'--.:Y- '- -- % ~.. Changes more drastic than that will require major overhauls, time delays .and r'e- :'.-hewed con t roversy,"...:.M al o. ne said inhis memorandum. -: ,. , "Even with the minor change, the board ma~ have (o ma~ a :finding Of overriding necessity ~.iJ~i bh~inegv ,~b0~vJ~:oh2e'iwnfo~ased" -,::' 'g I e ," ' '.,',' [ [* Conside'ration. of maximum daily .departure:levels Jaigher - ~ than that.2, suggest'ed in the "'master plan apparently. ,iS' not '.*neht, the documents indicate. -:!.~J~ '~:-Attached to Clark's proposal ' are copies OF.memorandums ;..between Murry' Cable, · airport · manager, and Ken' Smith, .:manager of the environmental analysis division of the county EnvironmeLat~} Management ~Agency, in'which alternate Hight · increase "seefiarios", are dis- C ssed. -~1'- I':.k.;:-;''' .' i'~-"- L.~.';'' o.- . ..... . ,, - .' . .;;..-.:.~;~?~- :. .. . . ....... ,,~, -.~.; . · · ... ~*A~el~ i~i,-~'~ ',.;'~'.'.',~, ~.:"..:'~'": ..... .. · ..' :;~','..'.:.' .' ~/Sunday, Janua~31,. 1981 R '" .... . ..... '. ' ...... "';L:"* ~ 7"' ~" .......... ? ......... ~-": '~'7'''~: ~""~'~'"'~" ~ -"~"::-'-'~"~7: ~' ..~. .- . :. .:.,-.. ~.,~'...'..,:,~..'~,...?a,%,- . ~d ~e dem~ o~ a ~o~ng ~p~aa6n ~at-'. ?, 8~, we s~t there ~ ~ q~ a ~n~-' undersized Jo~n Wa~e ~ ~in~,:: ~ detemiae noi~ levels, on inere~ in flight -. ~ong ~e ~e f~er~ ~a~on Act o¢ ~ ': ~tion cei~ngs and on i 1978 and a ~e~ A~a~on A~i~sba~on "; 'weight limit ~ ac~mm~a~ ~e new age'of' . dem~d l~t ye~ ~0r mbre ~ ~er a~e~ at "" q~eter Je~, such ~ the ~-9 Su~ ..~ea~orL.:~,~ ~ -:. '..,~::-.':?P~v~-~. 4'.:': .,:t;,,f,.~.: ~e ~e key ~ ~e su~e~ o[ the ~ a~,~:- d~ly dep~es set ~ a m~ ~ ~n~l "~':~ ~ op~nen~ ~d ~e~'~ch noise, ~ng two ~gh~. a~ay f~m ~ ~.'. - ~ifo~ia ~d ~pubIie ~ifo~ia ~d Republic ~rlines ~d ~ng:~ g~di~t n~ber of ~e ~em ~ ~n~er ~d .Weste~ airlines, w~eh -:. make.~eir ~ngs kno~ in a being on r~ently beg~ operations in Orange ~unty... ne~ acce~ pro~ sch~ ~fo~ the ~ut the. ~gement was only a s~pgap '. ~so~ la~ n~ mon~, (~ ~. ~tde me~s~e. · ~: -,,.- .... .~ .... : .... <-,~...? :..~. h~b~n~dfromanyonelnthec~ent~-':" ~ ~e eoun(y is noxv eo~sid6dng a long-r~ge: .day re~e~ ~d~ that ~gan when ~e ~unty ~ort aeee~ plan, and~though de~Is must' ~selosM the new appr~ch l~t still be worked out. we like the approach. '." : ~ughou~ ~e ye~ of ~ct a~und- 7~e ~e~t o~ ~e plan is noise r~ucdon. ~d ' 'ing jet o~ra~on~ at the ~ ~ punetua~ instead of pitting ~e ~l~e~ against eac~ bg p~tes~, lawsui~ ~d an en~ and f~t- other in a mone~ b~d~ng w~ ~or a l~ger -le~ se~eb for ano~er l~oa ~at ~d able of ~e 4~ d~ly deputies, ~e ~e~ se~e ~e county's ~ n~ ~thout propos~ wo~d ~de the ~t~ fligh~ on :. ing the en~nment ~ it ~e ine~ingly the basis of jet noise g6nerat~. ~ere wo~d"-, ob~ous ~at ~bnolo~, in ~e ~o~ Of.q~eter be ~nu~ b~d~ng. ~d ~e ~ ~e~ o~rat- :; 'jet en~nes, w~ ~e ~st bo~; "'.-,s ,, . ing ~e 'quietest pl~e~ ~o~d get the o~h ?..~e new generaaon o¢ ~"~at ~igh~. ~at's t~e Mhd of ~ot we ~ke ~ s~ ' ~ more p~senge~ and gene~ I~ no~e ¢go*e~ment bold out ~ ~e ab~ne indus,2 .:'~;;~';' ~ ~o~ng a realty. ~e p~s~ ne~ bid-' .- ~at approach not only rew~ ~e o~ra.., .- ~ng s~ stem ~es adv~ge 0¢ ~aL. ~me '. ' 'tots 9f quie~r ~er~t, and en~g~ eon-"' ~teda m~t ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ o[ awing · ~nt attenaon ~ noise r~Ucdon, but it wo~d ' ~l~t~ ~keffa We ~ t ~ink be in k~.ng ~t~ f~e~¢, effor~ ~ eqeo~age one ~anjet noise r~t~etion; "'~ :.~:~. ¢'~ · ~2:,"' ': .... -;Tempers flared ia' Newport '~': ;'"Ma'y°rHeath&: sa~d' Beach Priday afternoon when it' ?' proposal gains any Support with was learned that Ralph Clark,'. other, board~memhers,, ]'we'll chairman of the Orange County' fight this bitterly,. -We.'.ve, ac- Board of SupervisOrs, is asking -' eom'plished too much' to .just, let' colleagues to consider a 50 per. - it'go ...... : ,'; ;.,~;~.. cent increase in daily jet de...,:~; ,:."If this is the way. Clark's go- partures 'from John. Wayn~ itig to act, theri I guess it:s good Airport.:..--' ~;,,4~':d :i';;,.,:i'~ c,:;:,t. , ~ if he sho{v~ us I~ colqrs.lno]w,'..'~ " Newport- Mayor,- J-aekie-. r':/She added/ ,;,...-,-'.-.,z?:'.-r,,~. -,:.,, Heather, an outspoken .and .ac:, ~][.. The mayoi' s~i'c~, d'.n'umber o~' tive:,opponent of"airport ex-'.' '~j, ot er Newport. officials are. Pi'"' uite " ' ' ' ~ ' · pansion, said, '"I'm deeply dis- i~; ':' -q upseL w~th.Clark s pt~o-. turbed that herd c,ome-up,with: :~.' posal, She predicted 'if. Clark's' something like this. '::';.-:'?;--,.-.'i ..-.';.. ; proposal i~ only a trfal balloon,:] . She said Newport and county'. : itwill go over lil~e-';a l,ead one" leaders have been working ir~.'a.' i.. in NevZport. "~spirit of cooperation'_', to find ;,.;;. 'Under 'th~ pr0p0s~d master { satisfact~ midale-;g~un'd~.f'?[.' ,t plan foe'.the 'airport, the high ; growth at the airport;.' -; "?, ":~;(-- ' ~.- noise impact' area ivould !~ re:. t' ' "I don't know all the'~ietails of. { duced by 86 percents· from 237 ~ 'acres to31 acres.. :(~' ,. ~;:.,?... i this;" she stressed;'. "'but it "'; .Under: Clark's proposal that' I. seems to fly right in the fade oP 'everything we've been"doing. I wonder if Chairman Clark is'tlaj- ,Ting to tell. us that' everything, · . we've been working on is simplY. "meaningless.?-;, ":,~'-.' :::~:'.:-... '-;'"' ' 'Clark's memo wa-~"difeulated among board members Thurs- ~ day. Most supervisors· seemed ireluctant to react to Clark's pro- posal. ::i. ,,,..: '.. ~"::'i: :~ :' '~":: :'. Several aides fo ~up~r{i's'or~' high noise impact area would be reduced ~o 38 acres. 'The mem'o' · states that his proposal would still achieve an overall noise re- duction of 7 decibels., -- · .- ,, The master plan calls for a 7.5. ;decibel reduction. Public hear- ings before the county Airport. Commission, Planning. Com- miss'ion 'and' .Board of Supervisors will be held within suggested comment .would be- withheld- until S'/,'pervigbr,' the next several weeks on the master plan..~.,..._~4;, :.~-:.'~ - *>. Thomas Riley, whose district ....... :-~: ........ ~.-. .... .-.y-- shrrounds the airport, retttrns to . his office. ,:. ;,:: '~: ~*:,,' .~ ~,'; .gl ~ ;~' :::~? ::' * · . ,, Clark, in his memo, said an in, crease in fights could be accom- modated with only a sUght re-: laxation of noise standards con: templated in :the 'proposed master plan for the airport., . .The county now permits 41 commercial jet departures dai- 'ly.. ,Clark has suggested that '~ 'figUr;~ be ·upped to 62. The ....... ~ ,master plan calls, for an *in; i crease .to 55 flights.' ~.'.',-":;:' ,:: :.,-;.: i Riley, who has. been ~ hospitalized with a respiratory ~' illness, was, to be briefed late, .' '.,'Friday on Clark's proposal: ...Steve Kozak, an aide to Riley, ' noted in a memo tp his boss that Clark "appears to be .testing the waters for this approach." ' Kozak noted that he would de- ·. vote his time to communicating · with other supervisors ,.in an el- : ' fort to maintain support far the ~'·goals and objectives, in the ~, airport master plan, which has ~, yet to, bd.adopted by the board of ;~. supervisors., :;.~:,. i,;,. · ~ ....