HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 MANAGED PRINT SERVICESMEETING DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: SUMMARY: AGENDA REPORT DECEMBER 20, 2016 JEFFREY C. PARKER, CITY MANAGER Agenda Item 7 Reviewed: City Manager Finance Director ERICA N. RABE, CITY CLERK SEAN TRAN, ACTING DIRECTOR OF FINANCE MANAGED PRINT SERVICES Due to the expiration of the City's lease agreement with Xerox for copiers and printers, staff issued a Request for Proposal to replace the owned and leased multi -function devices and personal printers at various locations. Upon completion of a thorough analysis, staff is recommending to contract with the vendor that proposed the best solution for the City. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a 60 -month lease agreement with Sharp Business Systems in the amount of $364,000; with an additional $25,000 to configure the Plockmatic Production Printer to accommodate high-quality printing. 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Sharp Business Systems for a 60 -month print management program for supplies and maintenance of multifunction copiers, printers, scanners in an amount of $301,250. 3. Approve a supplement appropriation in the amount of $60,000 from anticipated General f=und revenue associated with the pay-off of the remaining leases. This will be offset by a payment from Sharp Business Systems. FISCAL IMPACT: The current annual lease and maintenance agreement for the City's copiers totals approximately $15,879 per month, including supplies (except paper and staples). The proposed new annual lease and maintenance agreement, including supplies (except paper and staples), would total approximately $11,687 per month at an estimated savings of $251,520 over the course of the 60 -month lease. Agenda Report: Managed Print Services December 20, 2016 Page 2 of 3 In addition to the lease savings, staff took the opportunity to complete an analysis of printing jobs in-house on the Plockmatic Production Printer versus outsourcing print jobs. Staff estimates an additional annual savings of $12,048, which is $60,253 over the course of the five-year lease. DISCUSSION: City staff enlisted the assistance of Procure America, a print management consultant, to conduct an exhaustive analysis of the City's document imaging contracts, technology and processes to include usage patterns and total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis on all leased and owned copiers, printers, fax and scanning equipment. Based on the analysis conducted and a survey of City departments, staff issued a detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) and received proposals from eight organizations: Advanced Office, Canon, Cell Business, Konica Minolta, LaserCare, Ricoh, Sharp Business Systems, and Xerox. A thorough scoring process was performed considering the following categories: Effectiveness of Management Plan and Understanding of the Work, Strategic Narrative on Managing Copier Fleet Upgrade and Implementation Plan, Acceptance of Contract Terms and Conditions and Service Level Guarantees, Strategic Narrative on Managing the Print Optimization and Enhanced Scanning Capabilities, Vendor References and Case Study Narrative for Similar Implementation and Success and Value of Finalist On - Site Presentation and Technology Demonstration. After completion of the scoring, the following top three candidates were invited to move forward in the process with on-site demonstrations: Canon, Sharp, and Xerox. During the on-site demonstration, Sharp emphasized the importance of customer service and responding to service calls within a timely manner. Sharp also demonstrated user-friendly machines with forward thinking technology. The ability to implement technology that will withstand a five-year lease agreement was a key factor in the decision process. Ultimately, Sharp Business Systems proposed a solution for the City that not only resulted in the lowest cost but also exceeded in technology, customer service, software solution, and scanning advances. Outsourcing versus In -House Print Jobs Based on the invoice analysis of seven print vendors, the City's annual cost is approximately $75,000 for outsourced jobs. We analyzed sixteen high volume print jobs Agenda Report: Managed Print Services December 20, 2016 Page 3 of 3 and determined thirteen of those can be printed on the proposed light production unit. In considering the additional paper cost and click charges, the projected annual savings of producing those jobs in-house is $12,048. The addition of the light production unit has many advantages including the ability to produce higher quality brochures, event flyers, pamphlets, etc. The impact on staff to provide the additional services was also considered. Currently, many time-consuming functions that are manually performed by staff will be performed by the production printer such as folding and hole punching. Further, by utilizing the managed print service program, staff will no longer spend time ordering replacement supplies as this will be done proactively by the vendor. Thus, freeing up staff time to produce the additional print jobs. Amongst the many reference checks provided by Sharp, staff contacted the City of Chino Hills, Superior Court of California, Orange County and City of San Diego with questions regarding implementation, service calls, knowledge of technicians, onsite training, and expectations. All responses from the reference checks were positive and encouraging for staff to move forward with the recommendation to the City Council. Overall, staff anticipates a smooth transition in implementing the new machines and is looking forward to working with Sharp Business Systems. Sean Tran Acting Director of Finance Attachments: 1. RFP 2. Bidder Scoring 3. Outsourcing Spreadsheet I JA //V Z Erica N. Rabe City Clerk ATTACHMENT1 Letter of Invitation to Bid The City of Tustin / Managed Print Services RFP Dated August 30, 2016 1. Summary and Background City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP The City of Tustin is currently accepting proposals for Managed Print Services to replace the owned and leased Multi -Function Devices and Printers at various City locations. The City has engaged ProcureAmerica to help facilitate this process and negotiate pricing, rates and services on its behalf. The Executive oversight for this project is the City Clerk and IT Department. The purpose of this request for proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from various candidate organizations, conduct a fair and extensive evaluation based on criteria listed herein, and select the candidate who proposes the best solution for the City of Tustin. The City leases 36 of their 88 total print devices. The average age of the fleet is 6 years. All city locations are included in this project as follows: City Hall, Police Department, Public Works Yard, Community Center and other small remote locations. Over the last 6 months, ProcureAmerica has conducted an exhaustive analysis of the City's document imaging contracts, technology and processes to include usage patterns and total cost of ownership (TCO) analysis on all leased and owned copiers, printers, fax, and scanning equipment. This complete end-to-end consulting package is designed to help the City of Tustin transition to an optimized print environment customized to the City's requirements. The detailed analysis by location, department and device with user notes, will be found in the Excel File labeled as (Attachment 1 — Detailed Analysis with Bidder Solution Form.xlsx). A user survey was conducted during the month of June 2016 with 71 employees responding. The summary of the survey results is included for your reference in PDF (Attachment 2 —Tustin User Survey Results). The City will accept written questions to the RFP through 4 p.m. on Thursday, September 08, 2016. Please send all correspondence to Brenda Merrill (Consultant) at bmerrill@procureamerica.org with a copy to Erica Rabe (City Clerk) at erabe@tustinca.org. All answers will be provided via the City website and email response for all bidders to review by Thursday, September 15, 2016. City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Page 118 . City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Table 1 City of Tustin current state analysis summary Total Fleet Summary by Device Type See Attachment #1 Excel File for full details. Mapping Key + 10 A3 Copiers - Color �17 Desktop Color MFP Color Codes 0 9 A3 Copiers — B&W ®®0 39 Desktop B&W PrinterIQ 10 Desktop Color Printer— EnterpriseYrint Business tMeOgence Service City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Page 218 . City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP 2. Proposal Guidelines This RFP sets forth the requirements for a competitive process. Proposals will be accepted until 4 p.m. PST on Thursday, September 29, 2016. Any proposals received after this date and time will not be accepted. To be considered, bidders must provide 3 hard copies of the following in a combined bound document: • Technical proposal outlining your ability to meet the RFP requirements and methodology to implement the solution. • Cost proposal forms completed accurately. • Completed Attachment #1 excel document Bidder solution sheet with your device recommendations filled in for each category. • One (1) electronic copy of all response documents. • Proposals must be received by the Office of the City Clerk, City of Tustin, 300 Centennial Way, Tustin, CA 92780, by 4:00 P.M. on Thursday. September 29, 2016. The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted. Proposals submitted will be reviewed by the City's Project Team. 3. Project Scope Bidders will have the opportunity to provide the City of Tustin with Print Technology Equipment, Software, optional Lease Cost, Supplies and Maintenance Services for the associated replacement of Copier/Print Equipment and Services outlined in Attachment 1 (Detailed Analysis with Bidder Solution Form.xlsx) with total bundled cost per year summarized on Attachment #3 — Cost Proposal with Schedule of Quantities and Prices Forms included as part of this document. Bidders may select to propose that certain current owned HP Printers stay in place as long as bidder is willing, and original equipment manufacturer, (OEM) certified to cover those devices at the same service level agreement (SLA) included in Exhibit A. The current owned HP printer assets that City intends to keep is listed in Attachment 1 as (Keep/Cover) in the Column for Bidder Proposed New Technology. The City recommendations for optimization and consolidation are detailed by new device category in Attachment 1. The City is looking for vendors to provide their customized solution for total Managed Print Services to include the replacement of the existing indicated owned and leased equipment along with service and support of existing HP owned desktop printers. If bidder recommends to replace all the new HP Printers marked as (Keep/Cover) indicated in attachment A, please indicate so in your proposal and add the Cash and Lease pricing for such replacements to the Solution Pricing form in Attachment #1 and #3. The City desires innovative solutions that maximizes efficiency with this implementation and thus is not dictating a typical solution request in the RFP. Our goal is to entertain creative and value based proposals from bidders who will outline, based on their experiences and success with other organizations, a true value based solution to the City in implementing their proposal. Services Agreement The City has provided a copy of the proposed City of Tustin Professional Services Agreement with terms and conditions (Attachment 4, Exhibits A and B). City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Page 318 City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP The proposal shall include a statement by the proposer that all of the provisions contained within the agreement as drafted in (Attachment 4, Exhibits A and B) are acceptable to the proposer. If any of the provisions are unacceptable to the proposer, the proposer must state which provisions are unacceptable and what language the proposer may wish to change, add, or delete in the agreement. The proposer's response to this RFP may be rejected based on any changes to the agreement that the proposer may require. Current Lease Pay -Off The City currently leases the majority of its copier/printer fleet with various end dates through 2020. The estimated monthly pay-off is $65,000 including tax and excluding any services. The City will consider terminating these contracts early if it is cost beneficial to allow for a concurrent implementation of the new Technology and Services throughout all locations. We are asking bidders to include in their total price the cost to cover the remaining payments and any lease return fees. Please explain your process and ability to meet this requirement in your proposal package. Maintenance/Service Service shall include all toner, parts, time and labor as generally accepted in industry standards with a minimum 4 hour response time as outlined in Attachment 4, Exhibit A. Please provide service costs for all equipment in the proposal and on the year 1 to 5 schedule of prices forms. The resulting desired contracted format will be a zero ($0) cost base with zero (0) prints included with all fees accrued on a per print basis. For proposal comparison purposes, we have inserted the estimated current volume per category on the schedule of quantities and prices forms. Prices will be evaluated based on the total 5 year cost to the City to allow for an economical service cost increase if applicable. If the Schedule of Quantity and Prices Forms reflect the same service rates and cost for each of the 5 years, then the City will deem that a locked in service rate is proposed and expect that terminology to be included in the bidder proposal response. Schedule of Quantities and Prices Forms (5 Years) Please provide a total lease cost for the desired term along with the total purchase price for the proposed equipment on the attached Schedule of Quantities and Prices Form. The desired lease is 60 months. Complete each form for projected costs for each of the 5 years with a summary roll up form reflecting total 5 year all- inclusive bid price to include all delivery, trainings, software license and lease buyout costs. Proposed Solution Requirements a. Set forth in the chart below is a Standardized Print Categorization to include 5 Device Type Segments and Standardization for upgrades. b. All A3 (11x17 capable) and A4 (not 11x17 capable) MFP's must be color capable with enhanced scanning and the ability to link to ERP Workflow. c. All A3 (11x17 capable) and A4 (not 11x17 capable) MFP's must have "Follow Me Print" Capabilities. d. Desktop Printer Support and HP Refresh Plan. See Exhibit A: Scope of Services for additional technical and software requirements. City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Page 418 . City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Table 2 Optimized State New Device Category Chart Fillable form found in Attachment #1 BM!L!up-Wr For Marketing and High > 75 PPM High Volume Graphics Color MFP with Fiery Category #1 Print Controller, Booklet Finisher and Post Sheet 1 Quality Finished Documents Inserter, Full Bleed 11X17 booklets with inline trimer. For Area's Doing Over 15k > 65 PPM High Volume Office Color MFP with Booklet Category #2 Finsiher, LCT, Hole Punch and Enhanced Scannibng 8 pages Monthly Combined Capailities. For Area's Doing 5K to 15K > 55 PPM Office Color MFP with Booklet or Standard Category #3 Finisher, Stapling, Hole Punch and Enhanced Scanning 8 per Month Combined Capabilities. For Area's Doing Less than > 40 PPM Office Color MFP with Internal or Standard Category #4 5K Per Month Combined Finisher, Stapling, Hole Punch and Enhanced Scanning 0 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Needing 11X17 Capabilities. Category #5 For Table Top & MFP's Not > 40 PPM Office Color A4 MFP with Internal Staple 19 Requiring 11 X 17 Finisher and Enhanced Scanning Capabilites. High Volume Desktop Refresh older high volume > High Volume BW or Color Desktop Laser Printer with 8 BW HP Desktop Printers 2 Paper Drawers, Printer Low Volume Personal Refresh older personal low > Low Volume BW or Color Desktop Laser Printer 28 volume printers Printer Keep and Keep Newer Existing HP > Cover for all Toner, Parts and Labor 13 Cover Printer Devices To be determined upon selected vendor 0 Eliminted recommendation. City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Page 518 4. Request for Proposal (RFP) and Project Timeline City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Issuing this RFP in no way obligates the City of Tustin to include any of the replying bidders in the future selection process. • All proposals in response to this RFP are due no later than 4 p.m. PST Thursday, September 29, 2016. • The City will accept written questions to the RFP through 4 p.m. on Thursday, September 8, 2016. Please send all correspondence to Brenda Merrill (Consultant) at bmerrill@procureamerica.org with a copy to Erica Rabe (City Clerk) at erabe@tustinca.org. All answers will be provided via the City website for all bidders to review. • Evaluation of proposals will be conducted from September 30, 2016 through October 13, 2016. If additional information or discussions are needed with any bidders during this window, the bidder(s) will be notified. Finalist bidders will be notified on Friday, October 14, 2016. • The top 2 or 3 responders will be invited to schedule a bidder site Presentation and Technology Demonstration for the City selection committee from October 24' through the 28th allowing for 2 hours each. • The winning bidder will be announced by November 10t", 2016 (subject to City Council authorization) • Implementation is expected to take place during the month of December 2016 with a goal for completion prior to year-end. S. Bidder Qualifications The City requests at least three City/Municipal based references that are similar in size from the proposing bidders be included with your RFP response to include description of services provided, company contact and phone number. 6. Proposal Evaluation Criteria The City Staff and ProcureAmerica consultant will evaluate all proposals based on the following criteria. This is subject to adjustments as deemed appropriate by the City of Tustin in its sole discretion. To ensu re consideration for this RFP, your proposal should be complete and include all of the following criteria: • Overall proposal suitability and technology enhancements: proposed solution(s) must meet the scope and needs included herein and be presented in a clear and organized manner. • Value and cost: Bidders will be evaluated on the cost of their solution(s) based on the equipment price, functionality and service cost in accordance with the scope of this project. The total overall 5 year price will be taken into consideration. • The City reserves the right to implement the selected proposal solutions over a 2 year period. • Reports of references. • The willingness to agree to all, or at a minimum, critical terms of the Professional Services Agreement. • The City of Tustin reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals or to waive any defects or irregularities in the proposals or selection process. City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Page 618 . City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP A scoring template will be used to evaluate each bidder response in detail to include the following 3 Categories resulting in a shortlist of bidders selected to move to the presentation phase. Category #1 Effectiveness of Management Plan and Understanding of the Work. Total of 100 Possible Points with 30% Scoring Weight 1. Completeness of Proposal and ability to communicate the Value Proposition to this specific project. Max 40 Points 2. Strategic Narrative on Managing Copier Fleet Upgrade and Implementation Plan. Max 30 Points 3. Acceptance of Contract Terms and Conditions and Service Level Guarantee's. Max 30 Points Category #2 Degree of the Contractor's (firm and staff) Skills and Experience. Total of 100 Possible Points with 30% Scoring Weight 1. Strategic Narrative on Managing the Print Optimization and Enhanced Scanning Capabilities. Max 30 Points 2. Vendor References and Case Study Narrative for similar implementations and success. Max 30 Points 3. Value of Finalist On -Site Presentation and Technology Demonstration. Max 40 Points Category #3 Total Overall 5 Year Cost of Vendor Solution. Total of 100 Possible Points with 40% Scoring Weight 1. Total Solution Cash Price for New Printers / Copiers. Max 40 Points 2. Total 5 Year Service and Toner Price Based on RFP Estimated Volumes per Year to include any escalations in contract pricing from SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES FORM SUMMARY. Max 30 Points 3. Total 5 Year Proposal Cost to Include Bidder Cash Price Financed by 3rd Party Lease Source and Overall 5 Year Service and Supply Price. Max 30 Points City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Page 718 . City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP List of Attachments 1. Attachment 1— Detailed Analysis with Bidder Solution Form 2. Attachment 2 — City of Tustin user Survey Results 3. Attachment 3 — Cost Proposal Forms 4. Attachment 4 — Professional Services Agreement Exhibit A —Scope of Services Exhibit B — Pricing Table City of Tustin Managed Print Services RFP Page 818 Workflow Optimization Consulting Total Responses Date Created: Thursday, June 23, 2016 Complete Responses: 71 Powered by SurveyMonkey A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Q1: What Department do you work in? - ry -- `- A ProcureAmerica Document Management See rvice Answered: 81 Skipped:2 City Manager Community Developmeirt Human Resources Finance Parks and ReCreatloll Police Public Works 096 1096 2096 3096 4096 5096 3096 7096 80% 010% 100% Powered by SurveyHonkey Q1: What Department do you work in? - ry -- `- A ProcureAmerica Document Management See rvice Answered: 81 Skipped:2 Answer Choices Responses City I lanager Community Developmeil 93.58% 11 Human Resources 3.70% Finance 9 X89 % 1- Parl-s and Recreation Police 33.33% -- Public 'VVoll.s 97.28¢x° 14 Total 89 Powered by SurveyHonkey Q2: What is the primary device you use for daily printing needs? Answered: 80 Skipped:3 Xerox MFP HP Printer 0% 10 20 30 40% Powered by SurveyHonkey A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service 50% 30% 70% 80% {10% 100% Q2: What is the primary device you use for daily % printing needs?- ry -- �- A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Answered: 80 Skipped:3 Answer Choices :•,erax t,TP HP Printer Total Powered by SurveyHonkey Responses 57.50°A¢ 4 42.50°A¢ .�4 80 Q3: How often do you print to devices outside your % department to achieve better print quality?- ry -- �- A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Answered: 78 Skipped:5 Everyday Multiple Times Per Week A Few Times Per Mointh Rarely "ever 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 30% 7096 8096 X096 100°6 Powered by SurveyMonkey Q3: How often do you print to devices outside your % department to achieve better print quality?- ry -- �- A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Answered: 78 Skipped:5 Answer Choices Responses Everyday r,lultiple Times Per'vVeel- Few Times Per Floilh Rarely Never Total Powered by SurveyMonkey 8.97% 72.82% 1 i 1 15.38% 1 3#.62% 28.21% -- 78 Q4: Please tell us how often you use the follow % features on your Xerox Copier/ MFP.A - ry -- � Service ProcureAmerica Document Management rvice Answered:73 Skipped:10 Hole Punch Stapling 11 X 17 Paper Booklet Fold and staple Calor c ng of basic off... o Color Printing of Marketing... Printing Information... Printing basic black and wit g of documents 0 1 2 3 d 5 8 78 n 10 Powered by SurveyMonkey Q4: Please tell us how often you use the follow features on your Xerox Copier/ MFP. Answered:73 Skipped:10 Powered by SurveyMonkey A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Everyday MultipleA Few Rarely Hever Total Weighted Times Per Times Average Week Per Motdh Hole Punch 2.94% 0.00% 8.821 32.35! 55.881 3:3" Stapling 9.861 25.351 22.54% 16.901 25.35% 11 }; 17 Paper 2.86! 75.771 25.771 30.00! 25.711 600l let Fold and 0.001 1.491 2.99% 31.341 6.1.18% Staple - 1 _ _1 33 .- 3:r' color Priding of 42.251 29.581 16.90% 41,23% 7.041 basic office . _ 1 1-1 - -1 -'.04 documents color PI11ing of 7.351 11.761 10.29% 20.591 50.00% I'larl eting .- - 14 ; documents PI irding 21.13% 23.94% 29.58% 19.72% 5.63% Informationfrom 1:- 1- _1 13 4 -1 the Irlernet Printing basic 81.94% 8.33% 2.781 41.17% 2.78% blacl and' niiite documents Copying of 72.60% 20.55% 4.111 2.741 0.00% documents .-.. 1: - Q5: How often do you have the need to print on % envelopes?- ry -- Service A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Answered: 74 Skipped:9 Everyday A few times per week A few times per month Rarely Hever 056 1096 2096 3096 4096 5096 4096 7096 80% X10% 100% Powered by SurveyMonkey Q5: How often do you have the need to print on % envelopes?- ry -- Service A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Answered: 74 Skipped:9 Answer Choices Responses Everyday 9.46% fe.gv times per weel. 18.81% few times per moiTtl7 22.97% 1- Rarely 28.38% 1 Never 28.38% 1 Total 74 Powered by SurveyMonkey Q6: How often do need to print confidential % documents?- rv�� Service A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Answered: 74 Skipped:9 Everyday A few times per week A few times per mouth Rarely ltever 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 130% 70% ao% 90% 100% Powered by SurveyMonkey Q6: How often do need to print confidential % documents?- rv�� Service A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Answered: 74 Skipped:9 Answer Choices Responses Everyday 28.27% 1:- fe.yv times per weel. 16.22% 1 few times per moi h 18.92% 14 Rarely 28.38% 1 Never 16.22% 1 Total 74 Powered by SurveyMonkey Q7: How often do you use Scanning from % the MFP?A - ry -- � Service ProcureAmerica Document Management rvice Answered: 72 Skipped: 11 Everyday Multiple Times Per Week A Few Times Per Mointh Rarely "ever I 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 30% 7096 8096 X096 100°6 Powered by SurveyMonkey Q7: How often do you use Scanning from the MFP? Answered: 72 Skipped: 11 Answer Choices Ever'yda'y rrlultiple Times Per o' eel- Few Times Per Frlonth Rarely Never Total Powered by SurveyMahkely A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Responses 44,44% _ 30.56% -- 73.$9% 1c, 5.56% 4 5.56% 4 ria Q8: Please let us know if you see a benefit in these / potential enhancements to future MFPs- rv��- A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Answered: 72 Skipped: 11 Do you see a benefit from... Using a {Hold Prim# OlAion... Using a Watermark... Follow Me Prhyt {Being... 0 0.2 0.4 0.13 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.13 1.8 2 Powered by SurveyHonkey Q8: Please let us know if you see a benefit in these potential enhancements to future MFPs Answered: 72 Skipped: 11 A ProcureAmerica Document Management Service Powered by SurveyHonkey Ito Yes, but Yes, I see it Total Weighted would as a benefit Average use it and would rarely. use it often. Do 'xou see a benefit from being able to 31.94% 51.39% 16.67% priint directl- from -kour Smart Plnone ar _. - 1'. -_ 1 Tablet? Using a (Hold Print Option with Pin Code) 41.67% 41.67% 16.67% when printing confidential documeints? 1 _ -_ 1 Using a VVatermarh Feature ,-. slnado,,q of 37.50% 45.83% 16.67% the -gvord Draft or Confidential Priinted in _- 1. -_ 1.- the Bacl•ground) when printing documeils? Follow t le Print ,Being able to send a print 37.50% 41.44°I¢ 18.86% lob and reb ieve it at an- t-,1FP with a PIN _- _ 1. -_ 1.'�l Code? Powered by SurveyHonkey • City of Tustin Attachment 3 Cost Proposal Attachment 3 Schedule of Quantities and Prices Form (Years 1-5) SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES FORM Cash and Lease Price Options — New Units City of Tustin Managed Print RFP Page 117 • City of Tustin Attachment 3 Cost Proposal Service and Supply Contract / Usage Charges SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES FORM YEAR 1 YEARLY VOLUME OF PRINTS X I COST PER PRINT Total Yearly MFP / PRINTER SERVICE / SUPPLY Cost 1,320,000 B/W Copier $.0000 $00.00 based MFP's Pages 720,000 Color Copier $.0000 $00.00 Based MFP's Pages 600,000 B/W Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages 180,000 Color Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages Total Yearly Service and Supply Cost for all Units (NUMBER OF PRINTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE FOR RFP COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY) City of Tustin Managed Print RFP Page 217 $00.00 • City of Tustin Attachment 3 Cost Proposal Service and Supply Contract / Usage Charges SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES FORM YEAR 2 YEARLY VOLUME OF PRINTS X I COST PER PRINT Total Yearly MFP / PRINTER SERVICE / SUPPLY Cost 1,420,000 B/W Copier $.0000 $00.00 based MFP's Pages 780,000 Color Copier $.0000 $00.00 Based MFP's Pages 600,000 B/W Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages 170,000 Color Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages Total Yearly Service and Supply Cost for all Units (NUMBER OF PRINTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE FOR RFP PROPOSAL COMPARISON ONLY) City of Tustin Managed Print RFP Page 317 $00.00 • City of Tustin Attachment 3 Cost Proposal Service and Supply Contract / Usage Charges SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES FORM YEAR 3 YEARLY VOLUME OF PRINTS X I COST PER PRINT Total Yearly MFP / PRINTER SERVICE / SUPPLY Cost 1,420,000 B/W Copier $.0000 $00.00 based MFP's Pages 780,000 Color Copier $.0000 $00.00 Based MFP's Pages 500,000 B/W Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages 100,000 Color Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages Total Yearly Service and Supply Cost for all Units (NUMBER OF PRINTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE FOR RFP COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY) City of Tustin Managed Print RFP Page 417 $00.00 • City of Tustin Attachment 3 Cost Proposal Service and Supply Contract / Usage Charges SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES FORM YEAR 4 YEARLY VOLUME OF PRINTS X I COST PER PRINT Total Yearly MFP / PRINTER SERVICE / SUPPLY Cost 1,420,000 B/W Copier $.0000 $00.00 based MFP's Pages 780,000 Color Copier $.0000 $00.00 Based MFP's Pages 500,000 B/W Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages 100,000 Color Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages Total Yearly Service and Supply Cost for all Units (NUMBER OF PRINTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE FOR RFP COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY) City of Tustin Managed Print RFP Page 517 $00.00 • City of Tustin Attachment 3 Cost Proposal Service and Supply Contract / Usage Charges SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES FORM YEAR 5 YEARLY VOLUME OF X COST PER PRINT = Total Yearly MFP / PRINTER PRINTS SERVICE / SUPPLY Cost 1,520,000 B/W Copier $.0000 $00.00 based MFP's Pages 800,000 Color Copier $.0000 $00.00 Based MFP's Pages 400,000 B/W Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages 50,000 Color Desktop $.0000 $00.00 Printer/ MFP's Pages Total Yearly Service and Supply Cost for all Units $00.00 (NUMBER OF PRINTS SHOWN ABOVE ARE FOR RFP COMPARISON PURPOSES ONLY) City of Tustin Managed Print RFP Page 617 • City of Tustin Attachment 3 Cost Proposal Schedule of Quantities and Prices Form (Year 1 to 5 Summary) SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES FORM SUMMARY • The above summary must equal the total amount of service charges per year based on the fluctuating volumes and any contracted annual increases plus your estimated annual lease cost for the new equipment. • Use this space below to explain any additional costs indicated in the chart above. City of Tustin Managed Print RFP Page 717 YEARLY PRINTS YEARLY LEASE INDICATE ANY TOTALS BY YEAR COST FOR ALL MFP COST FOR ALL MFP ADDITIONAL / Printer UNITS / Printer UNITS COSTS YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn ................................................ nnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnn nn ............................................... YEAR 4 YEAR 5 COLUMN TOTALS TOTAL PROJECTED 5 YEAR PRICE wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wv� wwwwwwv wwwwwwwwv wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwv • The above summary must equal the total amount of service charges per year based on the fluctuating volumes and any contracted annual increases plus your estimated annual lease cost for the new equipment. • Use this space below to explain any additional costs indicated in the chart above. City of Tustin Managed Print RFP Page 717 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT This Agreement for Professional Services (herein "Agreement"), is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation ("City"), and ("Contractor"). WHEREAS, Contractor is qualified to provide the necessary services and has agreed to provide such services; and WHEREAS, Contractor submitted to City a proposal, dated , a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", in response to a Request for Proposal which is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". (Exhibits "A" and "B" are collectively referred to as the "Proposal'). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual agreements contained herein, City agrees to employ and does hereby employ Contractor and Contractor agrees to provide professional services as follows: 1. SERVICES OF CONTRACTOR 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide those services specified in the Proposal (the "services" or the "work"). Contractor warrants that all services shall be performed in a competent, professional, and satisfactory manner in accordance with all standards prevalent in the industry. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms contained in Proposal and specific terms set forth in the main body of this Agreement, the terms set forth in the main body of this Agreement shall govern. 1.2 Compliance with Law. All services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all laws, ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, and regulations of the City of Tustin and of any federal, state or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3 Licenses and Permits. Contractor shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 1.4 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Contract, Contractor warrants that Contractor (a) has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, (b) has investigated the site of the work and become fully acquainted with the conditions there existing, (c) has carefully considered how the work should be performed, and (d) fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the work under this Agreement. Should the Contractor discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in the work or as represented by the City, Contractor shall immediately inform City of 1 1105453.1 such fact and shall not proceed with any work except at Contractor's risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer. 1.5 Care of Work. Contractor shall adopt and follow reasonable procedures and methods during the term of the Agreement to prevent loss or damage to materials, papers or other components of the work, and shall be responsible for all such damage until acceptance of the work by City, except such loss or damages as may be caused by City's own negligence. 1.6 Additional Services. Contractor shall perform services in addition to those specified in the Proposal when directed to do so in writing by the Contract Officer, provided that Contractor shall not be required to perform any additional services without compensation. Any additional compensation not exceeding ten percent (10%) of the original contract sum must be approved in writing by the Contract Officer. Any greater increase must be approved in writing by the City Manager. 2. COMPENSATION 2.1 Compensation of Contractor. For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, the Contractor shall be compensated and reimbursed only for such services and such amounts as are expressly prescribed in Exhibit "C", in an amount not to exceed THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF CITY'S OBLIGATION UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN THIS SECTION. IF THE CITY'S MAXIMUM OBLIGATION IS REACHED BEFORE THE CONTRACTOR'S SERVICES UNDER THIS AGREEMENT ARE COMPLETED, CONTRACTOR WILL NEVERTHELESS COMPLETE THE SERVICES WITHOUT LIABILITY ON THE CITY'S PART FOR FURTHER PAYMENT BEYOND THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT. 2.2 Method of Payment. In any month in which Contractor wishes to receive payment, Contractor shall, no later than the first working day of such month, submit to City in the form approved by City's Director of Finance, an invoice for services rendered prior to the date of the invoice. City shall pay Contractor for all expenses stated thereon which are approved by City consistent with this Agreement, no later than the last working day of said month. 2.3 Changes. In the event any change or changes in the work is requested by City, the parties hereto shall execute an addendum to this Agreement, setting forth with particularity all terms of such addendum, including, but not limited to, any additional Contractor's fees. Addenda may be entered into: A. To provide for revisions or modifications to documents or other work product or work when documents or other work product or work is 2 1105453.1 required by the enactment or revision of law subsequent to the preparation of any documents, other work product or work; B. To provide for additional services not included in this Agreement or not customarily furnished in accordance with generally accepted practice in Contractor's profession. 2.4 Payment for Changes. Changes approved pursuant to an Addendum shall be compensated at the personnel hourly rates prescribed in Exhibit "C" hereto. Note: Exhibit "C" prohibits billing for travel or travel time. 3. PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. All services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed within any time periods prescribed in any Schedule of Performance attached hereto marked Exhibit "D". The extension of any time period specified in the Exhibit "D" must be approved in writing by the Contract Officer. 3.3 Force Majeure. The time for performance of services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement may be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of a public enemy, acts of the government, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather if the Contractor shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such condition notify the Contract Officer who shall thereupon ascertain the facts and the extent of any necessary delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the enforced delay when and if in the Contract Officer's judgment such delay is justified, and the Contract Officer's determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Section 7.7 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until satisfactory completion of the services but not exceeding from the date hereof, unless extended by mutual written agreement of the parties. 4. COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representative of Contractor. The following Principal of the Contractor is hereby designated as being the principal and representative of 3 1105453.1 Contractor authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of the foregoing Principal is a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing Principal shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Contractor and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. The foregoing Principal may not be changed by Contractor without the express written approval of City. 4.2 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be the City Manager of City. The Co -Contract Officer shall be the Communications Manager. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to keep the Contract Officer, or the Co - Contract Officer in the Contract Officer's absence, fully informed of the progress of the performance of the services and Contractor shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer or the Co -Contract Officer. 4.3 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Contractor, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for the City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, Contractor shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of the City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be assigned or transferred, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of C ity. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Neither the City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Contractor, its agents or employees perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth herein. Contractor shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. Contractor shall be solely responsible for compliance with State and Federal Law with respect to the wages, hours, benefits, and working conditions of its employees, including requirement for payroll deductions for taxes. Employees or independent contractors of Contractor are not City employees. 19 1105453.1 5. INSURANCE / INDEMNIFICATION 5.1 Insurance Requirements A. Types of Required Coverages. Contractor shall maintain in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement the following insurance policies: (1) Commercial General Liability: Commercial General Liability Insurance which affords coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office "occurrence" form CG 00 01, with minimum limits of at least $5,000,000 each occurrence, and if written with an aggregate, the aggregate shall be double the each occurrence limit. (2) Products -Completed Operations: Contractor shall procure and submit to City evidence of insurance for a period of at least three (3) years from the time that all work under this Contract is completed. (3) Automobile Liability Insurance: Automobile Liability Insurance with coverage at least as broad as Insurance Services Office Form CA 0001 covering "Any Auto" (Code) 1) with minimum limits of $1,000,000 each accident. (4) Professional Liability: Professional Liability insurance with minimum limits of $3,000,000 each claim. Covered Professional Services shall specifically include all work to be performed under the contract and delete any exclusion that may potentially affect the work to be performed. (5) Workers' Compensation: Workers' Compensation Insurance, as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance with a limit of not less than $1,000,000 each accident for bodily injury and $1,000,000 each employee for bodily injury by disease. B. Endorsements Insurance policies shall not be in compliance if they include any limiting provision or endorsement that has not been submitted to the City for approval. (1) The insurance coverages required by Section (1) Commercial General Liability; and (3) Automobile Liability Insurance shall contain the following provisions or be endorsed to provide the following: 5 1105453.1 (a) Additional Insured: The City, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers, boards, agents and representatives shall be additional insureds with regard to liability and defense of suits or claims arising out of the performance of the Contract. Additional Insured Endorsements shall not: i. Exclude "Contractual Liability" ii. Restrict coverage to the "Sole" liability of contractor iii. Exclude "Third -Party -Over Action" iv. Contain any other exclusion contrary to the Contract (b) Primary Insurance: This insurance shall be primary and any other insurance whether primary, excess, umbrella or contingent insurance, including deductible, or self-insurance available to the insureds added by endorsement shall be in excess of and shall not contribute with this insurance. (c) The policy or policies of insurance required by Section (5) Workers' Compensation shall be endorsed, as follows: Waiver of Subrogation: A waiver of subrogation stating that the insurer waives all rights of subrogation against the indemnified parties. C. Notice of Cancellation Required insurance policies shall not be cancelled or the coverage reduced until a thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation has been served upon the City except ten (10) days shall be allowed for non-payment of premium. D. Evidence of Insurance The Contractor, concurrently with the execution of this Agreement, and as a condition precedent to the effectiveness thereof, shall deliver either certified copies of the required policies, or original certificates and endorsements on forms approved by the City. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy shall be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. At least fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of any such policy, evidence of insurance showing that such insurance coverage has been renewed or extended shall be filed with the City. If such coverage is cancelled or reduced, Contractor shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice of such cancellation or reduction of coverage, file 0 1105453.1 with the City evidence of insurance showing that the required insurance has been reinstated or has been provided through another insurance company or companies. E. Deductible or Self -Insured Retention Any deductible or self-insured retention must be approved in writing by the City and shall protect the indemnified parties in the same manner and to the same extent as they would have been protected had the policy or policies not contained a deductible or self-insured retention. F. Contractual Liability The coverage provided shall apply to the obligations assumed by the Contractor under the indemnity provisions of this contract. G. Failure to Maintain Coverage Contractor agrees to suspend and cease all operations hereunder during such period of time as the required insurance coverage is not in effect and evidence of insurance has not been furnished to the City. The City shall have the right to withhold any payment due Contractor until Contractor has fully complied with the insurance provisions of this Contract. In the event that the Contractor's operations are suspended for failure to maintain required insurance coverage, the Contractor shall not be entitled to an extension of time for completion of the Work because of production lost during suspension. H. Acceptability of Insurers Each such policy shall be from a company or companies with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII and authorized to do business in the State of California, or otherwise allowed to place insurance through surplus line brokers under applicable provisions of the California Insurance Code or any federal law. Any other rating must be approved in writing in accordance with the City. Claims Made Policies If coverage is written on a claims -made basis, the retroactive date on such insurance and all subsequent insurance shall coincide or precede the effective date of the initial Contractor's Contract with the City and continuous coverage shall be maintained or an extended reporting period shall be exercised for a period of at least three (3) years from termination or expiration of this Contract. Upon expiration insurance, Contractor shall procu coverage or an extended reporting of at least three (3) years from t completed. or termination of coverage of required re and submit to City evidence of "tail" coverage period endorsement for the period he time that all work under this contract is 7 1105453.1 J. Insurance for Subcontractors Contractor shall be responsible for causing Subcontractors to purchase the same types and limits of insurance in compliance with the terms of this Agreement, including adding the City as an Additional Insured to the Subcontractor's policies. 5.2 Indemnification. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers and employees, from and against any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, costs, and expenses, including legal costs and attorneys' fees, for injury to or death of person or persons, for damage to property, including property owned by City, arising from errors and omissions of Contractor, its officers, employees and agents, or arising out of or related to Contractor's performance under this Agreement, except for such loss as may be caused by City's sole negligence. The Contractor shall also defend, indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claims or liability for City health and welfare, retirement benefits, or any other benefits of part-time or fulltime City employment sought by Contractor's officers, employees, or independent contractors, whether legal action, administrative proceeding or pursuant to State statue. 6. RECORDS AND REPORTS 6.1 Reports. Contractor shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning the performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. 6.2 Records. Contractor shall keep such books and records as shall be necessary to properly perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the performance of such services. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all reasonable times, including the right to inspect, copy, audit and make records and transcripts from such records. 6.3 Ownership of Documents. All drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials prepared by Contractor in the performance of this Agreement shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon request of the Contract Officer or upon the termination of this Agreement, and Contractor shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights or ownership of the documents and materials hereunder. Contractor may retain copies of such documents for its own use. Contractor shall have an unrestricted right to use the concepts embodied therein. q 1105453.1 6.4 Release of Documents. All drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials prepared by Contractor in the performance of services under this Agreement shall not be released publicly without the prior written approval of the Contract Officer. 7. ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT 7.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Orange, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Contractor covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. 7.2 Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefor. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party cures any default within ninety (90) days after service of the notice, or if the cure of the default is commenced within thirty (30) days after service of said notice and is cured within a reasonable time after commencement; provided that if the default is an immediate danger to the health, safety and general welfare, the City may take immediate action under Section 7.6 of this Agreement. Compliance with the provisions of this Section shall be a condition precedent to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party's right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured. 7.3 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non -defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. No consent or approval of City shall be deemed to waive or render unnecessary City's consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Contractor. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 7.4 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 7.5 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in law or in equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this 7 1105453.1 Agreement, to obtain injunctive relief, a declaratory judgment or any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. 7.6 Termination Prior to Expiration of Term. The City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to Contractor, except that where termination is due to the fault of the Contractor and constitutes an immediate danger to health, safety and general welfare, the period of notice shall be such shorter time as the City's Contract Manager in his or her sole discretion determines is appropriate. Upon receipt of the notice of termination, Contractor shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Contractor shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to receipt of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter. 7.7 Termination for Default of Contractor. If termination is due to the failure of the Contractor to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may take over the work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and the Contractor shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated, provided that the City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate damages, and City may withhold any payments to the Contractor for the purpose of set-off or partial payment of the amounts owed to City. 8. CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; NON-DISCRIMINATION 8.1 Non -Liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of City shall be personally liable to the Contractor, or any successor -in - interest, in the event of any default or breach by the City or for any amount which may become due to the Contractor or its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 8.2 Covenant Against Discrimination. Contractor covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination or segregation in the performance of or in connection with this Agreement regarding any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, or ancestry. Contractor shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants and employees are treated without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, or ancestry. 9. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 9.1 Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, or communication either party desires or is required to give to the other party or any 10 1105453.1 other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by pre -paid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this Section. To City: CITY OF TUSTIN 300 Centennial Way Tustin, CA 92780 Attention: City Manager To Contractor: 9.2 Integrated Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the parties and cannot be amended or modified except by written agreement. 9.3 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing. 9.4 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement, which shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder. 9.5 Corporate Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. 11 1105453.1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. Dated: APPROVED AS TO FORM: David E. Kendig City Attorney "C ity" CITY OF TUSTIN, a municipal corporation Jeffrey Parker City Manager "Contractor" [NAME] IN 12 1105453.1 141mMCI Proposal 13 1105453.1 141m:71111=j Request for Proposal 14 1105453.1 Exhibit C Manner and Timing of Compensation 15 1105453.1 • Managed Print Services Exhibit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B - Compensation SCOPE OF SERVICES EXHIBIT A Contracted Vendor will provide the City of Tustin an MFP/Printer Maintenance service as described in, "Scope of Services" for all Equipment and OEM accessories herein referred to as "the Equipment" and locations as listed in Schedule A of this agreement. A. SERVICES GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. ENTERPRISE PRINT SERVICES: Provides Multi -Function Printers (MFPs) and Single Function Printers to meet the City of Tustin business requirements for Copying, Printing, Scanning and Faxing. Manage the implementation and all necessary support for the manufacturer authorized maintenance agreement and all associated leased or City of Tustin owned equipment and software listed on page one of the agreement or any attached Schedule (A) of Equipment thereto. 2. ADDITION OF EQUIPMENT: City of Tustin will notify Contracted Vendor upon installation of any additional equipment at the City of Tustin site capable of using Contracted Vendor or Manufacturer Servicing Group supplied toner cartridges or consumable. Upon installation, such equipment shall automatically be covered by this Agreement and shall be considered billable per page volume for all purposes under this agreement. 3. REMOTE SUPPORT AND METER SOFTWARE: Contracted Vendor a will remotely monitor and support the Equipment for more timely and accurate resolution of problems. The City of Tustin agrees to install Contracted Vendor or Manufacturer designated Meter Software that will automatically gather and send to Contracted Vendor Billing Department Meter Readings on a Pre -Scheduled Basis. 4. DOCUMENT VOLUME FLEXIBILITY: If at any time after three months of system installation, the actual monthly output volume varies from any guaranteed minimum monthly document output volume, either upward or downward, we may request an adjustment in our guaranteed minimum monthly document output volume. B. SERVICE LEVELS 1. MAINTENANCE. Contracted Vendor will provide full coverage maintenance on all contracted equipment including, but not limited to, parts, service calls, and scheduled preventative maintenance support. The Contracted Vendor helpdesk will take all support calls and offer assistance over the phone via your remote diagnostic capabilities to get us up and running faster. Should an on-site technician be needed, an ETA will be provided with a courtesy follow up via phone. 2. INCLUDED SUPPLIES. Contracted Vendor will provide all supplies required for image creation (excluding paper and staples). All supplies will be OEM unless noted in this agreement. Supplies will be shipped per City of Tustin request but may be limited to a quantity required based on prints generated under this agreement. Micr toner is excluded unless noted in this agreement. 3. BILLABLE SUPPLIES. Staples, Paper and Micr toner may be ordered through Contracted Vendor on a pre -negotiated billable rate. City of Tustin Page 1 of 6 4. MINIMUM SERVICE RESPONSE TIMES/UPTIME GUARANTEE. Response Time 4 Hours Maximum (emergency service requests) Repair Time 2 hours average Minimum Uptime 97% Maximum Downtime 3% Managed Print Services Exhibit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B - Compensation Response Time —Time measured from logging of service call until technician arrives on scene or clears by phone. Repair Time —Time required for a technician to troubleshoot, diagnose and repair a copier measured from arrival on the scene to completion of call. This does not include time required for shipment of certain parts. Minimum Uptime — Percentage of time machine is available for basic operation in comparison to hours of operation as determined by the City of Tustin. Maximum Downtime — Percentage of time machine is unavailable for basic operation in comparison to the hours of operation as determined by the City of Tustin. Emergency Service Request — Request for service when any of the three main functions is in operable. (Copy/Print/Fax) excludes preventative maintenance calls. 5. AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE. Contracted Vendor will provide emergency and preventative maintenance service calls during normal working hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) daily except Saturday's, Sundays or holidays. Holidays consist of: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and day after, and Christmas Day. 6. SERVICE LOANER. If the main copy/print engine is deemed inoperable and Manufacturer authorized service personnel is unable to correct the problem within 16 working hours, we may request a loaner of similar or upgraded features at no additional cost until our main copy/print engine is repaired. 7. UPTIME GUARANTEE- Uptime Guarantee -your maintenance procedures shall be designed to average up to a 97% uptime, but in the event the mainframe provided is not operational (excluding preventive maintenance and operator preventable calls) during any 60 day period, Contracted Vendor will request a loaner of similar and upgraded features at no additional cost until your mainframe is repaired. 8. REPLACEMENT GUARANTEE —If the Contracted Vendor is unable to repair a problem, you shall, at our request, replace it without charge with an identical model or, at the option of manufacturer, with a machine with comparable features and capabilities. 9. QUARTERLY REVIEWS. Contracted Vendor will schedule an on-site meetings at the City of Tustin at least once per quarter, but not more than once per month to review the performance, usage trends and equipment service levels. C. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.0 BACKGROUND The Contracted Vendor will be responsible for providing new convenience copying, print and multifunction devices. All recommended hardware, software, and systems must be pre -approved and installed by the City of Tustin for a minimum term of five (5) years. The Contracted Vendor, based upon the awarded optimization plan, will be responsible for providing MFP / Printers and single function printers to the City of Tustin that will provide convenience copying and printing services to meet the specifications outlined in RFP. City of Tustin Page 2 of 6 Managed Print Services Exhibit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B - Compensation The City of Tustin will not guarantee any minimums for print volumes. Click charges will be billed monthly based on actual usage in arrears. All equipment (including replacements) will be covered for maintenance, parts, and supplies for the duration of the contract term. Paper and staples may be excluded from the click charges. 2.1 CONTRACTED VENDOR PERFORMANCE AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS a) If the Contracted Vendor is unable to repair any covered device they will, at the City of Tustin request, replace any piece of equipment or software, without charge, with an identical model/version or, at the option of the Contracted Vendor, equipment or software applications with comparable features and capabilities during the entire term of the Contract. b) The Contracted Vendor will, at no additional cost, perform installations, removals, relocations, network connections/disconnections, hardware and/or software installations and/or removals, providing parts, supplies, and maintenance. The City of Tustin will pay only additional monthly costs for added equipment pre - approved and not any direct or indirect costs, including, but not limited to, finance charges, early termination charges, installation charges, removal charges, network hook-up charges, freight charges, gas surcharges, moving charges, "buy-out" cost, "trade -up" or "trade- down" costs, that result from any additions/deletions, upgrades/downgrades, or changes. c) The Contracted Vendor shall, at no additional cost, recommend methodologies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the City of Tustin print environment at the Cities request. Should the Contracted Vendor perform assessments, any monitoring software or hardware necessary to conduct these assessments must be approved by the City of Tustin in advance. d) The Contracted Vendor shall, at no additional cost, be prepared to address any equipment or network security concerns raised by the City of Tustin. e) The Contracted Vendor will, at no additional cost, provide a recycling/disposal program for all equipment, parts, and supplies. f) The Contracted Vendor will, at no additional cost, provide any upgrades or retrofits, offered or available, including hardware and software (e.g. updates, security patches, etc.), for all equipment during the term of the Contract. g) The Contracted Vendor will, at no additional cost, submit quarterly maintenance or upon request, service history and preventative maintenance reports for all equipment. The reports will include equipment uptime, service response time, nature of problem call, equipment utilization/costs, supply consumption, mean time/copies between service calls, etc. Contracted Vendor and The City of Tustin may periodically refine the reports. h) The Contracted Vendor will, at no additional cost, be available for monthly and quarterly meetings to review problems and opportunities (e.g. cost reduction initiatives, improving performance, etc.) regarding this Contract. i) The Contracted Vendor shall be authorized by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) to service the equipment during the entire term of the Contract. j) The Contracted Vendor service technicians must be OEM trained and certified during the entire term of the City of Tustin Page 3 of 6 • Managed Print Services Exhibit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B - Compensation Contract. k) The Contracted Vendor will only use only OEM genuine or OEM approved parts and supplies to maintain the equipment and the Contracted Vendor must have same-day or next -day delivery for parts and supplies, with the parts delivered to the City or brought in by a service technician. 1) The Contracted Vendor will, at no additional cost, perform OEM approved equipment maintenance, including preventative maintenance for all MFP / Printer and single function printers, at least once per year. m) The Contracted Vendor will be solely responsible for obtaining and furnishing quarterly meter counts for all equipment. Meter counts must be accomplished at no additional cost and without the City of Tustin staff intervention or inconvenience. n) The Contracted Vendor will, at no additional cost, provide live training, re-training, and live technical support for all equipment during the term of the Contract. o) The Contracted Vendor will provide, at no additional cost, a live person, toll-free phone line to place service calls, order parts and supplies, and provide technical support. p) The Contracted Vendor will, at no additional cost, respond to all emergency service requests within two hours and begin repairs within four hours unless other arrangements are made. q) The Contracted Vendor shall, at no additional cost, have a 24-hour toll-free phone support for the hardware and software issues, as well as available on-site technical support from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. r) The Contracted Vendor shall provide, at no additional cost, access to a web -based online reporting and tracking system. This tool should have a service call module to track problems from inception to completion and to provide activity reports. This tool should also include an asset management component to manage the locations and IP addresses of the devices. s) The Contracted Vendor shall, at no additional cost, provide the ability to view invoices on-line via a secure customer portal. 3.1 DISASTER RECOVERY/BUSINESS CONTINUITY REQUIREMENTS a) In the event of a disaster, whether natural or man-made, the Contracted Vendor will furnish the City of Tustin with specified (numbers and types) printing equipment to designated recovery locations within 24 - hours of notification. All equipment will be fully assembled, delivered (drop shipped), and installed to working condition with a minimum of five reams of paper, one set of consumables, manuals, and drivers. b) The cost of the equipment and consumables will be at the Contract rates then in effect. If there are no Contract rates, the rates charged will not exceed the current rates being charged by the Contracted Vendor to other government agencies. 4.1 CONVENIENCE COPYING AND MULTIFUNCTION PRINTER REQUIREMENTS a) All MFP's must be capable of copying, printing, faxing, and scanning. City of Tustin Page 4 of 6 b) All MFP / Printers must be capable of duplexing. Managed Print Services Exhibit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B - Compensation c) All MFP's must offer print around functionality to eliminate potential printing bottlenecks. If a user requests a missing resource (i.e., staple cartridge, empty or missing legal paper and stylus pens) other jobs will continue processing and printing until the missing resource is supplied. d) All MFP's must be capable of scan -to -file, scan -to -desktop, scan- to -fax, scan -to -email, scan -to -server, a n d scanning to USB. Scanner must interface with Active Directory and authenticate users based on AD credentials. Scan to Email functions must call our current email address book from AD/Exchange. e) All MFPs must be color capable for both printing and scanning. f) All MFPs must have auto size sense: automatically sense the size of the document and output onto correct paper. g) All MFP / Printers must be network ready. h) All MFP/ Printers connected to the City of Tustin network, will permit the user to scan a document and send it as a searchable PDF or TIFF or JPEG with a memory of at least 2.0 gigabytes and a hard disk drive of at least 80 gigabytes. i) All MFP /Printers will have Digital Mailbox capability at the device and provide document security access. j) All MFP's will have on display or pull out keyboards for enhanced scanning integration. k) All MFP's shall utilize an encrypted hard drive for print, scan, and fax jobs. 1) All MFP's shall employ image overwrite capability (with scheduling option) that can be applied to the entire spooling area of the hard disk drive. m) All MFP's must have picture step-by-step instructions to clear paperjams. n) The Contracted Vendor must, at no additional cost, provide the City of Tustin software that provides, at a minimum, the following: (1) remote monitoring of MFP / Printer status and supplies, (2) tracking usage and costs of the MFP / Printer, (3) reporting capabilities accessible to the City of Tustin staff via web or cloud services. City of Tustin Page 5 of 6 • Managed Print Services Exhibit A — Scope of Services Exhibit B - Compensation COMPENSATION EXHIBIT B The City of Tustin will pay a no minimum monthly per page charge for all prints made during the previous billing cycle at the rates indicated per category or device as follows: Equipment Type Meter Type Volume Range BW Cost Per Page Color Cost Per Page A3 Copier Based MFP's 00 to 00 $.00000 $.00000 A4 Printer Based MFP's 00 to 00 $.00000 $.00000 BW Desktop MFP's / Printers 00 to 00 $.00000 $.00000 Color Desktop MFP's / Printers 00 to 00 $.00000 $.00000 6.1 BILLING REQUIREMENTS. a) The Contracted Vendor shall provide expense monitoring and monthly billing for the usage of each MFP/printer with associated location and department. The monthly billing shall include a Microsoft Excel version for internal analysis. b) The Contracted Vendor shall, at no additional cost, deliver all documentation relating to the services provided under this Agreement. At a minimum, this shall include: • OEM toner and ink cartridges (remanufactured cartridges are not acceptable). • Maintenance kits and parts as required. • Hardware and software specifications for any monitoring system utilized. • Technical diagrams of how hardware and software is connected to the City ofTustin's network and any external connections (e.g., Internet, telco lines, etc.) required. • Printer drivers, user manuals and warranty information for any replacement printers or devices. • Escalation procedures and contact numbers. City of Tustin Page 6 of 6 ATTACHMENT Enterprise Print Business Inte!ligenre Ser ice City of Tustin - Outsourced Print Job Analysis Print Sample Print Sample Description Total Annual ..,.r..nt 0 uantity of Final Document Page Clicks t is Print ' b :roduced on Job Device? Would this Job Note require additional accessory� Aniva,,:,,, Eslinnal-I Added cost for Charge Cost on Paper/Media DeviceName New TortalAnnual Cost on me. device MonthlySaAngs to Produce In- House Annual Savings Police Department Tri -Fold Brochure. 8.5X11 Full 2. per year, 1,500 Police Dept Bleed,with Tr�Fold, DoubleSided on Glossy. Cost Police Dept JW Printing e.ch.3 different 18,000 $3,600.00 Yes Needto.ddfoldingunitf.,Tri-Fold Yes, Add Fold in Unit $810.00 $891.00 $1,701.00 $158.25 $1,899.00 invoice is $.404 for 250 -20 Cents per Page brochures =9,000 Per Vea MX-FD10 at $4,800 Police Dept Tustin Police Magazine. 44 Pages with Extreme heavy stock booklet on 11X17 full bleed. Card Police Dept 1W Printing Everyothc,yc., 13,200 $1,778.00 Yes Ves, an do the inlinefull bleed with inline trimer Ves Plockmaticfor $594.00 $594.00 $1,188.00 $49.17 $590.00 Stock Cover. Orders 300 each .$1,778 non glossy paper Glossy P. per Only Compass Compass Booklet, 11X17 Booklet Full bleed on Park and Be, Anchor Printing 3x per year, 2, 000 144,000 $9,964.80 Yes Yes, can do the inline full bleed with inline trimer Yes Plockmaticfor $6,480.00 $720.00 $7,200.00 $230.40 $2,764.80 Glossy. 16 Page Booklet each=9,000 non glossy paper Glossy Paper Only Street Fair Booklet, 20 Pages booklet fold and Did not find on Once. year, 2,000 Ves,czn clothe inlinefull bleed with inline trimer Yes Plockmaticfor Street Fair staple. 11X17 Full Bleed on Glossy. Full color on Park and Be, s per ye., -40,000 40,000 $3,600.00 Yes $1,800.00 $400.00 $2,200.00 $116.67 $1,400.00 Covera nd only single color on interior pages Estimated Cost pages on non glossy paper Glossy Pa per Only Tiller Days Tustin Tiller Days, One page 8.5X11flyer. Full Park and Be, Anchor Printing lOx per yea r, 17K per 170,000 $11,220.00 Yes Yes, can do full job without duplex on Glossy Yes, we. Id need Plockmaticfor duplex $7,650.00 $850.00 $8,500.00 $226.67 $2,720.00 Color Full Blood on Glossy event glossy on Tiller Days Tustin Tiller Days 2008, booklet with 12 pages on Park and Be, Anchor Printing Once a year, 5,000 60,000 $4,560.00 Yes Yes, can do the inline full bleed with inline trimer Yes $2,700.00 $420.00 $3,120.00 $120.00 $1,440.00 11X17 full bleed gloss per year non glossy paper City News, Rec,Events. Magazine style. 32 pages 4x per year, 30K each Tustin Today full bleed bookletfold and staple. Appe.rsto be P. rkand Rec time is 3,840,000 Volumetoo high Yes $0.00 bulk mailed. Pages Calendar P.rksa nd Rec Calendar, 28 Pages Full Bleed Duplex P. rk and Rec Anchor Printing once a year, 500 per 14,000 $3,780.00 Yes Bindoff line. Would need to purchase a coil No $630.00 $1,260.00 $1,890.00 $157.50 $1,890.00 on 8.5X11with spial/coil bind year binder Dining/Eventroll Old Shopping, Dining a nd Event Guide. Has Not Found on 4x per ye.,, 2,000 Can notduefull bleedorg.tecut. Can produce Yes, Plockm.ticat Guide G.teTown Bleed on 11X 17 wstom cut to Pa rk and Rec Invoices. -ch 24,000 $2,880.00 Yes with mod'rfied layout $11,500 $1,080.00 $960.00 $2,040.00 $70.00 $840.00 15X1Fold. High 15X19 on High Gloss Paper. ed estimated Continue to Produceat Printer Folding Ca rd Concert in the Parks folding business a rd. Special Pa rk and Rec Not Found on Invoices. Cost 2,000 perVear No $0.00 cot with scoring on fold, double sided estimated Doorhan gers Doorh.ngers, on 8.5x11 has 2 color a nd no bleed. Finance Progessive 5,000 to 10,000 per 10,000 $2,290.00 Yes Just need to purchase the precut pa per No $450.00 $274.80 $724.80 $130.43 $1,565.20 Uses pre-cut door hanger paper Concepts year Water bilk, are 2 color double sided pre-printed Could bring in houses by creating a n e form that w.terbllls form that is printed in house with client data. Finance ProgccPts 4,000 8,000 $1,100.00 Yes prints the form data at the same times client No $360.00 $320.00 $680.00 $35.00 $420.00 Perfected paper Concepts data Finance Note 3S.mples of3.5X6" cut on reg.l.rcolored paper Finance Progessive 2,000 2,000 $ 166.80 Yes E.s y No $50.00 $40.00 $90.00 $6.40 $76.80 Cards for h.nd written order/accounting notes. Concepts Water Conservation Post Ca rd Stock Post Ca rd wstom size 9x6", full color StockPost Cl Finance Not Found on Invoices. Cost Unknown 1,000 $90.00 Yes Yes $45.00 $30.00 $75.00 $1.25 $15.00 Card clorclSto bleed estimated Community on Ca rd Stock Post Ca rd wstom size 8.5x5.5", boll Finance Not Fo u nd on Invoices. cost Unknown 1,000 $90.00 Yes Yes $45.00 $30.00 $75.00 $1.25 $15.00 Center C. rd color do. ble sided full bleed estimated Evenlo pes pes, sing 5Different Pre -Printed evenlo le color. Finance Progessive Unknown No Best on Print Press, Continue to outsource all $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Concepts business cards, letter head a nd evnelopes. $0.00 t tt ® $22,694.00 $6,789.80 $29,483.80 $1,302.98:t 42,100 $3,759.97 New Monthly C l ick and Paper Cost $2,456.98 Monthly Monthly Cost to add the Plockmatic Finisher and Folding Unit is $16,300 or $299 on the lease $299.00 Total Estimated Monthly Cost $2,755.98 Annual Savings Total Estimated Monthly Savings $1,003.98 $12,047.80 ATTACHMENT Gffi CE Ei"f '��t t City of Tustin Enterprise Print Suslness Wellig.ence Se" ce Bidder Scoring Summary BiddingTotal .. Managed Print Services RFP Effectiveness of Management Plan and Advanced Understanding of the Work. Total of 100 erox Cell Business Possible Points witowls %Scoring Weight Office Vendor Average Score / Points 98 99 86 31 88 92 Category Factor Weight 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Weighted Category Average Score 29 30 26 9 26 28 Degree of the Contractor's (firm and staff) Skills and Experience. Total of 100 Possible Points with 0 LaserCare R58 30% Scoring Weight Vendor Average Score / Points 89 97 79 1858 Category Factor Weight 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Weighted Category Average Score 27 29 24 5 17 17 Vendor.. Total Overall 5 Year Cost of Vendor Solution. Total of 100 Possibl Points with 40%Scoring LaserCare Advanced Weight Office Vendor Average Score / Points 88 99 83 66 74 73 Category Factor Weight 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Weighted Category Average Score 35 40 33 26 30 29 Total Bidder Projected 5 Year Cost with $848,561 $664,736 $783,664 $748,833 $868,144 $686,920 Proposed Lease and RFP usage calculations. Total Bidder Projected Monthly Cost Year p1 at current $14,142.68 $11,078.93 $13,061.07 $12,480.55 $14,469.07 $11,448.66 usage volume. City current validated costs for equipment lease, services $15,879.00 $15,879.00 $15,879.00 $15,879.00 $15,879.00 $15,879.00 and oursourced print jobs. Monthly savings Projection $1,736.32 $4,800.07 $2,817.93 $3,398.45 $1,409.93 $4,430.34 Annual savings Projection $20,835.80 $57,600.80 $33,815.20 $40,781.36 $16,919.20 $53,164.08 Five Year Savings Projection $104,179.00 $288,004.00 $169,076.00 $203,906.80 $84,596.00 $265,820.40 Total Number of New Units Included 85 72 72 72 72 72 Vendor.. VendorOverall VendorOverall Brenda Merrill Notes: Updated cost projections to include added color volume of 40,000 pages per month to bring in Scorer's Notes and Observations oustsourced production print jobs from various departments.