HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 DISASTER COORD. 12-01-80DATE:
November 21, 1980
At the November 17th City Council meeting, Staff was directed to supply more
detailed information concerning the responsibilities of the City's Medical and
Health Coordinator during an emergency status. The data was desired in order to
appoint a qualified replacement to this non-compensatory position, vacated by
Dr. Robert E. Dreibelbis at his request. Dr. Dreibelbis has informed City Staff
that he will oontinue to serve in the position until Council can expeditiously
approve a replacement.
Dr. Dreibelbis has suggested Dr. Robin Oxman (Internal Medicine) of the Tustin
Conmunity Hospital as a likely candidate for the position. Our existing
emergency plan does not specifically require a medical professional to serve in
the capacity. However, Staff believes that the position's responsibilities are
such that both the conmunity and CityCouncil~ould be better served during an
emergency by a qualified professional in the medical field than by a layperson.
In addition to Dr. Oxman (who has yet to be approached by Staff) and other
practicing professionals, another potential pool for candidates is recently
retired physicians in the cormnunity.
County emergency health service is authorized through mutual agreement to
automatically operate within the City's jurisdiction upon a disaster, and has
the prima.ryresponsibility for medical and health care during an emergency,
augmented by and coordinated with City personnel.
The City-Disaster Medical and Health Coordinator is appointed by the City
Council to act as the Staff liaison with the local medical agencies, as well as
County organizations, for the purposes of providing full interface in training,
preparing, and mobilizing appropriate local resources to ensure the medical,
health, shelter, and welfare concerns of the ~nity are met during an
emergency. Additionally, the Coordinator informs and advises the Emergency
Operations Council (City Oouncil) as to the status and direction of medical care
during a disaster, and also serves as the Deputy Chief to the CommunityServices
Director, whose department is responsible for coordinating shelter and welfare
The Medical and Health Coordinator works with the following personnel during an
1. Medical and ancillary personnel (private practice)
2. Co~nity Hospitals
3. Various private hospitals
4. Convalescent and Rest Home personnel
5. Public schools
6. Private schools
7. Coroner's Office ar~ mortuary firms
8. State' Department of Public Health
9. County Health Services Department
10. American Red Cross
Salvation Army
12. Church groups
Con~nunication is maintained with field units, hospitals, and other vital
facilities to coordinate needs and direction.
Further' information regarding this position's responsibilities as well as an
organization, chart .of the entire City during a disaster may be reviewed in the
additional attachments.
It is reco~nended that the City Council:
1. Provide Staff with the names of any candidates they wish to be
considered for appointment to the non-compensatory City-Disaster
Medical and Health Coordinator position.
If no candidates are suggested by Council, Staff will proceed to
contact Dr. Oxman and/or search for other professionals to fill the
2. Approve a selection process.
A. Subco~nittee of Council members to reco~nend a candidate for
appointment by the City Council as a whole; or
B. Direct the City /~tministrator to recommend to City Council one
candidate from a~ong the nominees for appointment to the position.
Respectfully submitted,
~~AiP' at'~s s~ista~
· '~ive sistant
GN :dmt '
Attachments: 1. Medical and Health Care Disaster ReSponsibilities
2. City of Tustin Disaster Organization Chart
~uxi%iary Tasks:
· . ' A~TA~. HMEN. T~.:i. .f...
Collect and ~eport
inc!u din9 Radef
Opera%re fallout monitorlnU ~n.d
repot ~inU s
Provide first mid
Frovid~ faci li%y contamination -
b. Medical Care Service
Basic Tasks:
Provide medical treatment for sick
and injured persons
Provide medical re0islraticn ser-
· . -Auxiliary Tasl:s:
L~;.; En forcem~n~
}~anaoe medical services, a~tivi~ies,
facililies, and resources
M~na~e the identification and dis-
posizion of the deceased
Collcct and report info~nation,
includin9 Radcf
Provide first aid in suppSrt
se~dh and rescue
Provide facility
& ~raffic Control Service
Auxiliary Tasks:
~nforce laws, rules
Provide security for facilities o~d
Control pedastrlan ~rgffic
Col!ec~ ~nd repor~
inc!udinD Radef
OpermZe f~llout moni~ori~
reportinD stations
Assist in search and light rescue
Provide first aid
Provide area contm~inalion control
Attachn~nt I
__ -46-~ 4/1975
B~sic Tasks:
Auxiliary Tasks:
Hous~ng Division
Basic Tasks:
Provide for the rcpair,.modifica-
· ion, and/or construction of
emergency facilities and housing
~!aintain an inventory and provide
for the procuremen~ and
tion of building supplies
Co!leer and report information
S~rve), existing housing
Assess b~using damage and arrange
Survey sites for e)~edient and
.provlsed housing
~laintaJ. n ~ housin~ inventory-
Establish needs for expedient hous-
ing construction
Allocate housing space
Auxiliary tasks: Co!!ec~ and report inforna~ion
c. Economic Stabil].zation Div~.sion
Basic Tasks:
Economic Stabilization Plan~ for
price stabilization, rent stabili-
zation, and consumer rationing
.Auxiliary Tasks:
Food Division
Collect and report infornation
Basic Tasks~
Provide for the conservation~ al-
location, and distribution of
Auxiliary Tasks:
Health Division
Basic Tasks
Colle'ct and report info~mation
Mai5%ain an inventory of health re-
sources and provide for their
emergency allocation
Deter;~ine public health hazards-,'
Establish standards for control of
public health hazards
Provide ~echnical guidance and
supervise activities to.control
public health 'hazards
-4~- 4/1975
The authority for this service.is as defined in Section I,
P~.anning Basis-Authority and References, contained in ~he
Basic Plan.
Large scale emergencies will install'an inherent realization
within the mental attitudes of the people for the basic ne~ds
of health and medical care and assurance that their well being
will be protected.
Prior to an emergency and with sufficient notice, actions
must be taken to insure that medical supplies, shelter and
facilities are ample, food supplies and safe drinkable.
water is on hand and available for distribution.
During and after an emergenc_v there must be facilities for
the cDre of the injured as ¥.'e!l as the identity and dis-
position cf the deceased. The dangers of impure food and
water, disrupted sewage systems and the spread of co.~_,.~u~%ic-
a[~!e di~=_-~ses must be watched for and prevented. In that
period of pest emergency conditions, the housing, feedino~
an~ clothing of survivors must be adequate for the purpose
of preserving the well being of the people.
The County of Orange, together with the _n_~erican P, cd Cross
an'-] other crgc. nizations (Salvation Arr~:, Civic Groups,
Church Grcuos: etc.) will have primary responsibility for
~'[e!fare, S~:elter, Medical and Health care of the people ¥~ith
coordination of this service under the supervision of the
Chief of %'[e!fare, Medical and Health and his staff.
This annex covers the resources of the lCelfare, Shelter,
.~.~edical and Health Service in the City capable of reducing
or countering the effects of disasters. The highly trained
personnel .of the Orange County Depart. meat of Public I[ealth,
augmented by the personnel of the City, will be capable of
assisting in first aid, triage, and psychological trauma in
any emergency, particularly in major accidents and civ~.l
disturbances. They would also assist in radiological monit-
oring in nuclear war and maintain a watch for detection and
identification of diseases in natural disasters.
The aim of the Welfare, Shelter, Medical and Health Servlcu,
wo.~:king .{n conjunction ¥;ith Orange County, is to protect thc:
health of the peop].c in a time of disaster by:
a. Cont]:¢,l of communicable diseases.
b. Sul,cr\,iuJon Of cnvirom.'.:u%t~%l sanitation.
c. Countcrn~5:a:;ur¢.-:; for chemical and l,~o]ogical warfare.
Save Lives.
C~nfort and treat the sick and injured.
Determine e×piratlon in tho~o casualties'beyond help.
Idantiflcation and disposition of the deceased.
Emergency housing.
J. Clothing.
K. Registration and information.
L. Famil~ rehabilitation.
~-!. Financial assis±ance.
FI .... TIO:~S
A.. Baslc Tetks: ''
*1.. Restore and ~..aintain public heel-~h controls.
.- .-: ~
l.~: id~nti,~ica±ion anJ detection o~ chemical and biole~iceI
... ageni9 and coutermaasure systems.
. i- ~- · ~ ~ ~'
~3. l.ian~ge and opera'~e reception centers.
lnvenS'ory and allocate ~emporary Iod~.ing.
Re~ister, feed, and cio,h= displaced persons.
.Prey!de reha~ili±ation, an~ ceunsoling services.
Flalntaln regisTration-and locater services.
[4anage.and operai'e public shelters.
· Provide medical treatment ~or ~he sick and injured p~rsons.
I.,on;9; medical services, activities facilities and resources.
I~. Au×llinr¥ Tasks:
~1, Ilanage health services, activities, facilities and resources.
-2.. Collect and report information, Including RADEF. ...~
.3..~ro~Ide facility contamination control.
P~ovtde first aid.
~ln conjuncllon ~,llh Orange Co,.:nty or other organizations.
~aintain casualty records and vital medical statistics.
Coordinate emergency assignments of private medical
facilitiec and allied medical groups.
7. Coordinate the use of Packaged disaster hos~ita!s and.
'first aid stations.
* In conjf/nction wi~] Orange County or oSher organizations.
The ~felfare, Shelter, ~.~edica! and Health Services concept
operation for tfl~e City of Tustin is predicted upon the opera-
tional concepts specified by the Emergency Services Plan of
the CounSy of Orange. The Service, as provided by the City,
can be considered an extension of the County Services ~,ith
the added advantage of City trained personnel geared to t_he
specific situations deemed unique ~o t-he City. This then,
provides an even and speedy integration of forces wkic?, must
be the case %-..'hen the needs of the people are to be served.
Concepts for specific .situations are as
Nuc2ear War & Natural Disaster
In the e-,:ent of Nuclear War or a major
· ~=~,_=_ Disaster, th.e
~';elfare, Shelter, Medical and Health Service must be in
po~3ition to provide absolute intelligence in the assessment
of casualties, injuries, sanitary conditions and the ac=}~v~tie
of City Services in action as they relate to ~he er. ergency
situation. This intelligence will be assessed by the appropri
ate segments of the Orau%ge County Health, ~.~edica! and q-~elfare
Services in order tq ~..~eg,.a~e and take required actions
county ~-~_ higher jurisdiction then takes command using the
City .... { '
o,g,.n_zat!on as required.
B. The Welfare, Shelter, ~.~edicai and Health Service of the
City ~.;i!! initiate local action in the mobilization of
local organizations to cope %-~ith the :-~edical, Heal~] and
Welfare prQblems associated wi~ a major or civil dis-
turbance. Dur%ng this action the service will review the
situation nnd, if rcquired, notify and call in those
segments of thc county organization required. ~rior to
any event classifie&l as a major accident and divil dis-
turbance, the City service %-:ill train personnel, organize
the medical professions %.~ithin the City and conduct
liaison with the county to assure a condition of readines~
in the event of an c~:ergcncy.
_ 4/197 5.
The Medical, Shelter, Health and Welfare Service is organized
with a Chief and one Deputy Chief. The Deputy, the City
Physician, is appointed as a liaison with the local medical
agencies as well as the County for the purpose of providing.
full interface in training, plans, information and direction.
The City has two major hospitals with an approximate co~-~bined
bed capacity of 500, as well as Emergency Receiving Rooms an~
hospital disaster plans capable of handling major medical
The two primary receiving hospitals to be Used in treating
critical mass casualties from a disaster within the City are:
1. Santa ~na-Tustin Community Hospital
1001 North Tustin Avenue
Phone n~ber ....... ~47-6744
Tustin Co..~umunity Hospital
14662 :[ewport Avenue
Phone n~mber . .. .
Once the extent of injuries has been established by the
Incident Office to be of disasterous proportions, the
following procedure is used to notify area hospitals:
The Incident Officer radios "Control fl (coordinated
county cor~..unications) and advises them of the type
of incident, location, and approximate n~mber of patients.
He t2~.en requests H.E.A.R. Hospital Emergency Administration
Radio ~:et Radio be activated and asks for the patient
2. Control ~1, then notifies via radio the participating
H.E.A.R. Net Hospitals in the area to expect mass casualties
The Chief coordinates the Medical, Shelter, and Welfare Plans,
training information, and direction with the county c0~nterparts
in order to assure full readiness when.the need becomes appareot.
The Chief of the Service integrates the planning, training,
staffing and directional requirements into the total City
Emergency Operational Procedures.
A. The administrative resources have been established and
in place in the City, including the necessary maps ~nd
charts. Service resources are available through normal
supply channels.
The Chief of the Medical, Shelter, Health and Welfare
Service has established requirements, policies, priorities,
and procedures for control of supplies and personnel.
The necessary coordination has been established with
specific co~qty agencies for transportation and
co.wan~nication. .~
Requests for receiving services of this Annex or giving
mutual aid will be coordinated through the Area
Coordinator, Cou~nty of Orange Operational Area
(Emergency Center).
Services needed in expediting shelter construction
and improvement will be directed %o the engineering
A. Organ~i~lo~o Chart
B. Succession List
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