HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 TREE REMOVAL 12-01-80DATE: November 26, 1980 OLD BUSINESS NO. 2 12-1-80 Inter-Corn TO: HONORABLE ~YORAND CITY CI/JNCIL FROM: DAN BL~qK~SHIP, CITY AE~INISTRATOR SUBJECT: TREE REMOV~r.q AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS Attached is a report from Bob Ledendecker o~ the above subject. The following is a recap of the situations and support or objections to removal: Location Trees Owner Neighbors Rmco~nendation A. 132~ Lear Lane B. 13622 Malena Dr. C. 1311 T~nce Dr. D. 455 West Main E. 455 Pacific St. F. 14921 & 14922 Featherhill Rd. 5 Ash Objects 11 Object 1 Ash Objects No cor~nent 1 Ash Supports 1 objects 8 Tree Supports No comment of Heavan 2 Ash Objects Objections 2 Eucalp. Support 1 support L.I.O.A.R.* L.I.O.A.R.* Remove and Replace Remove and Replace L.I.O.A.R. * Remove/owner replace ## * Items A,B, and E are marked "L.I.O.A.R." which stands for "Leave if Owner Accepts Legal and Financial Resuonsibility for root maintenance, sidewalk and curb repairs, and injury to others or their property occasioned by leaving the problem tree in this location." # Items C and Dare recommended to be removed and replaced by the City as they are undesirable trees and the owner consents to their removal. #% Item F is recon~nended for the City to remove but replace at owner's expense as the trees are approved trees. No tree is perfect from growth, insects and desease resistance, mess, brittle limbs, etc. Respectfully submitted, DB:dmt DATE: TO: FRO~: SUBJECT: November 25, OLD BUSINESS No. 2 12-1-80 DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER TREE REMOVALS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS The following data concerns the parkway tree removals at various locations throughout the city. An individual report for each location has been prepared by the Maintenance Superintendent and is accompanied by all of the correspondence accumulated to date. In reviewing each one of these requested removals, the City must consider the desires of the homeowner, where the tree or trees are located and whose residence is directly affected; also, what future expenses or liabilities that may be incurred by the City. The following is a tabulation of the locations of the requested remo va ls: a. 1321 Lear Lane b. 13622 Malena Dr. c. 1311 Lance Dr. d. 455 West Main St. e. 455 Pacific St. f. 14912 and 14922 Featherhill Rd. RECOH~ENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. BOB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER BL:db cc: Hugh West Mary Wynn DATE: November 21, 1980 Inter-Corn TO: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: HUGH WEST, MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: ASH TREE REMOVAL Notification was given to the neighborhood of the City's wish to remove the five Ash trees at 1312 Lear Lane. A letter was received from the property owner with a petition attached signed by property owners of the neighborhood objecting to the trees removal. The signatures of 11 neighboring property owners were on the petition. HU~GHWES~T~ Maintenance Superintendent HW:dph 1321 Lear L%ne %~ustin, C~. 9£.'.20 October :.!r. Hu.Sh L. ~est, Maintenance Superintendent CI~f OF TUSTIN ~entemnial at Main Tustin, CA. 92680 Dear Mr. ~est: The accomp~nyi~ petition represents all of the residents in this innediate area. One couple w=-s not able to be reached. The seco~ resident does not w~nt "to become involved". The reaction to the appeal to save the trees was extremely vocal and ~s evidencei by the sigrm_tures, the residents do 5~T -.~nt the trees to be removed. Perhaps I can offer a solution... i have enclosed an editorial from the newspaper which states that over 60 ~alifornia cities are using a product called "Deep Root" to control root systems that direct gro~h do~mwar~ and outward to save gutter, curb and sidewalk damage. Older trees such as the ones department ~ant to remove, can be root pruned and a barrier designed to ~ve the tree. The cost is between $25 and $~5 for one tree. The company is located at 7~54 Bolsa Avenue, Westminister, CA. 926B3 and their phone is 898-0563. ~ill you please investigate this alternate solution? Respectful!y, Maintenance S~perintendent 0ctob~r 20, 1980 GITY O? TUSTR~ Centennial at F~in Tustin, CA. 92680 Dear Mr. West: This PETi?iC: represents the thoughts of the Tustinresidents in the near vicinity of 1321 Le~r Lane, relative to your letter circulated October 8propoming ~ue removal of the Ash trees in theparkway of the above mentioned address: Those ns~mes appearing herinafter are op:?osed to the removal of the trees stror~ly believing they e.~hance their er~iror~ment and pose ~O threat to their loved ones or to their property. Tha.~< you for this opportunity to express ou_r deep concern about the happenings in our neighborhood. Pa~ge 2 of the PETITION a~iBst the removal of the Ash trees at 1321 Lear Ln Should you~ dep~rtment decide to act against our thoughts now expressed, we ~especti~,l~y a~k th~ you notify the above petittone~m ~-_~adv~ c~?~....~?. 1 I DATE: TO: FRO~t: S UBJ ECT: November 21,1980 lnte -Com DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR HUGH WEST, MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT ASHTREE REMOVAL The property owner of 13622 Malena Drive and the neighborhood were notified of the City's wish to remove the one remaining Ash tree on that street. No reply was received from any of the neighbors, however, a letter was received from the property owner stating he wished to keep the tree and would assume the responsibility for any damage caused by the tree. HUGH WEST Maintenance Superintendent DATE: TO: FROM: NOVEMBER 20, 1980 lnte -Com DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR HUGH ~-IEST, MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: TREE REMOVAL The Ash tree at t311 Lance Drive was one of the tree that the Council had directed staff to send notices out to residents of the neighborhood informing them of the City's intention of their removal. One letter of objection was received from the neighborhood of 1311 Lance Drive. Susan Jackson who lives two house down from the 1311 Lance address. If we are going tO ask. the property owner to assume liability for the tree if he does not want it removed what is our course of action if the property owner does not object and the neighbor does? Recom~nendations: I recommend that if it is the city's intention to make the property owner responsible for the cost of repairing damage to the sidewalk, curb and gutter etc., then he should be the one to say whether the tree should be removed or not. HUGH WEST Maintenance Superintendent HW:dph copied for legibility OCTOBER 23, 1980 Dear Sir, I recently received a letter that informed me that the City of Tustin was proposing to remove the tree at 1311 Lance Dr. I live two houses down from this address and I do not approve this action. I will certainly oppose any action taken. This City has repeatedly removed all the best trees and replaced them with smaller, less "harmful'' trees. Even Those continue to destroy the side- walks. Why do you think that because this one goes your problems will be solved? If you remove this one, you will have contributed to destroying my neighborhood. The larger the tree, the better shade it offers and the better it makes the air. I do not want those little sticks you call trees to replace a tree that is as good as the one at 1311 Lance Dr. They offer no shade. They serve no purpose. As for the argument that costs are rising to replace broken concrete; well so are our taxes. And for what they take out, you can certainly afford to replace a small piece of sidewalk to keep this tree. Again, I 'repeat, I will not allow this tree to be removed from my neighbor- hood. Sincerely, Suson Jackson. DATE: November 21, 1980 lnte -Corn TO: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRO~: HUGH WEST, HAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT SUBJFCT: REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL Mrs. Deering's residence is a corner lot at 455 West Main Street, Tustin. She has requested that the City remove the 8 parkway trees on the south and west side of her house. Mrs. Deering's tree problem is unusual as the trees are not the kind of trees that Tustin has had problems with in the past. (Alanthus Altissima), .Trees of Heaven, native of China and planted in California a century ago by the gold prospectors, which now grow wild and have been condemed as a weed because of their profuse ability to reproduce. They are a fast growing tree to heights of 50 feet and will grow in any kind of soil or any kind of condition. Their reproduction is from a seed that they produce and is scattered by the wind. Nature gave them the ability to bore themselves into the soil. Their rate of survival is nearly 100%. Mrs. Deerin§'s problem is they have taken over her lawn with small trees as thick as weeds that ruins her lawn mower when she mows them. She has now discovered they are also coming up under her house and in the vacant lot across the street which is also covered with the tiny Trees of Heaven. Mrs. Deering is very concerned and worried about how thick the little trees are coming up on her property and espically under her house. Some of the trees to be removed are quite large in the parkway, up to t0 to 12 inches in diameter. Recommendations: I recommend the trees be removed at the City's expense and that a suitable number of approved trees be replanted. HU~GHWES~YT~ Maintenance Superintendent 455 West Main Street ~ustln, California r26~ £4~. September, 1950 Dear Mr .~est. This is in regards to our conversation regarding th trees around my property at the above ad~ress. I tried to cut back on the watering of my front lawn, hoping this would stop the growth of the ne¥~ ycur~g trees shooting up, hut to no avail. i had ca-~se to call a Plumber, and he had 50 go ur~der the house, and he showed me the small forest i have gro'~ing under the front %~ndow, so I thiP~ the best tb~ng to do is to ask you to have the trees removed, otherwise I ,~il! be living in a tree house before I know it. Sincerely, Dorothy Deer_ng. DATE: November 21, 1980 infer-Corn TO: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: HUGH WEST, MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT SUBJECT: ASH TREE REMOVAL The property owners of 455 Pacific Street and their neighbors were notified of the City's wish to remove the two Ash trees. Two letters from neighbors plus a letter from the property owner with a petition attached and 18 signatures requesting that the trees not be removed, however, the property owner expressed no willingness to be responsible for damage to public property which the trees may cause. .J Maintenance Superintendent HW:dph October'8, ]980 Dear Homeowner: The City of Tustin proposes to remove the Ash trees located in the parkway in front of 455 Pacific. Since the removal of these trees would effect your environment and the neighborhood in which you live, we are soliciting your comments on the removal. If We do not hear from you within (10) days, we will assume that you have no objection to the removal. If you have any questions regardin9 this matter, please feel to call me a~ 544-8890, ext 240. free Very truly yours, HUGH L. WEST Maintenance Superintendent H:~: 1 s Mr. Hugh L. West, Maintenance Superintendent~ City of Tustin Dear Mr. West, As you requested~ the attached names have been secured to let you know that the neighbors on Pacific would prefer to have the trees Jn front of 455 S. Pacific left where they are ...... We b~lieve that thls is not an unreasonable request. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Marion E. Parsons 455 S. Pacific Tustln, CA. 92680 C~.ty ~F Tustin. Dear Mr. best: Thank Vow for your'letter reoerding the r~moual off tbs Ash trees in the Oarkwey in Front off ~55 Pacific. We ere fullV aware ~ the damage t .~ of ~wch Z~rge crees can do to walks and curbs o~er a oer~od cf t~me. Neverthslsss a cr~% dealw~'~ the charm of this oi~er part of the city d~rives~ from ri-~ ~ . . , ~ ~ ~ O:~:Je ~bet ~ill bS ~r~w~ i~ the :u:'~:~n,, i~ front ~f their it is th~V ~ ~u~t !lye ~:~ith it, ,~t~ it, ?dcle? it u~ ~e~k in The owners off 4-hq Pacific have informed ,ds that ~hey wish to ~:eep the Psh trees end we believe that their ~ishes should be ?e cecld!n~ f ..... r. The residents o~ Pacific St. bet~.,ean Maim and Sixth ars a~ the s~me time vary aaoreoiat!ve of the rehabilitation wark that ....... ~hl_ veer to curbs Rnd Sldg[dal~(s This is the First ....~_ = in our )S-year residence that the City has paid us this much astention. Yours uery truly Mary ~ George Br~ometl~ 4GO PeciFic. DATE: TO: FROH: S UBJ ECT: November 21, 1980 DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR HUGH WEST, MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT REQUEST FOR TREE REMOVAL ln e -Co The residents of 14912 Featherhill and 14922 Featherhill have requested that the three trees in the parkway in front of their property be removed. The trees are City approved trees (Citriodora Eucalyptus.) One of the three trees was killed by a person or persons unknown, completely gridling the tree approximately 30 inches wide with a knife or axe. This tree we have already removed because of the danger of its falling. The residents 'state that there was damage to the sidewalk by the trees. The parkway is very narrow and I found very little evidence of concrete damage, however, because of the width of the parkway, considerable rise in the turf area has occured. Recommendation: Although the trees are approved trees by the City, one has been killed and removed and the remaining two could meet the same fate. I recommend the remaining two trees be removed at City expense, however, perhaps some consideration should be given in asking the homeowners to contribute $50.00 per tree toward the cost of purchasing and labor in replanting replacement trees. The City's cost to purchase a 15 gallon size tree is, $27.00 - $30.00. Maintenance Superintendent HW:dph October 8, 1980 Dear Home Your neighbors at 14922 and I~1912 Featherhill have requested ~hat the City remove the Eucalyptus Citridona in the Parkway. The one at 14902 Featherhill was killed by pealing the bark off around a two foot :vide area. ta,,e_ a long time to grow a tree and their removal would effect the environment in which y~u live. We request in writing your comments on the tree removal. If we have not heard from you within ten days, we will consider that you a!]prove of tile removal. If you have any further euestions on this mat, ter, please call my office 544-8890. Ask the operator for the ..',!aintenance Department. Sincerely, Hugh L West Iqaintenance Superintendent HLW:Is 4-) S.- 0 CL (A (3) N CY) 4-) V) cn