HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 5 MEDIAN ISLAND 12-01-80DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: November 24, 1980 NEW BUSINESS  No. 5 12-1~80 I - C om DAN BL~2qKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC [~DRKS/CITY ~NGINEER AkV~RD OF BID PROJECT I - Median Island Construction at Main St. and Bryan Ave. PROJECT II -Trattic Signal Conduit Installatzon, Newport Avenue PROJECT III - Center Median Irrigation and Landscape, Newport Avenue Bids for the subject projects were opened at 11:00 A.M. on November 20, 1980 and are recapped as follows: Grissom and Johnson, Santa Ana $136,342.70 Nobest, Inc., Wes~ninster '149,354.50 Akatani Landscape, Gardena 166,878.45 *The Nobest bid was incomplete. Bid item No. 2 was omitted, but the total bid ~ount apparently included it. The low bid of $136,342.70 is 4.4% over the Engineer's estimate of $130,616.55. The following recap is the budgeted amounts for these projects and the 1~ bid .price for each: PROJECT FUND AMOUNT BID Bryan-Main Island Landscape II. Traffic Signal Conduit-Newport Ave . GT 29,400.00 36,749.20 20,000.00 15,754.00 III. Newport Ave. RDS 25,800.00 12,594.88 Island Landscape RDA 53,300.00 71,244.62 Project I is $7,349.20 over budget. However, there is adequate R.D.A. funding to cover this overage or the entire project could be funded with R.D.A. funds in lieu of General Fund ~nies. Project II is $4.246.00 under budget. Project III is $1~,205.12 under budget for revenue sharing funds, and is $17,944.62 over budget for R.D.A. funds. As indicated before, there is adequate R.D.A. funding to cover this overage. Award of Bid November 24, 1980 Page two A bid tabulation is attached for your information. The low bidder, Grissc~and Johnson, does not meet the requir~nents of Section 8-1.01 of the Standard Specifications, which states in part, "the contractor shall perform with his ~ organization contract w~rk ~mounting to not less than 50 percent of the original total contract price". Staff has contracted the two other bidders and requested th~m to waive the requirements of Section 8-1.01 as stated above. Both bidders have consented to waive this requirement. (Copy of waiver letters attached). Recommendat ion: It is reccmmended that the Tustin City Council, at their meeting of December 1, 1980, waive the requir~nts of Section 8-1.01 of the Standard Specification in part as stated above and award the bid for the subject project to the low bidder, Grissom and Johnson, Inc. of Santa Aha, in the ~mount of $136,342.90; and it is further recc~K~nded that funding be approved as follows: Project I R.D.A. $36,749.20 Project Ii G.T. 15,754.00 Project III R.S. 12,594.88 R.D.A. 71,244.62 $136,342.90 Project III Olive Trees.by R.S. Separate Vendor R.D.A. 2,250.00 8,100.00 BOB LEDEN~DEC~KER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC ~DRKS/ CITY ENGINEER BL:db cc: Finance Dept. Attachments November 25, 1980 CITY COUNCIL · Donald 3. Saharclli. Mayor Richard B. Edgar. Mayor Pro-tern Ursula E. Kennedy James B. Sharp Ronald B. Hocstercy ~<a-Tani Landscape 18703 S. Broadway Gardena, CA 90248 C~ntlemen: Bids were opened at 11:00 o'clock on November 20, 1980 for the constt~ction of Projct I - median construction at Main and Bryan, Project II - traffic signal conduit on Newport Avenue and _Project Iii - center median irrigation and landscape on Newport Avenue. U~oon revie.~ of the three proposals sut~nitted, it was discovered ~]at the low bidder did not _meet the requirements of Section 8-1.01 of the Standard. Specifications which states in part, "the contractor shall perform with his ~n organization contract work ~nounting to not less than 50 percent of the original total contract price". In order that the City of Tustin w~2y ~;ard the contract to the lc~ bidder ~nd save the costs of re-advertising for bids and the time delay envolved, we hereby request that your firm waive the recfairements of this section 'very truly yours, BOB I,ED~{DECKER DIRECIOR OF PUBLIC hORKS/ CITY ENGINEER BL:db This is tO certify that we hereby waive the requirements of Section 8-1.01 of the Standard Specification. BY TITLE City Cen'~er Centennial al Mmn Tust~n. Ca{iforma 92680 ¢714) 544 8B90 November 25, 1980 CITY COUNCIL Donald J. Saltarclli, Mayor Richard B. Edgar..Mayor Pro-tern Ursula E. Kennedy James B. Sharp Ronald B. Hoe~ter¢:, Nobest, Inc. 12771 Western Avenue Suite E Garden Grove, CA Gentlemen: Bids were opened at ]1:00 o'clock on November 20, 1980 for ~he construction of Projct I -median construction at Main and Bryan, Project II - traffic signal conduit on Newport Avenue and Project III - center median irrigation and landscape on N~,-port Avenue. Upon review of the three proposals submitted, it was discovered that the low bidder did not meet the requirements of Section 8-].01 of the Standard Specifications which states in part, "the contractor shall t~rform with his own organization contract work amounting to not less than 50 percent of the original total contract price". In order that the City of Tustin may award the contract to the low bidder and save the costs of re-advertising for bids and the time delay envolved, we hereby request that your firm waive the requirements of this section Very trul9 yours, BOB LEDENDECKER DIOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER BL:db This is to certify that we hereby waive the requirements of Section 8-.1.01 of the Standard Specification. T ;s!in. Cahforr~,a 92650 C,ty Cen~er