HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 4 CHAMBER CONTRACT 11-17-80DATE:
November 7, 1980
Inter - C om
In preparing the State Controller Annual Financial Report this September, I
found that the former Finance Director had made an error in disbursements to the
Chamber of Co)'~u,erce for the 1979-80 fiscal year. The Chamber was scheduled to
receive $4,830 for general services in monthly installments and $5,500 in a
single installment when additional business directories were purchased and
distributed into the north Irvine area. The Chamber never billed the City
because they found they had enough directories without ordering more, and they
absorbed the full cost. Mr. Bushong, however, paid the full $10,330 in monthly
installments and the Chamber did not realize the mistake.
I contacted the Chamber and they agreed the mistake did occur. They are not in
a position to repay the funds all at once and have requested that the $5,700
budgeted this year by the City toward a Business and Professional directory be
retained by the City (as repayment of the $5,500 over-paid last year). The
Chamber will accomplish the project without City cost. This means we will save
$5,700 from the Non-Departmental Budget.
I believe this is a very reasonable approach and recommend its approval.
Attached is a letter from the Chamber and also some examples of their Community
Calendar in the Tustin News.
Authorize recovery of $5,500 over-paid in 1979-80 to the Chamber of Commerce by
eliminating the $5,700 payment for the Directory from the oontract.
Respectfully submitted,.
City ~ministrator
November 7, 1980
ln er -Corn
The Chamber of Commerce has completed the printing o~an up-to-date coi~nunity
map that is very attractive. This was printed at Chamber expense by selling
advertising. We have done such a good job of creating a business approach
between the Chamber and City that the Chamber is offering to sell us maps (as
opposed to giving us maps as they have in the past). On the otherhand, we are
not making the "large" contract payments to the Chamber for general services we
once did. The change is by far in the City's ~dvantage and reflects a strong
effort on the Chamber's part to be self supporting.
The City needs maim for the use of employees and ~) assist mel~ers of the public
needing direction. The City will sell some to those w~o want to buy ~]e as
%~11. We will sell those at $1.00 each so as not to "undersell" the Ch~nber or
the advertisers. Our cost will be_ $.50 each (see the attached letter). Our
departments have indicated a need for over 700 maps for sale ar~ direct use. I
believe we should order 1200 to 1500 maps in 'order to have an ~dequate quantity
until new ~3p~ are printed in perhaps 18 months. An order of 1500 maps at $.50
each ~ould cost $750.00. If approved, we would allow the $750.00 as a c~edit
against the ~nount the Chamber owes us from last year's overpayment. We would
therefore pay them $750.00 upon completion of the Business and Professional
Directory (rather than no pa~nent at all).
Authorize expenditure of $750.00 for ~urchase of 1,500 maps fr~ Chamber of
Conmerce to be paid from the existing Chamber appropriation.
Respectfully subnitted,
City ~dministrator
October 2]., ].980
City of Tustin
Centennial at Main
Tustin, California
Attention: Dan Blankenship
City Administrator
Dear Dan,
Should the following proposal ~neet with the City Council's and your
approval, it would enable the Chamber of Commerce to rebate the
over-payment of $5,500.00 received during the 1979-80 fiscal year
without creating a cash-flow problem.
The Chamber started publication in September on a monthly
basis of the proposed Community Calendar of Events. This
is being publishedon or about the 15th of each month in the
lustin News. The decision was made to pay For the space to
insure it's regular placement and it was uncertain what the
volume of information would be. The charge for September was
$147.00 and did not consider staff time.
Council had earlier approved tile sum of $1,300.00 for the
year to~ard the compilation, maintenance and monthly print-
ing of the calendar which we request remain unchanged.
It was also-.previously agreed that the sum of $5,700.00
(or a lesser portion) would be billed by the Chamber to the
City on completion of a City of Tustin Business and
Professional Directory.
It is our intention to continue with the compilation, design
and printing of the directory and waive the $5,700.00 in
its entirety. Proof of completion would certainly be
provided to the City, however, we request that the arrangement
for distribution be left to the Chamber and deleted from
a re-worded contract.
If we can answer any further questions of if the City has an
alternate proposal, please contact us at your convenience.
Tom Cunningham, Presidnet
399 El Camino Real, Tustin, Calil:ornia 92680 (714) 544-5341
period are "very
c.-,hing," Clem said.
· ople might say it's
~aunish. but ifs also
x iog.'
;:.m said art con-
:e city staff is prepar-
e plau to be considered
r,, Cay Council Oct. 21
-- would establish a
ior Citizens Coot
ding Council to advise
('uuncil on concerns of
.... · klerly and coordinate
,:r projects.
nc Council, in a .5-0 vote
i;. directed city cum-
_- ~ty services director
leen White, 60, to
~ent an implementation
~ to the Council for set-
up the advisory coun-
::.sLed by Ruby May, a
vA>er of the Tustin
/,r Citizens Club and an
-- mate representative to
county .Senior Citizens
'.s.rv Council, during
~,ub(ic concerns Ix>trion
._ iw Council's Svpt. 15
:y requested the group
ut tip to scl as liaison
~.-..~.tm the ('Sty Council
elderly of the com-
~,.,ctor White, in a
,.ntution It> the City
-- :::it Oct. 6. said she en-
.';ed tbe group to he
;k oriented..Ao avoid
p~tfalls of art ongoing,
]irected group."
~,e Couocil gave White
! her staff the authority
;:ake recommendations
___ members of the ad-
:y group. White said
v,-ould draw on the local
:>r groups and others to
~de representatives.
.e advisory group
~t coordinate services
ask for "Dwaine" when concert of classical music ................
they enter the gallery, Sun~ay. Oct. 26. at2p.m, at
Clem said. Rowever, the the Turtle Rock Com- w~t. co~ w^¢onw^a~s'~ou.
store name came from her reunify Center, I Sunnyhill ao,~o,.~,.,,~, oo.,,,o., o,~ ,,,
husband's and son's middle Dr., in Irvine. For further I,,.,,,,~ et
names, information call 7M-3639. - ............... 6 ........
j '"J??'L'"'" '~I~ ! ....
Proposed for Seniors { .... .....
offered by' various better off our seniors will WttCO~t wnGo~
organizations snch as the be." said Mayor Don ~
T.L.C., the Assistance Salts{Pill.
l..eague, the Senior Citizens
Club. the city Community
Services Department. and COMM U N ITY
Tustin Community' CALENDAR OF EVENTS
IIospital. .
"Council members would This calendar will be published monthly, on or about the
tn? senior cliPntS and agen- tifteenlh, covering a three month span. to assist all
cv staff" White said. groups in planning lheir programs for maxin'lum ex-
,She also said the group posure and acquainting tho public with a selectio~ of
"could act as an advocacy meetings and, events to enloy.
group for unreel senior ·
neeckL" The group could Any club or organization wishing to include information
.h~ ChamDer
work from a needs assess- may do SO - at no charge - by calling ' > Tustin
merit survey the Comtnuni- of Commerce 544-fi341
ty Services Department OCTOBER 1980
hopes to complete within
six months. "In this man- 17-19
her, the Coordinating Coun-
cil will remain task
oriented." she said. 19
In addition, the council
would assist the city in ob-
taining grant funds for 28
senior programs, could
~corne a {undraising vehi-
cle for projects, and appear 31
before the City Council on
an "as-needed basis,"
White said.
Ctmncilwo~nan Ursula
Kennedy told White she
was co[icerned Ilia[ seniors
who are not involved in
10 & 17
organized activities also
have a voice on the Coor-
dinating Council. White
replied that "we certainly,
won't be exclusive." 21-22
The councilmembers
seemed to want the city
staff to have leeway in
determining the size and
make-up of the advisory 6
group. "The less structure
the Council puts on it the 13
Girl Scouts 979-7900
Sand Castle Building Contest
Big Corona Beach, 644-82t 1
Daughters Of American Colonists
Plaque at 138 W Main 544-6465
Monte Carlo NiLe - Tustin Chamber
ot Commerce T.G.I.F.
Camelot Restaurant 6-10 p.m.
Girl Scout Calendar Sale 979-7900
Flu Clinic. Tustin Community Hospital
Friends of Tustin Library
Brunch Saddleback Inn 544-7725
Silverado Days - Silvered0 Canyon
649-2996 or 649-2472
Holiday Bazaar - Girl Scout 9?9-7900
Third Annual Childrens Christmas Party
Friends of Tustin Library 544.772.5
-- ty Starts 'Fo n Zone'
-'osram for Girls Here
::e Tustin Girls' Club is
epilog members for its
i!t-week "Fun Zone"
'gram. The city-
,;~sored club features
ms, arts and crafts and
excursiorks for girls in
three through six.
club meets from a
, to 4:30 p.m. week-
.'s; however, the
diun of the club met. ting
,:~g~ daily throughout
,,,,eek according to the
.,wing schedule: Moff-
days, Benjamin Be~wick
School; Tuesdays, Helen
Estock School; Wed-
nesdays. Loma Vista 29
School; Thursdays, Mar-
jorie Veeh School; and
Fridays, C.C. Lambert
There is a $10 fee for city 9
residents and a $15 fee for
non-city resideots for the
program. For more infor-
mation call the Tustio 9
Community Services
Department at 544-$890.
Class Mail-In Registration for City
Residents Community Se~ices 544-8890
Festival ot Lights Boat Parade
t~ewporl Beach Chamber gl Commerce
Class Mail-in for non-residents
Community Services 544-8890
L.P. Repertory Guild
Lunch & Fundraiser
Mrs. Harem 832-9238
Friends of Tustin Library
He{liege Lunch 544.7725
t wocd o~ masoor
· Excellent hide
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Ta',,: In(h.x I)ctifi.u
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this great new photo composition typesetting machine, it
uses the best of electronic and computer worlds tO bring
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Free estimates. Drop in our otlice
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