HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 4 COUNCIL POLICY 10-20-80DATE: October 14, 1980 CONSENT CALENDAR ;-20%0 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR APPROVAL OF COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENTS Attached are proposed Council Policy Statements numbers 2-03 and 2-04 covering the designation of Council Liaison assignments and a description of the Mayor's role. These are an extension of the development of a City Policy Manual. The initial liaison assignments are specified as follows: Liaison A - Administration Liaison B - Development Liaison C - Public Safety . Liaison D - Community Services Liaison E - Public Works . Ronald B. Hoesterey James B. Sharp Ursula E. Ke~%edy Donald J. Saltarelli Richard B. Edgar Additional policy statements will be forthcoming as time permits their devel- opment. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Minute Order to approve the attached policy statement numbers 2-03 and 2-04 and the above liaison assignments. Respectfully submitted, //. DAN BLANKENSHI P, City Administrator DB:d mt attachments COUNCIL POI2CY SUBJECT: 5bAYOR' S ROLE POLICY NO: SECTION: APPROVED: EFFECTIVE: 2-03 CITY COUNCIL PURPOSE. To clarify the role of the t, layor and M~yor Pro Tempore iii relation to the City Council and 'Staff. POLICY 1. The Mayor and Mayor Pro Tempore are responsible to the total City Council and serve at the Council's pleasure. The Mayor Pro Tempore assumes the responsibilities of tJ~e Mayor in the &bsence, disability or lu]availability of the t.:a':,or. The Mayor shall haw~- the following responsibility and authority: a. To preside at City Council meetings. b. 'k~ sigu documents reflecting ~e official acts of ~]e City Co,~cil. .c. 'lb sign letters as required to implement <'[ty Council policy or as othe~.wi.~'~e rcquire~.d to carry OUt the May:}r':; responsibilities. To act as the official c..>remonia! represent<ttive of the City au City, Co::umn~ity or other (.~v~klltL; a~.; approprLatc and when available. TO appoint Council mengDers and citizens to established conunittees with the consent of the City Council. To suggest new o~ revised policies or programs to the full City Council for further study. 'lb perform such other duties or assignments as directed or requested by the City Council in open session or, if in closed session, by filing the directiv~ in wri{ing with the City Clerk or City Attorney. The Mayor shall otherwise: Have only the authority of an individual m(:~,~3er of the City council and, as such, shall not give direction or orders to the City Administrator (except as authorized by the City Council), a department head, or other City employee. b. Allow Council members and City Administrator to interface with one another. AUTHORITY By authority of the City Co~u]cil CITY CLERK COUNCIL I (')LICY SUBJECT: DEPARIMENTAL I. IA,SO,, A%SIGNH~NTS POLICY NO: 2-9q SECTION: CIIY COUNCIL APPROVED: EFFECTIVE: PURPOSE To p~ovide an additional channel for cum:nuHi(:.~tioHs between DepartmeHt lteads, City Administrator and City Council. ¸2. To distribute Council workload and allow specialization on the part of the City Counci! H~mbers For improved awareness of administrative plans and implen~ntation progress. 3. To prolnote the proper use of the chain of coH:Hand. To protect the integrity of the City's Council - Administrator form of govern- iIlell t. POLICY 1. There is her~:by created a system of designated City Council ments with one or more departments as indicated below. Liaisun A. Liaison Liaison liaison assign- Administrat}o:~, F:,nance, Per';~ m~l, Risk Management and Public ~'fet,, fP,:,i:,ce, Fire c,~', f'araL:actics'~ Liaison [). ConN;lu~litv ',=',ir-'< . 3..~N .... City CleFL and City Attorney. Liaison Public Works (Engineering, Haintenance~ Water Service Capital Ii:;l~ruveme.qts). The liais(m assignmeHts shall normally be l~r a one year period as designated by the Mayor with the consent of ,tile City Council (with a rotation every one to two years) and shall have the following responsibilities: ao Quarterly or as needed, meet with the department head(s) to determine the plans, future programs, problems, opportunities and progress toward objectives of the functions so assigned. b. Be available to the department head(s) for consultation and as a sound- ing board on ideas. DEPARTMENTAL LIAISON ASSIGNMENIS Page 2 of 2 c. Be particularly prepared to discuss or make recommendations on those agenda items relating to the functional area assigned them. d. Receive complaints from citizens unsatisfied by the department and'City Administrator ~.tithin the functional a~,'ua assigned them. The a. liaison assignment sh.qll be f'urth~· suhi,,{:t to the following: }Ie/sh~ shall not give directions to ~ .'.,~)~rtment head, the City Adminis- trator, or any City em~loyee. The Cit.,;, C()uncil as a body is the only entity authorized Lo give direction t(~ the staff. lie/she shall not screun or utherwise impede, censure or modify department head or City 2~dministraLor reports or recommendations. He/she shall not act to by-pass the Ci~./ Administrator. A liaisofl member may reqtlest a report fron~ the City Administrator to the total Cour~cil if not individually satisfied on a particular concern. A Council member shall not rely solely o~ the study and conclusion of- the ]i~ison member in lieu of inde!?endent judgment. (The liaison member is to enhance or supp]c~m(~nt staff input to Council. The member does not re?[ace Lhe independent study of Council members). Thi's policy shall be ~evie',.~ed d[i,'ing the b~.~qget process in the sprin9 of 1981 and annual]), ther?~f'ter t{;, test the continuing validity of the program. AUTttO RI ZAI'I ON By authority o~ Lhu City Council ATTEST: City Clerk