HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 ANNEXATION AG. 10-20-80OATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 20, 1980 Inter-eom Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Community Development Department Annexation Agreement - Cities of Tusfin and Irvine and the Irvine Company The three party agreement a, tached effectuates the terms for the annexations, re- organizafionsj and change of the sphere of influence between Irvine and Tustin. In summary fha terms are as follows: 1. It reaffirms the agreement on annexation No. 117. 2. The boundary between the cities shall be the future arterial highway (Myford) and the easterly boundary of Peters Canyon Wash. 3. Consent and agreement fo annexations and de-annexations by involved parties and description of each area is included. 4. Agreement fo future adjustments necessary fo maintain the boundary af fha future cenferline of Myford Road. 5. Construction plans for Myford Road shall be reviewed and approved by both cities and shall conform to City of Irvine standards. 6. Upon highway construction, a mutual maintenance and policing agreement shall be negotiated between the cities. Building permits shall not be issued for residential construction.within 1,000 feet of the My¢ord Road alignment ~orfh of the Santa Ann Freeway until Myford is constructed to ultimate width adjacent fo any such development prior to occupancy. Residential purchasers with that 1,000 f~)t area shall be notified by the Company that said arterial highway may be connected to Chapman Avenue and ultimately the Riverside Freeway. 9. Cities agree to resolve agreement on transfer o¢ property fax revenue under AB 8. RECOt~,,'~N~A!I,,ON Refer agreement fo City Attorney for final draft and reconciliation with minor changes that may be made by either City Council and authorize the Mayor, City Clerk and City Attorney fo execute the final agreement upon completion. MWB: mm Interoffice Memorandum IRVINE ~M~,IY From: Date: Subject: Date 9-15-80 9-23-80 10-1-80 10-17-80 10-20-80 10-28-80 11-12-80 11-17-80 12-1-80 Robert Shelton Carol A, Whelan~ October 1, 1980 CC: T. Nielsen M..Florian PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE FOR TUSTIN-IRVINE REORGANIZATION Action Resolution of Petition to LAFC for Reorganization Approve GPA-7 Submit legals, exhibits and draft agreement to Irvine Staff and Tustin Staff Reorganization application to LAFC Plannin~ Agency and City Council pre-zoning Resolution of Petition to LAFC (including agree- i~ent) Reorganization Hearing Protest Hearing Accepta~[ce of Reorganization \ Acceptance of Reorganization Agency Tustin City Council Irvine City Council The Irvine Company Tustin Tustin Irvine City Council LAFC Tustin Tustin City Council Irvine City Council WJK:HA3:wd lo/118o DRAFT · '- AGREE~IENT THIS AGREEHENT, made and entered into this day of t , 1980, by and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a California municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Tustin".}, the CITY OF IRVINE, a California municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Irv~ne"}, end THE IRVINE COHPANY, a Nichigan corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Company"). RECITALS A. Company and Tustin are parties to an agreement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Attachment 1, which relates to annexation of certain Company land to Tustin in two phases and which ~,~as executed on April 16, 1979. B. The Phase I annexation procedures called for in the April 16, 1979 agreement have been substantially completed by Tustin and Company. C. Tustin~and Company ~iish to no',~ initiate and complete the Phase It annexation procedures contemplated by the April 16, 1979 agreement and to apply the terms and conditions of such agreement to a larger geographical area than identified as Phase II in said agreement. · D. ,.I. rvine uishes to consent to the ~J conditions of the a~reement o~ April 16, 1979,"~'~he~annexation,~ which, if performed, ~ill remove land fro~.h~'Ir¥ine spere of influ~om the jurisdict~.oa of IE* Irvine and Tustin wish to annex and deannex as necessary certain property so that with two exceptions the centerline of the future arterial highway and the easterly boundary of Peters Canyon Wash as shown o~ Exhibit A will be the boundary between the two cities. -. GRlOa23 -. ~JK:MAB:wd zo/ /8o DRAFT #3 - Page 2 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 1. In conjuction with the Tustin annexation procedures set forth in this Agreement and in Attachment 1, Irvine agrJes to forthwith deannex the real property described on Exhibit B (legal description) and shown on Exhibit C (map) (Santa Aha Freeway to AT & SF r/w). Said property shall become part of the Phase II annexation contemplated in the April 16, 1979 agreement and subject to the terms and conditions of said agreement applicable to Phase II. Tustin and.Company hereby consent to such deannexation. 2. As agreed in the April 16, 1979 agreement, Tustin shall forth~vith proc6ed ~ith the Phase I! annexation of the real property described on Exhibit D and as shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit E (north of Santa Ana Freeway) Irvine and Company hereby co)lsent to such annexation. 3. Tustin agrees to forthwith deannex the real property described on Exhibit F and shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit G (south'of AT & SF r/w). Irvine and Company consent to the deannexati'on of said land by Tustin. Irvine agrees to forthwith annex the land described in Exhibit F and shown on Exhibit G, and Company and Tustin hereby consent to such annexation by Irvine. 4. The parties agree that upon completion of the aforementioned annexa- tion and deannexation procedures the centerline of the future arterial highway shown on Exhibit A shall be the boundary between Tustin and Irvine. Notwithstand- ing the foregoing, the boundary between the City of Irvine and the City of Tustin Shall be the easterly, boundary of the Peters Canyon ~ash and the northerly boundary of the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad where such courses are within the GRlOa24 WJK :MAB :wd 10/1/80 DRAFT ~3 - Page 3 Iands owned by US~,IC Helicopter Air Station. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that Myford Road is relocated and constructed upon. the land owned by the USMC Helicopter Air Station so that a strip of land suitable for development of struc- tures designed for human use and ~ccupancX is created between s~ch portion of Myford Road and the Peters Canyon I,~ash, then the boundary between the City of Irvi~e and the City of Tustin along such portion of ~,~ford Road shall be the centerline of Myford Road. Irvine and Tustin agree to make adjustments in the above-mentioned boundaries if necessary to effect the construction of ~.~ford Road in accordance with plans and specifications to be reviewed and approved by both Irvine and Tustin. Any reasonable expense incurred in accomplishing the final alignment of I,~ford Road shall be borne equally by Irvine and Tustin. 5. Irvine and Tus~in agree that the boundaries as specified above are consistent with their General Plan. 6. The parties agree that the above-mentioned arterial highway shall be constructed to Ir¥ine's arterial hi§hway and landscaping standards whether or not it is located partly or entirely within the jurisdiction of Irvine. 7. Upon completion of construction of the above-mentioned arterial highway, Irvine and Tustin will use their best efforts to negotiate an agreement between themselves for the mai6tenance and policing of the above-mentioned hi§hway. 8. It is mutually agreed by Irvine, Tustin and Company that building permits will not be issued for construction of any residential dwelling units located within one thousand feet (1,000') on either side of future ~yford Road in the area between the Santa Ana Freeway and Chapman Avenue unless [,lyford Road is GRlOa25 WJK:~]AB :wd ' 10/]-180 DRAFT #3 - Pa9e 4 constructed to its ultimate width immediately adjacent to said development or will be so constructed prior to occupancy. _~.~ ' ,. Company agrees to~no~ti~y any/~pers~n who ,purchases from Company]a property for a residence, located within one thousand feet {1,O00') of the center- line of the above-mentioned arterial highway within the areas described in paragraph 8 a~ove, that said highway may be connected to Chapman Avenue in the vicinity ~f Santiago Canyon Road and may be connected to the Riverside Freeway. notify any ~ch buyers that ~h_cem~ec~i~m~-lqo~-~he--re'~p6nsibility of and sh~ll not be 9ua~anteedb~_C~? i0. Tustin and Irvine a9ree to expeditiously resolve any issue which may arise as the result of execution of this agreement concerning the transfer of property tax revenues in a manner consistent with AB 8 to the extent such law is applicable to this Agreement~ 11. In all other respects the terms and conditions of the April 16, 1979 agreement are hereby'affirmed by Company and Tustin. IN WI.TNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. ATTEST: CITY OF TUSTIN, a California municipal corporation City Clerk Nayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney GRlOa26 WJK:~B:wd 10/1/80 DRAFT #3 - Page 5 ATTEST: CITY OF IRVINE, a California municipal corporation City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORN: Mayor City Attorney Al-TEST: THE IRVINE COMPANY, a Michigan corporation Assistant Secretary President GRlOa27 AL;REEf-,_ 1 i THIS AGREEHENT, made and entered into this 16th.day of April ,, 1979, and between the CITY OF TUSTIN, a'municipal corporation (hereinafter referred as "CITY") and THE IRVINE COi4PAt4¥, a Michigan corporation (hereinafter referred WITNESSETH WHER~AS, Company is the owner of certain real property described and sho;-:n on Exhibits "A" and "B"' (Phase l) and Exhibits "C" and "D" (Phase 2), attached hereto and incorporated herein by this r~feren~e as though fully set forth herein, (Hereinafter referred to as "Subject Property"); and WHEREAS, the subjec? property encompasses ~h~ ultimate easterly limits of the Cit3:.of Tustin and forms an identifiable boundary with the ultimate limits of the City of Irvine; and -. ~:HFREAS, the subject property is presently established as an agricultural preserve within the provisions of the '~,qllia~son Act of the State of California ar.~ the Irv~ne Co:npany has provided notice of non-renewal of the preserve con~.~c~ te the County of Orange; and WHEREAS,. the parties are desirous of entering into an a§reement ~o prescribe certa'in duties to be performed by .the respective parties as part of a plan of procedure which upon completionL~n~'fulfilln:ent of the duties and conditions pre- scribed herein will result in the annexation of subject territory to City. NO?,, THEREFORE, it is agreed by the parties hereto as follows: .... 1. City will cause to be"¥~l~d with the Local Agency Form, ation Cor,:~iss~on of the County of Orange, State of California applications for approval of the cor~encement of proceedings for the annexation 'of the territories described in said Exhibits (hereinafter referred to as ".subject ' ~" , terr]to, y ) together with a draft Environment Impact Report which shall be prepared by or at the direction of City at its sole cost and expense. 2. Concurrently with the processing of applications to the Local Agency Formation Commission for the commencement of'proceedings for the annexation of'the subject territory, City will enact necessary' legislation to establish a ATTAC~.IENT 1 capital outlay fund as provided for by California Government Code Se5tion $3730 et seq. Said fund shall be established for purposes of segregating tax revenues, or a portion thereof, that will subsequently be received by Ci£y from the subject property following its annexation to City. The 'general purposes and intent of the establishment of sa'id fOnd.shall be as defined i-n the Government Code and to aggregate certain tax revenues foE purposes more particularly specified in this a§reement and generally for the construction of. public works improvements in the annexed territory. A copy of the ordinance proposed to be adopted is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "E". 3. Prior to final approval by the L~cal Agency Formation Com. mission of the Phase 1 and Phase 2 annexations of the subject territory, City will cause to be completed proceedings for the prezoning of subject properties based upon land use studies presently taken into consideration by City and Company to reclassify the subj'ect properties from A-l, General Agricultural, to the City of Tustin PC-Planned Co~q~unity District. Said planned community district regulations shall be proposed to authorize a mixeg use planned com~munity containing a'variety of residential 'densities and pri~e r'anges together with supporting neighborhood commercial and co:~unity facilities. The maximum nuniber of dwelling units within the planned co,m.monity shall bc determined by multiplying the total gross acreage of the planned cc:~:munity district by the n~inber q, the average overall planned comm~unity density. Transitional 'densities shall be proposed adjacent to all existing residential areas and shall not ~xceed the density of the adjacent developm6nt. The City and developer shall cooperate in providing affordable housing as may be required by applicable laws and regulations at time of development plan approval. City agrees that prior to the completion of proceedings for the annexation of Phase 2 of the subject properties it will complete proceedings for amendments to the land use and circulation elements of the City of Tustin general plan as necessary to extend the planned community established in the Phase 1 proceedings Easterly to the ultimate Tustin-Irvine city-boundary line ~nd to assure compatibility ~i~h the City of Irvine general plan. 4. City agrees that it will accept the re'sponsibility for maintenance of those public areas that are required either by Tustin ordinances or 'are mutually agreed upon in the adoption of the specific development plan for subject proper- ti.es. This does not precludethe option of keeping some open space areas in a natural state or in private ownership where de'emedlappropriate. City agrees that it will cooperate with the County of Orahge in the county's acquisition, development and operation of the proposed Peters Canyon' Regio6al Park and master trail system and will cooperate in the establishment' of' mutually acceptable de.sign criteria for the interconnection of the master trail system with the cities of Orange.and Irvine. 5. City acknowledges and agrees that its position and policy in reference to arterial highways in, on, through or about the subj6ct property to be annexed is as follows: " :With respect to the Phase 1 annexation, it is the City's intention to support the presently adopted Orange County I.~aster Plan of Arterial High;.~ays and any additions or amendments that may be required'to support the proposed develop- ment as long as they are substantiated by valid traffic engineering studies. " ~:ith respect to the Phase 2 ~' ~' annexation, it is the City's intent to supporz an amendment to the Oran§e County I~,aster' Plan of Arterial IIighways to provide for the interconnection of k~eir Canyon and I,y,o,~ Roads between Chapman Avenue in the City of Orange and the I.lyford Road interchange at the Santa Ara' Freeway. The City agrees that upon completion of construction of the proposed I~eir Canyon-I.lyford Road arterial highway it will cause to be fil6d ~-~ith the Local Agency Formation Commission a boundary adjustment establishing the centerline of said highway as the common and ultimate boundary with the City of Irvine. 6. Following completion of the aforedescribed steps in the manner herein provided, C~ty will cause to be prepared a ten (lO) year capital development plan for the construction of public improvements ih the subject territory. ~ Said capital development plan shall be prepared in consultation and cooperation with such employees, officers, persons and/or entities as shall be designated by Co. mpany for such purposes. The public improvements to be Constructe~t in the subject area w'ith funds accumulated in the capital outlay fund shall be limited ~0 the following: arterial highway improvements, drainage and flood control facilities, and the engineering and design of such improvements and facilities. 7. Due to the particular type, nature, location and topography of the subject property, from and after completion of proceedings for the annexation of the subject property to City and until development commences on the subject property, the parties contemplate that there will be minimal services necessary to be provided by City to the subject property or arising out of its annexation to City. It is, therefore, deemed reasonable and apprdpriate that the revenue derived from the subject proper~y, whether from taxes on real property or fees, ~harges or other levies upon the subject property or upon the owner of the property for which no services are provided to the subject property by City, that ninety percent (go%) thereof be placed into the capital outlay fund, the remaining ten percent (10%) of such revenues being deemed adequate to reimburse City for its costs of minimal services to the subject property. There shall be excluded from the revenues subject to allocation to the capital outlay fund all levies for pa~nen{ of bonded 'indebtedness, assess~nent district levies, special improvement levies, ~ser fees and all ot~er levies, fees an~ revenue arising out of or based upon specific improvements or services afforded to the subject property. Accordingly, from arid after completion of proceedings for the annexation of ~he subject property to City and continuing until building permits shall have been issued for any imp~'ovement, other than p~blic improve~ent, on the subject property, C~ty shall cause to be segregated and accumulated in the capital outlay 'fund nir~ety pe~'cer~t (90%) of all revenue received by City as its share of taxes derived from real property tax levies upon the subject property (not including revenue derived from other than the basic re~l property tax, an~ expressly not including, but not limited to, levies for.payment of bonded indebtedness, assess- ment district levies, special improvement assessments, and the like) and distribute~ to City pursuant to the provisions of Revenue and Taxation Code Section 25912 or any successor provision thereto which provides for payment to cities of revenue derived from real property taxes, together with that percentage of any other revenue, sums or fees received by City derived from or arising out of the subject property, any use made thereof or any action taken with reference thereto, excluding ~11 user fees, special assessments, assessment district levies, special improvement Yevies and all other levies based upon special benefits, services, inspections, improvements or other consideration. City shall cause said sums so received, segregated and accumulated to be expended upon public improvements in the subjec[ territory and in accordance with the aforedescribed capital improvement plan. City may accumulate s:ch funds and. expend them.fr.om time to time at .such times · and in such manner as it deems suitable to in~plement,the aforedescribed capital improv~ent plan. Any provisio.ns of this Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding, the obligation of City to accumulate revenue received by it and allocated to the capital outlay fund shall not extend past the time when a building purr, fit · shall have issued for any improvement on the subject property, other than a public ~n_ issuance of a permit for the development of the subject improvement, Upon ~'~ property, or any part or parts thereof, the obligation of City to 'accumulate such revenue received by City shall thereupon be terminated. All sums accumulated prior to such. development shall be segregated by City and shall be expended ~by City in conformity ¥;ith the afredescribed capital improvement plan in support of and 'coordination with private development and in no event later than one (1) year following issuance of building permit for improvement, other tha.n public i~prove~aenz, on .the <' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~uo~ec~ proper ~y. 8. City agrees that in addition to the application as prescribed hereinabove of revenue received by City that it will reasonably exer~ all efforts kno'.-:.q to it to acquire and utilize other methods of fi~. -' ,~n~ng, including debt instrun'.ents, for the construction or acquisition of public work improvements. Such financing 'methods shall inclu~e, but not be limited to, the use of arterial high:.~ay financing program funds, federal aid urban funds, assessment district proceedings and other federal and state grant programs. 9. The provisions of this Agreement shall not restrict or prohibit the City t~rom imposing upon Company standard conditions of developraent, if and, a~ such time as proposed and submitted by Company for approval. Specifically, it is understood that should Company submit subdivision maps for approval that standard conditions of street dedication and improvements of public works, facilities, -attendant to such'development,.will be imposed as conditions of approval, -notwithstanding the terms and conditions of this Agreement. lO. C~y agrees to permit Company to file and City agrees to accept and process applications for rezonings, conditional use permits, subdivision map approvals and/or matters pertaining.to zoning acd ~evelbpment prior to termina- -tion'of the agricultural preserve status of the subject property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed effective the day and year first above , ~+~ CITY OF TUSTIN A municipal corporation ATT E.ST: CITY APPROVED AS TO EXHIBIT A A legal description for Phase I ann~xatio~ is in preparation and will be submitted for inclusion by April .16, 197~ °-EXHIBIT. B A map of the u'~= ~ ' $ Ou.ct ~roperty for Phas= ~ annexation is in preparation and will be submitted for inclusion by A2Ail 16, 1979 EXHIBIT C A precise legal description for.Phase II annexation will be pre9ared upon completion of current studies regarding the alignment of She arterial reoadways, and will be included.is a part of this agree- ment. The boundaries of the Phase II area are generally depicted in "Exhibit D" attached hereto. EXHIBIT D Note: ; '.% ~ ~ Phase This Exhibit to be replaced by a more precise boundary map vthen the legal description is availablei per Exhibit C. · . >'-g'-,'~.,,.--,. ~. o .~, ..-.¢ - ,' ,; ~) .e.. 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L~ - -: -.'.-.' ..,.-'~---'~.':.~-,, ~ '~ .':'--"~-~ ', ii -. :. ---ZL/ .---.---- ~';':. ~,,a ' ' - .. · . ,x, ~<q .. x "o :.~;~- " ~ ". :-". fi "/ '" ;~ = IRVINE-~ 5~-~]_ . ... ~. l_- ,- d . .-:. ,. gr,,~.n Ave. , '- .~ ':-. ~'~.-...ra~ I~i / -., . p.-J-j · .~.~ ~ .:? .;r~ 'q,, ~' ~ [1..' I ....... / ~'~' S'.-..~ ~ I ~.~ ~ jl ~".! I'/ 10 ORDINANCE NO. A3~ 0,RDIX:%::CE OF lNG A CAFIIAL';OUTLAY --The' Ci.ry Council of ~hc City of Tus~in does hereby ordain as follo'~s:. 1. The City Council. finds and determines that: .a. Title 5, Division 2, Par[ 1, Chap[ar 4, A~ticle 4 (Sue. 53730, seq.) of the Government Code of the State of California authorizes a city to create a Capital Outlay I:u.~d and to accu~-..u!~tc funds for the purpose of capital outlays; Said Capital Outlay Funds may bc sho~,-n in the City budget zs ~'e.s.erves for future expe..nditurcs in subsequent years and ~,hen s]~o'~n shall be ~dcn~ificd ~s to purpose; The Capital Outlay Fund shall remain inviolate fort,:c~ "-~'_._n_n~: - of nny capital outlays and money shall not be disbursed from the f%~nd ~x~ept for thc prescribed capital improvements un]ess thc City Co~,ncil of the City of Tustin submits a proposition to t)~u electors o£ thc_ City of Tustin to obtain their consent to use the money in the fund for some other specific purpose. The proposition may bm subn, itted at any election- A t~,o-thirds vote of all of'~ the voters voting at the election shall be necessary to authorize the expenditure of the ~oney i~.' the fund for such other purpose; The area knout a.s the north Irvine Ranch uithin the Sphere of Influence of lhe City of TuntUri, as approved by the Lo=al,~'--=n,y-' Formatl. on Commission, requires considerable capital e>:pcnditures for streets, roads, and flood control'~acasures in ~he interest of ; public ]iealth and safety; and e. Said area is now in an agricultural preserve status with contract termination on , unless deemed to be in the public i~terest for prior development. "The City Council of the City of ~Tustin hereby establishes~ a Capital Outlay · Fund. One of its sub-accounts shall be identified as the North Irvine .- account, and it shall be operated pursuant to the following criteria: a. From and after completion of ~roceedings for the annexation to the City of Tustin of the properties described in Exhibits "A" and "B" (Phase 1)' and "E" and "D" (Pha'se 2) Qhich are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though fully set forth .. hereat, and continuing until bui!~ing permits shall have been issued for improvements, other than public improve~ents, within the area of such property, the City of Tustin shall cause to be segregated and accumulated in the Capital Outlay Fund, ninety percent (90%) of the real property taxes levied upon the subject property, collected and paid to the City of Tustin, to wit, that port'on of the general . tax levy ~mposed, collected forfend paid to the City of Tustin by virtue-of the City of Tustin general tax rate, but not including sums levied, co'llected and paid to the City of Tustin by reason of levies of any.type or types other than the City General Tax Levy, including, -.but n6t limited to, special assessments, and shall cause said sums sO received,-segregated and acc~'nulated to be expended upon public improvements within .the area of such property. The public improve-. merits for which said funds may .be e~xpended shall be the following: arterial highway improvements, drainage and flood control facilities, and-the engineering-and-design of such improvements and facilities. 12 The obligation of'City to accumulate taxe~ received b"y City from tax levies on such properties shall not extend past the time when building permits have been issued for improvements on the subject property, other than public improvements, and thereupon the ob!fga- tion of City to accumdla~e taxes shall.be terminated. All sums accumulated prior to such development shall be segregated by City and shall be expended by City for qapital improvements in support of and in coordination with private development, and in no event later than one (1) year following issuance of building permits for improve- ~ ments, other than public Lmprovements, on the subject property. PASSED .~_\~D ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City- of Tusnin, Celifornia, held on the ...... day of , 1979. }~YOR ATTEST: C~TY CLERK NO. 117 ~O T~ CITY OF TUSTIN Those portions of Blocks 41, 42 and 43 of Irvine"s Subdivision Ln the County of Orange, State of California, as ..~r map record~ Ln Boo}: 1, page 88 of ~iscell~neous ~laps, Records of said 'Co'~nty, describzd as foilo::s: .. · . BmGI~I~G at' an angle point in the existLng boundary 1Lne of ~e city of Tu~tin, being the most northerly corner of Parcel A of the Annexation No. 81 (a~end~--2)," passed and adopted by hhe City of T.~stLn of Orange Comn~,, California by Ordinance No. 716, dated April 4, 1977, said point being also on the sou'd~.,.esterly line of said Blozk 43 e~nd on ~ne cent~- line of Ip~ine -Boulevard, distant ther.eon Sout2n 49018'55'' East 660.00 feet fr~, the centerlLne of Br~.-.~ing Avenue, and also b-~ing tke m~st southerly corner · of Tract No. 3119 as per map recorded in Book 102, pages 32 ~ 33 of Misce!l~neous Maps, Rc~x0rds of said County; . " thence, leaving said e~:isting city bomn~ line mhd along a line F~rallel with and dist~]t southeasterly 660.00 feet from ~e nor~hwcste~ly line of said Bl~k 43, Nor~ 39°58'46" ~st 4621.35 f~nt to a l~ne ~al!e! wi~n and dis~nt -~u~westerly 660.00 feet fr~ ~he nor~east~ly l~e of said Blork 43; thence, along said ~rnllel l~e ~uth 49057'54'' ~st 554.49 f~ to an . ~gle t-~Jnt ~ tJ~e ~}unda~ line of ~act No 3883, as 166, p~ges 5 ~rough !1 of"}.~sceil~us ~-kps, R~ords of ~id Orange Co,mt>'; then~, along tile bomnd-o~y line of said tract: Souhh 28°55;36" South 62°37'04" South 85°37'35'' ~tor th 68051'48'' No~ch 48°51'22" North 40°01'11" North 49°46'28" · Nor~] 13°02'25" and North 40'13'32'' East 274.16 feet; · East 144.95 feet; East 139.95 fcet~ -East 180.53 feet; East 239.92 feet; East 579.82 feet; West 5.02 feet; West 656.77 feet; East 3.74 feet; ~_hence, leaving the boundary line of said Tract Rvo. 3883, N6rth 40~11'46" East 587.30 feet to t-he most southerly corner of Tract No. 8640, as per m~p re- corded in Book 359, pages 4 through 8 of ~tisceilaneous ~ps, Records 'of said Orang. e County; thence, along the southeasterly boundary_ line of said Tract A~D. 8640 ~-nd along the north~sterly ex~cp~ion thereof, North 39~46'54" East 1331.93 feet to the most southerly corner of Lot I of Tract No. 61, as p~r map recorded in Book 10, page 5 ' of ~-tiscellaneous ~ps,~Records of said Orange County; NO. 117 THE CITY OF TUSTLN -- thence, along th_~ southeasterly line of said Lot I, North 39051'00.. East 131~.80 feet to the most easterly corner t~hereof, being a 6"x8" ,post desi,~..ated "F-21" on a ~ap filed i~ Book 92, page 1 of Records of survey, Records 'of said -- Orange Cottnty; thence, as sho.~ on said map .filed in Book 92, page 1 of Records of ~arvevs: North 39°51'00'' -East 660.11. feet; North 49°59'45'' West. 666.60 feet; _ · North 39054'45.' East 232.70 f~at; },brth 41006'35'' F~st 245.99 feet; and ~rth 39°56 28" ~st 181.24 f£~a~ to _ the sout3~'...?.sterly line of said Block 41, b~n~' ~ also a point on ~he sout~h'~:esterly line of ~r-act ~b. 9271, as ~-3_~.- ra~p record-~d Ln ~_ook 424, pages 5 s_nd 6 of :Ciscellaneou }~3ps, 5te:~):_~ds of said Oran.c,e County; t~l ..... , along thc sou[?~%*c~3terly l~ne of said Bl~k 41 ~nd of said Tract No. 9271, South 50003'32'' F~]st ;].00.50 feet to t~he most southerly cozener of said Tract ]%b. 9271; thc~'~ce, along the t~Dundai-y line thereof: -- North 39°50'21" .East 530.86 feet; North 17°42'21" West 318.45 feet; ~ Nor[h 74°44'29'' West 145.30 feet; -- North 87°55'21'' West 378.41 feet) and North 50o09'36'' West 60.00 feet to the_ norf/r~esterly l]3]e of said Block 41, be_Lng also a point on f_he southeasterly -- line of Tract No. 6206, as ~ ~ap recorded in Book 372, pages 30 through 35 of MiscellanEous b~ps, Records of said Orange Cou~nty_; _ thence, along said northeasterly line of Block 41, North 39050'24'' East 1528.50 feet to a point on the boundary l~ne of the land descri~-~d {--n a D-=ed recorded January 17, 1955 in Book 2926, page 226 of Official Rc-2_ords; thence, along the boundary of said land: South 25014'36'' East 84.91 feet; South 04~25'36'' East 89.05 feet; South 25°34'10'' East 91.76 feet; South 67013'36" East 116.55 feet; North 77°5.7'24" East 172.06 feet; North 28027'24'' East 42.13 feet; North 12006'24'' East 249.42 feet; North 70°06'24" East 79.58 feet to a point on the boundary line of the :"IRVINE/PETEF~ CA~fCN A~,.~EXATICN ~O. 117 ~O ~tE. CIT~ OF 5~3STL~ land descr~ as "Parcel 3" in page 281 of Official Records; a-D~ed recorded Nov~-aber 7, 1958 in Bgok 4475, the~nce, along the boundary of said land: North 70°06'24" East 89.77 feet; South 80°53'36" .East 95.00 feet; North 52°06'24" Fast 109.00 feet; ~Drth 42006'24'' East 164.96. feet; ~.k)rth 07°06'24" East 105.00 feet; }~Drth 69o06'24" East'lE4.S8 feet; North z, 5°06'24" Fz~st 150.00 feet; ~3rth 07034'2,~'' East 94.72 feet; an[] North 23~06'24'' F~nst 107.85 feet to most southerly co.zrner of Tract N~3. 5369, as ,~.~ Fao r~rd~ 21 ~OU~h 30 of ~-~scellaneous ~.~ps, Rc~ds of said ~al~e Co,ant!,;· ~3~ez~se, along '[:he bounda.~t' l~-ne of said tract: and Block 41; North 23°06'24" ]i3st 28.00 feet; l~br'th 81°06'09'' f>.~st 159.64 fc~at; North 32°06'09" PSi:st 259.79 feet; }%}rth 42°06'09" ~st 277.00 feet; Nolqzh 54006'09'' East 145.00 feet; North 31006'09'' Fast 219.69 feet; North 18006'09'' East 249.76 feet; North 48006'09" East 85.00 feet;- North 03006'09'' East 189.83. feet; North 06006'09'' East 239.85 feet; North 34040'22'' West 207.76 feet'to the northwesterly line of said thence, along said northwesterly line, North 39°50'09'' East 270.23 feet to the-]%ortherly corner thereof, being the beg-.lrming of a non-tan, g~nt curve concave %~esterly and having a radius of 5000.00 feet, a radial line to said point bears North 61~26'20'' East; thence generally southerly along said curve throu9h a central angle of 47~33'40", an arc distance of 4150.49 feet; thence, South'lg°00'00'' West 715.13 feet to~che begLnning-of a-tangent curve' concave north~=sterly.andhaving a radius of 9000.00 feet; NO. 117 TO THE CIT~ OF TUSTIN thence, sout~.,:esterly along said curve through a central angle 16°00' 00", an arc distance of 2513.27 fc~t; thence South 35000'00'' West 5667.32 fee~t to t~e beginning of a tangent curve concave nor~J~...:esterly and having a radius of 18000.00 fcct; thence soutfl~.,'esterly along said curve ~Jough a central angle of 05°38'00", an arc distance of 1769.76 feet; thence South a. 0°38'00" West 2493.23 feet' to a point on t_be centerlLne of Irvine 5Dulevard, b~in~ also the most easterly Couner~of the aforesaid Parcel A of the "IrvLne-.~-;yf0rd D/r~n~xation No. 81 (A~nded)"; thence, along said cente~rline and along the northeasterly line of Parcel k, North 49057'45'' %':est 1551.31 feet; ~nd North 49~57'35'' West 1982.57 f£~t to the Po~hnt of P~.~ginning. EXHIBIT "B" "NEW MYFORD - OLD MYFORD" TRANSFER OF TERRITORY FROM CITY OF IRVINE TO CITY OF TUSTIN ANNEXATION NO. 125 That portion of Blocks 45,46, 63 ~d 64 of Irvine's S ~ubdivision in the Coun~-vcf Orange, State of California, per map of said Subdivision recorded in Bock 1, page 88 of .Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County, described as fo I !~ws: EEZ-i:~:~iNG at the southerly corner of "Tustin Industrial" Annexation No. 86 tc ~he City of Tustin, California, per City of Tustin Resolution No. 74- 71, _~a~$e~ and adopted October 21, 1974, said corner also being a point in the nc_~-_heasterly line of the 100 foot wide strip of land described in the deed ~s -_he Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Comp~_ny recorded in Book 24~, .u~e 223 of Deeds, Records of Los Angeles Counfy, California, said corner bein? ~ke beginning of a curve concave westerly and having a radius of 2000.00 feet, a radial line to said corner bears South 71~21'19" East; thence, northerly al0nq ~aid curve, through a central angle of 22~43'06", an arc distance of 793.C2 fae~; thence, tangent to said curve, North 04~04'25'' West, 741.46 feet to t~.e ~e~inning of a tangent curve concave easterly and having a radius of 180Q. 52 feet; thence _i~rth~rly along said curve, through a central angle of 12~57'~2'', an arc diste-~ce of 406.84 feet; thence, tangent to said curve, North ~52'35" East, 1016.07 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave sou%A{5£ferly and having a radius of 2495.00 feet; thence northerly and north- easter'_'..' along sai~ curve, through a central angle of 31~46'53", an arc distance of !252~P~ feet; thenre, t~gent to said curve, North 40:39'28'' East, 1550."00 feet r~ ~ke easterly corner of said Annexation No. ~6, also being a point in tbs- lib ~ common to ~aid Blocks 45 and 46 and also keing the southerly corner of "3~i;%~ ALe Free'..;a? - :4yford Road" Annexation NO. 102 to the City of Tustin; ther. c-~ . '~:.rth 4!~5'37'' East, 137.02 feet to the easterly co~ner of said A.-.:~ix %lc~n N©. 102, also being an angle poiut in "irvine - Myford" Annexation No. S1 fo. ended} [-~,r City of' Tustin Ordinance No. 716 passed and adopted April 4, 19'-. also bed:lq 2 point in the northeasterly ri}bt of way line of the Sent.:: l.n-~ Freeway }'er P~c. ok 4072, Page 65 of Official Records records of said O£ar.~ l~u:,ty, a!,d ~,~lso b~ hl,i a point in the existir.~ northwesterly boundary r:f th: 21'-5' of I~'v.[: .~ per Fnrraation of the City of lrvine as certified by thc S.~ r~'ia~5, of $t~=ue o.~ said State on December 28, 1971; thence, along said City tf l'--.'ine b~x~:.!~iry and along said Santa Aha Freeway right of way, South 49=20'31'' East, 992.55 feet; thence, North 85°39'32'' East, 70.71 feet; thence, Nortk 45:23'54" ,--'.-::.-'it, 589.99 feet to a point in the southeasterly line of said Eiac}: 45 t}~at be~_trs North 40036'34" East, 774.98 feet from the southerly corner of said Bloc}: 45; thence, South 49023'26" East, 30.00 feet to a point in the existing r:.n~.erline of Myford Road per Book 8~, Page 30 of Records of Surveys, records 3f said O:'ar. ge County; thence, leaving said City of Irvine boundary and leaving said Sm,ia Aha Freeway Right of Way, South 40°36'34" l.;est 774.99 feet alcr.~ said ce~-~ter!ine to a point in the line co.-.._~ton to said Blocks 63 and 6-'-; -_?:once, ale::q the existing centerline of ~.'~yford Road per Book 88, Pa~3e 59 of Records of Surveys, records of said Orange County, South 40°42'40'' West, 1643.00 feet to the intersection with Walnut Avenue per said Record of Survey; thence, South 40°4!'13'' West, 120.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave southeasterly and having a radius of 2000.00 feet; thence southerly along said curve, through a central ~ngle of 37°49'30", an arc disuance of 1320.34 feet; thence, tangent to said curve, South 02~51,43,, West, 504.04 feet to the beginning of a tangent c'~ve concave westerly ~nd havi:.? a ra!ius of 2000.00 feet; thence, southerly along said curve, through a cer.%ral angle of 26°46'17", an arc length of 934.50 feet to a point in the said .-.srtkeasterly line of said 100 foot wide strip of l~nd, also being a ~oint in said For~.,ation boundary of the City of Irvine; thence, along said Formation botLndary and along said northeasterly line, North 49=20'40'' West, 117.87 feet to tko Point of Beginning. Containi'.ng 96.94 Acres E?J,:I 5IT SANTA ~NA FREEWAY - MYFORD ROAD ;%N~JEXATION NO. 124 TO THE CITY Oi TUS?I!.:, C;J, IPORNIA ?h{.= portion of Blocks 40, 41, 2.2, -:3, 44, 6g, 65 and ."= of Irvinc': SuL'divisicn in the County of Or~nge, Stone of California, l-~r map of S,~Judivision record._i in P~,ok i, Page Al of Miscel]a.~.eous :.hq ~, r.?=o~-cs of County desrribed as follows: Ee='i=.ninc. _ at %ko easterly Corner of ,,C~an~a~ ;~na Free;.;av. - :.:vford" .No. IC2 %a the Citv of Tustin, also Leing ~ angle _~oint in "i~-..,ine - ...'.'-~-:"". ~n ne:.:a t 4 ~ 8! .... ~o.. No. (Anended) per City of Tustin Ordinance w- ill Day, sen ado~teJ Amril 4 iD77, also being a paint in ~ha northeastc-l" right of way-_line of ~'~ ..... ~m~.a Aaa ~reewav~ per ~ook 4072, ~age 65 of OffiriP 7.~:~or~s, r~.~c-- r~s' of said Solon=y, and alsc being a ~int in the exisning northw.:stc~.:v ~:':: ~ .fy of the Cimv of Irvine~=_~ Formation of the City of i_vin~ ~ ~ as certified by Serre~ary of State cf said Stane on n,=..- ~.~_=m_=_ 28, 1971; thenrs, nort),~=riv the soun}.easterlv. . -~:~_~'~= of said Annexation No. 8i (Amended), Lorth 40©s,z ~= .... East, 2504.~4 feat; thenra, North 40:36'19" Las%, 2640.94 feet tc %!:e easti~i'; %trner of said /c:~.{xanion Nc. 8! (~ended), also being the southerly corner of "irvine - Pez.~rs C~yon" krmexaticr. Xo. 117 to the City of Tustin, also being a ~int in centerli~.e of Irxz=.} 5~u!evard, ~and also being a ~int in the line co==mon ...... ~7- · ~ O-~.,-...Su~-l~ a~~ sourh>=~y~r~" .... line ~f. said~nex~lc::' ~ Xo. 117, North 41=!6'=. East, 2.; to t': e he{sinning >f a tau~genn c~-ve concave nort~westerlv ar.~: h~%ving a rz-d~us of ]500!.31 feet; thor. ua, northeasterly k~onc sai~ curve, =~.~ ...... ~ central --ale of 05: }P'lO", ~ ~c distance of 1769.76 feet; thence te~ngex5 to said ".~,-~h.,...~ !~3~'40'' Eall, 5667.~2_ feet to the bec~ir.r, inc of a t~c.~:2:~t curve n..r=k ".:-='~'/!v and i- .ving a radius of 9303.00 fi~e~; thence ncrukeriv ~."1:.~: said cus".'e, lhrT._sk a -*] a~lc~h> of ~;3:- ' ' al. '-'- diz~ans~ ~f 2513.3, ; -- ~ ~ ...... .u;,:~' ~.. ~:.::l c, ..... ' ~, North il'~s.,. -:~''" E .... =.., 715.12 ..... ~<~- %0 the i~U :~,~ .... : iv ~>:,~ : . ': ~.~t,,~, ..... .u~u.. ~ se/~tr,~ ~:~:i: of ~7~31'} ", an .~_ disk .... e cf' 4i5u.-;:' :'e-'~ L~., th.2 nor:h::ri}' co~ner of said A:.:.~:-::::ion E=. i!-, also ......... !9--:_, ,D Wes=, 92?9 8: f~-:-- LO the .... ~ ..... hivin.~ a ralius c.f i l.l}.OO feet; tr. tr. TC :e tangent to said curve, SDuth 00°20'0C'* East, 1493.:1 ~eot .... Leg:-r-.::in{: t:f a ..... ~ ' ' ' 2DO0.11 feet; thenc2 sgutherly along said curve, through a clntral annie cf 38'3{ '{,{~", an arc distance of 1343.90 feet; thence t~gen5 ts said c~'ve South ~z:!0'00".,~ W~':~, .... , 705.00 feet to the beginning of a taJ~gaxt curve concave ( ..... ~._!v end ~vi a radius of 2000.00 feet; thence southerl'= along said thro'.:::':_ a ::antrai ::'.cie. o~ 22c'00'00'' ~n arc distance of 767.75 __~;~-~ ~'~r,=.,_: tance;.~ us said c~:~ve, South 16000'00'' "~ ~ ~.s=, 3550.00 feet to--h= '--~ : ..... :,_g_nn_ng of ~ -~ { .... 2000 A ta:':-3en: :urve c,:L~ave westerly and hav. ing a _=.~_~o of ...~ feet; therse southerly along ..... .... ;-~ curve throuqh a central an~le~ of 2~:3g"~.~", a_n arc !issance of 855.21 feet to : point that is 30.00 feet southeasterly of and parallel with tl'.e r. arth'..:esteriy '<~ of said Block 66; thence suuuhwesserlv k!o:ig snld :~:~-atlel line, ~ ~' '"~ O' " ' ~ou_n ~. 4. 12" ,'.est, 2415.00 feet to a :~o!nt in e:'-~ !!x{ c~,mmon 5c said Blocks 65 ~.~ 66; ui-.ence southerly .~lgnc a line 30.00 fcez ~'-' S..L_:~,~c.~ .... ~-' Of and parallel with the nuruhwesterly line cf said Block ,~, South 40~40'00" '.'---- 3192.39 fees =o the he,inning of a urr~gent c~ve concave nc~ruhwesser!y .xi h~ving a rectus cf 2000.2[. feet; thence scutkwes~eriy alon} said c~-:'e, 5huouck c~.~'.~'-;.~ ancle of 28:07'36" -~' ~ % ....... . , an arc distance of sos.o_ lce~; =hcnsc said curve, South 68~47'36" West, 2i7.73 feet to she beginning of a cu~,e ccnuave sousheasterly andnuvlng' - ' a radius of 2000.00 fee:; soutnwes:erl: alone said curve, through a centre: ~gle of 2S:i: _s .... u: si 983;95 :eat; thence t~,..:~ to said curve and ~ar~elw~... EXHIBIT "P" SANTA ;C[A FREEWAY - ~.iY~ORL ROA[] Fd~[-iEXATION ~:O. 12-. TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALi?DRNIA 545.(2: f,c.?a northweszerl.y of the nortnwesterlv line of said Bloc}: 64 ::::,,2 nort?;easterly prolongation thereof, South 40c'30'19'' West, 820.00 feet to r-.:l ....... ~: of a tancen% cu~e ....... ~ eaaterll.' ::l~ ].5vin9 a r~iius of 27;q0.?- feet; nk~*- ..... southerl-/ along said curve, thrcu:;, a :ent:'al an~le of 3!~0,0'L]]'', an arc distance of ~*~ l~oD.6,, feet to a point ofr_v=_~e curvature with a concave wes~,'lv, aha' ~-"'~..~:._nq a radius of 2000.00 faa:, a radi~ll ~arin~. to point of reverse c~-va[uue bears South 80°29'~~'' East; thence along said tkt-ou~h a central angle of 31006'20", an arc dist%-.:e of 1085.79 feet to a in tkec_.~:~'!n_~ of '-~,,~o~d Eoa~ Der Bogk 88, ;.~c.= 30 of Records of St ...... - records of s:,id Cou:.5';', that bears South 40°3&'34'':':est, 234.87 feet iTrom thc c-,~ .... 1,,_ intersection of said ~.:yford Road with 5r'/an Avenue per said of Sur'.-=,/; thence %angent to said curve and along ssid centerline of t.?.':nrl Soutk 40~36'3,~'' Wez%, 1631.32 feet to a point in said northeasterly r.~,3~'~% of way line ':f that S~u~ta ~u-~a Freeway and also a ~in5 in said existing north'...'-.:steriy ~qd~":' of ~he City of ZrvJ. ne; ~hen:e along the aforesaid bounda~ anl righ~ of way, Nort;~` ~9 23'_., We~:, ~,_..00 feet; th~nce, South 45:23'54" West, 589.99 thence, Sot,~h 85039, :~" ~f~st, 70 71 ~.-,,~'; ~ .... ' t,]~nu= :fTrtn 49°20'~'' West, ~)9~ feet :c :},:.~ ?oina of be~innin~:. EXHIBIT "F" "M.C.A.S." TRANSFER OF TERRITORY FROM CITY OF TUSTIN TO CITY OF IRVINE DEANNEXATION NO. 126 That portion of Blocks 62 and 63 of Irvine's Subdivision in the Co~ty of Orange, State of California, per map of said subdivision recorded in Book !, page 88 of Miscellaneous Maps, records of said County , described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the southeasterly line of Peters Canyon Channel (F-06) per Book 6681, page 721 of Official Records, ~nd the existing nortkwesterly~ boundary of the City of Irvine per Formation of the City of Irvine as certified by the Secretary of State of said State on December 28, 1971, thence, north- easterly along the easterly line of said Pete~s Canyon Channel North 52°32'~5'' East, 1576.68 feet to the beginning of a tangent cuz~ve concave northwesterly ~ld kaving a radius of 2090.00 feet; thence, northeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of 06024'49'', an arc distance of 233.95 feet; thence, tangent to said curve, North 46°07'16'' East, 56.51 feet; thence, North 71~37'53" East, 34.83 feet; thence, North 46~07'16'' East, 120.00 feet; thence South 49~20'10'' East, 45.21 feet; thence, North 46~07'16'' East, 74.98 feet; thence North ~9~i9'07'' West, 60.28 feet; thence, North 46°07'16'' East, 32.14 feet; thence, South 49019'07'' East, 60.28 feet; thence, North 46~07'16" East, 75.01 feet; thence, Nortk 49°20'10'' West, 45.21 feet; thence, North 46°07'16.' East, '120.00 feet; thence, North 18~25'07'' East, 32.27 feet; thence, North 46°07'16'' East, !Q63.42 feet; thence, North 43052'44'' West, 5.00 feet; thence, 'North 46°07'16'. East, 99~.50 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave north- westcrl~~ and havin~ a radius of 2085.00 feet; thence, northeasterly along said cu£ve, through a central angle of 05°38'~6TM, an arc distance of 295.4~ feet; tkence, tangent to said curve, ~brth 40028'30'' East, 99.73 feet to tko sout.~'~...~:~erly line of the 100 foot wide strip of land described in the ~eed to tk= Alchi~on, Topeka ~u%d Santa Fe Railway Company recorded in Book 245, p~,gc 223 of Deeds, Records ¢>f Los ~etes County, California; thence, saiA c :s~er]y line of said Peters Canyon ~a~]el, North 40°28'30'' East, lbO.00 feet L: a ?oint in t?~e nor-t'!,e~ster!y !i~e of said 100 foot wide snrip, said point zlso being a ?oint in said northwesterly boundary of said City of t~:enc~:, along said ~ >rP~wtsterly ~)~ndary, South 49o20'40" East, 1184.07 f~nt; ther~c~, ~outh 40" ~H'~>I" ~;~:~, 50.00 feet; thence, South 40°37'52'' West, 2614.54 f~et: t?9:~c:e, sou{], .7f,~37'25'' West, 1319.67 feet; thence, South 85037'25" 1060.25 feet; thence, N;~.[th 49019'55TM West, 1047.56 feet to the point of Beginning. Cent ain ~ng 147.8'7