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NB 3 TUSTIN MEAT CO. 10-20-80
DATE: TO: October 20, 1980 · NEW BUSINESS Inter-Com Honorable Mayor and City Council Members FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: Waiter T. Flaherty's October 7, 1980 letter regarding Tusfin Meat Company The first departmental record on the building in the files is a 3-25-64 permit to connect to the street sewer main. The meat packing operation was a non-conforming use prior to application fo the City Planning Commission to enlarge a non-conforming use (Variance V-68-24) which was approved subject to sign removals, installation of street trees, and review by the Architectural c°mmiftee. The Committee approved the plans subject fo sidewalk installation, additional landscaping, and architectural screening on Second Street. On August 30, 1968 plans were submitted and building permit No. 1544 issued September 14, 1968. Various plumbing, plastering, electrical, refrigeration, minor remodel, etc. have been issued throughout the years. On March 14, 1977 a sign permit for "Tustin Neat Co., Est. 1961, Public Wholesaler: was approved. In November of 1977 the first c~mplainf From Dr. Flaherty, objecting fo the meat market use, fire open storage, early hours, extensive on-street park- ing, trash, etc. A copy of that letter is attached. Six staff documents are also attached, indicafin9 City action. 1. 9-8-77 letter to Dr, Flaherfy responding fo verbal complaints. 2. 11-29-77 memo fo Community Development Director, regarding operation. 3. Police Department report to City Council. 4. City Administrator's letter to Walter Flaherfy on 12-5-77. 5. Community Development letter fo Tustin Meat Co. of 12-5-77. 6. Dr. Flaherfy's letter ~F December 1. Afer review of these materials it appears that the debris, outside storage, and truck problems were not discovered as described by then City staff. Truck block- age and employee street parking was addressed by the Police report which indi- cated double parking for temporary loading/unloading is permitted (CVC Section 22502(b)). Police enforcement was stepped up on parking violations and a yellow loading area, referenced in the current letter, as a parking monopoly, recommended fo be established on the south side of Second Street. There was some reference fo the questionable legality of the use, however, we are not sure oF the basis For that concern. Dr. Flaherty has been informed,verbally, in the past,that the gas tank in the rear area has a permit from the fire department; has been inspected; and considered a safe installation. Condensation from the refrigeration units had not been brought City Council October 20, 1980 Tusfin Meat Company page 2. up previously to this department and we are investigating the possibility of an unsafe condition if excessive or slippery. Not.mentioned in his letter were the steel racks on the rear roof which he has complained about, which the owner i~ having his engineer calculate out the weight tolerance, but if appears capable of support- ing same. On May 31, 1980 Dr. Flaherfy reiterated his complaints about trash, parking, and street sweeping. The results of a 5-day, twice a day, inspection are included. On June 17 a complaint was registered and the bin was overloaded and the owner notified to reciffy the lifter condition which he did. On August 29 Dr. Flaherty complained about trash and again the situation was ad- dressed by the Department. In early September of this year Dr. Flaherfy contacted staff with complaints about the racks he noticed on the roof lit is my understanding they have been there quite some time), the LPG tank (we have since determined if had been issued a permit and inspected by the fire department), his suspicion that a contractor was doing work without a permit (we have contacted the contractor, but have not yet received reply whether any work needing a permit was conducted or if routine maintenance). After my letter oF September 3, Mr. Asher contacted Mr. Reid on September 15 and has been preparing engineering work of the roof issue. He was not available for discussion with me between my receipt of Dr. Flaherfy'~ letter October 9 and the preparation of this report on October 14. We will continue fo pursue relevant matters with him. Please consult letters aflached from ~r. Reid and myself in that month. We are following up the con~r~ctor issue with the State Contractor's 8oard. ~r. Asher explained the letters had hal' arrived promptly as he had recently changed his ad- dress of record to 200 El Camino Real, so his delay in respondin9. Mr. Reid, on an inspection in early October, noted some electric wiring which is porobably as old as the building and will have fo be addressed. The use of the structure for commercial sales would be a conforming use in the zone and with the potential availability of 14 parking spaces and loading dock some level of retail sales may be permitted. Communications in the file and verbal confirmation would indicate that some level of Iow profile retail sales has been conducted from the premise since early ~977. Attached is a copy of Mr. Brian Chase's letter of June 30,. 1978 regarding' commercial operations and a letter from the previous owner of the business on February 7, 1979, apparently directed fo Mr. Chase. If would appear by and large the conditions laid out by Mr. Chase have been complied with, except for the lettering on the glass porifon of the door which might be in violation of sign code provisions albeit minor and the fact that customers appear fo prefer on-street parking in front of the location even though space is available in the rear. Staff has determined by observation that the rear area is available during peak daytime hours and also that much of the available park- ing is occupied by patrons of the restaurant across the street from ~Z:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. The crux of the issue would appear fo be that Dr. Flaherfy's wife's business Ginny's Antiques is also a non-conforming structure, approved on November 24, 1969 by Use Permit 69-]21 for use by Brancusi for the purpose of furniture sales with no off-street parking. Therefore, the current use is fatally dependent on on-street parking for customers. 'The purpose of Dr. Flaherfy's complaints center on some City Council October 20, 1~80 Tusfin Meat Company page 3. way fo close down the existing buSiness across the street. ~r. Asher's feeling of harassment may be justified and understandably be is going fo resist extensive reaction fo an onslaught of continuing and changing complaints. Some of the complaints may be leveled at any number of businesses throughout the city much less in the downtown on parking, truck deliveries, minor sign code vi- clarions, extensive trash accumulation just prior fo pick-up, on-street parking violations, etc. Staff will continue fo address those on-site concerns which may constitute a hazard or threat fo public health and safety; however, the extensive, unending, and changing compalints result in an inordinate amount of person power being applied fo a single use based on the complaints of one person. In the mean- time, other even more serious problems may not be addressed as three to five City, County IHealfh) and Fire personnel are addressing such objections or complaints which often result in a findin9 of no objective basis for action. I am sure the Police Department does its usual best in handling parking problems. However, the nurmal result, of stepped-up parking enforcement would probably be issuance of a ticket to a customer of Ginny's Antiques as well as employees ~f the Tustin Meat Company and this Dr. Flaherty does not desire. If Council desires staff to pursue another direction in this regard, we await your pleasure. W 'n!R T. FLAHERTY M.D. 13362 NEWPORT AVENUE, SUITE A TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 OPHTHALMOLOGY PH. (7141 838-2520 o~ (714) 544-5056 October 7, 1980 Mayor Donald Sottarelll Honorable Members of Council Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92680 Dear Sirs and Madame, I have been puzzled by many activities and building violations concern- ing the Tustin Meat Co. 200 El CamJno Tustln, Ca. 92680 This building is fully occupied by the meat packing business; its lot hes room for only its trucks and supplies to load meat on an open dock, man- euvering in the street (Second). The employees oll use street parking on Second Street, and C Street, as well os on an adjacent parking lot. With this crowded condition, and inadequate parking, recently they have started a retail store there under the name of Tustin Meat Co. Retail Out- let, and Yorba Foods. In the legal notices of this week, FILE F145431, there }sa notice of El Camlno Distributing Co., fictitious bus}ness name, also located at 200 El Comino Real, Tustin. Presumably there are trucks involved herein and I can state there is loading and unloading on El Ca- mJno Real from the front door of this building using the street, loading up cars and trucks. There ore also 2 extra Ford trucks parked solely on the streets during the daytime. Thlsplc/nt. has a green striped area about 75 feet long on El Camlno, mean- ing it is used almost exclusively for their traffic; the Second Street side has a 50 foot yellow stripe, used for their loading also; then the employees -2- put their cars on a 7 to 4 schedule on the streets. This amounts to 1½ blocks of city street monopoly. In our task force meetings, we cried out against such abuses; it seems totally hypocritical and outright dishonest to have these things start up~ report them, and see nothing done, repeat NOTHING. When I inquired of the business license bureau in the hall, they did not know a thing. No licenses at all. I would say add[tlonally about thjs buildin.q: On Second Street there is a plasHc.drcin hose d_ripping on the sidewalk; on the El Cam[no s~de there is sidewalk dripping from a gutter even [n this dry time; there is a large gas tank in the parking area near the build- ing, very susceptible to rupture. This building has people working upstairs with I exit; it has people in the front, a public store included, and only 1 door; it is a building which has had] fire and could go poo£ any time, and I believe additionally has high temperature baling areas. What answer can there be to these conditions. Sincerely, Walter T. Floherty, MD Copy 1 .OSHA 2. County Fire Dept. 3. Dept. of Agriculture Wt:F/ml (' 'WALTER T. FLAHERTY INC. 661 WE:ST I~T TU6T:N, CALIFORNIA {714) ~3~-25ZO November 28, 1977 INRE: Taylor Made Meat Company Industrial Operation 200 El Comino Real, Tustin, C(~lifornla Dee:/.,.ar. B!enkcnd"l~p: I om eric!esi::'.., c: cooy o,r 11};~ Jetter from fha Health Deporlment, elsa one fi'om Gene Snyder, Co:r,:'nu:4;'7 ['.':vclopn;:zr, t Dc.::'~ ': ertl', perfc~h;lng t'o the Taylor Made Meat Company, S.W. · i ' ' :' '~'" ,-saf lhe Tusth~ City Code are descrlbed below: [',:tri'ci~l-t~t-i~ +'",,. ~ii,2 O'lCi.-':.t {:T '~;,. C -:V :.c. d-'er';' in defcql.#?. "',,=,~, allo..,' ..... lo~;fi (h,-,. ~ cb;er-.,ed) five times, he sc, ,.,, ,..c~J as 9c, c;:t %: ,'Ar. Snyder, but is a ,,: .... :r.-, of ' r--~ . ,la Scoa. b ' ' ~ ~::. Cc .... 9232 and 9231 o ~o which sfo~os ~}1 uses shc, li ' ' ' ' ' into the plant. Thc ,Llcalth /),:.~x:rh:~¢;~,~ stctc:5 thai lwo Icl'ge refr~cjeroted seml-fraiiers are present on the lot for c:dro sic:,, rje. T~',~s is also a violation of C-] zone orca 9232 b, Development Standards lt¢si'i='~ ('i:v~ . ",..c. at:,' v:':ch ..... ¢,:ic.s that. oil "¢,"~.,%e" ~nall' bo ,.v.,,,l' ,'n on enc,osco~ ' building. A setuJ-'h'aitci ;'o ~he bce of ~-,;.' knowJcdge, is nor a building, such cs one poys property fax on. fha oF'.c, ro.~ir:ns 9o:i' of 3:50/k.t',4. with much truck activi;7, Ii is ce;?oln[7 out of zone to have such on cperofion it, fi:is c~,:o, since there are res[dents and other businesses, and the- noise distud>s the enviorn::'~e:~f dudn9 rest periods. Dan B[ckenship 11-28-77 Iheve " ' menrloneo to i-h~ Redevelo?ment Agency man), times c..bout the monopoly of the street hy the trucks cr:d cars of the employees of the meet company, l'here is not one off->~ ~e~ parking area For even one employee; co ~sequenHy, there are fi'om 10 to 20 cam Forked mast of the busMess day on El ComMo~ plus Second Street. Section 9242 of TusHn Cil>, Code: Cor:oh'~onglly Permitted Uses -A Use Pe~it is required for such a facilii'>, - s~ates }ho~ mcnuFack,ring wl~ich may be objectionable by reason of offensive odoF, dustt hoot, noise, lights or vibration - requires a USE PERMIT. Does Taylor Made /~c. at Company hove l'h~s secl]on 9242 C el:.a stol'es ]n the Stondcrds of Development that off street parking is requ,ic., w~t}: two spaces For eqch three employees. Mr...n}'c. er never meni'ioned ,', c ,ms is do~ly ~rom~ Monday rh,ough Frm..7.' '~ This oF,;.~nl[op. ',r~cos to [he ' ..toe v<ulc~ need redo]nm ia ~r,as, oc~ outt or else the TusHn CFr>, C- ' n ' .. occo:x'~r, tua ]t~ ]~::': c:: ,,~.,, ~;<~ :est et cus~nesswould ..... ,r'~ .... anopen Jicensc to spoil fh~ do',¥nlc:,vn equoll)' c'?..xC! ',v:lh Ic.,5,',,':4' )~,coo )Aemf C.om~,cn7. If Mr. S%vdc:r o:' t!',~ I[:.:~!~[~ D.q:x,:!:-:~::~l b.~l~a,,,e:', the lash cor¢:~irx~r is close.d, they are bolh m~:~'~kcm. 'lb.: ,.,x':~c4~ur is r>r;.:.;~ mr::,~ oF thr ::c',,,', by cf?e,'ncun i~ stacked beyond ciasa,z:, h::s sc~c~.:~ ,,fm:.:,:: p~:':s, ~,f, c:x] ,../~}~ b.e ~his way for cu~ c~irc v~aeL cud (Solurdey, Sur,.~%,,' ]1-27--77 c:nd 1i--2~--/7 Jx~;,'Cj one The" 'c-.-:rF' ..'. ,.,:~scr,bed broker~ ' ~ cretes t~l the sout'h end 'ti lot l, ,r. Sn>,dcr k~s ' ' hms mcu'~y wooue,~ Thc r ~'~'-' .! pcul is how everyone's eyes cie closed, the City Code does r, ot I ,,,,aL;lc., J]k:e fo h-4,,'c; Ibc ,o],._av:,~x.. quu~,ion_ al~sv/aled: 1 . }las fha Council ever given a Use Permlf for a rnanui%cturh!g Facility such as this one, which has many objectionable FeofuI'eSt specifically to the Toylor Made meal Co. 2 i realize Ihe Tustin Meal Compan7 hoc! o arand£a,ner protechon; however, Taylor Made Meets ir. c~ greefly expcmdad new opel'at ion v.-'iih o.~ estimated si>: trucks, probably over tl]i~ecn cn:F, Ioyees with their cars on lhe streets, and the trucks blocking Second VAL?ER T. -LAHER i INC. TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92080 (7141 8~8-25Z0 Page 3 Dan Bloke~*,ship Street someth'nes for as long os half hour or more. -28-77 Port of my reference to trash oil over the piece involves Second Street itsel f; with the blockage of the road side, the stre,~i sweeper cannot sweep the natural dirt that accumulates, plus the wrc~22ers and cc~ns that ore deposited there by the car occupants, end I I;ove to clean this orca to the alley myself. The rest of the ref*}rence is to the wood creates c~nd the o',-crfiowing trash bin on the lot. After this letter is received by the City, ihe p.~cture mlrcculously improves so that when on inspector visits there it will look better. In reference to the City Code violdtlons; or:: H'~ey to be pe;~mlfted, or are they gO[ll~.] ;0 conJ'[i'lue [11 the ever worsenh, g pattern? 1¢ Taylor Mode Mt¢af Co. does move (which [:os bee~ the excuse for arm- 1 ~ years), v,'iJl a new mcat op?rc~fio¢~ b~ ?tm[Hoof there with all the Code violc~l'ions ,,vh[ch hove been This wot.dd !';e. s:', dlsc:';~',-,h:iic,:')', ~md 'v.'ould be r,~;~ch a H~,sce~' from the c::sire of I believe ~hnt ~he Adr~4:;i~tr~tior; c:,,~d Council should be o¥.'cro: of INis problem, and I ',-'..,ill be glad ia tesl-if}, any ~;me d.ssirc, d. Sfnserel),, Wolier T. Fleh~ty ,M.D. WTF:9 cc: Mci,or Sharp & Council Oran,ge County Health Officer Encl. Snyder report Orcmge Co. Heoitt~ Dept. report September 8, 1977 Walter Flaherty Ginny's Antiques 190 E1 Camino Real Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mr. Flaherty: Reference is made to your complaint concerning Tustin Meat Co located at 200 E1 Camino Real - directly across from or to the south of Ginny's Antique Store, In general, there were three (3) areas of complaints and are explained as follows: 1. TRUCKS BLOCKING STREET. It is assumed that the blocked street is Second Street where the trucks enter Tustin Meat Co and where the carqo is discharged. In the course of my investigation, I did not observe an~ trucks blockinq Second Street (five different occasions; morning, mid°morning, noon, afternoon and late afternoon). Street traffic problems should be referred to the Police Department, telephone 544-5420. 2. FISH AND MEAT UNLOADED AND STACKED ON THE OUTSIDE. As evidenced by the enclosed phBtographs, supplies were beinq unloaded at Tustin Meat Co on 9/7/77 - time 9:15 a.m. An hourly check was made at the subject area and the supplies shown in photograph #1 were moved 'inside the plant by ll:O0 a.m. The supplies in photograph #2 were moved inside by 1:30 p.m. An inspection of the area at 3:45 p.m.'revealed hides of beef being unloaded, checked and rolled inside the plant, On depart- ure, there were no supplies or hides of beef on the outside of Tustin Meat Company. 3. TRASH ALL OVER THE PLACE. An inspection of the area showed the area to be in a good state of police. A check with Holthe Waste Disposal Services reveals that Tustin Meat Co has five (5) trash pick-ups a week and that they have one of the cleanest areas in Tustin. (For verification, please call 543-9415). City Center Centennial at M~in Tustin, California 92G$0 (714) 544-8890 Walter Flaherty September 8, 1977 Page 2 In view of the facts described herein, I cannot find any discrepancies to bring to the attention to Tustin Meat Company~ Again, may I emphasize that traffic problems in, on or around Second Street, be called into the Police Department as soon as they develop. Trust this information offers an insight of the current situation as Tustin Meat Company. Please feel free to call us at any time. Sincerely, GENE SNYDER Public Services Assistant Community Development Department Enclosures cc: Police Department (Tr'affic Control ) EWS/gs DATE: Director, Community Developmen-t Department FROIh Public Services Assistant, Cor,~munity Development Department SUBJECT: Taylorn~ade Heat Co (formerly known as Tustin t'ieat Co) 200 El Camino Real (southwest corner 2nd & E] Camino Real) I made a personal visit to the office of the Taylormade Meat Company, this date, and talked to Dick Radke, Plant Manager. In discussion with Hr. Radke, I mode mention that there have been several complaints about the Meat Company, with the latest complaint about the truck which was un]oadin9 supplies and occupied a 9ood port ion of 2nd Street. Nr. Radkc w~s apoleg~tic ~;bou~ th9 nciden~, but did make mentio:~ ~hat the Taylorm~;d~ Heat C.omp~ny wi I be definitely moving out of Tu~;Li~ in thrc~t (3) w~:eks to a 3 ~cre si~c on First S~r'eet, 3 blocks east oF li;~r'bor Bot;levard, in Sant¢ ,-,~ ~. He further stated that they have 45 elnployees at this present location on E] Camino Real and is much to smal] to properly operate and adminisi:rate his Heat: Company which supplies meats to all the Schoo] Districts. The move is taking place during the schoo] holidays which [~ an Qppor[unc time when required meat deliveries will be curtailed. '~c/o re I y, Public Ser~ice~ Assistant Community Development Department DATE: 'I'O: FROH: SUSJECT: NOVEMBER 29, '1977 MAYOR, COUNCILMEh~ AND CITY ADMII':ISTRATOR C. R. TI{AY,q[-~, CHII:F OF L'OLICPi M.r;ETING WITH DR. WALTER FLA}]ERTY I met with Dr. F]aherty this morning in reference to a complaint he has with this Det)artmcmt. and the City of Tustin. }to owns the property at 190 E1 Camino and has a business called Ginny's ~tiques. Dr. Flaherty's main complaint is that the ocv.~pants at Taylor-Made M~at Company ,~t 200 El. Cam~no are double parking on Second StEeet for loadinq and un].oad~ng merchandise ,~nd that the employees working at this meat company are parking 8 hours Jn a 1 hour parking zone. This dis- cou].ages customers going to Ginny's Antiqacs because there is no place to He fn}:thcr indicated that he was dissatisfied with the Police Department's response when he calls us and Lhat on one OCcasion o~e of our Cem~unications Officer was discourteous to his wife and refused to give her name when asked. Prioz to my discussion wi. th Dr. Flaherty, I pcrso:%ally in.~pected the 10C ] ~..~ck of Uest Sec:ond. i found no voh!cl,:.s park~d, in thc 1 h:mr time zone on thc sido of the str'c,~t:. 'lh~'e wore several cars paz'k~d on the sc)ut}: side of street w~ich is no:,.--~e:;t, rictcd parking. I also observed theft there in space to park a t:'~:c:h m,d trailer combiner!e}: to th.- },:ar of the :neat ce:':} :.. '. doul,],: park in e:~: . :. :.o u~lload. Such dc;u}~].o pa~l)iing il; pcrmit!'ed by Vehic:i : Code :A',.:t}on 22502 (b) dnd 'FCC 5332 (C). Al:tcr a ]engthi.' d]sc'us:%io.u with I)r. Plaherty, I indicated thJ. s Dc. partment :...~ll~i the 110] ] O',.:!::g: · Cz~.c for ~ ,,!-' ,.. ,.,,~ st. rcet 1 lO,~,,]L,; ~'~'" 2. Cite fo]: ]eavinU a m~tor running. 3. Cite for overtime, i;arking in a ] hour xoue. Permit double t~a':king' when lc:gal and l:e}.,~,itting room for at. ].east one ca:: 5. Our Officers wrmld make personal contact boforc each action is taken with Hrs. Flaher ry. Continued on page two Pa~e two I have also recommended to thc Engineering Departm',?nt that painting a loadi{lg zol]e area ou the ~outh side of Second at I~l Camino. Although thc managc¥~ent of 'i'ay].or-Hade ~,leat Comi~my indicated t~ey will be vacating tho building in mid-Dece~er, I fee] tl, l.~ t]~e buJ]~iing lit 200 E1 Ca~:,ino ¥:ill contintle action will prevent future problems. The City Enqinccr concurs; with my reconunendation. I further investigated thc allegation of discourte::y o~ tile l~art of our Co.n~r, uncations Officer artd allowed Dr. Flaherty to ]i.~:l:en to the teleph~n,-~e tape recording. I found that the Co..~munications Officer, ali'houqh officious sounding, was not discourteous to Mrs. Flaherty. Dr. Flaherty indicated that he would be attendin9 the next Council Meetin<i to further discuss his p::ob].em. Tile Police DepartI~ent }las cont,~cted Taylor- Made Meat Company and advised them of our intended actions. RECO~,IS,ZNDATION: Authorize the establishment of'a loading zone parking area (yellow painted curb) on Second Street from tile west side of tile west crosswalk a~ E1 CamJn~ to the rear driveway of the business located at 200 E1 Canlino. (driveway e~':try is on S;~cond Street.) '-I December 5, ].977 Walter Flaherty, M.D. 661 West First Street Tustin, California 92680 Dear Dr. Flaherty: Thank you for your letter o£ November 28, 1977, regarding Taylor Made Meat Company at 200 'El Camino Real. We agree that they are attempting to operate too large of a non- conform~ug uso for the general good of the area. There is a real question as to whether they can operate under the building's non-conforming status with this expanded usage. We have there- fore notified thcm tha~ if they have not moved by December 25, we wii1 hold an administrative hearing on the legal, try of con- tinued use. They assure us that their new site in Santa gna on FiJ:'st Street xxS]], be ready by December 21. I npprec~ate tho fact that they 1lave told yon apparen~.ly many t~mos they would be moving shortly (q!though a fire did deIay thc, ir plans once), so we are being' very cautieus in accepting thSs statement aZ faco value. Atta. chcd Js a memorandum the Police Chie[' has provided lBO rc[~ardSng the ~,~nel'a.l p¢~rkiru~ probIem at the location, ile has discussed c'ceatJn[; a ye].low loadinj zone on Second S[reet adja- cent to 't, no buS]dinl~ in question Jn order to permit unloading wJ_thout blocking( Lraf:[ic. This would appear to be needed for any future use of the building and it is my understanding this w:[ll be done in the near future. There are m:~ny facets to your letter which will require careful s'l:udy but may be unnecessary if they really move before Christmas. Ilowever, tho unload:i.n[~ would not be considered a.n outside opera- t:io~ !)rovid~:d they did not attempt to process the meat there. Als,.), the non-conformi~g use would not; require a conditional permit and could not be required to have the required parking, provided the usage was not expanded. This latter point provides us a cause of action, I believe, if they do not move. I w.i. ll be most happy to meet you on the s~te if there are still bro,~cn crates or other unsi2'htly debris on the property, and will appreciate ' -' be~n~ made aware of any open trasl~ containers City (':*mte~ Cente.nial at Muir, 'l'uslin, California 92(;80 (714} 544-8890 Walter F1M]erty, M.D. December 5, ].977 Page two with meat scraps which certainly Would not be healthy. I have instructed our inspector to keep a close watch on the premises to minimize the potential problems until they move. I am certain you would prefer more rapid and strin!rent action than has been outlined in this le¢ter, since you have lived with the problem for some time. Ilowever, vce do not have the right to close the business down without f;oing through a legal due procesa procedure which would extend beyond the date they have said they would move. I hope you will bear with us a little bit longer, and I assure.you that, if they do not move as sched- uled, I will vigorously purshe the matter. Again, thank you for your letter and your demonstrated interest in the City of Tustin. DB: km ]*~12 C. December 5, 1977 Tustin Meat & Provision Co Inc 200 E1 Camino Real Tustin, CA 92680 Gentlemen: Information has been received that the Taylor Meat Company will be moving out of the premises located at 200 E1 Camino Real to an area in Santa Ana during the latter part of this month. Since there have been numerous complaints concerning the subject property, we are very much concerned and interested in the future use of this parcel in order to Froper!y and justifiably consider the Zoning and Parking Requirements. Any information that you can provide us will be 9'reatly appreciate~. Thank you .for your interest and cooperation. Sincerely, Public Services Assistant Community Douolopmont Department cc: City Administrator Director, Community Development Departmen~ ~' City Center Ce~ *~ial at Main Tustin, California 92680 (714) 544 8890 WALTER T. FLAHERTY INC. December l, 1977 Mr. Dan ~]ankenshio Mr. Brian Chase Tustin City Hall Centennial Way Tustin, Ca. 92680 Dear Sir, When the Taylor Meat Co. leavc-s the 200 E1 Camino quarters, as I understand, the property ovirier is trying to sell the building and equipment as'a package. This would probably mean another industrial ~* ?~cKer in a commerc~i], zone wit?i re, currin~ problems which we have e>iTerienced. that if ~:;uch an industry is contem::].a-ced, the [:roper ~rocedures Jnvolvin~ a conditional use permit Ly the wiJ. J be dem~rided at the onset. ?&i:.er T. Flaherty, DATE: TO: November 29, 1¢77 Director, Community Developm,snt Department FROM: Public Services Assistant, Community Development Department SUBJECT: Taylormade Meat Co (formerly known as Tustin Meat Co) 200 E1 Camino Real (southwest corner 2nd ~, E1 Camino Real) I made a personal visit to the office of the Taylormade Meat Company, this date, and talked to Dick Radke, Plant Manager. In discussion with ~lr. Radke, I made mention that there have been several complaints about the Meat Company, with the latest complaint about the truck which was un!oading supplies and occupied a good portion of 2nd Street. Mr. Radke was apolegetic about the incident but did make mention that the Taylormade Meat Company will be definitely moving out of Tustin in three (3) weeks to a 3 acre site on First Street, 3 blocks east of Harbor Boulevard, in Santa Ana. He further stated that they have 45 employees at this present location on E1 Camino Real and is much to small to properly operate and administrate his Meat Company which supplies meats to all the School Districts. The move is taking pla~e during the school holidays which is an opportune time when required meat deliveries will be curtailed. /~-~NE SNYDER ~ublic Services Assistant Community Development Department June 17, 1980 James As~er Tustin Meat Company 200 E1 Camino Real Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mr.Asher: A complaint has been received concerning the condition of premises at the Tustin Meat Company particularly the area in the rear where the Trash Bin is located. A cursory inspection of the subject area revealed the Trash Bin to be overloaded and litter scattered' on the ground adjacent to the trash bin. Please be advised that this constitutes a violation of Litter Ordinance #472, cop~ enclosed for your information, guidance and compliance. Conversely, an overloaded trash bin wil~ cause more spillage when it has to be lifted and unloaded onto the Trash Pickup Truck. Holthe Disposal Trash Pickup personnel are not required to pick up any litter or debris that overflows from a trash container. Perhaps there is a need for a larger trash bin. Currently you are utilizing a 3 cubic yard bin with a pick up three (3) times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). A 4 cubic yard bin might be your answer to offset the overflow of the bin currently in use. Your cooperation and assistance to maintain the pr~mises at Tustin Meat Company free from any litter will be appreciated. If you have any questions~please call on me. dE~ SNYDER / Public Services Assistant co~,..~Lunity Development Department Enclosure: CC: Holthe Disposal Agency City Center 300 Centennial Tustin, California 92680 (714} ~4-8890 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 24 25 26 27 £0 OId,II~'~N~'K ;;~. 4'1~~ e Al: Oi.',I)II:;,~:Cl: OF TIlE CITY OF TU2TIN, CAI,JI'OI~I;JA, IJH:I;Oll;6 Till: TUSTIII CITY CODE TO PROIII[{IT ].]~rERll:(;. The C~ty Council of the City of ~st]n, California, does hereby ordain as follows: Article III The Tustin City Code is hereby amended by the addition thereto,of to Chapter 12 to read as follows: Article Ill: Litter Section 12-18 Litter the City o£ No person shall throw, throw out, drop, deposit, place or leave any litter, garbage, refuse or rubbish i~, on or upon any public street, sidewalk, parkway, park or other public place, any vacant lot, or any private property other than in any receptacle main- tained for trash. Socticn 12-19 Depos]tinq of Dirt and Other 14aterJa!. No pcr£on shall deposit, place or leave any cart.b, sand, grav.'.i, rock or other inorganic material upon any property %:ithout written, express permission of thc owner of such i>z-ci>c'rty. ~--Secticn 12-20 l e,~.,.~itin~~ ,' '"__ of Ur~si~jht. l} ..... ...~ .cr,:.;:~' . b'(~ pe.~son shall deposit, place or leave any earth, sand, c~r::ve!, reck or other.inorganic material u~n any property so as to con.~otitutc a public nuisance by reason of unsightliness, du.%t other threat to public safety, health or well-belng. The City Council hereby finds anti determines that the ease. tm,mt of this Ordinance as an emergency measure is required for the preservation of public health and welfare, and this Ordinance shall go into effect i~ediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular ,necting of the City Council of 'Dustin, California, held on the 3rd day of August 1970. ~A YOR Ag'? !.%'1': C~<Y Ci.!;itK DATE: * _ June 12, 1979 . nter Corn TO: FILE (For Record Purposes) FROM: CommUnity Development Department SUBJ[CT: Inspection of area, Tustin Meat Co, 210 E1 Camino Real stemming from complaint by Dr. Flaherty As a result of the complaint registered by Dr. Flahe~ty (190 E1 Camino Real-661 W. lst St) on May 31,1979 concerning the c~ditions of the premises at Tustin Meat Companyl 210 E1 Camino Real, a daily inspection was conducted during the period as shown below: FRIDAY, JUNE 1,1979 - 9:10a.m. - Area Clean,sidewalk on E1 Camino Real cluttered with leaves 2:25 p.m.- Area Clean,sidewalk on E1 Camino Real cluttered with leaves MONDAY,JUNE 4,1979- 10:15 a.m.-Area Clean; empty cardboard boxes stacked near building in the yard area; sidwalk on E1 Camino Real cluttered with leaves 3:24 p.m.-Area Clean; sidewalk on E1 Camino Real etc TUESDAY, JUNE 5,1979 -10:50 a.m.-Area Clean; sidewalk on E1 Camino etc 3:57 p.m.-Area ule~n; sidewalk on E1 Camino etc WEDNLSDAY, JUNE 6,].979- 8:45 a.m.-Area Clean 12:05 p.m.- Area Clean 2:22 p.m. - Area Clean THURSDAY,JUNE 7,1979 - 11:07 a.m. Area Clean 3:17 p.m.-Area Clean FRIDAY, JUNE 8,1979 - 9:45 a.m. - Area Clean 1:53 p.m. - Area Clean ~4ONDAY, JUNE ~ ~,1979 - 10:53 a.m. - Area Clean 1:28 p.m. - Outside area clean; about 5 small pieces of paper on ground near trash bin JIt is e~ident that with the exception of June llth inspection (5 pieces ~ ~f Paper) th~/area at tke Tustin Meat'Company is well maintained. Community Development Department cc: City Administrator DATE May 31, 1979 INQUIRY OR COMPLAINT Complainant's Name Dr.Flaherty, Walter Address 190 E1 Camino Real or 661 ~. let St 838-2520 Telephone Number 544=5056 Received by Gene Snyder Department Community Development Nature of Complaint Litter from Tustin Meat Co-210 E1 Camino Real Referred to (Dept) By N/A Date Dr.Flaherty called this morning to complain about the conditions across the street from his property (El Camino Real and 2nd Street). He stated that the trash bin is overpacked causing a mess around it and papers blowing ali. over, blood stained from the meat, and meat wrapping paper. I inquired if those conditions still exists at the time of our telephone conversation and he said "Nc" but that it was like that the other day. I asked him if he would please call me at anytime whenever there is litter or any mess at the Tustin Meat Company. He further complained about the parking and the failure of the City.Sweeper to sweep around the street in this area. I reconunended Dr.Flaherty to call the Police Department about any parking problems and I ~urther informed him that I would transfer our call to the Maintenance Department concerning the Street Sweeper. I informed Dr.Flaherty that I would make a daily surveillance of the area at the'Tustin Meat Co, in particular the trash bin and any litter in the area~ My inspection after this phone call showed no trace or signs of any litter at or around the Tustin Meat'Company. I will make a daily inspection of the Tustin Meat Company area for a~7-period commencing on 1 June 1979. City ~nter Cenlennial al Ma~n California 92680 (714l 544 8890 August 29, 1980 James Asher Tustin Meat Company 200 E1 Camino Real Tustin, CA 92680 Dear Mr.Asher: Once again, a complaint has been registered concerning the over loading of the trash bin & the trash stacked alongside the bin in the rear of Tustin Meat Company, Second Street side. An inspection of the area was conducted this date and I noticed that the trash bin was overloaded, bin lids were not closed, there was a stench from the trash that also brought about many flies. It was also observed that a great deal of trash was piled up along the left side of the bin, and a n~ber of trash cans also filled with trash. Please be advised that you are not authorized "can" service and that Holthe Disposal Agency bs not required to pick up any trash except the bin itself. The trash bin area was a previous matter of concern in my letter of June 17, 1980. Trash that causes odors and flies is a health problem that effects all adjacent tenants and/or property owners and constitutes a violation of Ordinance #155 and can be considered a "public nuisance". Excerpt of Ordinance #155 is enclosed for your information, guidance and compliance. If there is a need for more trash pickups or larger bins, please.-contact Holthe Disposal (543-9415). Your cooperation and assistance to maintain the premises at Tustin Meat Company in accordance with Ordinance #155 is ~ the best interest of~the public. S~erely, Community Development Department c¢: Enclosure: Orange County HealthDep. t City Attorney Holthe Disposal C,t¥ C~'n~er 300 Centennial Tustin, Cahfornia 92680 (714) 544.8890 TUSTIN CITY CODE WEED AN~ LITTER CONTROL 4411 CHAPTER 4 WEED AND LI'I~£ER CONTROL PART 1 WEEDS ~N~ RUBBISH 4411 UNSAFE CO~)ITION PROHIBITED NO person, whether the same be the owner, agent or person in control of any lot, piece or parcel of land within the City, shall maintain such premises or allow the same to be maintained or permit the same to be maintained in a ccndition in which weeds, rubbish or any material exist on such premises which constitute a fire hazard or which may provide a refuge for rats or other ve.-L%in, or may produce pollen which is injurious to health, safety or welfare of residents of the vicinity, or which otherwise is dangerous or injurious to neish~oring property or the health or welfare of residents of the vicinity. The existence of any condition prohibited by this Chapter is declared to be a public nuisance. (TCC-1, Sec. 12-1/Ord. No. 155, Sec. 1.) September 5~ !980 James ~.' Asher 1211 North Harbor Boulevard Santa Aha, California 92703 Dear Mr. Asher: You are the ay. ret of record of the Tustin fi. eat Company, 200 El Camino Real. The reef of >,0ur building is being used as open storage. [his aDmears to overload the roof structure. Woodrow Pea~an, 451 EI Camino Peat, structurally designed this roof. He ShDUld certify this use wDs within the design parameters of your roof. If it is nor :esigned for this use fnen the stored material shouid be removed without delay. Sr~ould on the City Pi m~t. for gui Mr. Reagan certify the stored material can be supported roof an~ it is your desire fo con'~nue this use, the anning Agency should be requested to approve a use per- It is suggested you inquire of Alan Warren, Senior Planner, dance to submit such an application. There is an LPG tank for refueling automotive vehicles in your yard. I can find no permit for this tank. The contractor who installed this tank must apply for the necessary permits and installation approvals. Please advise by letter prior to September 20, 1980 your actions fo abate these two items. Please phone me, 544-8890, if I can be of- assistance. eld BUilding Official September 5, !980 Robert Lynn Schi Pep Electric !or? Currie Santa Aha, Call ling ornia 92707 F~ear Mr. Schi I linc: are the licensed C-10 contractor, No. 290770, o',..ner of Pep Eiec+ric. It ','.'as r~porfed yo:~r truck was at 200 Et Camino Real, Tus~in !,'eat . ' ~ ec~. ~c ,,,,ork over the August ~¢ ~nd Company, ap[~arentlv performina el 31 amJ September 1, 1980 weekend. I observed your truck at this ad- Cress on Sep:e~'ber 2, ~c=q I car: find'nc per. it for' any recent work at this address and no ¢:~, fy business license has beeF, issued for the current year, to Pep Electric. Enclosed is an application for an electric permit, application for business license, and an electric fee schedule. Please forward these applications along with a check in the appropriate amount. In addition, have your insurance carrier certiCy your employees are covered with Workman's Corqpensation insurance. Reid Building Official e~cJ. ./ September 3, 1980 James Asher Tustin.Meat Company 200 El Camino Real Tusfin, California 92680 Dear Al, r. Asher: We have recently received new complaints regarding ~he condition of the trash storage area at the Tustin neat Company. We have previously conTnunicafed fo you in this regard on June 17 and August 29 of this year in !efters from Gene Snyder. It is hoped the problem in this area can soon be solved. would appear tha¢' conditions and activities at your business have become of concern fo some neigiabor~. It was further reported that some building repair or modification was being conducted af the premise without benefit of a permit. The Buildin9 Official did note some activity, however, did not see any evidence of major improve- men~s or mcdificat;on af that time. In a spirit of cooperation, I would suggest you give me a call within a week so we could ~alk this matter over. I would prefer fo work with you informally to solve any potential problems rather than have the matter become a formal procedure or be brought before the City Council by a concerned neighbor. I appreciate the time and attention you spend on this request and look for- ward to talking with you. Michael W. Brotemarkle Contnuni fy Development Director June 30, 1978 Mr. Jim Asher J.A.'s Tustin Meat Processors 200 E1 Camino Real Tustin, California 92680 Dear Jim: I appreciate our meeting of Thursday discussing th¢~ parkin%' along your neighbor's wall. I ar~. p!ea~.~ed to see you are puzsuing the opening of a retail meat outlet ~nd I am ~,ure .leu w~l! be successful. As I mentioned to you, Tusti{;: is n~3ch mot{-: stringent i~] its building and sign require~,ents than mo.;t citie:~ you may have dealt wit}~ in th~a past. However,. [%hat is ~-hat b:.~ :0{~!e TustJn such a desirahle cor~w~unity to lJvt, and do hu.~i, nc'ss ]~ {md .'. ':~ :~u~ you ,,.~ii1 ~-n~t to m~iutain that stand ~ d. The building you ~:ow ©c'cu3,5, i~ a "n,.'~n--~;o~fcrming u:%:e" in the sense that a meat processing plant J..'< conai~lercd an industrial use which should only be in an iF. du.~trial zone. As long as you continue to operate your facility with n~> e×pansion then you may leeve everything as it is. However, when you acid the ~retai.'[ meat outlet then you must bring your facility up to code. 'Phis includes the ·following: 1. Complying with all City Sign Code requirements. 2. Obtain building permits for all building modifications. 3. Provide some parking for ¢'~.~stomers in rear area. 4. Screen rear work area from L, ublic view. The above items are required by City Ordinance and are imposed on all businesses. In light of the new office-commercial complex going up in back and beside you, I am sure you can appreciate the concern we have that the same ~uality of development is maintained. Please give me a call at your convenience and we will get together and discuss any concerns you might have. Sincerely, Brian J. Chaise Director, Commu~]ity Development Department Ci!v C,:~,~er C~nT~:,miM ,~! Ma:r', l'us~i~, C~diforni,] 92680 (714) 544-8890 ~zstin Nea% Company