HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 4 CITY WTR SERVICE 10-20-80DATE: October 14, 1980 NEW BUSINESS No. 4 10-20-80 Inter-Corn TO: FROM: SUBJECT: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR ESTABLISHMENT OF CITY WATER SERVICE The acquisition of the Tustin Water Works is expected to be complete prior to the end of October. It is therefore appropriate to take several policy actions in order to facilitate the transfer. Approve the continuation of existing Tustin Water Works water rates and policies to the extent legally possible and authorize the City Adminis- trator to adopt any necessary interim policies until the City Council can be consulted. Approve the job classifications and salary ranges recommended in the attached memorandum from the Personnel Director, in order to provide appropriate positions for the acceptance of Tustin Water Works employees as City employees. Confirm the statement of reassurances signed by the Mayor and dated September 19, 1980 (attached) as official policy on: a. Non-discriminatory treatment for county residents. b. ~e water service not to be used as a tool of annexation. Access to Council meetings for any water users who have a complaint unresolved by the staff. do Communications and an opportunity for input to major policies such as rates, budget and capital improvement program. e. Maintenance of the yater service as a separate financial entity. Acceptance of the conditions imposed on the sale by the Public Utilities Commission in its order. (If any condition is imposed that appears onerous or unacceptable, the Council will be immediately notified and a special meeting called.) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Minute Order to approve the above recommended actions. Respectfully sub~mitted, DAN BLANKENSHIP, City Administrator DB:dmt :;'I'A't't'JMt~NT OF PUl,ICY OWNF. R:SHII~ AND OIq-~!~.A'I'ION OF TIlE TU,~;TIN ¥~A'I'ER FIORKS t3¥ 'J'IIE Ci']'Y OF 'I~US'i'iN 1. On Hatch 17, 19130, the City ,')f T,Jsti. n ,~nd I_he 'ru::! in t.L',t,tr C¢,~-?)~-ation mit ered into a cc)ut ~'act wil.h the 'P,]stin Wdtet' Ilo, k:; f,~c tho pa,-chaso and thocoaftor t:lle operation of tho Tustin 2. On Narch 17, 1980, the City Co,~,.:il of tl,~: City ,>~ adopted its Rcsolntion No. 80-31 authorizing s,~id pucch,,sc and declaring policies of opet'ation of the facilities of tl~e Tu:;tin ;;at:cc ;;~)~'}:s for t:he benefit of all '.~,~ter conrtumevs. 3. The City of 'Fustin fully intends to ,leal in a wholly an] Fnic '.:',a~ner with all uater users, inctudin9 those wl~o o,~l .~ide the City of Tustin as well as though who t-esi,lc uithin. The City of Tustin is de~sirous of a:~sucin'g, affirming n~ld reconfirm- lng to tlm resi. d~:~nts of the City of T~tin and to the resid.:nts the County of Or,tnge City policies of ~peration of ~he facilities of the Tu~;tin Water Works. 4. The City of Tust[n hereby al-f[i~'ms, venfFir_'~as nnd confirms tO the resid,:.nts of the City of '?ustin ¢~nd to the r,~'.;id,'nt~s of 'the County of nYange within the service n[-c,a off the '?u:¢tin Works that its policies for the ov~nership and operation of the ' ' ..o~.,,s will inclu,h? the ~.,~ll,,~[ng: A. The City ,~ 'q ' c,'imJ,tation in rates }~etweon City a;xd County rosJd~?nts. R~tt~s ,isot.' -,',', 'd- customers located in those Fortions of the 'Pus[in %,~orks s,.rv[ce al'pa out'side the City limits of the City of 'F,~still W J ] ] not (~x,:,'ed t'.}lC ~ ~,tes as:;es:;cd t'ho~;e c,~st~,,~,ers ](-)cntcd '.:iti~in the City limits of the City of ' · '' . ~%. The City of Tusl in w il l not cau~;e ok- i~er;ait the own- ership nnd operation of the T,.]~tJn ;;~,t,~l_' ;Nn-ks to be used in any way ¢1s ~1 d~]l/ex~akion tool. C. The City of TuskJn will not ca:~se or per, mit d]scrim- i nat ion ' ~ ,),.t'.,'een City and County k'esi,1,~nt::; o~ hetw,~,,n City and rates, level of war'.or set'vice an~i quality, system cepairs, ments and extensions of service. 1.1 '['l~e City of Tnstin v.'{[l cau.,< .~y.,t..L rep.ii, rs, impcovomonts and t~:<t:ensions Lo be ha:;ed u[)on sound engin,!ering princip]e:; ,'i. thont r0,Jacd to v:hether such ~;ystem rei;ai~s, l/Nlnt~; and r'XIi~I:I~;].OII~3 ;il/t! located w.ithin or without the City 'Pus;tin, and ba~;,z.d upon r,-.']:;onal~le pnlicies of pci~'itic, s adopted fL'Om ti~,~e to ti;:'~e b7 rosoliltions of the City Cc~lncil of tho City ,~f '['ustin foil. owing not:iced p,;hlic heduingg with d~tion f~; ELIll i~]i)~lt and c(,n~;Jd~:u.'~ti,m of co~]cerns fLOra al. 1 resi- ,],~nts of the City and COtlnty. F. The City o£ Tu.';tin will ?au.,~e regular and a,3~quz~te procedures to be established for the -~-o' tuc_xpt and conside~'ation of all concerns of water users, whether residents of the City or County, including access to the Cit'y Council if probl~ms are not adequately resolved by administrative ?ersonnel. G. The City of Tustin will cause all water revenues and expenses to be segregated and accou}~ted for separately .and will cause all water revenues to be used solely for water purposes. H. The City of Tustin believes that it is in the best interests of all of the residents of the City of Tustin and of the County residents located within the secvice area of the Tustin Water Works that relationships presently existing with the East Orange County %~ater District be maintained and the City of Tustin affirms that ].t has no t~]an~ ~nd contcml~l.~t~ no ch~nges ~n s,~ch relat~.o~shil~s. This Statement of Policy has t~een authorized and approved by the City Council of the City of Tustin and the Mayor of the City of Tustin has been authorized to execute the same on behalf of the City of Tustin. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mayor of the Cityz/of Tustin has executed this Statement of Policy this ~/~day of,,.~/~/v.~..~~ 1980 CITY OF TUSTIN ..,. /z,.' , 2' . ..?,.? ._ DONALD .~ SALTARELLI Mayor o~ tthe Ci[y o~ Tus~in JGR:se:D:9/18/80 JGR:se:R:9/19/80 JGR:se:R:9/19/80 DATE: October 15, 1980 Inter-Corn 70: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator FROM: Roy Gonzales, Personnel Director l~ SUBJECT: Classification Plan - Tustin Water Works The attached sheets show the classifications and salary levels to be used for the transfer of the Tustin Water Works to City operation. The sheets show the projected classifications, department assignments, bargaining unit and maximum salary level as well as the specific assignments by name. The job descriptions for the new classifications are currently being prepared by this department based on the information provided by the Water Works staff and should be completed around mid-December. The classification plan is designed to allow a smooth transition from the Water Works payroll to the City payroll reflecting, to the extent possible, the projected utilization of Water Works staff. There will probably be some adjustments with the next budget, however, based on actual utilization and modifications of operating procedures involved with the transfer. Tustin Water Works Transfer Classification Plan - Summary Classification # Water Billing Clerk 2 Data Entry Operator 1 Maintenance Worker I 7 Maintenance Worker II 2 Water Billing Supervisor 1 Equipment Operator II 1 Water Accountant 1 Water Services Technician 1 Water Construction Superintendent 1 Water Services Analyst 1 Water Services Manager 1 Department Unit ~alary Finance Gen 1085 Finance Gen 1105 Maintenance Gen 1341 Maintenance Gen 1408 ** Finance MidMgt 1443 Maintenance Gen 1604 Finance Gen 1708 Maintenance Gen 1891 Maintenance MidMgt Adminsitration MidMgt Public Works Mi~gt 2335 3000 3000 ** One position in this classification will receive a 5% salary adjustment for working a swing shift. Tustin Water Works Transfer Classifications - By Employee Water Services Manager Earl Rowenhurst Water Services Analyst Reed Jensen Water Construction Superintendent Paul Murphy Water Billing Supervisor Adrien Hall Water Accountant Willis Oden Data Entry Operator Rosalyn Mort Water Billing Clerk Rebecca Fountain Rose Rathbun Water Services Technician Tony Alarcon Equipment Operator I~I Gary Veeh Maintenance Worker II Jessie James Francis Primrose Maintenance Worker I Matthew Brill Larry Herle Terry McGlynn Kenneth Morrell Ralph Morrell Leonard Mulholland Arnot Sutton