HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 5 INVEST SCHEDULE 10-20-80DATE: TO: FROM: SUBdECT: Inv. # 142 153 163 152 145 146 172 156 160 .... 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 173 161 162 October 14, 1980 Dan Blankenship, ciny Administrator, ~1 ],~,~~/ Loni Hamblin, Acting Finance Direc~~ INVESTMENT ~ AS OF S~ER 30, 1980 REPORT 10-20~80 Inter-C · ~ V,~,~ OCT'I b' 1980 C;';¥..~ .... Maturity Date Amount 10/13/80 $100,000 10/24/80 100,000 11/03/80 488,125 11/12/80 200,000 11/16/80 100,000 11/16/80 100,000 12/26/80 290,896 1/02/81 200,000 1/14/81 100,000 2/12/81 t00,000 2/12/81 100,000 2/20/81 200,000 2/23/81 100,000 2/23/81 100,000 3/16/81 100,000 3/16/81 100,000 3/24/81 100,000 --- 1,300,000 Int. Purchase T~pe Bank/Agency Rate Date · CD Santiago Bank 16.875 4/16/80 TCD Mercury S & L 10.25 5/19/80 Bank/Accept Bank of America 9.73 8/05/80 ~2D Santiago Bank 9.875 5/12/80 TCD Far West S & L 18.75 4/16/80 TCD Far West S & L ~18.75 4/16/80 Bank/Accept Bank of America 11.75 9/22/80 TCD Santiago Bank 10.25 6/25/80 TCD Constitution S & L 9.50 7/17/80 TCD E1 Dorado Bank 9,50 8/12/80 TCD Central S & L 9.75 8/12/80 ~CD Santiago Bank 10.625 8/24/80 TCD Wells Fargo Bank 10.50 8/25/80 TCD Central S & L 10.750 8/26/80 TCD Wells Fargo Bank 11.25 9/15/80 TCD E1 Dorado Bank 11.75 9/15/80 5CD American S & L 11.875' 9/25/80 Various State LAIF ...... Total City Investments $3,879,021 TUSTIN CQSfMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY %CD E1 CaminoBank 10.0 7/21/80 TCD E1CaminoBank 10.0 7/21/80 Various State LAIF ...... 7/21/81 100,000 7/21/81 100,000 --- 100,000 $4,179,021 RESOLUTION NO. 80-113 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, AGREEING TO ~HE EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAXES IN CONJUNCTION WITH MUNICIPAL REORGANIZATION NO. 53. WHEREAS, Section 99(b) of the Revenue and Taxation Code requires the adoption of a resolution by local agencies agreeing to the exchange of property tax revenues prior to the executive officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission issuing a certificate of filing for a municipal reorganization; and WHEREAS, the Cities of Irvine and Tustin have mutually agreed to the realignment of their Spheres of Influence and to the transfer of jurisdiction of incorporated areas to obtain consistency of jurisdictional boundaries within the common Sphere of Influence line, as shown by the attached map and legal description. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin hereby agrees: That the tax revenues subject to negotiations accruing to the City of Tustin for those properties within the jurisdiction of the City of Tustin shall be allocated in total to the City of Irvine and the County Structural Fire Fund in accordance with the historical allocation of such funds within the city of Irvine, as determined by the County Auditor. That the tax revenues subject to negotiation accruing to the City of Irvine and the Structural Fire Fund for those properties within the jurisdiction of the City of ~rvine being transferred to the City of Tustin shall be allocated to the City of Tustin in total. That the City Clerk shall furnish a certified copy of this resolution to the City of Irvine, Board of Supervisors, Executive Officer of LAFCO, and the County Auditor in satisfaction of the requirements of Section 99(b) (6) of the Revenue and Taxation Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day of , 1980. ATTEST: Donald J. Saltarelli Mayor Mary E. Wynn City Clerk irvine santa ' (moulton parhwa¥) PC/RESIDENTIAL · ~ 'COMMERICAL ~ INDUSTRIAL EXHIBIT A 10/6/80 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 2O 21 22 2~ 24 25 26 2~ 28 29 3O 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 80-114 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA AGREEING TO THE EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAX REVENUES FOR ANNEXATION NO. 127 - HOLT-HAMALATO THE CITY OF TUSTIN WHEREAS, the property owners on Holt Avenue are desirous of the annexation of certain property known as Annexation No. 127 Holt-Hamala to'the City of Tustin, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 99(b) of the Revenue and Taxation Code the proposed annexation may not be con- sidered by the Local Agency Formation Commission until such time as the city and county agree to the exchange of property tax revenue from said area, and WHEREAS, it is in the best interests of the city, county, and property owner to complete the annexation as soon as possible; and, WHEREAS, the City Council feels, in this instance, that an exchange of property tax revenue as a condition of this annexation is not necessary during the first year of the jurisdictional change; and, WHEREAS, there is an effort underWay by the Orange County Division League of California Cities and the County of Orange to develop an equitable solution to the problem of reallocation of property tax revenues which allocation formula shall thenceforth be applicable for all future annexations in the County; and, .... .~ WHEREAS, this special agreement on Annexation N°. 127 to the City of Tustin is necessary only because of the need to expedite the completion of these annexations and because a formula agreement establishing a tax allocation formula for all annexations has not yet been achieved by the Local Orange County Division League of California Cities and the County of Orange; and, WHEREAS, any future 'agreement establishing a formula for tax allocation should be conditioned on the understanding that the hereinafter described agreement concerning the specific property described as Annexation No. 127 Holt-Hamala to the City of Tustin shall be.reconsidered when an overall tax allocation formula has been a~reed upon, · NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council agrees that no property tax redistribution is necessary at this time as a condition to the completion of Annexation No. 127. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Tustin hereby requests that this agreement be re-evaluated at such time as the Cities and the County of Orange reach an agreement on an appropriate tax allocation formula applicable to all future annexations in the County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon the acceptance of the terms of this agreement by-the Board of Supervisors of Orange County, the Executive Officer of the Local Agency Formation Commission is petitioned to process and complete said annexation as being hereby in satisfaction of the requirements of Section 99(b) of the Revenue andITaxation Code. 4 § 8 10 11 15 18 19 ~0 ~5 ~9 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, held on the day of October, 1980. DONALD J. SALTARELLI, MAYOR ATTEST: MARY E. WYNN, CITY CLERK MAC 10-20-80 HOLT-HAMALA ANNEXATION N0.127 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN ,CALIFORNIA PASSED AND ADOPTED BY__ NO. DATED CERTIFIED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE' October 15, 1980 Donald J. Salterelli, Mayor City of Tustin 300 CentennialWay Tustin, California 92680 Dear Mr. Salterelli: I live in the apartment building at 190 Centennial Way and I normally wake up at 6:30 in the morning to go to work. Is there anything you can do about these buses on Centennial. I understand there are seven lines that are using Centennial, or over 160 buses per day that go throt~gh. I find it difficult to perform my job properly because normally the buses wake me up around 5:3~ in the morning and I find myself very tired at work, which makes it difficult to do a good job. If I try to take a nap in the evening, it is usually the same way. Thank you very much. Kathryn Beck 19~ Centennial Way Tustin, California 92680 cc: Mr. Blankenship City Administrator