HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 2 G.P. AMEND 80-1 10-06-80.,ATE: ~l -- TO: I_- FROH: SUBJECT: October 6, 1980 PUBLIC HEARING No. 2 10-6-80 Inter-Corn Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Corrrqunify Development Department General Plan Amendment 80-1 BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSJ ON The proposed General Plan Amendment is an action initiated by the City of Tustln and the City of Irvine to establish a common city boundary between The two cities. One step in accomplishing the boundary change is to amend the Land Use and Circu- lation Elements of fha General P~an in those areas that will be incorporated into the city of Tustin's sphere of influence. 'This General Plan Amendment encompasses the final two phases of a three phase project. The first phase was the prezonin9 and annexation of approximately 955 acres located .,;;thin Tustin's sphere of influence. This phase was approved on -- -'&ay 7, 1979 and has also received Local Agency Formation Commission ILAFCO) ap- proval. Phase 2 involves a re-adjustment of the sphere of influence of the city of Tustln to the proposed alignmepf of the Myford Road/Weir Canyon arterial. This land is unincorporated, but is within the proposed sphere of influence for the city of Irvine. Phase 5 involves the adjustment of the sphere of influences and subsequent ex- change of lands of the cities of Irvine and Tusfin, southerly of the Santa Ara Freeway. The Phase 2 area consists of approximately 630 acres located north of the Santa Ara Freeway extending northerly to the sphere of influence line. The Phase ~ area consists of 95 acres bounded by the Santa Ara Freeway, existing _ new Myford Road, the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, and the proposed alignment of ~yford Avenue. That portion of Phase ~ that will be de-annexed and subsequently annexed by the City of Irvine is approximately ~73 acres bounded by the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way, Harvard Avenue, ¢' -- Peters Canyon Wash, and the easterly projection of Warner Avenue. The entire area is within the Marine Corp Air Station(H). The City of Tustin certified an Environmental Impact Report (EIR 78-3) that ad- dressed all three phases, but was prepared in con]unction with fha Phase i an- nexation of 955 acres. The City of Irvine has certified an Environmental Impact Report (T9-EIR-O040i, also addressin9 fha Tustin annexation. On September 23, 1980 the Irvine City Council passed a resolution (No. 1227) ap- proving for future annexation by the City of Tustln those areas outlined in City Council October 6t 1980 General Plan Amendment 80--1 page-2, Phases 2 and 3. The resolution conditioned that this action by the City of Irvine would be approved only after a ainding agreement is reached with the Cjfy of Tusfin for the construction of ~yford Road. The proposed land use designations for the affected areas are as follows and as depicted in Exhibit "A". Phase 2 - Planned Corrrnunity Residential which includes all needed or required neighborhood support facilities. Phase 3 - The area immediately south of the freeway will be corc~ercial with the remainder of the area industrial. The land use designation of Planned Corrrrunity/Residential is utilized to define an area which encompasses a variety of characteristics, such as topography, scenic value, Flood nazrd, etc. At this time, it is not meant to precisely define the character or intensity of a development. Prior fo the area removal from the egricc!fural preserve status, specific planning will be carried cut in order that the ~!timate development will be consistent with the goals set by the City of Tustin. Under :he City of Irvine's General Plan, the 95 acre Phase 3 parcel is a combination of coc~nercial and industrial. These same designations will be utilized for the Genera! Plan Amendm(nt.. It is envisioned that this area will take on the same character as the adjacent Irvine Industrial Complex Planned Community (Tusfin). Subseq,.ent to the General Plan Amendment the areas will receive PC Residen¢ial, PC Commercial, and PC Industrial zone designations, These zones provide that ma]or planning activities be under[aken fo ensure substantial compliance with the district regulations in order that the public health, safety, and general welfare will be observed. An application within the PC District shall be subject to one of the following or any combination thereof: The requirements of any of the zoning districts established by this Chapter, as amended; 2. Standards of development set forth on the approved development plan and supplementary text material; 3. Approval of a use permit by the Planning Agency prior to development. Along with the amended land use element, a revision to the circulation plan for the city will be required. The City of Tustin currently has adopted the Orange County Master Plan of Arferlal Highways for its circulation element of the General Plan. The plan designates new Myford Road as a primary highway, terminating at the Sant.a Aha Freeway. To the east of ~yford Road is a major arterial, Harvard Avenue, which reduces fo a primary highway above Irvine Boulevard and then turns fo the east, towards the El Toro area. See Exhibit "B". City Council October 6, 1980 General Plan Amendment 80-1 page 3. As a result of the circulation element amendment the existing new Myford Road will be classified as a local street, which is not shown on the ~asfer Plan of Highways. The ne~ alignment for Myford Road will be cast of the existin9 new Myford Road and will travel north from Irvine Center Drive, joining with the proposed Weir Canyon Road, which extends northerly to fha Riverside Freeway. The entire ~yford Road alignment will be designated as a major arterial highway. See Exhibit "C". Subsequent to the adoption of the proposed circulation amendment the proposed alignments and highway designations will be submitted to the County in order that they may adopt the amendment into the Master Plan of Arterial Highways. Additional conditions that should be included with the General Plan Amendment are: 1. Overall residential densities shall not exceed an average density of four dwelling units Der gross acre. 2. Hillside areas shall not exceed an average density of two dwelling units per gross acre. The proposed M/ford Road alignment from,, the Santa Ana Freeway north to the city of Tusfinrs sphere of influence shall be designated as a scenic highway. Development of the roadway shall be designed to the specifications of a scenic highway as oufllned in the Scenic Highway Element of the General Plan. 4. Development plans shall accommodate parkland and open space requirements. Mitigation measures, as outlined in EIR 78-3, shall be incorporated into development plans. 6. Development plans shall accorrrnodate neighborhood public and c~r~,ercial facilities adequate fo serve the projected population. RECO~¢ENDATION Staff recorrrnends approval of General Plan Amendment 80-1 by the adoption of Resolut'ion No. 80-~00. attachments (Exhibits "A", "B"~ and "C" santa aha (moulton park-way) irvine q~ o 0 PC/RESIDENTIAL COMMERICAL INDUSTRIAL PHASE 2 center PHASE 3 MCAStH] ? [ ~/ ..~O city of Irvine EXHIBIT A 10/6/80 PROPOSED LAND USE AMENDMENT MAJOR HIGHWAY PRIMARY HIGHWAY SECONDARY HIGHWAY ~0 'walnut -~ ' MCAS [HI EXHIBIT' B !0/6/80 EXISTING GENERAL PLAN- CIRCULATION ~SANTA ANA 'walnut ~ IRVlNE CENTER MAJOR HIGHWAY PRIMARY HIGHWAY SECONDARY HIGHWAY EXHIBIT C 10/6/80 PROPOSED CIRCULATION AMENDMENT '1 5 6 ? 8 9 lo · '15 3.6 17 '18 3.9 25 26 2,? ~8 ,39 .%0 The C RESOLUTION NO. 80-100 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL AMENDING THE LAND USE AND CIRCULATION ELE/~NTS OF THE GENERAL PLAN FOR AN AREA LOCATED NORTH OF THE SANTA ANA FREEWAY TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN SPHERE OF INFLUENCE, WEST OF THE MYFORD ROAD/WEIR CANYON PROPOSED ALIGNmeNT TO THE EXISTING CITY LIMITS, AND AN AREA BOUNDED BY THE SANTA ..ANA.FREEWAY, EXISTING MYFORD ROAD, THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA, AND SANTA FE RAILROAD~ AND THE PROPOSED ALIGN- MENT OF MYFORD ROAD. ty Council of the City of Tustin does hereby resolve as follows:- The City Council finds and determines as follows: AD Section 65356.1 of the Government Code of the Sfa;e of California provides that when if is deemed to be in the public interest, the legislative body may amend a part of the General P~an. The City Council approves the findings and rec]mmendations con- tained in the City of Tusfin Plannin9 Agency Resolution No. 1919, recommendin9 to the City Council approval of General Plan Amendment 80-!, amendin9 the Land Use and Circulation Elements. That an Environmental impact Report (78-3) for the requested changes was prepared and certified by the City Council on May 7, 1979. An Environmental Impact Report (Tg-ER-O040) for the re- quested changes was prepared and cerflfied by the City Council of the C;;-y of Irvine on September 23, !980. Thai the changes in classification wo~,ld be in the public interest and n)r de~r-imenfat tO the welfare of the pub icor the surround- in9 properly owners. E. Tha! speci[ic planning will be carried out pr or fo any development or related proposals. The City Council hereby approves General Plan Amendmen: 80-1, as recom- mended by the City of Tustin Plannin9 Agency, which amends the Land Use Element fo classify the properties; north of the Santa Aha Freeway to the City of Tusfin sphere of influence and west o~ ?.~yford Road/Weir Canyon proposed alignment to the exisfin9 city limits fo Planned Com- munity/Residential, and an area bounded by the Santa Aha Freeway, exist- in9 new ~yford Avenue, the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad, and the proposed alignment of ~yford Road fo commercial and industrial. An amendment to the circulation element; fo propose the Myford Road/Weir Canyon alignment, and fhaf it will be classified as a major arterial from Irvine Center Drive north fo the city of Tusfin b~undary, and fo reclassify new Myford. Road fo a local street, subject to the followin9 conditions: A. Overall residential densities shall not exceed an average density of four dwelling units per 9ross acre. B. Designated hillside areas shall not exceed an average density of fWD dwelling units per gross acre. The proposed ~yford Road/Weir Canyon alignment from the Santa Ana Freeway north to the city of Tusfin sphere of influence shall be designated as a scenic highway. The design of the roadway shall be to the specifications o¢ a scenic highway as outlined in the Scenic Highways Element of the General Plan. 1 4 9 10 11 14 '15 1'7 19 ~0 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 City Council Resolution No. 80-100 page 2. E o F. Mitigation measures, as outlined in EtR 78-3, shal into development plans. Development plans shall accommodate parkland and open space re- quirements. Development plans shall accommodate neighborhood p~blic and com- mercial facilities adequate fo serve the projected population. be incorporated PASSED AND ADOPTED afa regular meeting of the City Counci Tustin, held on the 6th day o¢ October, 2980. of the City of ATTEST: Donald J. Salfarelt ~ayor Mary E. Wynn City Clerk