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CC 4 ANNEXATION 123 10-06-80
DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: October 6, 1980 Inter-Corn Honorable Mayor and City Council Members R.K. Fleagle, Community Development Consultant San Juan-Red Hill Annexation No. 123 A Resolution, map, and legal description have been prepared for the annexation of the remainder o¢ the island area bounded on the west by Red Hill Avenue and by San Juan on the south. This area will be the subject of a protest from the major land owner of the apartment house complex. If is suspected fhaf the owners and residents of the condominium units will welcome the annexation. No opinion survey has been con- ducted of the area, The requirements contained in SB 180 for the assessor and auditor to complete a tax analysis prior to the conduction of a hearing by LAFCO may delay the annexa- tion process beyond the permissable time limits of the island annexation pro- visions o¢ the Municipal Or'ganizafion Act. However, it is possible that the annexation could be approved by the Board of Supervisors in December. The area consists ,of q~ apartment units and 72 garden condominiums on 9.79 acres with 15~ r'egisfered voters. It is recommended that the annexation proposal be submitted to the Local Agency Formation Commission for processing. I¢ Orange County and the Board of Super- visors believe fhaf if is in the best interest o¢ the total county fo eliminate the islands, if is possible fo complete the annexation within the time frame of MORGA. The City Council may fake a neutral position in the matter with an indi- cation of willingness to accept the area within the incorporated limits of the city if the Board of Supervisors wish fo approve the annexation. A letter of explanation of this position would be sent fo the property owners and registered voters prior f6 the LAFCO hearin9. RECONVV~NDEDACTION The adoption of Resolution No. 80- 99 and the authorization of necessary filing fees. RKF: mm 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 15 14 15 16 1V 18 19 2O 21 23 24 25 26 27 29 50 51 $2 RESOLUTION NO. 80- 99 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, REQUESTING THE CONW~ENCEh~NT OF PROCEED- INGS FOR THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN ~NHABITED TERRI~I~DESIGNATED AS SAN JUAN-RED HILL ANNEXATION NO. 123 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN. WHEREAS, an unincorporated area of less than fen (10) acres in size, boonded by Red Hill Avenue on the west, San Juan on the south, and the city limits of Tusfin on the north and east is an knfegral part of the Tustin community; and WHEREAS, the subject area was part of a larger county island in which the residents of the area requested and consented to the annexation of the ter- ritory known as San Juan-Green Valley Annexation No. 110; and WHEREAS, the County of Orange has questioned the economic feasibility o¢ providing urban services fo the remnant 9.79 acre parcel, the subject of this request, and the City of Tustin is willing fo extend the full range of municipal services fo the properties within said unincorporated island; and WHEREAS, the subject area has been determined by the Local Agency Formation Commission to be within Tusfin's Sphere of Influence; and WHEREAS, the proposed annexation of a fully developed area is a Class 19 Categorical Exemption from the requirements of fha California Environmental Quality Act, NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED by the City Council, City oF Tustin: That the City ~:>~ Tustin requests the corrcnencement o~ annexation pro- ceedings in connecfioo with said inhabited territory in accordance with the ~tJnicipal Organization Act of 1977 governing unincorporated islands [hat sai J uni.}corporated territory be, and hereby is, designated as San Juan-Red Hill Annexation No. 123 fo the city of Tustin and is shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this refer- ence, and as legally described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and in- corp©rat¢d herein by this reference. 3. That fha proposed annexation is made pursuant fo Sections 35013 and 35Z50(f) of fha ~unicipal Organization Act of Z977. That the subject area is a totally developed urbanized area of 9.79 acres consisting of ~6 apartment units and 72 9arden condominiums total surrounded by the incorporated limits of the city o¢ Tusfin. That fha justification for the proposed change of organization is fo provide full municipal services fo an urbanized County island area that is remote from County service facilities and thereby increase the economy and efficiency of urban services. That fha Local Agency Formation Commission is hereby petitioned fo determine pursuant fo Section 35150(f) of the ~unicipal Organization Act of 1977 that the proposed area: a. Does not exceed ~00 acres in area. b. That sub~ecf area constitutes the entire island. c. That sub,ecl area is totally surrounded by the city o¢ Tusfin. d. That subject area is not prime agricultural land. e. That sub,ecl area is fully developed. f. That sub,ecl area will benefit from such annexation, and City Council Resolution No. 80-99 page 2. 1 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 25' 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 following notice and hearing, authorize the Board of Supervisors of Orange County fo order the annexation o¢ the subject territory without an election. 7. That the City Clerk shall certify the adoption of the Resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council, City of Tusfin, held on the 6th day of October, 1980. ATTEST: Donald J. Saltare Mayor Mary E. Wynn City Clerk attachments 52 SAN JUAN- RED HILL ANNEXATION NO. 12_3 TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA PASSED AND ADOPTED BY DATED LEGEND .... EXIST. CITY OF TUSTIN BOUNDARY AREA 9.79 AC. 0.015 SO. MI. LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE SAN JUAN - RED HILL ANNEXATION NO. 123 ....... TO,HE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA All that land Situated in the Counts of Orange, State of Cal'ifornia, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of the"Red Hill - Lance Annexation 88" to the City of Tustin, California, said point of beginning being on the centerline of Red Hill Avenue and said point being distant S. 39°54'12'' W., along said centerline, a distance of 660.82 feet from the intersection of the centerlines of Bryan Avenue and Red Hill - Avenue; Thence, along the existing boundary line of the City of Tustin as established by the "Bryan-Red Hill Annexation", by the "Red Hill- San Juan Annexation No. 104", by the "San Juan - Green Valley Annexation No.llO" (revised) and by said "Red Hill-Lance Annexation No. 88" through the following courses; S. 50o00'23" E., 660.22 feet; S. 39o54'48" W., 627.70 feet; N. 50o00, 59" W., 583.14 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave easterly, having a radius of 27.00 feet and a central angle of 89°55'11"; thence, along the arc of said curve a distance of 42.37 feet; thence, continuing along said City boundary line thr'ough the following courses; Thence, beinnning. N. 50005'48" W., N. 39°54'12'' E., 50.00 feet; 600.8I feet; to the point of