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DATE: September 25, 1980 OLD BUSINESS Inter-Corn TO: Dan Blankenship, City Administrator Bob Ledendecker, Director of Public Works/City Engineer SUBJECT: ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT (BUS STOP/LAYOVER ZONES) This is a continued item from the September 15, 1980 Agenda, as requested by Mr. Bob Nicholas. At their September 2, 1980 meeting, Council directed staff to meet with Mr. Nicholas and the OCTD staff to discuss and hopefully resolve the complaints of Mr. Nicholas regarding the noise generated from OCTD buses while they are traveling and idling on Centennial Way. On the morning of September 8, 1980, a meeting was held with Mr. Nicholas and the OCTD staff (Bob Zimmerman, Manager of Operations; Sharon Neely, Senior Planner; and Steve Bjornson, Supervisor of Stops and Zones). This meeting provided a plan agreeable {~o everyone that would provide the following: 1. R~duction of nixie (9) trips per hour between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. D~ring the peak periods, 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 there would be three (3) trips per hour added for Routes ~71 and ~158. This plan would remove six (6) routes from Centennial way. 2. There would be ~our (4) routes remaining on Centennial Way which would provide five (5) trips per hour all day and two (2) additional trips per hour during the ~>eak periods of 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. This would leave ~4 buses on Centennial Way between 4:50 a.m. and 7:05 p.m. 3. Routes #65, %t67 and #68 would utilize a 170 foot long red zone on the southerly side of Bryan Avenue adjacent to the old "Tamale Wagon" restaurant for a bus stop and layover zone. These routes would also use the Bryan- Main-Newport triangle for a turn-around area. 4. Route #158 would utilize an 80 foot long red zone on the easterly side of Newport Avenue in front of the old "Tamale Wagon" restaurant for a bus stop and layover zone. In addition, Route %71 would use this zone as a transfer point. Route #158 would also use the Bryan-Main-Newport triangle for a turn-around area. 5. Routes #62, #66, #143 and #144 would still utilize Centennial Way a~-a turn-around area. These routes would require a bus stop on Centennial Way. It is proposed to relocate this bus stop from Second Street and Centennial Way northerly to a point 175 feet to 255 feet southerly of the centerline of First Street. The most southerly end of this bus stop would be approxi- mately 200 feet from the apartment complex at 190 Centennial Way. 6. Routes #68, #71 and #158 would utilize a bus stop (100 foot red zone) for pass through on the northerly side of First Street adjacent to the Santiago Bank between Centennial Way and Fashion Lane. " DAN BLANKENSH I P · September 25f 1980 Page two This plan reduces the number of OCTD routes on Centennial Way to an amount less than what existed when Mr. Nicholas became a tenant in the apartments at 190 Centennial Way. In September, 1976, there were six (6) routes consisting of~ eight (8) trips per hour and Mr. Nicholas moved to 190 Centennial Way in July, 1977. The proposed plan provides for four (4)-routes consisting of five (5) trips per hour and two (2) additional trips per hour during the peak periods (6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.). At the morning meeting of SeptemSoer 8th, Mr. Nicholas indicated that he would be willing to try this plan on a trial basis for ten days and he would then report back to the OCTD if the plan resolved the noise problems. The next day Mr. Nicholas notified the City that he thought the plan would be unacceptable and requested another meeting with the City and the ©CTD staff to discuss other solutions. City staff has been unable to set up a new meeting with OCTD. The OCTD staff feels a plan was agreed upon by ail parties on September 8th and they are ready to initiate this plan. On September 18th, City staff met with Mr. Nicholas and discussed his new proposals to eliminate the bus traffic and noise problem on Centennial Way. :4r. Nicholas submltted three (3) proposals which were ranked in the following priorities: !. Remove all the bus routes from Centennial Way on week days Dri©r to ~:00 a.m. an~ after 5:00 p.m. and ~11 dav on weekends ~- ~ '~ ~ ~ Route ~62 to utilize Centennial Way between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 :;.m. ~, ,~...~s ~Q hud ~]43 to utilize E1 Camino Real between -9-~'~' ~.m. and Pu'~c ~14 ~ [~"~ utilize Prospect AveRage between 9:0~~. a.m. and 5:00 ~,.~. Ei~m~P. ate all re:~] zones for bus stops or layovers on Centennial Way. 2 o Pe!ecatc thc bus stop/layover zones for Routes #62, ~66, #143 and -~144 {o ~he northerly side of First Street with the turn-around areas for these routes beiu{i elf. her: a. Pro~est Avenue-Irvine Boulevard-Holt- Avenue-Newport; or b. Fashion Lane-Irvine Boulevard-Holt Avenue-Newport. Utilize Holt Avenue-Irvine Boulevard-Newport Avenue loop for the bus turn=around with the bus stops/layover zones being located on either of the three streets. As of the time of the writing of this report, I have not been able to discuss these proposals with OCTD. However, they will be requested to respnd either before or at the October 6th Council meeting. In response to Mr. Nicholas' second proposal, the utilization of the Prospect- Irvine-Holt-Newport turn-around loop would add a travel distance of 0.5 of a mile to the system as compared to the Centennial Way loop. Fashion Lane-Irvine-HOlt- Newport turn-around loop would decrease the travel distance 0.1 miles as compared to the Centennial Way loop. Both of these loops would require pedestrian crossings at First Street to make transfers to the other bus routes which would remain on the southerly side of First Street. A crosswalk could be painted on First Street at Fashion Lane, or, if the pedestrian volumes became large enough, a traffic signal would'probably be required. A traffic signal on First Street at Fashion Lane would most likely impede the vehicular flow due to the closeness of the two adjacent signalized intersections at Centennial Way and Newport Avenue. It is most probably that pedestrians would ignore either the crosswalk or traffic signal (if installed) and cross in mid-block. This could cause many vehicle/pedestrian conflicts. DAN BLANKENSHIP September 25~ 1980 Page three Staff could not recommend the Holt-Irvine-Newport loop because of the lack of stopping zones on any of these streets due to the future anticipated traffic votumes.~ In, addition, this plan would create a 10ng walking distance for transfers to and from the other buses adjacent to Larwin Square. In addition to the concerns of Mr. Nicholas, staff has received telephone cails from three other residents of the apartment complex at 190 Centennial Way in regard to the excessive noise and diesel fumes from the buses along Centennial Way. Neither of the plans mentioned above have been discussed with the business that possibly could be impacted by the relocation of the bus stop/layover zones adjacent to their business establishments. However, by relocating a maximum of four routes as indicated in either plan, staff feels that there would not be a substantial impact. Mr. Nicholas has stated that his desires are to share the burden of the buses with other areas of the community by distributing these routes to E1 Camino Real and Prospect Avenue. The OCTD staff has also indicated that, if the present plan is not acceptable by the City, they would attempt to work out a new solution. RECOMMEN DAT I ON: Pleasure of the City Council. BOB [~E[,£, ,DLcKEL Director of Public Work~%/ City E~,gineer BL/kb cc: Mary Wynn Bob Nicholas OCTD DATE: September 10, 1980 OLD BUSINESS Inter - C om TO: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER SUBJ£¢T: ORANGE COUNTY TRANSIT DISTRICT (OCTD) BUS STOP/LAYOVER ZONES This agenda item has been continued from the September 2nd meeting so that Mr. Nicholas, the O. C. T. D. staff and city staff could meet to resolve the concerns of Mr. Nicholas regarding the O.C.T.D. buses along Centennial Way. This meeting was held on Monday, September 8th. As a result of this meeting and through further study, Mr. Nicholas has requested that this item be continued to the October 6, 1980 City Council meeting so that additional study can be made. Recommendation: It is recommended that the Tustin City Council continue this agenda item to their meeting of October 6, 1980. BOB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER BL: dph cc: Bob Nicholas Bob Zimmerman Sharon Neely Steve Bjornson OiF -- o£F ¢o u~l~' OF