HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 8 STREET LIGHTING 10-06-80DATE: SEPTEMBER 29, 1980 NEW BUSINESS No. 8 10-6-80 inter-eom TO: DAN BLANKENSHtP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROm: BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SUBJECT: STREET LIGHTING - RALEIGH, DE BUSK, WALTER AREA In October of 1979, residents of the subject area presented a petition to the City requesting street lights. This area has been annexed to the Tustin Lighting District since 1911, and has never had any street lighting since the Tract was developed under County jurisdiction in 1954. A copy of the October 25, 1979 staff report and petition is attached for your information. Staff and the Southern California Edison Company have restudied this area for overhead wired street lights and estimate that Marbelite standards with 5800 H.P.S. lumenaires could be installed as follows: l. Three lights on Raleigh Place. 2. Two lights on Walter Avenue. 3. Three lights on DeBusk Lane for the estimated amount of $2,500.00 in lieu of the previous estimated $35,800.00 for undergrounded street light system. Chapter 6, Section 7503 b 2 of the Tustin City Codeappears to indicate that electroliers used exclusively for street lighting may be excepted from the Underground Utility Ordinance. This area should be reviewed by the City Attorney's office for final determination. In the event there is an excess of $2,500.00 in one of the other existing Capital Improvement Project accounts these funds could be transferred to the proposed Raleigh, DeBusk, Walter street light project for implement- ation this fiscal year and subject to the overall spending limits of the City as imposed by Proposition No. 4. Recommendation: It is recommended that the City Council at their meeting of October 6, 1980 authorize the addition of the Raleigh, DeBusk, Walter street light installation in the amount of $2,500.00 to the 1980-81 Capital Improvement Program subject to the following: Determination by the City Attorney's office that street lights with overhead wires do not violate the requirements of Section 7500 of the Tustin City Code. September 29, 1980 Street Lighting - Raleigh DeBusk, Walter area 2. Availability of funds subject to the spending limitations as imposed by Proposition No. 4. BOB LEDENDECKER DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/ CITY ENGINEER BL:dph cc: City Clerk Bob Barnhardt DATE: OCTOBER 25, 1979 inter -Com TO: FRO~: SUBJECT: DAN DLANKENSHIP, CITY ADHINiSTRATOR BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER SlREET LIGHT REQUEST - DEBUSK LANE, R2LEIGH PLA~ & WALTER AVENUE At the City Council Meeting of October 15, 1979, a petition was sub- mitted by Staff in behalf of Mr. Bob Barnhart of 1081 Walter Avenue, requesting the installation of street lights on the following streets: Debusk Lane, Raleigh Place and Walter Avenue. A copy of this petition is attached for your information. This area was developed under subdivision Trac~ No. 1563 in the year 1954 under the County of Orange. This area was annexed to the City on June 147 1978. At the time of development, this area was included ~ith- in the limits o~ the original Tustin Lighti~e ~!strict formation. We have not been able to determine as to why street lights were not ins~al- led at the time the tract was ori~i~ally d~ue!o~ed in 1954. This area has been paying the property ~a× ass~ssn~ent Co ~he Tustin Lighting Dis- trict, bu~ have not received th~ t.e~e/i~s of street lighting. Staff has reviewed this neighborhood in th~ evening kours and as indicate~ in the p~tition, the area is very dark. Scaff is also in the process of reviewiq§ the entire city for similar situations. Unfortunately, this is a Yery time consuming study and the results will not be available for several weeks. This stuJy will also provide the financial impact to the City to provide streeC lights to any similar areas within a lighting d~strict. The installation of street lights Within this area may set a precedent that may be unfeasible to continue in the event Proposition No. 4 (limitation of government spending) is voted in dur- '.ing the upcoming election. During the preparation of the 1979-80 Capital Improvement Budget, this project was submitted as a potential project in the amount of $32,000.00. Due to the limitation of funds, this project was moved back one year to the 1980-81 fiscal year. This es.timated amoun~ of $32,000.00 included nine (9) standard marbelite street lights complete with underground conduit. There would be three (3) street lights on each street, spaced at approximately 180-200 feet apart. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council at their meeting of November 1979, authorize an additional budget appropriation in the amount of $32,000.00 for the installation ef street lights on Debusk Lan~, DAN BLANKENSHIP October 25, 1979 Page 2 Raleigh Place, and Walter Avenue subject to the following: 1. Availability of any surplus funds over and above the approved 1979-80 Budget and Reserves, and The results of the study of the entire City with re- gards to missi~ng street lights and the total financial impact to the City. BOB LEDENDECKER Director of Public lgorks/ City Engineer BL:rvm Attachment TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL It is our understanding that the street lights in our neighbor- hood (Debusk, ~.lalter, Raleigh areal was included in this years capital. outlay budget, but has been postponed until next year. We, the homeowners, in this area are forwarding this petition to ~he Council to show our concern in this matter. We would like to see ~he lights installed this year if funds come available, but no later than next year. We feel that it is a very, very dark neighborhood and could be a vulnerable spot for theft and other crimes. ~{e feel that the lights would be a great help in detering any of these activities. We alsc encourage tha~ you, the men!bers of the council, visit our ~,ei~hborho~d after dark to see for yourselves w~at we are concerned wi th. ~-~'+'(~'n feel free to contact me any time, As [,'::,nizer oF this ,.~.~] , n , :UOS~IOllS arise. ~' ~. ~]arnh:rt, ~Oo! ',J,~lter A.'enue '~3J-g514, if any '.L I L'., 17.