HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 L.P. REPERTORY CO 09-15-80DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: September lO, 1980 OLD BUSINESS NO. 1 9-15-80 Inter-Corn Honorable Mayor and City Council ~jj Royleen A. White, Directof of Community Servic~_~' AGREEMENT WITH L.P. REPERTORY COMPANY BACKGROUND At its meeting of August 4, 1980, Council directed staff to negotiate an agreement with L.P. Repertory Company regarding a theatre production. Staff has met with the L.P. Repertory representative several times, and the attached agreement is the final result. Both parties have experienced the processes of give and take! The agreement, drafted by this Director, has been reviewed by the City Administrator, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Director, Maintenance Superintendent, and Finance Director. Their comments and suggestions have been incorporated into the document. The City Attorney has not reviewed the agreement. Staff anticipates he will wish to check the wording and form; however, the basic terms of use of the facility and the specifics of the production should be no problem legally. Staff now requests official Counc'i'i approval and direction to waive fees. RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Approve basic terms of agreement. 2. Direct Attorney to review wording and form. 3. Waive fees, including building rental, alcoholic beverage fee for press party, stage rental and set-up fee, and fee for transporting sets to and from Red Hill Storage Yard. RAW:ss Attachments AGREEMENT FOR THEATRE PRODUCTION BETWEEN L.P. REPERTORY COMPANY-AND CITY 'OF TUSTIN COMMUNITYSERVICES DEPARTMENT L.P. Repertory will produce the show and agrees to put forth a high-quality presentation on each of the attached performance dates. Curtain will be at 8:15 p.m., except for Sundays when curtain is at 2:30 p.m. As producer, L,P. Repertory shall be responsible financially and qualitatively for the following: the performance, sets, publicity, public relations, sound system, programs, props, scripts, costumes, make-up, lighting, royalties, and staff expenses. In addition, L.P. Repertory shall provide house management to include at-door ticket takers, house manager, ushers, and other house management staff as required. All promotional materials will be headed: "Produced by L.P. Repertory Company in cooperation with City of Tustin Community Services Department". L.P. Repertory is responsible for promotion. Community Services shall assist by promoting production in "Tustin Today". City and L.P. Repertory shall approve in advance all promotional material the other party may produce -- including but not limited to posters, flyers, news releases, magazine articles, programs, and handbills. 6. Tickets prices will be: o o Fridays & Saturdays Previews & Sunday Matinees General $5.50 Students/Senior Citizens and $4.50 Groups (20-49) Groups (50 or more) $4.25 $4.50 $3.50 $3.25 Community Services staff shall provide sequentially numbered tickets (200 per performance). Tickets will be available for sale in the Community Services office six weeks prior to first performance. Community Services staff will sell tickets during normal office hours (Monday- Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.). No ticket sales will be allowed by other than Community Services staff. At-door sales will be handled by a Community Services staff member. A mail-in system for tickets will also be developed and handled by the Community Services Department. All funds from ticket sales will be deposited in to City account. L.P. Repertory will receive 80% of all revenue, after an initial surcharge of $500.00 is taken off the gross. This $500.00 will go directly' to L.P. Repertory in consideration for royalty expenses. One check will be special issued at end of first weekend after money is counted Monday morning. The second and final check shall be special issued the Tuesday after the last performance, after money is balanced. Page Two 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. L.P. Repertory shall provide a schematic diagram of seating arrangement to the Maintenance Department one month prior to first preview performance. It is agreed that 100 chairs will be set up. Should L.P. Repertory wish to increase this number, L.P. Repertory Volunteers will be responsible for setting up the additional chairs. Set design, lighting and sound systems, and any other temporary alterations to the building shall be submitted to the Community Services Department for City approval six weeks prior to installation. These schematics shall conform to all applicable codes and requirements of the City of Tustin. No keys will be available for CCMCC and City Hall. Maintenance personnel will open and close these facilities according to the attached schedule only. Community Services will check out one set of keys to Sarah Coleman for Lambert School Room C-7 and'one set for the Community Services Department storage area at Red Hill Maintenance Yard. Keys are to be returned within five working days of the last performance. City will provide storage for L.P. Repertory sets from "Catch Me" and the subject production, until such time as the Community Services Department finds it needs the space. The Community Services Department will give L.P. Repertory go days notice to vacate, and L.P. Repertory agrees to do so upon such notice. Tape, any other marking on floor, or any temporary alteration to Lambert Room C-7 shall be approved in advance by School District Maintenance personnel through the Recreation Supervisor. L.P. Repertory will submit this request in writing one month in advance of utilizing Lambert School. The parties agree that L.P. Repertory Company will not be an employee of the City but will be solely an independent contractor acting under the terms and conditions specified herein and as an independent contractor shall be solely responsible for payment of federal and state income and other taxes, and Insurance benefits, Social Security coverage or other employee benefits. L.P. Repertory Company understands and agrees that neither the Company representative nor any person provided by the Company shall be in any way an employee of City as that term is defined in the California Labor Code. The L.P. Repertory Company and its agents agree to protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless City, the Tustin Unified School District and their officers, agents and employees from all loss, damage and claims, liability, or claims resulting from or arising out of services provided by Company as provided herein. , Prior to using any City or School District facility, L.P. Repertory agrees to remit a $100.00 check which will be deposited in the Community Services suspense account. If all facilities used are left in a satisfactory condition, the deposit will be refunded. In the event any facilities are not left in a satisfactory manner, costs for repairing damage, performing clean-up, replacing property, et cetera, will be deducted from this deposit. Additional costs will be billed should the deposit prove insufficient. City shall provide facilities as listed on the attached schedule. Attached schedule shall be considered part of this agreement. Page Three 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. City shall provide Maintenance personnel to open and close CCMCC and City Hall as listed on the attached schedule. In the event of an emergency, such as a major storm, availability of Maintenance personnel may be altered. City shall provide Maintenance assistance for stage set-up and take down, chair set-up and take down, and set transfer as listed on the attached schedule. In addition to selling tickets, Community Services staff will handle phone inquiries from the general public about the performances and ticket sales. However, Community Services staff will not be available to do clerical work for L.P. Repertory, or to act as a mail-drop or message service for Company members. Each member of the Tustin City Council shall be acknowledged on the printed program. Permanent alterations to any facility are prohibited. No fixtures, nails, screws, et cetera, shall be applied to any part of the structure unless previously approved by the Maintenance Department. Members of L.P. Repertory's Guild will sell refreshments in CCMCC during intermission of each performance. The revenues and expenses for the refreshment sales are not a part of this agreement. L.P. Repertory Guild members are responsible for obtaining the appropriate ABC permit regarding this sale, for handling the sales, for set-up and clean-up, and for all other aspects of the sales. No agreements nor amendments to this agreement shall be valid except as set forth herein. Upon approval by City Council, all fees are waived, including building and stage rental, alcoholic beverage fee, and maintenance fee for transporting sets. Approved City Attorney Date Representative, L.P. Repertory Company Date Director, Community Services Department Date USE OF CCMCC: Monday, March 23 Tuesday, March 24 Wednesday, March 25 Thursday, March 26 Friday, March 27 Saturday, March 28 Sunday, March 29 Friday, April 3 Saturday, April 4 Sunday, APril 5 Friday, April 10 Saturday, April ll Sunday, April 12 USE OF EMPLOYEES LOUNGE: Wednesday, March 25 Thursday, March 26 Friday, March 27 Saturday, March 28 Sunday, March 29 Friday, April 3 Saturday, April 4 Sunday, April 5 Friday, April 10 Saturday, April ll Sunday, April 12 FACILITY USE BY L.P. REPERTORY COMPANY Light Set-Up lO:15 p.m.-12:30 a.m. (Stage Set-Up 7:00 a.m.-lO:O0 a.m. by Maintenance) (Sets delivered lO:O0 a.m. by Maintenance} Technical Rehearsal Preview Performance Preview Performance 10:30 a.m.-12:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. Official Opening Night 6:30 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. Performance 6:30 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. Performance 1:00 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Performance 6:30 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. Performance 6:30 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. Performance 1:00 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Performance 6:30 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. Performance 6:30 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. Closing Performance 1:00 p.m.-5:15 p.m. (L.P. Repertory will strike set prior to 5:30 p.m.) Preview 7:00 p.m. Preview 7:00 p.m. Opening 7:00 p.m. Performance 7:00 Peeformance 1:30 Performance 7:00 Performance 7:00 -11:30 p.m. -11:30 p.m. -11:30 p.m. p.m.-ll :30 p.m. p.m.-5:15 p.m. p.m.-ll :30 p.m. p.m.-ll :30 p.m. Performance 1:30 p.m.-5:15 p.m. Performance 7:00 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. Performance 7:00 p.m.-Il:30 p.m. Performance 1:30 p.m.-5:15 p.m. USE OF CITY HALL CONFERENCE ROOM AND LOBBY: Friday, March 27 Opening Party: Set-Up 9:00 p.m. (during intermission and last act) Function 10:30 p.m.-12 midnight (Alcohol will be served in the Conference Room only, for this event.) USE OF LAMBERT SCHOOL, ROOM C-7: January l0 through March 22 Saturdays and Sundays 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. March 6 through March 20 Fridays 6:00 p.m.-12 midnight USE OF RED HILL MAINTENANCE YARD: January l0 through March 22 Saturdays and Sundays 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. March 2 through March 20 Mondays through Fridays 6:00 p.m.-12 midnight MAINTENANCE DIVISION: 1. Set-up stage Tuesday, March 24 7:00 a.m.-lO:O0 a.m. 2. Transport sets from Red Hill Yard to CCMCC by Tuesday, March 24, 10:00 a.m. (so sets can be installed by L.P. Repertory right after stage goes up). 3. Set-up chairs for performances (L.P. Repertory to provide diagram). 4. Take down chairs as needed after performances. 5. Open and close CCMCC per schedule. 6. Open and close Employees Lounge per schedule. 7. Open and close City Hall for press party March 27, times per schedule. Maintenance will also set-up tables and chairs for the press party, per diagram. 8. Transport sets from CCMCC to Red Hill Yard April 13, 9:00 a.m. 9. Tear down and put away stage, Monday, April 13, 11:30 a.m. after Aerobic Dance. DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: tton~}rable ?Inym' and City Direct Building t<ui~La - CCI,iCC Surcharge for Serving Alcohol Stage Rental and Set-Up Transporting Sets to and froln Red Hill SLo, rage h/n S 2~. O0 (150.~){)) $100. U/A $1 Total Direct Council will nutice that this figure is less th,.ir, Director's ril}O~t of duly 28. The original rei)t,l'l, :i5cussed Council r,~:etim), listed oppo~'lunity costs, whi(h lhcsc OPlmrtuniLy costs we)e a higher figure, at the l)ri~ate party rate; mos, t. of our wet, kend Ilowever, th~ direct rental fee listed above was c:l,uiited at the non-profit r;te, ior which L.f". Repert(ory :lualii In addition, the earlier report costed the cJoll,:l ,:::,,;~:~I. ol "sofL" t:aif in this case; Council is, by ~piu~dvir)~i the asr(,:n,,rmt, ~ckn(~wlodgin~; '.:h,: staff SUPl)Ort contributed to this l~?ducLion. RAW:ss