HomeMy WebLinkAboutRPT 6 INFO REPORT 09-15-80DATE:
September 10, 1980
No. 6
q-1 q-nh
Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
Community Development Department
Councilman Edgar's request for information regarding required im-
provements af Aaron Staircase, 2822 Walnut
The problem faced at the subject location was one which recurs with greater
frequency each day. Basically, p building or portion of a building is occupied
by a use for which if was not designed or intended. Speculative buildin9s are
constructed under the lowest standards fo meet the bulk of industrial or com-
mercial demand. This reduces the initial cost, resultant rental rates and
achieves a greater return.
Due fo various desires (reduced overhead, expansion, relocation, efc) business
owners unknowingly or knowingly lease or buy and occupy the premise For a use
which does not fall into an occupancy type permitted in such a building. Many
owners, due fo inexperience, fail to recognize the problem; some choose fo ignore
if, and others hope the issue is not recognized. The problem is then discovered
by review of business license applications, routine fire inspections, building
permit requests, or reported by adjacent businesses. In most all such cases
the discovery of the issue comes after the fact by the City.
In the subject case the building was originally designed and conStructed as a
D-2 occupancy which is defined as follows, and sub]ecl fo the requirements shown:
"Wholesale and retail stores, of- 2
lice buildings, drinking and din-
ing establishments having an occupant
load of less than 100, printing plants,
municipal police and Fire stations,
factories and workshops using material
not highly Flammable or combustible,
storage and sales rooms for combustible
goods, paint stores without bulk hand-
Fire Resistance oFI Openings in
Exterior WallsJ Exterior Walls
I hour Not permitted
less than 5 ff.
Protected less
than 10 ff.
Fire Fire Resistance of Openings in
Zone Exterior Walls Exterior Walls
"Woodworking establishments, plan-
ing mills, box factories, buffing
rooms for tire rebuilding plants
and picking rooms; shops, factories
or warehouses where loose combustible
fibers or dust are manufactured, pro-
cessed, generated or stored ."
hour less
than 5 ft.
hour less
than 10 ff.
hour else-
Not permitted less
than 5 Ft.
Protected less than
20 ff.
The use occupying the building falls into an H occupancy, specifically H-3,
and the building had fo be modified fo conform to a different set of building
code requirements as Follows:
City Council
September 10, 1980
page 2.
The original business license was defined by the applicant and issued fo Aaron
Staircase for the business of "general contractor" and the woodworkin9 aspect was
not discovered until later, after routine fire inspection, with a follow-up
report of violation fo Community Development. Other uses are directly adjacent
fo the existin9 one-hour wall and the primary purpose is to protect those uses
from the hazardous aspects of explosion or fire. The owner's desire was to
modify the exisfin9 buildin9 rather than relocate. A couple of alternatives were
available, but the least expensive was probably the one chosen--a two-hour wall
within 10 feet (a four-hour wall less than five was probably much more expensive).
City staff often sympathizes with a business person who has unknowingly stumbled
info this pitfall and will permlf extensions of time to comply or relocate.
Legal action or an appeal fo the'Board of Appeals may also forestall final action,
however, the ultimate legal responsibility fo protect against such hazardous use
potential prevails.
We have pursued prevenflve counseling and discussions with developers, leasing
agents, real estate persons, and other parties fo inform them of such issues;
utilized Chamber publications fo inform the business cornmunify; had licensing
personnel refer applications of concern and appllcanfs fo our department; encourage
new businesses fo contact our department; and used all legal means in an attempt
fo bring an occupancy info compliance (e.g. pursuit of a clear zone easement be-
tween Dynachem and Schick Moving and Storage fo bring the setback in[o confor-
Often businesspersons contend fh~f they fh°ughf the business license was all en-
compassing and was authorization fo conduct business. There is a general mis-
conception in that regard with few recognizing if is non-regulatory and only a
revenue producing source.
Prior fo Mr. Bushong's resignation, if was decided fo somehow modify the business
license application, change procedural operations, and perhaps utilize an
additional level of review. Even though this may require more information and
time for licensing of businesses, if may prove beneficial in avoiding ma]or
expenditures fo business owners when such circumstances occur. Staff will be
diligently pursuin9 a mechanism fo protect businesses against such unknowin9
actions; ensure safety from hazardous uses; and avoid ~ufure problems of this
type. However, currently numerous known and unknown problems do exist and must
be contended with.
MWB: mm