HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1946 07 08 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN ON MONDAY EVENING JULY 8TH, 1946. PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN: CHARLETON, HUMESTON, JACOBS, AND PARK ABSENT WERE: COUNCILMEN: KIDD CITY ATTORNEY GEO. E. BRADLEY WAS PRESENT. Councilman Charleton was chosen to act as mayor PRO TEM and called the meeting to order and ordered the clerk to read the min- utes of the last meeting which were ordered adopted by the mayor Pro Tem after the reading. In the communications the telegram from the Governor Earl Warren, concerning the rental situation, was ordered answered by a motion of Councilman Park that the Clerk send an answer to the tele-gram to the governor to the effect that there are no material changes here in rentals conditions to date, and few prospective evacuations in prospect so far as we know. Councilman Jacobs sec- onded the motion. Motion Carried. Mayor Pro tem Charleton amounced that this was the date set for the council to sit as a Board of Equalization, and he announced that the board was now in session, no person being present to pre- sent any objections to any assessment. The Mayor PRO TEM continued the Board hearing from dav to day until all the returns of the Assessor have been rectified. Robert Noble of the Sully-Miller Contracting company was pre- sent and discussed the street repair with the council and gave the approximate prices for the repairing of the streets. It was decided to have the consulting engineer, J. L. McBride to into the matter with Mr. Noble and report back at the next regular Council meeting. It was Councilman Park who moved for the matter to be handled in this manner and the second to the motion was furnished by Council- man Humeston. Motion Carried. Resolution #175 Resolution #175 was adopted on the motion of Fixing Time and Councilman Jacobs and seconded by Councilman place of the offi- Humeston. The roll call results were favorable cial meeting of as the four councilmen present all voted "aye", the board of trus- none to the contrary, and Councilman Kidd was Lees of the City not present. Motion Carried of Tustin. Resolution No. 176. A resolution appointing Arthur F. Heard as Chief of Police was adopted on the motion of councilman Park, and seconded by Councilman Humeston. Roll call results were as follows: Councilman Charleton AYE, Councilman Humeston AYE, Councilman Jacobs AYE, and Councilman Park AYE. Councilman Kidd was absent and there were no votes to the contrary. Motion Carried. Councilman Park moved that until the city buys a car for the Chief of Police's work, that $50.00 per month be paid to Chief Arthur Heard for gas, oil, and maintenance for the use of his car. Councilman Humeston seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Councilman Park moved to pay the bills, but investigate the bill of Hockaday and Phillips. Councilman Humeston seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Councilman Park moved that the meeting be adjourned, and Council- 1- man Humeston seconded the motion. Motion Carried. s Chas.E.Morris City Clerk Mayor pro tem