HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC MINUTES 1946 05 2063 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF TUSTIN, HELD IN THE CITY HALL OF TUSTIN. MONDAY EVENING AT 7 0'CLOCK MAY 20TH 1946 PRESENT WERE: COUNCILMEN: PARK, CHARLETON, AND HUMESTON ABSENT WERE: COUNCILMEN: KIDD AND JACOBS THE CITY ATTORNEY GEO. E. BRADLEY WAS ABSENT Councilman Charleton moved that Councilman Park act as the Mayor pro tem for the Meeting in the absence of the Mayor Jerome Kidd. Councilman Humisten seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mayor pro tem Park called the meeting to order and requested the minutes of the last Council Meeting to be read. They were adopted by the Mayor pro tem as there were no errors or ommissions filed by the Councilmen Mrs Fishback representing the Parent Teacher's Association was received by the Council and gave an account of a program in the making that will open the High School's plunge to a school for swimming this summer, an Instructor to be furnished by the Red Cross, and she is to arrange if possible other expences for Guard duty, expences to be paid for by the School Districts and if the Council could see their way clear to be included in giving their assistance to the cause. Mrs Fishback said there were details that had not fully worked out by the Committee and was not able to say just what was needed from the City to carry out the plan. The Council assured Mrs Fishback that when they had their plan worked out they would be glad to have them bring the proposition before them again. RESOLUTION Resolution no. 174 was adopted on the motion of #174 Councilman Charleton and seconded by Councilman Humeston. ADOPTED The Resolution is an order from the Council to the Street Superintendant to abate the weed nuicance within the City. The Roll Call resulted in Councilman Park voting Aye, Councilman Charleton voting Aye. and Councilman Humeston Aye. Motion carried. Councilman Charleton moved for the approval of Map #1173 6f the County Planning Commission, Councilman Humeaton seconded the motion. Motion carried. On the application of Fred Johnston for the City Attorney's job if there was a vacency in the Office. The Council ordered the letter put on file. Councilman Charleton moved that the Clerk be instructed to notify Wm. Pollard that the Council approved his piping the gutter on Main Street in front of his home, and make any necessary changes in the Pipe line and bridge head at Tustin Ave. to conform to the requirements of the State Highway, the work to be done in cooper- ation with the Street Superintendant for the City of Tustin. He is to do the work at his own expense. Councilman Humeston seconded the motion. Motion carried. Councilman Char!eton moved the following Bills be paid Union Oil Company. $ 3.59 A. Carlisle Co. $3.11 Inspe o t ion $ 16.50 Dr. Crawford $5.00 La~-~-y Fricker $ 2.48 Tustin News $3.46 Bully ~iller $335.63 Councilman Humeston seconded the motion. Motion carried. Councilman Humeston moved that the meeting adjourn, Councilman Charleton seconded the motion. Motion carried. Chas.E.Morris City Clerk Jerome C. Kidd Mayor