HomeMy WebLinkAboutTUSTIN WTR WORKS 08-04-80DATE: July 31, 1980 Inter - C om TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM: JAMES G. ROURKE, CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECI: TUSTIN WATER WORKS - ACQUISITION Councilwoman Kennedy has reviewed the preliminary draft of proposed letter to the customers of the Tustin Water Works and has requested a number of revisions. We enclose herewith a copy of the letter as it would read with the revisions proposed by Councilwoman Kennedy. JGR:se:D:7/31/80 Enclosure cc: D.B., w/encl. DP. AFT AS PROPOSED BY COJ~k% I L\VO.'sL&N KENNEDY Dear Custc:;,er of Tl,e T'~]slin Water ~,,;'orks: %s ye~a have probably read, the City of Tustin has entered into an a§~e~:::ent with the shal-eho!ders of the Tustin Water g'orks for the ?urc~ase of all their shares of stock. Pursuant to this Agree- ment the City of Tustin will assume responsibility for delivery of ~'ater to all p~'esent Tust. in Water Works users~ both those inside and those outside the City limits. At the time of agreeing to this purchase the City et Tustin adopted a policy of complete non- discrimination between City and County residents. In the appli- cation filed with the Public Utilities Comission for approval of the acquisition, the City has asked that this non-discrimination Certain persons designated as the "leaders", self appointed or otherwise, of the residents of the unincorporated County areas, have filed objections with the Public Utilities Corrmission to the a?proval of this transfer, acting as your representatives. At t~eir request a hearing was held on 3uly 7, and at their ~urtber request another hearing is going to be held next month. They are doing everything the), can to delay these proceedings. Their objections and requests for hca'rings will result in added costs and expenses of the acquisition including: less of revenues during the waiting period, expenses of preparation for the hearings~ an addition to the purchase price o[ $200,000.00 if Pub- lic Utilities Commission approval is not received by October 31, The City of Tustin wants and intends to acquire and operate the Tustin Water Works for the benefit of all the citizens of the area, both those inside the City limits and out, without discrim- ination o~ any kind whatsoever. The Tustin Water Works is an old and out-dated system. It has problems with its wells, nitrates in the water, undersized mains,. etc. The company is 93 years old. Over the years it has served theZ conmr~unity reasonably well and at low rates, but now the co,wmunity has outgrown it and its owners want to retire from the water bus- iness and its increasing problems. - 1- The City o~ Tustin and *', Tustin .,,~ter ",:'orks elected to · effe,:iuate the 'Fustin '~'~ ~' ~,..ter ,~orks acquisition by a contract for which ~p~reval is [equired by the California F~blic Utilities Com~ss[on. TEe acquisition could have been~ and still couJd be, cond:~cted ~'.~:',~h the process ,)~ emiaent domain~ which does not require Public Utilities Comr~is~[on ~pproval. I$ the Cit~ were to follow that c*~rse it would not be under ~ny obligation to ~ollow policy o[ r~on-dJscrh~nat~on 5etween City residents and County residents. ~t',e City ha.s consistently pursued this matter in sound 7:nd fiscally responsible m::nner, for the best interests everyone, City ~nd Co~J~ty resid,_n~s alike. It ~,as ;~o desire to treat County res~4ents t~:~falrly. ]Jowever, if the C~ty should elect 'to proceed ,:,'~th the acquisition via cer~demaat~on~ the end result could be teat opponents for the purchase would Y~ave caused you to lose the beneflts and protection the City has been willing to ¥oluntarily ~. s s~me. The majority of lhe City Council feels the acquisition of the Tustin Water ~'orks is necessary in order to ensure continued and improved water service to all customers. The City has no desire to treat Count), residents unfairly and that is precisely why the County has a~ked the PUC to make a non-discrimination policy a condition of approval. Very truly yours~ ,ME'<'~BERS OF TIqE TUSTIN CITY COUNCIL 3GR:js:D:7/7/gO 3GR:se:R:7/2t/$O 3GR:se:R:7/22/$O 3GR:se:R:7/23/$O 3GR:se:R:7/2g/$O 3GR:se:R:7/31/$O 2LT re ~\W O:l$ - 2-