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DATE: JULY 11, 1980 NEW BUSINESS NO. 1 7/21/80 Inter-Corn TO: FROH: SUBJECT: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER RESTRICTED ALLEY PARKING (SOUTHERLY OF LINDA LANE AND EASTERLY OF ¥ORBA STREET) City Council has requested that Staff review the parking prohibition for the public alley southerly of Linda Lane and easterly of Yorba Street at the re- quest of Lois Hansen, 13702 Yorba Street. Since that request, Staff has re- ceived a petition from some of the residents adjacent to the alley (copy at- tached). Approximately two to three years ago, after complaints were received from residents living adjacent to the alley, "No Parking Signs" were installed along both sides of the subject alley. Vehicles were being parked on both sides of the alley and in front of garages, so as to impact the residents from using the alley as well as refuse collection trucks and emergency vehi- cles. Since the installation of these "No Parking Signs", Staff has received no complaints except for the present one by Lois Hansen. The subject alley is twenty (20) feet in width with a turn around area at the southerly terminus of the alley. The petition as presented requests that parking be allowed on one side of the alley (westerly side). This petition contains fourteen signatures of residences, of which two signatures, No. 8 and 9, are by individualS not living adjacent to or who do not take access from the alley. The remaining signatures represent six (6) of a total of twelve (12) residences that abutt or take access from the alley. If parking is allowed on one side of the alley, the remaining clear width of the alley would be 12-14 feet. Refuse collection trucks can operate in this width of travel lane. In the event .the parking prohibition is revised to allow parking on the .westerly side of the alley as requested, it should be limited being adja- cent to only five parcels, 13662, 13672, 13682, 13692 and 13702 Yorba Street. This would provide a clear area for the turn around area at the southerly terminus. There appears to be three alternatives for the City Council's action as follows: Revise the parking prohibition on the westerly side of the alley adjacent to the five previously mentioned parcels to allow parking except in areas opposite garages or driveways. DAN BLANKENSHIP July ll, 1980 Page 2 Revise the parking prohibition on the easterly side of the alley adjacent to the five parcels identified as 13651, 13671, 13681, 13691 and 13701 Rosiland Drive, to allow parking except in areas opposite garages or driveways. 3. No action, which would continue the prohibition of parking on either side of the subject alley. RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the City Council. BOB LEDENDECKER DirectOr of Public Works/ City Engineer BL:rve cc: Lois Hansen Police Chief All Affected Residents July 9, 19~O Bob Ledendecker City Engineer Dear Bob, We, the undersigned, feel that we should be able to' park in the alley behind our homes. We parked there for 17 yrs. until the city put up no parking signs last year. The cars should be parked on one side of the alley only, directly behind our homes on the west side. This is so the alley will always be accessible by the neighbors living south of us. Many times when coming home from work, shopping, etc., there is no place to park in front of our homes, Please consider our request and remove the no parking signs in our alley. Sincerely, Lois Hansen& Neighbors 1©_ ;, ¢) f ~1 " LEAFWO0~ : ® ~ ®