HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 3 LAGUNA NAME CHG 06-16-80DATE: June 16, 1980 PUBLIC HEAPING 6-16-80 TO: FROH: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Community Development Department Proposed Laguna Road Name Change DISCUSSION At the June 2, 1980 meefin9 of the City Council, the Council approved Resolution No. 80-52, setting a hearing date to consider the renaming of the following streets: One 1. Laguna Road fo El Camino Real That portion of El Camino Real south of Laguna Road and north of the Santa Ana Freeway entrance ramp fo El Camino Way. of the following actions may be taken by the Council: Approve the s,ree, name change for the entire length of Laguna Road (from Browning Avenue ,o exis,ing El Camlno Real) ,o El Camino Real. This will involve coordina, in9 wi,h ,he Coun,y of Orange since 16 addresses on Laguna Road fall under ,he Coun,y's jurisdic, ion. If ,he Council approves ,his ac,ion, ,he adop,ed resolu,lon and s,aff repot, will be forwarded ,o ,he 8oard of Supervisors for action. The adop,ed resolu,ion will con,ain a provision ,ha, official adop,ion of ,he s,ree, name change will be con- ,ingent upon approval from ,he Board of Supervisors. Approve ,he s,ree, name change for ,hat por,ion of Laguna Road from Red Hill Avenue ,o ,he exis,ing El Camino Real. That pot,ion of Laguna Road from Red Hill Avenue ,o Browning will re,ain ,he same name. This will allow ,he El Camlno Real area ,o receive exposure from ,he Newport and Red Hill Avenue exi,s of ,he San,a Aha Freeway. This al,erna, ive will no, require any ac, ion from ,he County of Orange. since ,he entire area is wi,bin ,he ci,y. I, is ques, ionable ,hough, whether ,his al,erna, ive will solidify ,he stree, sys,em since a small pot,ion of Laguna Road will remain. Approve the street name change for that portion of Laguna Road from New- port Avenue ,o the exis, ing El Camino Real. Essen,ially, this al,ernative will solidify the street system in this area, providing a definitive be- ginning and ending for El Camino Real and Laguna Road. As it is now, Laguna Road and El Camino Real merge together on a curve, creating con- fusion as to where El Camino Real ends and Laguna Road begins. Exposure for the El Camino Real area would be from the Newport Avenue exit of the San,a Aha Freeway. This alternative would crea,e the least impact on businesses and residents along Laguna Road. City Council Proposed Laguna Road Name Change June 16, 1980 page 2. 4. Deny the street name change and retain Laguna Road as it is now. RECO/W~NDATION Pleasure of the Council. ( ( DATE: June 2, 1980 NEW BUSINESS 6-2-80 TO: FROH: SUBJECT: Honorable ~ayor and City Council Members Community Development Department Proposed Laguna Road Name Change DISCUSSION Af the January' 23, lgBO meeting of the Old Town Task Force, a motion was made fo present to the Council for their consideration, that Laguna Road from the corner of Browning Avenue fo El Camino Real, be changed fo El Camino Real. The main reason for the name change is to provide the Old Town Tustin area with greater freeway and community identification, and solidify the street system in the area. Based on this recommendation, the City Council directed staff fo prepare a questionnaire and distribute if to all affected individuals along Laguna Road. The results of the questionnaire were fo be tabulated, with a report and recom- mendation presented to the City Council. The questionnaire gave background information regarding the proposal, and at- tempted fo outline procedures various agencies follow in the case of a street name change. These agencies included the U.S. Postal Service, the City of Tustin Engineering Department, and the Department of Motor Vehicles. After a name chang~ is approved and certified, the U.S. Postal Service begins a notification campaign that lasts at least two years. All mail with the old address, number or street, will be delivered for at least two years. The first several months there is a heavy campaign, and subsequent fo this initial period, periodic checkups and reminders are placed on envelopes and packages. The City Engineer indicates that each street corner sign will contain both the previous and current street names. Both names will remain for at least one year. It was requested that if an individual or business objected to the proposal, to please state the reasons and return the questionnaire in order that staff could gauge publicconcern~ If was stated that not responding or returning the Laguna questionnaire would be considered an affirmative stand on the proposal. The results of the questionnaire are as follows: 179 questionnaires were sent out to property owners, apartment dwellers, and businesses along Laguna Road. Four questionnaires were returned unopened, from vacant apartments. The breakdown on these 175 questionnaires were: .j City Council 3u,~e,2, 1980 Proposed [aguna Road Name Change Page 2. 122 2 15 2 22 10 175 apartment dwellers within city limits absentee property owners of apartment complexes within city limits apartment dwellers in eounty area owner-occupant in county area absentee property owners of apartments in county area businesses along Laguna Road, either owned or leased by occupant property owners of businesses Tustin Unified School District total questionnaires A total of eleven negative responses were returned to staff. Of these, ten were from businesses along Laguna Road, and one was from an apartment dweller. The predominant reason the businesses gave in objection is the cost and incon- venience in changing letterheads, Iogos, invoices, tickets, and advertising. One business felt that two years was an inadequate amount of time fo change all the business forms. Although if was not necessary fo return the questionnaire to register a favorable response to the proposal, three questionnaires were returned in favor of the name change. One was from an apartment complex owner, an apartment resident, and a business. The business felt it was an excellent idea which should have been done long ago. He wanted fo know how quickly the change could be accomplished, so he could order new stationery. Since only eleven negative responses were received from 175 questionnaires, it appears that the majority of the residents along Laguna Road are either uncon- cerned or favor the proposed street name change. In actuality though, general public sentiment in favo~ or opposition will not arise unless a public hearing is held. Therefore, staff recommends thafl~sOlution No. 80-52 be adopted to set a date for a public hearing concerning the street name change proposal. Notice will be given and persons in favor or opposition can voice their concerns at that time. There is a small portion of Laguna Road which falls within the limits of the tounty;of Orange, encompassing 16 apartment dwellings. Since this property.. falls under the jurisdiction of the County, a separate action by the County is needed on the street name change. In theevenf the City Council does approve the street name change fo El Camino Real, the adopted resolution and staff report will be forwarded fo the Board of' Supervisors for action, The adopted resolution will contain a provision that official adoption of the street name change will be contingent on approval from the Board of Supervisors. RE COM~ NDAT I ON Staff recommends adoption of Resolution No. 80-52, setting a date for a public hearing concerning fha changing of portions of street names within the city' of Tusfin. EMK: mm - 't 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 lZ 15 £0 RESOLUTION NO. 80-52 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, SETTING A DATE OF HEARING FOR CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OF NAMES OF CERTAIN STREETS IN THE CITY OF TUSTIN, AND GIVING NOTICE THEREOF. The City Council of the City of Tusfin, does hereby resolve as follows: The City Council hereby sets the date of June 16, 1980 at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, 300 Centennial Way, for 'a public hearing for consideration of the change of the names for those portions of the following streets located within the city limits of the city of Tustin, California: Laguna Road to El Camino Real That portion of Et Camino Real south of Laguna Road and north of the Santa Aha Freeway entrance ramp to.El Camino Way. II. This Resolution shall be published once in the Tusfin News, a newspaper of general circulation published in the city o~ Tustin, not less than ten (10) days before said hearing and notice of said hearin9 shall be given by posting copies of this Resolution in at least three i5) public places along each of the aforementioned streets. 5aid posting shall be completed at least ten IlO) days prior to said hearlng: and notice of said hearing shall be mailed to all property owners along said street not less than ten [10) days be¢ore said hearing. III. At said hearing any persons desiring to be heard in support or opposition to the proposal to change said names may be heard. PASSED AND ADOPTED afa regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Tustin, California, held on the 2~d day of June · 1980. ATTEST: Donald J.:.Saltarelli Mayor tAary E .~/ynn ~ City Clerk