HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 3 AQMD RES 80-55 06-16-80DATE: JUNE 16, 1980 CONSENT C~T.~NDAR Inter-Corn TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCIL FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN RESOLUTION No. 80-55 The federal Clean Air Act requires that regions such as ours be able to demonstrate "reasonable further progress" and further requires that we demonstrate commitment to the Air Quality Management Plan. Enclosed find correspondence from Philip Anthony, Chairman of the Orange County Air Quality Management Plan Coordinating Committee. We are encouraged to adopt the enclosed resolution (80-55) and demonstrate commitment to the Plan's implementation. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Res. No. 80-55, substantially as drafted. mac February 5, 1980 SUPERVISOR, FIRST DISTRICT Pt~[ILIP L. ANTIMONY ORANGE COUNTY HALL OF ADMINISTRATION P. O. BOX 687, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92702 PHONE: 83~'-3110 (AREA CODE 714) The Honorable Stephen Schuster Mayor of Tustin Main at Centennial Tustin, California 92680 Dear Steve: As Chairman of the Orange County Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) Coordinating Committee, I am forwarding the enclosed material to you for your Council's con- sideration and action. The material outlines those air pollution mitigation measures included in the adopted AQMP that are to be implemented by local govern- ment. The federal Clean Air Act requires that regions such as ours be able to demon- strate "reasonable further progress." Further, the Act requires that we demon- strate commitment to the Plan's implementation. To this end, a model support resolution for your consideration is provided as a part of the material. If we cannot demonstrate such reasonable further progress or regional commitment to the Plan, our air basin is subject to mandated federal sanctions beyond those already invoked by EPA. Your City may already be implementing some of the six local government measures in the Plan. If any of the remaining measures are unsuitable for your community, substitute measures may be considered. Such alternative measures are discussed in the Subregional Plan portion of the AQMP. The economic constraints we all face are recognized in the model resolution. The enclosed information package provides additional background and a summary of the implementation measures. If you need any assistance, please contact Mr. Jerry Bennett, County Environmental Management Agency at (714) 834-6921. Thank you for your cooperation. I look forward to working with you toward proper resolution of our air quality responsibilities. Si ncerel~/~_~ Philip L. Anthony, Chairman, Orange County AQMP Coordinating Com~,ittee and Supervisor, First District PLA:ec Enclosures (3) cc: Mr. Dan Blankenship, City Administrator 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 80-55 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, INDICATING ITS INTENT TO IMPLEMENT PRIOR TO DECEMBER 31, 1982 HEREIN DEFINED "REASONABLY AVAILABLE CONTROL MEASURES" FROM THE SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY tKANAGEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS fha Federal Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401, ef seq.,) seeks fo develop a cooperative federal, state, regional, and local government pro- gram to prevent and control air pollution in order fo prefect and enhance the quality of fha nation's air resources so as to promote the public health and welfare of its population; and, WHEREAS pursuant fo Section 172(a) {1) of fha Clean Air Act, as amended, fha Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) and the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) have prepared an Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP) for fha South Coast Air Basin with fha assistance of the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and fha City of Los Angeles, the San Bernardino Associated Governments, and fha State of California Air Resources Board (ARB); and, WHEREAS fha AQMP was adopted by SCAG on January 25, 1979, by the SCAQMD on January 26, 1979, and was conditionally approved by the ARB on May 10, !979~ and was forwarded fo the Federal Environmental Protection Agency on July 25, !979, in compliance with Section ilO(a) (1) of the Clean Air Act; and, WHEREAS fha Ciean Air Act of !977 allows for an extension in fha deadlines for attaining national air quality standards from 1982 to 1987 if all "reasonably available control measures" (RACMS) are implemented before December 31~ ~982, and in the event these measures are not implemented by this date, empowers EPA fo impose economic saactions which could potentially cos- the region billions o~ dollars in federal transporation and sewer ccnsfruction ?ants; and, V;HEREAS, in order to avoid s~ch federal economic sanctions pursuant to the 1977 Clean Air Act, fha following six of the total sevenfy-flve AQMP tactics, de~i~ed herein in "Exhibit 1," have been specifically identified as "reasonably available control measures" which require some degree of scr~eduled implementation by cities and counties in the South Coast Air Basin: - Employee ride-sharing program - Traffic signal synchronization - Increased bicycle and pedestrian faci - Energy conservation street lighting - Modified work schedules - Carpool preferential parking ifies WHEREAS, the A(~P provides that if any of these six measures if found fo be inappropriate or unacceptable in a jurisdiction then a commitment to implement an approved equivalent control measure may be substituted for implementation of any reasonably available control measure~ N~'i, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, if is fha intent of the Tusfin City Council of Tusfin, California: Resolution No. page 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3O 31 32 Section 1: To implement the pre-1982 reasonably available control measures, as described in "Exhibit !," or equivalent subsfifue measures as set forth in the South Coast AQMP as approved by SCAG, SCAQMD, and the Air Resources Board. Section 2: To seek adequate lundin9 from federal, state and local sources to put into effect the schedule of implementation attached to this resolution by the Tustin City Council as "Exhibit 2." Section To forward copies of this Resolution fo the Southern California Association of Governments, 600 South Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 1000, Los Angeles, CaliFornia 90005. PASSED AND ADOPTED afa regular meeting of the Tustin City Council, held on the day of , 1980. ATTEST: Donald J. Saltarelli Mayor Mary E. Wynn City Clerk EXHIBIT 1 PROGRAM NUMBER H-34 H-35 H-23 N-4 H-6 H-5 CONTROL MEASURE NAME AND DESCRIPTION Ridesharing Program - Initiate a shift to high occupancy vehicles by assisting employees to form car/vanpools wherever feasible. Traffic Signal Synchronization - Target the installation of interconnected traffic signals which are synchronized at the system level in order to facilitate improved air quality by improving traffic flow along selected highways. Increased Bicycle/Pedestrian Facilities - Promote the use of bicycle and pedestrian modes of transportation for short trips in order to reduce the need for vehicular trips and to reduce VMT, by providing a targeted number adequate and safe bicycle facilities such as bika paths and parking areas. Street Lighting - Direct the efforts of lighting agencies to replace all existing inefficient lights and fixtures with energy efficient fixtures and lights. Modified Work Schedule - Initiate, support, and set participation targets for the vol- untary use of modified work schedules, where feasible, including staggered hours, flex- ible schedules, 4/40, in order to promote the more efficient use of existing transit, reduce the need for trip making, and fac- ilitate ridesharing among employees. Carpool Preferential Parking - Promote ride- sharing through the provision of a targeted number preferred parking areas for all em- ployees engaging in carpooling, in order to reduce the need for trip making and reduce vehicle travel miles travelled. (VMT) EXHIBIT 2 ~E~SURE Development Startup Init ia) Imp! ementat ion Ful 1 Implementation Emoloyee Ridesharfng Traffic Signal Synchronization Bicycle Paths Street Light Conversion Modified Work Schedule Carpool Parking Other Measures Aug. 1980 Sepf. 1975 June 1972 Unknown Adm. by Counfy April 1980 July 1979 Dec. 1980 Aug. 1976 June 1977 April 1980 June 1981 Oct. 1980 On-going On-going On-going On-going On-going Dec. 1980