HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 BAILOUT FUNDS 06-16-80DATE:
June 9, 1980
Efforts have been unsuccessful in convincing the State Controller's Office
that the "obligated reserves" the City established at the end of the Fiscal
Year 1977-78 met the criteria established by the State legislature in SB 154
and subsequent bills. The State Controller still claims that the City should
return $177,536.20 of the $267,710.20 the State provided the City in the "Pro-
position 13 Bailout."
The State does not question the pr6priety of the reserves, but will not re-
cognize them for the purposes of evaluating the City's fund balance in light
of the restrictions placed on eligibility for bailout funds. The inequities
are numerous, as we have argued with the State, as can be seen from some of the
attached correspondence. Nevertheless, without further legislation the City's
position appears to technically not meet the criteria. It therefore appears
appropriate for the City to return the $177,536.20 under protest, in the event
that the ground rules change.
Authorize the Finance Director to issue a check in the amount of $177,536.20
from General F'u~d Reserves to the State Controller in accordance with their
audit, to'be'sent With a letter of'protest.
ully submitted, ' '
DB/hl r
(916) 323-2322
May 27, 1980
Mr. Dan Blankenship
City Administrator
City of Tustin ·
300 Centennial
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear Mr. Blankenship:
This is in response to your letter of May 16, 1980 regarding the exceptions
to the bailout audit. In your letter, you listed three items to which you
wanted this office to respond.
The first item was the disqualification of non-negotiable certificates
of deposit. In response, I would refer you to our June 13, 1979 letter
which states our position on investments. It is also my understanding
that the League of California Cities sponsored an amendment to SB 180
which proposed to include certificates of deposit within the meaning of
investments. I understand that this amendment has been removed.
The second item (Redevelopment Loan) was disallowed because according
to Resolution No. RDA-17, the $350,000 was to be repaid by June 30, 1978.
The June 23, 1978 loan of $450,000 was also to be repaid within a year
making it a current asset as opposed to a long term or "non-cash" asset.
The disallowance of the entire amount of'the lease purchase agreement
was based on our position that is was the intent of the legislature that
only amounts which can reasonably be construed to be paid from the unap-
propriated balance (as opposed to future revenue) or amounts formally
'committed on reserved are deductable from the General Fund Reserves
pursuant to Government Code Section 16250 (e) or (4).
Mr. Blankensh£p
Page 2
May 27, 1980
I hope the above clarifies our position. We will gladly review any
additional information you would care to submit.
If you are in agreement with the audit findings, we would again request
payment of the amount due the State.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Div. of Local Government Fiscal Affairs
Earl L. Lucas, Chief
Ralph Martinez
Property Tax Unit
May 16, 1980
Mr. Kenneth Cory, Controller
State Capitol
Sacramento, California 95814
Attention: Mr. Ralph Martinez
Dear Mr. Cory:
We are still not satisfied with the disqualification of our "obligated
reserves." Some points of equity we recognize may be due to the language
of the legislation rather than your interpretation and that is not your
problem. However, we do take issue with the following:
Disqualification'of non-negotiable certificates of deposit
while approving similar investments such as Local Agency
Investment Fund investments or federal securities. This is
a strained interpretation which considers neither the practical
aspects or spirit of the legislation.
Disqualification of our revolving loan to the Redevelopment
Agency which is obviously a continuing loan, and we can show
that Council intended to fund the Redevelopment Agency in that
manner as opposed to the expense of issuing bonds. This was in
our citizens interest due to lower costs of issuing and servic-
ing the debt.
3. Disqualification of our lease purchases principle outstanding
for future payments. To restrict such obligations to only the
amount due early in the next fiscal year does not seem realistic.
If Council has approved the lease purchase transaction, then the
authorization to establish such a reserve should be considered
We have other concerns which will apparently require legislative action and
will pursue those avenues as possible. If, however, you can specifically
address the three areas above, we can then decide whether to pursue our
appeal or remit the contested portion of bailout funds remaining.
'Dan Blan~ens~
City Administrator
DB/hl r
_ City Center 300 Centennial Tustin, California 92680 (714) 544-8890
(9[6) 323.2322
April 11~ 1980
1 '2 I BO
Mr. Dan Blankenship
City Administrator
City of Tustln
300 Centennial
Tustin, CA 92680
Dear Mr. Blankenship:
This is in response to your letter of March 27 1980 regarding the
Controller's final reconciliation letter on the bailout.
Included in the Controller's letter of March 4, 1980, were copies
of our audit work papers. The one exception taken was for the "Ob-
ligated fund reserves" as listed in the June 30, 1978 independent
audit report of the City.
We are not allowing or disallowing any particular type of reserve.
We are merely adhering to Section 16250 (e) which states that ". . .
General Fund Reserves shall not include: . . . reserves established
by law or governing board policy adopted prior to June 6, 1978."
We would require such documentry' evidence as city council resolution
establishing the reserves prior to June 6, 1978.
If such documents are available, we would be most willing to review
them. If you would prefer to meet with us to discuss this matter,
please call Ralph Martinez of this office.
Div. of Local Government Fiscal Affairs
Earl L. Lucas, Chief
Property Tax Unit
March 27, 1980
Mr. Kenneth.Cory, Controller
State of California
Sacramento, California 95805
AttentiOn: RalphMartinez
Dear Mr. Cory:
We are not in agreement with the results of the "General Fund Reserve"
audit for the City of Tustin.
In order to evaluate whether to object to, or concur with, part or all
of the audit conclusions, we need additional information. First, it
would be helPful to receive lists of the types of reserves you are
approving or disapproving in general to help us better judge the con-
sistency of the rules being applied to our case. Second, we need the
specific reasons our reserves are being disqualified by individual item,
or at least grouped into common categories. Third, we would appreciate
copies of your audit worksheets if they show any indication of the reason
for disqualification.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter. We Will be happy to work
with you for an early resolution of the questions.
Sincerely yours,
City Admi ni strator
City Center 300 Centennial
Tmti~, California 92680
(714) 544-8890
Ms. Betsy Strauss, Attorney at Law
League of California Cities
1480 K Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Stephen L. Schuster, Mayor
Donald J. Saltarelli, Mayor Pro-tern
Ursula E. Kennedy
James B. Sharp
Ralph Welsh, Ir.
Dear Betsy:
Enclosed letter dated November 9, 1979, and memo dated October 30, 1979,
should provide you with the necessary background information on our SB
Bail-out Audit by the State Controller's Office.
Additional legislation may be necessary to allow the fotlowing:
recognize that sequential annual loans to a redevelopment
agency in order to establish debt to entitle receipt of
tax increment funding on a pay-as-go basis for improvements
represents a continuous debt and qualifies as "obligated
recognize that establishing reserves for previously unfunded
liabilities such as accrued sick leave, accrued vacation
(in our case, general leave), accrued compensatory time, un-
funded retirement liabilities, etc., are prudent fiscal man-
agement practices and do not require formal Council action to
qualify as "obligated reserves."
recognize that existing lease-purchase agreements on equipment
represent a continuing liability until paid off, and do "qualify
as "obligated reserves" for the purposes of bail-out reserve
If you have any other information or ideas on avoiding this re-capture of
bail-out funds by the State Control)er's Office, please let me know.
Sincerely yours,
City Administrator
Attachments (2)
City Center Centennial at Main Tustin. California 92680 (714) 544-8890
O~tober 3~, 1979
Dan Blankenship, City Administrator
Ed Bushong, Finance Director
$U~35~7: AUDIT OF 1978-79 SB154 BAILOUT FUNDS
A staff auditor from the State Controller's office was in
my office today to audit City records regarding the reported
General Fund Reserves as of July 1, 1978. Both June, 1978
fin~! accounting ledger records and the City's annual audit
rep?rt' for June 30, 1978 were reviewed during the state audit.
A5 a result of this audit, the entire $801,192.65 reported
as unavailable on the City report to the State Controller,
~=~=~ August 24, 1979, (copy attached) has not been allowed
as an exclusion from %he General Fund Reserve. The City
au55t report shows the General Fu~d balance is $870,239 and
tki~ f~gure k~5 ~e~n used by the State in calculating the
a~t'2~! General Fun5 balance for bailout determination purposes..
Ea~a5 on the aLove information the City owes tke State approxi-
mateS-.° $174,7~$. it is not clear whether this amount would be
de£urce~ from subsequent bailout subventions or the State would
~eru~re a lump sum pa~ent. In any case, until this matter
i~ re~o!ved, ~ recommend the Council authorize a reserve for
$~7~,7~0 be established as a contingency until a final dis-
~c~ition is d~termined.
A c~?~' of the State Auditor's worksheet is attached for your
reviews;. If you have a copy of Council resolutions, etc. and
ctker ~etail %-;hich will support the exclusion of the items
~;hlrh comprise the $801,000 figure, please provide me with
a copy. The Finance Department file contains no supporting
~he State Controller's office will review the field audit
re~Drt along with any supporting documents or explanation
you provide, or, if you have any questions about the audit,
please call (916) 323-2374. A letter from the State Controller
to tke City is anticipated, however, all supporting data
tha~ you can find should be submitted as soon as possible
a!cn~ with your reasons for excluding each item.
Ed Bushong
Finance Director
(' (
:'general fund reserves as of 3uly 1, 1978"
Section 16250(c), Covernment Code
General Fund
Contingencies Fund
Revenue Sharing Fund(s):
(B) (C) (D) (E)
Available Additions
Fund Balance lnvestmen~ Capital
6/30/78 Reserves Projects Deductions
( ).
( )
( )
( )
Other Fund(s):
Reserves ~$:abllshed by
governSng kcard policy
after 3unm 5~ 1978
Total 1977-78 city revenues
Less property tax collections for debt service
Nat -~977-78 city revenues
Analysis of fund balance unavailable:
Description Date
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
Resolution No.
(if applicable) .~mount Excluded
( )
City of Tustin
"general fund reserves a:.; of July 1, 1978"
Section 16250(e), Govt~rnment Cod~:
(B) (C) (D)
Available Add i t ion~
Fund Balance Investment Capital
6/30/78 Reserves Pro~ec~s Deductions
General Fund
Contingencies Fund
Revenue Sharing Fund(s):
Revenue Sharing
Other Fund(s):
None F~nd
Reserves az~ablishad by
governin~ ~ard policy
after J~c~ 5, 1978
$ -o- $ -o-
21,402 -O- -O-
Totals $ ,53,786 $ -0-
$( -o-
$ 32,384
( -0- ) 21,~02
_( )
~ )
( )
-o- ( -o- ) -o-
( )
( )
( ) .
$ -0- $( -0- ). $ 53t786
Total 1977-78 city revenues
Less proper~y tax collections for debt service
Net 1977-78 city revenues
Analysis of fund balance unavailable:
Description I Date
See attached
Resolution ~:o.
__(if applicable).
_(_ 2_~_~
$*. ? 6_rule.! ,?
A~oun~ Excluded
, , August 24,
;ephone (714) 544-8890
17. Analysis of fund balance available:
Outstanding balances - Lease Purchase Contracts
Two 45OO Xerox Copies
Last Payment Telephone System'
Vacuum Street Sweeper
Final.Equipnent for Haintenance Yard
Accrued Employee LiabiliLies
Sick Leave
General Leave (Vacation)
Compensatory Tim~
Loan from County Sanitation District
Loan to Tust~n Redevelopment Agency
Loan to Se!f-funded Health Plan
(clai~ greater than"premiums")
DATE Re sol A~,~un t
615178 ..... $ 26,776.20
8/74 ..... 23,700.00
2/76 ..... 26,800.00
2/78 '- ..... 7,000.00
Ongoing ..... 169,729.O7
Ongoing ..... 120,502.60
Ongoing ..... 5,353.30
8/76 36,331 '~
7/77 ..... 350,000.00
12/77 ...... 35,OOO.OO
NO?-~v,~ 9, 1979
Office of the State Controller
Audit Se~ion-State Bail-out F~nds
State Capitol
Sacramento, California 95814
On Oct~er 30, 1979, the City of Tdstin r=~eived a~n audit by
G~e ~s of }~t~r de~ant in r~ards to ~qe City's re~rt of
rese~%'es ~nd relat~ matters afl, thiS ~e City's. elig.~i!ity for
S~te ~il-out f~nds in Fiscal YA-~ 1978-79 (S~ ~: E). ~.
~oli~ that ke was r~,~ndLn9 disqualifi~tion of a n~er of res~es
est~nblish~ by the Ci~ which, ~ effect, r~uc~ ~e entitlan~nt of
Ci~, for suJn bail-out f~ds. We ~ke issue wi~ his inter, ruCtions
m~d e~e taking this ~po~ %o present o~ ~jec~ons.
1. ~'o 4500 Xerox Copiers purchase~ by 'the City
~px~s ;,;ere au~.orizec] t.o ~lk.TM- purchd, sed
by ~?,~ City Co'~.cil ,~,~ a ].ease purchase
b~vin~ +~ fut~-e contract cost ll~bz~ty to
~ty cf $26,776.20 ov~ a fiva-ye~ ~ri~. We fail
to see h~.' it is L~pro~}r. to ....
o:fsz: ~his r~l !i~i!ity. It was o~ ~,p:.~a
cs-~lish a rese/~'e ~ a~t~ropriate ~he neces~,
Jn each fis~l y~r as r~%tircd. The auditor c!a~-d
~]at %.;e ~2st have a reserve esb~!i~}~2 by a ~?mcil
resolution ¥;hen res~,es kave been ~a~tioP~!ly es~-
blist~ a~is~atively ~
He also appeared to q~jestion our approach in annually
budget~_ng the e~cpenditures for the fiscal year
th~n t~yi~ directly frc~ the r~serve. ~ese are not
en_~m"Dr~nces whic/~ have be-~n sh~.-,,~ as e~.~.'~,~Jiture in
prior fiscal year and ~:st be later budgeted to
a proper reflection of ~he eJ~e~di~ure Ln the year actually
Office of t]%e State Controller
Re: ;~',dit Section-State Bail-out Funds(city of Tust~n)
~$~.:cmber 9, 1979
Pag~ 2
2. Last Pa}~nt of City's Private Telephon~_ Sys~_em
This, e. gain, is a reS~_cve for a liability for a
Counui!-appro'~d purchase. The auditor se.-~T=~d ho
~take issue with this e~\~3e~nse beL~.9 budgeted in the
1978-7-9 y~ar, a!tP~ugh this again was required to
reflect an ex/~ndi'ture. ·
Vacua-0. Street ~.~eeps Lease Pa~,-nents
This also is a reserve for the fi?_al h~o pak~nts
on the City's street s..:eeper.
4. FLnal Eq~ai~.rent for ~.~Lnt~nance Yard
In 1977-78, bhe City c,_~.,-pleted a n~,: corporation
yard, a~n~ ~be ~quippLng spilla~t ovo~ into 1978-79.
~is rese_--~ refl.-~s the ~wount due .to acquire
fiP~l ye=_r -r=?ai~.~na in the foll~..;L~ year's budget.
5. Ack, ed -_--~.__n!=yee Liabilities
Sick i~_ave
Tine e_~o,,_nt of sick leave on [k.e City's
bod<$ at ~e an~ of ~e fiscal year repre~
s~nts a r~l li~ility, which a coq>oration
Ln ~qe pri-~he sector would c~,ly
~ne Ci~ is n~.; fmnd~;g ~is li~ili~ u~n
~e anco~ag~mnt of o~m a~itor. It is es-
pecially ~r~nt, s~ce ~qe City ch~n~ from
~e ~adi~o?~! sick leave plan d~irg ~e 1977-
78 Fiscal Y~ (See ~nex A, pa.~e 3) and was no
long~ a~Lng additional sick leave cr~its,
but ~e previo,~ly acc~ sick l~ve cr~ts
r~ a l%~ili~.
General Leave (Vacation)
Ge~neral leave replaced vacation ar~l oth~
nec~,.ssary leaves, arrl the credits on the bocf<s
at the e~nd of the fiscal year represent a real
$ 7,000.00
$169,729- 07
¢ (
Office of the State ContrOller
Re: Audit Section-State Bail-out Funds (City of TustJ~n)
Nov~Joer 9, 1979
Page 3
c. C~p~nsa ~ory Time $
At the s~ time as the Sick Leave_ P~]sion
Plan was elLv,3~t~.,r/, a recfHr~.-unt tJnat c~?~
pe~nsatory tim~ be .maid off at the end of t~he
fiscal yaar was initiated. Th~efore, this
~-T~y~t on the bod~.s at the ~i of the year was
subject to i~r~.ediate pa~m-nt (See ~mnex A, page
~n fr~m County Sanitation District
~e auditor apparently interpret~,l this ite~ as not a
General Fu~..~d liability. ~."2qat was not ~nderstocd,
appar~-tly, ~.,~s the fact that the interest ~lr~.cd on
the City's S=~.er ~:~in Trz~.%k FL~n~ was transferr-cd to the
City's C~n-~al F~nd u~er the belief ti]at t~here was no
req-air~ant to segregate tlqe ~n~erest, and t2aat other
agencic, s haa also tr~_nsf~r~ such interest to their
C~.~ra! ~nd (See ~._~-.~< B). This %,'as later fo,m~ to be
not ~ae case, and the Co'~_ncil agresd to replace the J_nt~_rest.
It .~herefcre is cleat' t~':at th~ a~.o-~mh of th.e rer.'aLnLng aro~.t
c~:;~--/ to tl~.e S~--~tation Dis~ict is a claim also against the
G~---.era! ~c-.d, L~. ad~it~on to future sc~,,;ar cc.m~cction fees.
$ 3~,331.48
Lo~. to ?astLn ?~=develo~.v~m~t Agency
The attac/~_~d doo_.~.~ntaticn (7~nex C) sh~.;s clearly tb~t
there was a !om~n frc~.m t/~.e C~ne~a! ~mnd to the P, edavelo?r.,unt
Agep:,%' of the City for $390,009 d~mring Fiscal Y~ 1977-78,
~.d for $450,000 cu~:ncing Ju_ne 25, i978. I c-~n see no
possible reason %.,-~y tlais eb!igation was ezc!udcd from our
"obligated" reserve
Lo~_n to Self-fu3r/~ Health Plan $ 35,000.00
ClaL~ were greater th~n "prami~-as" tmid into th~ City's
self-fur~ed Health Plan, , %.;hidq required a l~n or at]-
v~nce by the City to the P!~ of $35,000.00. ~nat was
tb.~= status as of J,~ne 30, 1978. Since that tL.~, we have
been able to adjust pr~i,m~s to get t~he self-~u~n~ed plan
on a solvent basis. Here, again, I c~n see no re-~son why.
these "dmligated" funds were disqualified.
Attache/ for y~ar information as Ann~: D is Schedule 12 of the city's L-.de~=~ndent
audit report by the firm of Hzmson, .~,~ers & Kile Z._~count~.~fCo~'~poration titled
Sta-t~w~nt of Obligated Fund Res~ves, June 30, 1978~ Your auditor's co~.~lusions
are in direct conflict with that report.
Office of the State Controller
P~e: Audit S_~:tion-State }k~il-out F~nds (City of T~tin)
~:o~.:F~=~ 9, 1979
Pa,~e 4
If you naked furt/a=~r information, please let us )~av. We will aPPreciate
y(~ review ar~ accep~mnom of t_hese it~v.~-, or as m~.y as possible, as
accept~)~le obligated reserves. We will further appreciate kn=~.ing the
sp~_cific re~]son why any items are disqualified so that. we can consider
mppropriate action.
~'~. B!a.~k~'.'~hip
C~-ty .~,.~L. nistrator