HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 3 CIVIC CTR IMPROV'S 6-16-80DATE: JUNE 9, 1980 NEW BUSINESS No. 3 6-16-80 nter-¢om TO: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: SUBJECT: BOB LEDENDECKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER AWARD OF BID CIVIC CENTER IMPROVEMENTS Bids were received on June 5, ]980 for the Civic Center site improvements as fol- lows: Porter Construction, Santa Ana ............. S168,415.34 Hardy and Harper, Tustin ................... $174,156.04 Sully-Miller Cont. Co., Orange ............. $210,570.91 Nobest, Inc., Westminster .................. $217,107.96 The Engineer's estimate for this project was $165,237.08, which is 1.9% under the low bid. The City presently has $112,328 budgeted for the project. The scope of the proposed project has increased since its initial concept in early 1979 by the addition of the westerly gate and miscellaneous fencing at the westerly end of the Police Department parking lot. A bid tabulation is attached for the City Council's information. At the time Council authorized the advertisement of bids, it was discussed that certain items were to be bid so that they could be eliminated from the project contract and consequently reduce the project cost. Presently, the project cost is $56,087.34 over budget. In the event additional funding is not available or the Council desires to eliminate portions of the project to reduce the overall cost, the following is a recap of bid items that could be eliminated: BID ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 2. Excavation, clearing and grubbing - Location "C" 1 L.S. $ 1,000.00 18. 4" PVC Drain - Location "C" 58 L.F. 10.00 $ 1,O00.O0 580.00 3. Excavation, clearing and grubbing - Location "D" 1L.S. 1,O00.OD 9. 4" P.C.C. Sidewalk 203.46 S.F. 2.20 1,000.00 447.61 25. Automatic security gate- Location "E" 1L.S. 15,000.00 15,000.00 21. 6'-8" Slumpstone masonry wall 253.07 L.F. 36.00 22. 3'-6" Slumpstone masonry wall 10.5 L.F. 18.20 9,110.52 191.lO 24. Automatic security gate- Location "B" 1L.S. 14. Rigid EMT conduit in attic and connection to panel boxes 1L.S. 12,000.00 12,000.00 5,500 55,000 $ 1,580.00 $ 447.61 $15,000.00 $ 9,301.62 $17,500.00,/ DAN BLANKENSHIP June 9, 1980 Page 2 TOTAL: $43,829.23 These items have been listed in the Staff's priority for deletion from the contract. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Tustin City Council at their meeting of June 16, 1980, award the bid to the low bidder, Porter Construction of Santa Aha, in the amount of $168,415.34, subject to the availability of additional funding for the project and to authorize a supplemental appropriation in the amount of $56,087.34. In the event additional funds arenot available, the Council may desire to award the contract to Porter Construction with either all of the above mentioned items or any portion thereof deleted from the contract. BOB LEDENDECKER Director of Public Works/ City Engineer ? BL:rvm cc: City Clerk Finance Department Police Chief -: . ~·~- SECTION B ========= PROPOSAL TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF CIV I C CENTER IM PR OVEM ENTS Name of Bidde r: PfJR TE& {!LJ)}STJet)e:rl/JN t!,,om84,A.J f't /;()(!,, Business Address: !5tftJI G£!lSJl~JJ. /JLAe£, SAA./771 A /YA , t1A . 9.zttJS- ' Phone No.: __{i;t/) 7,i/-/,J?2C Place of Residence: /tJt;sg 6 La.J /&8/AJ L.A-,,UE, tJ/e4,A.}GE, cYA. 9:zt,tf V 1 LOCATIO N The work to be done and refe rred to herein is in the City of Tustin, Califo r nia, a nd i s to b e construc ted in accordance with specifications and cont ra ct ann e x e d h e reto, and also in accordance with the Standard Speci f ications of the State of California, Business and Tran s port a tion Agency, Department of Transportation, dated January, 1978 and a p p l ica bl e p r ov i s ion s o f th e Uniform BuildinQ Code 1976, the National ·El ect rical Code 1978 and the City of Tustin Electrical - Code. The work to be d o ne i s shown upon a s et of plans nurabered R-105 7A thru R-10 57K on f i l e i n t h e offi c e o f the City En g in e e r, Tus tin, Cal iforni a . TO THE CITY OF TUSTIN The und e rsigned, as bidder, declares that the only persons or parties intere s ted in the prop o s al a s principal s are those named herein; that this propo s al is mad e without collusion with any other person, firm or corpora tion; that he has caTefully examined the location of the propo s ed work, th e annexed p ropos e d form of the contract, and the plans therein r e ferred to; a nd he proposes and agrees if this proposal is accepted, that he will contract with the City of Tustin, in the form of the copy of the contract annexed hereto, to provid e all neces s ary ra a chinery, tools, apparatus and other means of con s truct i on, and to do all th e work and furnish all the material s sp ec ifi e d in the contract, in the ma nn e r and time prescribed, a nd acc or di ng t o tl1e rcquir crac n ts of the Engineer Rs therein set forth, n11u tlwt h e wi 11 tak e full paym e nt therefor at the followjn g uni t pric es , to -wit: ' B-1 .. .. ITEM NO . 1 . 2. 3. 4. s . 6. 7 . ... --·· PROPOSAL CIVIC CENTER IMPROVEMENTS ITEM WITH UN I T PRICE APPROXIMATE UNIT PR I CE TOTAL WRITTEN I N WORDS· QUANTITY IN FIGURES IN F I GURES Excavation, Clearing, Gr ub-1 L. s. bing , Removals, Dispositions And Relocations (Locations / "A" & "B") at TU.1£LVE -rHOt)S4.(..2D / .DOLLtf. rJ..5 per lump sum d oo ff! 2 l 000 C_E /2, OCXD - Excavation, Clearing, Grub-1 L. s . bing, Removals, Dispositions And Relocations (Location / ~ "C"). at ~ /t) /;£ "'tJ+i'J V.S A /U .J) 0.5' ~ I , 000°~ ..DQ t...LB. /GS per lump s u m ~ (, 000 Excavation, Clearing, Grub-1 L . s . bing , Removals, Dispositions And Relocations (Location / / "D") at Oil)£ -rl-fOv!=>AAJJ) f I ooo 00 per lump sum :fs I, ooo ao '° Q C:..C!':.) R.S I Excavation, Clearing, Grub-1 L. s. bing, Removals, Dispositions And Relocations (Location / / "E") at Tu.Jo -rHaQ.sA ).) D 00 1 (YO J)Qt...LB.~ per lump sum ~ 2,000 '2-,ooCJ Sawcut AC And/or PCC at 504 L. F . ()/l)E J)QLL/3. ~ / / j oo per lineal foot I -i 4-. oo .1),7) ' Type B-1 PCC Curb at 705 .98 L.F. .E/61-rr ..J:>a_ LL t:/ 1!.S / / per lineal foot # oo g, -~ ~t,47,31 PCC Dri ve,vay Apron at 2,385 S .F . TtvO. .]J tJ L-L /.J £S /. J:= t. F-r 't. t"l__.~A-IT..$. / per square foot :/ 2 . sv ¢": f._t.Z ,!)~ -.. ~ ..... _ ---._ .. _ _.~ ...... .. ··-. ··-· ·----·~-.. ··--· --·-···-·------·-·· ---·----.. ·---·-------··-~---·-· I B-2 ? PROPOSAL CIVIC CENTER I MPROVEMENTS ITEM ITE~ WITH UNIT PRICE NO , WRITTEN IN WORDS . l----'---'------ 8. PCC APPROX I MATE UA NTITY 1863.28 S.F . UNIT PRICE IN FIGURES / TO TAL IN F I GURES / i;-:20 ~-z> 1-----1--=.-=.-=.-=..-=..-=..-=.-=.-=.====-p-e_r_s_· q_u_a_r_e __ o_o_t,1--_____ -4-___ 3_~---i....s-~-tJC:,"L--:- 2616.71 S.F. per square oot ------- 10. Type B-1 PCC (Modified) 43.84 L.F . per lineal oo --~---- 11. Relocate Existing Parking Lo 1 L.S . Lights (Locations "A" & 11 B 11 ) at /EL G .~IJ:.:::::_--1..T. . .LC.JI.LL.~::t....c~L---t lump sum 12 . 1 L . . per lump sum -------~ 13. 1 ·PVC El ect rical Con u1t 1 L .. And Pull Boxes (Location "B ") at F I · ~ AJ FIii£ ..DQ( L 13,es · per lump su 14. Rigid Conduit , EMT Conduit 1 L .S . In Attic And Connection To Existing Panel Boxes (Loca- tion "B") at F/tlc TJ-l()t.JSANP f:!Vr-/+<.)A}Di.,ISD per 1 ump sun .... ----·· . _______ JJJ)LLAfl..S .... ··-····· --·---··-·--·-· .. ····· ---·----·-- B-3 / d-(')0 ~ g, - / .I 00 'r'/rt) 000 •' . ., ITEM NO. 15. 16. 17. 18 . 19 . 20. 21. PROPO SAL CI VIC.CENTER I MPROVEMENTS ITEM WITH UNIT PRICE APPROXIMATE WR ITT EN IN WORDS QUANTITY Asphalt Concrete Base Course 764.87 Tons at ·11-f I R~r(.) --r-r ,!Jri 1) t:) L-L, A-p _, per t on Asphal t Concre te Wearing 191.19 Tons Course at ·rt-I L!e.Ttr-·ru,/1 /2.0LL,/}£5 per ton 4" PVC Drain Pipe (Locations 28 L. F. ("A" & "E" ) at -,-£)..) .h D .L.L (.} R..-s per 1 ineal foo t 4 " PVC Drain P i pe (Location 58 L.F. "C") at ,£1,.} ..b QL...C./J R..S per lineal foo1 Slurry Seal Pavement 30 ,500 S .F . Coating at 1£.V Cu=. NT ..s per square foo1 Parking Stall Lines And 1 L .S . Legends (Locations "A" & "B ") at !=I J/£ HU/JJ)AJ;;.D. l>D. L.L A-Rs per l ump sum 6 1 -8 11 High Slumpstone Wall 703 L.F . at TJ.I L~I ~-SL..¥ .])Q l-L 4 .£5: per lineal foot B-4 UN IT PRIC E TOTAL IN FIGURES IN F.IGUR ES / / *32@ ~it/7.S:-~ / / ,¢ C)O J-2_ -j oa t:,, / / y /. ~ i/o@ 4 oo .::JPr) - / / .://0 CJ_!2 -l§go O;: / / ,/0 oo :f 3-,{):;,_o- / / ~ oo -a; -'.ti-I ¥,.$7)0 ~ / / ¥i_t o S!. ~~ S: 3tJ! o_E. L......, -----, ., .-. ,I' PROPOSAL CI VIC CENTER IMPROVEMENTS lTEM I TEM WITH UNIT PRICE APPROXIMATE UNIT PRICE TOTAL NO. WRITTEN I N WORDS QUANTITY IN FIGURES I N FIGURES 22. 3'..,6° High Slumpstone Wal l at 50 .5 L.F. f:=.IGH1EE.iv . A/JLLALJ.c::: / 7Z<.J·s /IJT~ ~)/T.S / per lineal foot ¥;g 2£. ¢91112. 23. Re-Landscape And Irrigation 1 L.S . System Modification (Loca~ / tions "A" and "B") at / fi;/G[-IT THOU.SAND ef~oorf 0 {; o_g b Q LLA £..S per lump sum 8iooo 24. Automatic Security Gate 1 L.S. ' (location 11 8 11 ) at 77 II I="'/ LIE Tl+o us,.q Al .D. / / per lur.1p sum ¢ <)0 12, ()(}t) - OCJ ¥12j ooo - 2 S. Au tomatic Security Gate 1 L.S . An d Decorative Fenc e (Loca- tion "E") at J=.1 ,__ 1 ,._ r::: , J / / 1H n rJ .<;:A A._J]) ?Js O{);~ per lump sum 1¢;~ !)~0 DO . TOTAL BID $ I fa Y/IJ :;;?>!I: . / IN CASE OF A DISCREPANCY BETWE EN UNIT PRICE WORDS AND FIGUR ES ENTERED , TH E WORDS SHALL PREVAIL. B-5 The undersigned understands that the foregoing quantities are approximate only being given as a basis for the comparison of bids and the City of Tustin does not, expressly or by implication, agree that the actual amount of work will correspond therewith but reserves the right to increase or decreas e the amount of any class or portion of the work, or to omit portions of the work as may be deemed necessary or advisable and in the best interests of the City by the Engineer. The City of Tustin has budgeted a fixed amount for the work encompassed by these plans and specifications. In the event that the low bid exceeds the budgeted amount, the City reserves the right to delete one or more of the proposed Bid items or decrease any portion of a particular Bid item from the contract as necessary to stay within the budgeted amount. The provjsions of Section 4-103B of the Standard Specifications (increased or decreased quantities) shall not apply to this contract. If this proposal shall be accepted and the undersigned shall fail to contract as aforesaid and to give the two bonds in th e amounts to be determined as aforesaid, with surety satisfactory to th e City of Tustin, within eight days, not including Sundays and legal holidays, after the bidder has received notice from the Tustin City Clerk that the contract ha s be e n awarded, the City of Tustin, may, at i ts option, determine that the bidder has abandoned th e contract, and thereupon this proposal and the acceptance thereof shall be null and void, and the forfeiture o f such security accomp any in g this proposal shall operate and the same shall be the property of the City of Tustin. ACCOMPANY ING TH IS PRO PO SAL I S __ j ~L=JJ,J.,t.D=i=,=R~S....._______.&~o&=!)~----- (NOT I CE: Insert the words "Cash ($ ) , " "Cashier's Check," "Certified Check," or "Bidder's Bond ," as the case may be) in an amount equal to at least ten percent of the total bid. The name s of all persons interested in the foregoin g proposal as principals are as follows: B-6 IMPORTA NT NOTICE: If the h i dde r 6 r o t h e r in terested pers o n i s • a cor p ora tion , c:; te l c9a l name of cor por a•· n , ul s o names o f lhe pr es ide n t , s rc t ary , Lreas u t·c r , and m, il ~J(!r lh e reo f ; if a co-pa r t n er !i hip , ~ta t c Ln1e 11,\lll C' of finn , ;tl:;o 11 ~111 1.~:; of c1l l in<l ividu a l c o -partnerships composiny f i rm ; if the bicldl!r or olher in tc r·csted p e rson i s a n i ndiv idua l, state first and la s t n am es i n full. })(,u/G/IT .L, ........ &.-;.'iJ--=.8._'£~£ ...... r __ J)_._A ___ ~~m------1:=L+-s .Ec?/ZEmtf-r: ____________ _ MILLA P~/2.r'G,e , TJe61.5UR£,? , . L ic e nsed i n a c c ordance with an~ a 7 c::}-'/I?_;:9 v i cll.ng · for t h e regi s tratio n of Contractors, L icen se No . .:J f-CI.J _____ _.__ _______________________ _ S i g .:1 He re: Signat u re of Bidde r :;~:-.::: I f th e bidder i s a corpo r ation , t h e l ega l n .:.1ra ~~ o f t he c~=;~r a t i o n s h ~l l be s et fo rth abo v e , toge t her wi t h th e s ign a t u re c: ~~e o f fi ce r or office~s a u t ho rize d t o s i gn con t r ac t s o n b e h a l f c: ~r.e cor po=a ~i on;.if th e b i d der is a co-p artn e r shi? th e true :-.a:-:-.2 o f th~ f ir-~ s hall b e se t fo rt h above , t og e t h er with th e s ::_;::3 t ur e of. th e pa rtn er o r p a rtn ers auth o riz e d to s i g n contracts :~ ~e ~alf o f the co-p artnership ; an <l if th e bi dde r i s a n i n dividu a l , ~~5 s ignature s hall b e placed a b ove . I f si g n ~t ure is by an a gent , o~~a r t han a n office r of a c or po rat ion o r a mu n~cr of a c o-p ar tner ~ sh~?, a Pow2 r o f A t torney mu s t b e o n fil ~ w i th lh c Ci ty o f Tu sti n ?~ior to th e ope ning o f bid s o r submittc<l ~itl1 t he bi d; otherw ise , th~ bid wi ll b e disreg a r ded as ir re gul a r a n d u na u thor i z~d . 2.: . .".51'.';£SS ADDRC:.SS SAAJTA D~ te d Tl.IA,)£ ~ , l 9 <f'~ -----~------~---- B -7 SUBCONTRACTORS . Bidd~ shall set forth the naw.e and address of the place of business of each subcontractor who will perform work, labor , furnish materials or render service to t h e bidder on said contract and the portion of the work to be done by sut;h subcontractor. Nam2 of Subcontractor Address of . place of business JD HU .J E2.£)tvS{( ,, JJJ-=(1 __ (/)...;..--s;/{4_..;..M_~_E-__ STEJ/U 6 f d..f/4 I IJC-.,__ __ A~M~:A-~11..:....,:I g:;;.;;;£.-"dt~ 6M cf6EA/t2 c( 4 ~fff,s;.__· __ T't....:.......;V::::;.....::ST/=:.....<.J-.j.U:..::;__ T~ £ A1/t.S'(JA./,£~ &lllA l-1&1?{ B -8 Work to be done by Subcontractor E~t e/JL S G (!.,()£/TY ~,47£... #£7;4/tUl/t/6 #ALL