LA PALMA (714) 538-3551
WLLA.ARK ~cne [0, [~0 DEPUTY
TO: Honorable Mayor Don Salt~relli
Members of the Tustin City Council
SUBJECT: Information for Improved Fire Protection Regulations
On April 11, 1980, Tustin suffered one of the most.disasterous fires
Orange County has ever exPerienced. As you are well aware, the property
damage was in excess of ~.5 million dollars. Thirteen (13) firefighters were
injured while ~ttempting to control this disasterous fire which burned out of
control for several hours. Fortunately, however, through the combined efforts
of the Orange County Fire Department and the Tustin Police Department, not one
civilian injury was reported.
This destructive fire was the result of several factors, that when combined,
create explosive conditions. These factors are high winds, low humidity, and
wood shingle roof coverings.
A simliar type fire occurred on june i where the combustible Wood shingle
roof covering was totally burned off a fourplex unit in an area densely populated
with apartment complexes. Had this incident occurred under different weather
conditions, the results would have been much worse than the La Posada fire.
As you will see as you read the various materials included with this report,
these same factors are the common denominator in catastrophic fires across our
On }4onday, April 21, 1980, your Honorable Council requested information on
how to deal with the problem of combustible roof coverings, smoke detectors,
residential sprinkler systems, ~nd deficient water supply areas. I have compiled
the enclosed information to assist you in making the difficult decisions before
Sincerely,(~ /{~ I''! ~x~"~ ~'x~ ·
Larry J. Holms
Fire Chief
RETROACTIVE SMOKE DETECTORS - Direct the Building Official to include in the
adoption of the 1979 edition of the UnlformBuilding Code the following addition
to Section 1210:
"At every change of occupancy of every dwelling unit occasioned by or
incidental to a sale, lease, or sublease of said unit, a smoke detection
device or devices shall be installed in accordance with Section 1210(a)
of the-Uniform Building Code."
RESIDENTIAL FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS - That such systems be required as a
condition of approval to mitigate certain deficient fire protection features
associated with use permits, conditional permits, tentative parcel maps, and
tentative tract maps. Additionally, that the Orange County Fire Department
report back on the results of the United States Fire Administration (USFA) and
Los Angeles City testing programs on such systems to include effectiveness and
cost of installation.
That Tustin Water Works and/or City of Tustin develop a capital improvement
plan to improve the adequacy of water supply for fire protection to the
areas shown in Exhibit 1. Primary emphasis should focus on those areas
that are significantly dificient.
That the Orange County Fire Department implement operating procedures which
require prompt notification of a responsible water official for all greater
alarm fires within the Tustin Water Works service area.
That the Orange County Fire Department familiarize initially assigned fire
companies of the built-up areas deficient in water supply for fire protection
so that more distant, adequate fire hydrants can be used for fire fighting.
That the closed valve inter-connection between Santa _~na and the Tustin Water
Works at Williams and McFadden be opened during all greater alarm fires
involving multiple'family structures south of the Santa Aha Freeway and west
of the Newport/Costa Mesa Freeway, or Tustin investigate the feasibility of.
installing an automatic inter-connection at this location.
ROOF COVERINC ORDINANCE - Direct the Building Official to include in the adoption
of the 1979 edition of the Uniform Building Code an amendment banning combustible
roof coverings and that such amendment require compliance whenever retrofit in
excess of 25% of any combustible roof is proposed.
Retroactive Smoke Detectors: By adoption of the 1979 Uniform Building Code, Tustin
will have a partialy retroactive smoke detector ordinance. That is, when altera-
tions, repairs, or additions requiring a permit and having a valuation in excess
of $1,000 occur, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added, smoke detectors
will be required.
In order to provide total coverage for residential occupancies in the shortest
period of time, the City should consider an addition to Section 1210 of the
Uniform Building Code. This addition would require smoke detectors when ownership
or leases change.
Page 2
Based on information furnished by City staff, it is estimated that of the
1B,385 dwelling units, only about 2,000 have been built since the 1973 Uniform
Building Code initially required smoke detectors for new construction. In
all probability, between 80-90% of the dwellingunits in the City are without
smoke detectors.
The enforcement of this addition may be difficult and the Orange County Fire
Department suggests the following methods:
Circulars be distributed to all real estate agencies in and adjacent to
Tustin advising such agencies of the requirement within Tustin. That such
circulars also be distributed to apartment managers in the City.
b. That all real estate transactions be processed through the Department of
Building and Safety for enforcement.
That the Orange County Fire Department subscribe to a local service which
advises of real estate transactions and can be enforced by the Fire Department
throughthe Explorer Scout Program or company inspection program.
Residential Fire Extinguishing Systems: The0range County Fire Department
estimates there are 2,000 to 3,000 such systems in the process of being installed
within their protection area. The methodology of requiring such systems is to
mitigate a deficient fire protection design feature such as width or roads,
lack of turn-arounds, set-back of structures from access roads, inadequacy of
unrealiability of water systems, steep grades, and remoteness from closest fire
stations. The major design features of these systems are:
a. Low Cost
Cost varies from $200/d.u. for affordable homes of approximately 1,100
square feet (townhouses) to a maximum of $1,200 for a custom home of
approximately 3,000 square feet. The primary reason for this is that
this system is an extension of the domestic cold water piping system.
b. Effective Performance
The automatic fire extinguishing system's effectiveness at controlling fires
for the most recent 15 years data collection period is 96.7%. This system
is the most effective fire protection system in the field of fire science.
c. Aesthetics
Special automatic fire sprinkler heads are being used which reduce the
potential for physical damage and are relatively unnoticeable.
d. Insurance Savings
A 10% reduction in homeo~-ner's policies is authorized by the Insurance Services
Office (I.S.O.) and more may be coming. The United States Fire Administration
(U.S.F.A.) has a number of test programs in progress. The most important
testing program is taking place in Playa del Rey near Los Angeles. Some of
the intial findings are that this system has life-saving potentials because
of its ability to keep carbon monoxide levels below survivable limits.
Page 3
Exhibit 1, which delineates areas deficient in water supply for fire protection
by degree of severity, is based on information furnished by Tustin's City
Engineer, Tustin Water Works, and the Orange County Fire Department. The primary
reason for the inadequacy of water for fire protection is due to small main size,
and the suggested method for correction is replacement.
The reason for suggesting notification of a responsible water official on all
greater alarms is based on nationally recognized good practices. Additionally,
the current method of operating supply facilities is based on domestic consumption
demand and not fire protection. Water supply for fire protection can be improved
in a number of dificient areas by activating additional booster pumps or by
opening closed valve inter-connections between two water agencies.
The wood shingle issue evolves itself into a matter of aesthetics versus safety.
In any area which experiences prolonged periods of hot, dry weather, wood shingles
or shakes are and always have been, conflagration breeders. The wood shake and
shingle roof creates two (2) major problems:
(1) They are very combustible; and
(2) %men burning, they become detached and become flying brans which are
deposited great distances down wind[
Large developed areas of unbroken shake and shingle roofs are conflagration
breeders that provide an "unacceptable level of risk" to any community. Further,
it is not within reason to provide fire protection consistent with the require-
ments to control the potential fire problem.
A wide variety of fire retardant roof covering materials are available. These
materials are not only safe from exterior sources of ignition, they also meet
most aesthetic requirements and many can be purchased at prices less than
unprotected shake and shingle roofs. Individuals still desiring shake and shingle
roofs have the ability to purchase such assemblies approved by Underwriter's
Laboratory at a slight increase in cost.
In the City Council selects the recommendations for more restrictive roof covering
materials and retroactive smoke detctors, the following special findings are
suggested to support the local amendments or additions to the Uniform Building
Code (U.B.C.), 1979 edition:
"W/uereas, the Tustin City Council recognizes that the Uniform Building
Code provides minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property,
and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction,
quality of materials, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of all
buildings and structures within the City, and whereas, the City Council
desires that Tustin residents enjoy a safer living environment with reference
to smoke detector and roof covering materials because of major fire loss
experience attributed to combustible roof covering materials and adverse
weather conditions and nationally recognized acceptance for early warning
devices (smoke detectors)."
~ 50-100% DEFICIENT
~ 10--49% DEFICIENT
June 16, 1980
Honorable Mayor and Ci,y Council Members via Dan Blankenship
George Reid, Building Official
La Posada Apar,men,s
The owner of ,he La Posada Apar,men,s, 15761 Pasadena, in,ends ,o rebuild having
,he approval of ,he fire insurance carrier provided ,he work is commenced ,his
The repair work will exceed 25%, but be less than 50%, of the value of ,he build-
ings. The pot,ions of the buildings fha, will be new, or rebuilt, must comply
wi,h ,he 1976 Uniform Building Code. All other portions shall comply with ,he
code in effect at the time ,he apar,menfs were originally built, 1964 Uniform
Building Code.
I expect a con,fac,or ,o commence work removing debris and damaged, unsalvagable
building elemen,s soon. In a few days ,he archi,ecl will submit prints of the
original drawings made from microfilms in our files. They will be plan checked
for current code compliance. Permits will be issued so work will commence ,his
month. A con,fac,or has been selected and can commence work any time.
The question of replacing the roofs as originally constructed will await the
drawing submittal. He may specify some other roof covering. However, the 1976
code and ,he 1964 code read the same regarding shingles and shakes on apartment
Should the architect specify shakes as originally specified I am of the opinion
there be no reason to change the Uniform Building Code shingle and shake pro-
visions for this rebuilding project. Life safety was not a factor in the La
Posada Fire, nor in other similar major fires.
There will be some new requirements such as those dwelling units to be completely
rebuilt will require smoke defectors. There will be other items revealed during
plan check.
The state requirements for energy conservation and noise attenuation and isolation
are no, applicable ,o this rebuilding project. The owner does intend ,o replace
,he insulation in the walls and ceilings as if was originally installed, which
will provide comparable energy and sound insulation.
Buildin9 Official
cc: Mike Bro,emarkle