HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 1 DENY LIC FIREARMS 06-02-80OLD BUSINESS No. 1 6-2-80 AGENDA ITEM: DENIAL OF LICENSE TO SELL CONCEALABLE FIREARMS TO APPLICANT DENNIS LEE BARBER BACKGROUND: This item was heard at the May 19th meeting and was continued to the June 2nd meeting by the Council in order for them to review the material submitted by Dennis Lee Barber. RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the Council. G~TE: TOt FMX4: Intel-Corn HONORAB~ MAYOR AND CFI'Y COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY APPE,eg. CE DENNIS LEE BARBER ON DENIAL CE' PERMIT TO CONCEALED WEAPONS We have ~eyie~ed tt~ wrttter~ s[etement of ~. ~ ~tch ~ pre- ~ ~ t~ City ~u~iJ ~ May 19, It ~ ~t f~m ~. B~b~ ~Jtte~ mm~ks at t~ ~y igm meeting t~t ~ s~s City a~mv~ f~ t~ oo~t ~f a ~N~ in ~ ~tm~t ~u~ l~ated ~ci~ ~tivtty tn a ~tJaJ z~, g~ this offl~ ~ld ~omm~ t~ d~J~ of ~, B~ a~eal, W~ ~e f~w~di~ a c~ of ~, B~b~'s ~ittefl me~an~m ~ Chief T~y~ f~ su~ e~itt~ m~ ~ ~e City ~u~l ~ ~ m~ wi~ ~ pmvi~. 3GRx~D:5/'20/80 D.B.~ wle~l. Chief Thay~, w/encl, Dennis L~e Barber ~esa at 15201 ~s~ Village Way. ~o~m= l) a p~v~um az=mst Eo~ c~g a ~nceai~ ~n; or ~ity~n ~ p~ilel' Viola~S ~-3 ~i~rel~ic~o~ on a "~ 0~~.' Z rel~ ~ ea~ gro~a as ~o11~ finding a lack of p~obable oause. Since ! ~ presumed Annoceat convActed. Xn that Vein, X have no oonviotions of any kind, wuppo~ly oonf£den~/al, ezc~pt fo~ law-enforce~en~ rela~ Applications' for~ business licenses is no~ law enforce- ~n~al~, ~efo=e l~ally. ~f ~oro ~i ~y job site ~$ ~~ly ~y. At appro~Iy 2000~ h~o, X put on ny Ja~e~, ~~ a~~y ia~r~tly ~v~i~ ~ ~a~n, ~ioh pzav~ly ~e ~ ~n~l~. 2) I c~n, CoUncil my ~z~ of m. Paren~he~call¥, ~ 3) Penal Code Sec~z~n 12071 ~v/res a 15-daM ~i~ln~ period b~£o=e deliverF of ~m~ ~poa sold. The pr/mary concern ~mat character o£ a neigbborhood. Z, ~, in,nd to sell custom City Council, Tuet:~n .wealthS, a~ ~herefOre, do not an~icipate high volume, ~u~ hence will ~ver have a s~f~c~ level of s~k on h~d. ~r~ver, only orde=~ w~11 ~ =~ on ~e praises -- no sales w~11 ~ ~de. There~f~r, afar 15 day~, ~e p~u~ will ~ delivor~ to ~e p~c~ser. Thus, ~e b~iness will ~ a deriva~ion of ~ ~il order bulinell, ~ich Is noilly ao~ep~e ~er ~e ordi~ce. I will, of ~le, abide by ~ e~ s~u~e, and believe =%a~ ~ a~ove ad~quat~ly addresses the concer~ ~ressed by ~e au~ri~y ~t reject~ my business license a~lioation. Fill =e~eo~ion ~uld ~rk a fi~ncial ~ ~r~nal ~rdship, Daf. ed: May 19, 1980 1979 Angeles, 0allfornia, April 28, 1939 Colle~e - ~lemen~nry - Roosevelt Jr. High School ~ono~ So,olaf 9t~ Honor ao~o~ 10~ ~e ~d P~l~c~ Excelled in Pi~ 4.0 grade averse Saddlebaok College 1976 Security ~earch & Ar~ee$ & Pi~eaA:~ Golden ~eet College 1978 & 9 Security Search & Amrest & Firearms Seourit7 Mace U.S.Army b~nliete~ for tRree yeare 19~7 ~o 1960 Serial ~unber: RA I~5~975~ Gradu~te~ Military Police School !9~7 Port Gorden, ~eo~gla Graduated P~mAkyu Islands Armed Services Police School 19~8 Du~yz Approxinately 10 mOnt~a on Honor ~u~rd, Poe~ ~1, R~O0~ Hea~qua~tere~ 0kinawa. Jailer, l~ldy ~g~a ~river, housing patrol, and foot pa trol. wa'- Honorable Diaoh~e 1~$5' .~perlenee~ &Design See Page '#ork ..~xperience cont. Dow~y~ Oai. t966 ~o 1967 ~ea~ed all phases ~967 ~m 1970 - ~lity ~ad · be~r a~semoe. 1970 - Compton DeTective Agency ~san as retail security officer, walking Oompton ~ivd. Test- ea by Oo~pton P.D. offiasrs, prom~ted to Sgt. ~ecnme Patrol ~g~.,.Speoial A~ent, Investigator. ?xperiemce in aub-roea, 1971 PaclfioDe~ective Agency _ Zteemsed at South ~aSe P.D~ for industrial security ps,rolo 1971 to 1974 lng, gunsmi~hing, ~nt grip~aki~g. 1974 to 1976-~eneraliy ~uempl~ied. L~ving ~t'nly on savings. 1976 to~re~e,n~ - ~er's ~o~dwork · ederal ~irea~me Lioenoo )99503,00I~ 15~1~ Tua~im ~s~nese Lioen~e ~2~691 State T~ ~ SR EA 24-694726 2e =~oc~a a~ ptitol/~evoIve~ ~ipe. 19~8 - C~A Retail s~ogping seater roving foot ~t~ol. ~ndle~ all inci- ~eats. ~. J. ~979 - ~ Oorpo~atl~n ~-Wouee security ~. ~. So,low I ~r~sf~rred ~obbtes ~ 1954 to t9~7 A~, US~ 0ivil AI~ Patrol Cadet ~omo~ed to ~li~h~ ~s~er, "An ~igb~ 19~5 Per~mem~ Sergeant, Temp~r~y l~eu~enaa~. ~i!I instructor 1957 Cer~ifiea$~ of ~ofioiency approved by Oeneral ~ath~ USA~ t g?0 9arde~ Valle~ R~AOT Phot~ap~ ~lnting - c~a au%o ~d m~t~reyole~ ~arla, me~alfl~es, card iea. $~o~ing - ~1 p~eea of ~dg~ c~m~itlon~ al~w-fi~e ~, PPC. Religion: Student of Eeo~erio s~u~iel. I general~ subsori~ ~ t~e C~iat- St~en~ of ene~ ~eali~