HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB 2 TILLER DAYS PARADE 6-2-80AGENDA ITEM: TUSTIN TILLER DAYS PARADE OLD BUSINESS No, 2 6-2-80 BACKGROUND: Attached is a report from John Turner, Committeeman for the 1980 Tustin Tiller Days Parade. A report from the City Attorney will be sent to you in a supplemental packet. RECOMMENDATION: Pleasure of the Council. HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUt~C~. 3AMES C~ ROURKF~ CITY ATTORNEY TUST~I T~LL~iR DAYS PARADE Mr. Biankenship and I have met with the Tustin Sunior ~arrrb~r of Commerce and we have r~lved a Copy of ,J~}r Iett=r to th~ City Council dated May ZS~ 1~0. It essentially .sets forth the matters dlscuss-_d satiora wJ~ t~ 3ayc~ ~naota~ as It rela~es to legal matte~, the pflma~y issues to be ~otved by the City C'~uncjJ are wh. sther~ event ~l~ oovs~ Lhs City f~ B~bi.~ty to whi~ [t ~y e~ed ~ri~ ~ con.ct of ~ p~ad~ (~ich ~e ~ycee~ o~not ob~tn ~ which t~y ~y if thay ~uld obtain wheth~ the City ~uld obtain ~pe~iaJ I~nce cover~ t~ t~ e~o~ ~ UabiBty f~ eve~ ~ising ~t of t~ pare~ ~d pay i~ p~mium eoa[~ Or whether the City ~,~ouid simply remain uninsu~d for Bability for events arising out of the conduct of the perade~ bo the ex~nt of th~ $lO0,OOO. OO self-insured retention of the City ~.der iL~ existing lr~urance and aeif-insured program. IC CC/Parade Enclosure 1.. Certificate of Insurance L Letter to 3aycees w/encL California State Jaycees (Tustin Jaycees) ?. O. Box 307 Tus~in, Calif. 92680 National Union Fire Insurance Co.,'~pany 2) A~&S (Lloyd Contract) I) S136-42-1B 2) Cert f 96,46 Decambe~ 2, 1978 ko ~ece.~ber 2, 1979 1) Ownersi, Landlords~ and TenaDts' Liability, Personal Injury, Nonowned Automobile, Blanket Contractu&i, Product~, Fire Legal Liability 1) 500,000 Combined Single Limit (25,000 fo£ Fire 2) [00,00O/t00,000 each co,-~on cau$¢/agg~ate Delcr~pti~n o£OpemUons Co~,~d Tustin Tiller Days ~Parade aa6 Speci~e CoMitima: (Community Parade as part of city celebration) TUS tin, California , C. erfi~caleHo)de~ Additional insured City of Tustin Centennial at Tustin, ~liE. 92680 15th. -.day- - Octobe, r But only as respects to the event described a~ove and only for the negligence of the Jaycaes. 19~ 79 ~ ,~,O~.O0) f~ peri. s] ~njury covering the undersig~d a~ j~ mc~ 2) ro~e~cs the Tu~tin 3un~o~ .~ ~f Co~ce ~d ~ City of Tu~tin ~d their officer~, ag~t~ e~d ~m~.}oyc~s from ail lt~b~J~y h~m~ J Pr~med ~fgr~tur~ h4~y ~0, l~BO Tust~n 3aycees Post Office Box 307 Tvstin~ C~tifornia ~2680 ATT~ I~. 3c~n Tumer~ Comn'~'~teeman RE; [989 Tus~.n Tiller Oay~ P;r~ad~ Dea~ tm. Tuft. er= ' You;' Jetto~ of May ZS, !980 h3s been ~ec~ived ~n.d ~vje~ed. You~ Iet~er confc~ms ~e the discus~lc~n$ in ocr rn~flr~ of ~4ay ~6, .~0, City In ~ef~m~e ~ Peragra~ 2 of yc~r ~t~r, a~ ~m~[ ~o ~ LT 3aycees Dt/~ 3ohn Turner 2070 Bu~inmm Cente~ Drive TUSTIN P~O. BOX 307. TUITIN, CALIFORNIA e2il0 May 25, 1980 TO: Tustin City Council ~M: TustinJaycccs Tustin Tiller Days Parade; Issues for City Council Meeting, June 2, 1980 The Tustin Jaycees have received the memorandum from the City Attorney regarding planning for the Parade. Due to time constraints imposed by the Street con~aittee planning Tiller Days earlier this year, September 27th instead of late October as usual, we find that we must act very quickly in order to have a 1980 Tustin Tiller Days Parade. We must have applications for the Parade out to all achools before school ends in June since there will not be time for band leaders to prepare if we wait until school opens in ~tember o Therefore, we must have all insurance matters resolved at the June 2nd City Council Meeting. If, after reading this, you feel you do not have enough information to make a decision on 6/2, please contact the City Attorney (with whcm we have been in touch) or John Turner of the Tustin Jaycees at the numbers below. The Tustin Jaycees are fully con~tted to running the 1980 Parade for the City of Tust4n and will provide the manpower, knowledge, and expertise just as we have for the past several years. We believe the following factors can resolve all major preliminary issues in running the 1980 Parade and possibly ~nooth out preparations for future parades: 1) INSURANCE - The Tustin Jaycees will procure adequate insurance to cover their own involvement in the Parade while the City procures coverage to the extent of its involvement in the Parade. Both parties will then have cover- age to the extent they both deem necessary. 2) EQUESTRIANS - We feel that equestrian units add a great deal to the over- all appeal of the Parade to its audience, while allowing unlimited equestrians could certainly add to the overall liability risks. We, therefore, propose that only those equestrian units with significant parade experience, i.e. six parades in the last 12 months, and good safety records be admitted as entries: These entries, with the exception of military units, will be required to prove insurance coverage of at least $1,000,000 and sign a statement relieving the City and the Jaycees of any liability for their entries. 3) BUDG~'i' - We propose the City provide funds not to exc~ $2,500. Expenses are projected to include $1,500 for trophies, $500 for judges, and $500 for miscellaneous. '~. Note: this budget does not necessarily needtobeapprovedatthe 6/2 Council Meeting. Page 1 of 2 ~nce again, we are available to explain these items in further detail prior to the Council Meeting, if you desire, and we will have a representative at th~. ~-~cting on June 2nd. In t_he interest of having another excellent parade in September, the urgency of resolving the above items cannot be overstated. Office: 752-1445 Home: 832-1660 cc: City Attorney Page 2 of 2