HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 4 TRAFFIC CONTROL 06-02-80OATE; TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MAY 20, 1980 NEW BUSINESS No. 4 6-2-80 Inter-Corn DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR NORMAN HOWER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER TRAFFIC CONTROL - SILVERBROOK DRIVE AND COPPERFIELD DRIVE AREA An investigation of the area of Copperfield Drive, Sandbrook Drive, Birchfield Drive and Silverbrook Drive has been done as requested in the attached letter. As shown on the attached drawing, there is a through connection between Walnut Avenue and Red Hill Avenue by using these streets. All of the streets are fully paved with 36' of pavement, parkway, and sidewalks. There are two uncontrolled "T" intersections in this area. The development is residential in nature. The primary complaint of the residents is the amount of through traffic, speed, and accidents. This area has been observed for a total of 7 hours over a period of several days and at various times of the day. This route appears to be taken by a n~nberof high school students on their way to and from school. They walk, ride bikes and mopeds, and drive through the area. There is some noise and speed associated with this movement. Observa- tion did not indicate any great amount of other through movement, though there is undoubtedly some, especially at peak periods when Walnut Avenue at Red Hill Avenue is congested and backed up. Traffic counts, which were low, did not show volumes that would be above normal for this type of development. Stop control investigations at the two "T" intersections of Sandbrook-Birchfield and Silverbrook-Birchfield showed that these intersections did not meet the war- rants for 3-way stop control at any hour of the day. Observation indicated that it is very seldom that two vehicles were in the intersections at the same time. There has been a total of five reported accidents in the area since January l, 1977, as shown on the collision diagram. None of the accidents were intersec- tion accidents and most appeared to be due to loss of control or inattention. Radar was used to determine existing speeds, but some difficulty was experienced in obtaining a fair sampling due to the very low traffic volumes and only a very minimal amount of vehicles were sampled. Due to the very short distances in- volved, the speeds on Silverbrook, Birchfield, and Sandbrook were within reason. Speeds on Copperfield appeared to be high and observation seemed to indicate that a considerable amount of this was being done by the residents themselves or vehicles oriented to these residences rather than through traffic. There is a certain amount of on street parking throughout the area and drivers have a tendency to drive down the center of the street except when meeting another vehicle. The children in the area cross the street wherever they please, usually without looking. Children also have a tendency to play in the street. DAN BLANKENSHIP May 20, 1980 Page 2 It cannot be recommended that stops be installed at the two intersections since they did not meet the warrants. Installation of stops at these intersections would do nothing to control the speed on Copperfield and would in all probabili- ty, be mostly ignored due to very low volumes and good visibility. If the con- gestion on Walnut at Red Hill was relieved and free movement obtained there, that might discourage some of the movement through these streets. NORMAN HOWER Traffic Engineer NH:rrm Attachments STANDARD WARRANTS FOR 4-WAY STOP CONTROL IN USE BY: U.S. Department of Transportation State of California Any of the following conditions ma~ warrant a four-way stop sign installation: Where traffic signals are warranted and the need is urgent, the four-way stop can be used as an interim measure until a traffic signal can be installed. An accident problem, as indicated by five or more reported accidents of a type susceptible of correction by a four-way stop installation in a 12-month period. Types of accidents susceptible of correction include right angle and left turn collisions. 3. Minimum volume warrant: The total vehicular volume entering the intersection from all approaches must average at least 500 vehicles per hour for any eight hours of an average day, and The combined vehicular and pedestrian volume from the minor street or highway must average at least 200 units per hour for the same eight hours with an average delay to minor street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the maximum hour. c. When the 85-percentile approach speed of the major street traffic exceeds 40 miles per hour, the minimum vehicular volume warrant is 70 percent of the above requirements. At a "T" intersection (3-way) a minimum vehicular volume of 75 percent may be used. (Total vehicular volume of 375, minor street volume of ]50.) TRAFFI~ INTESECTION OF BIRCHFIELD DRIVE AND SANDBROOK DRIVE E.B. W.B. BIRCHFIELD S.B. IME BIRCHFIELD BIRCHFIELD TOTAL SANDBR00K 2'.-~0 1:00 A.M. 0 5 5 0 ~:u0 - 2:00 0 0 0 0 2:--'0 - 3:00 0 0 0 0 S:00 - 4:00 0 0 0 0 '~: 0 - 5:00 0 0 0 5 5'-~0 - 6:00 5 0 5 0 $:U0 - 7:00 0 10 10 5 7 ~0 - 8:00 10 40 50 25 3:00 - 9:00 5 15 20 15 9 )0 - 10:00 5 5 10 5 ~:00- 12:00 5 10 15 10 2--)C-'~ i:00 P.M. 5 10 15 10 L:00 - 2:00 5 10 15 10 2 30 - 3:00 20 20 40 25 ~'--00 - 4:00 15 35 50 35 2:00 - 5:00 5 25 30 35 5 ~0 - 6:00 30 50 80 35 ~:00 - 7:00 5 15 20 15 ~ 00 - 8:00 25 20 45 10 .3=-00 - 9:00 5 15 20 15 ~;00 - 10:00 0 5 5 10 ~( 00 - 11:00 0 0 0 10 ~1:00 - 12:00 0 0 0 5 TOTAL 145 300 445 290 INTERSECTION TOTAL 5 0 0 0 5 5 15 75 35 15 20 25 25 25 65 85 65 115 35 55 35 15 10 5 735 THIS INTERSECTION DOES NOT MEET THE WARRANTS FOR STOP CONTROL DURING ANY HOUR OF THE DAY. ?IME 12-90 1:00 A.M. 1:00 - 2:00 2 )0 - 3:00 3:00 - 4:00 4 ~0 - 5:00 5'-90 - 6:00 6:00 - 7:00 7 )0 - 8:00 8:00 - 9:00 9 )0 - 10:00 9--90 - 11:00 i:00 - 12:00 ? )~ 1:00 P.M. 1:00 - 2:00 2 )0 - 3:00 3--90 - 4:00 4:00 - 5:00 5 )0- 6:00 6:00 - 7:00 7 ]0- 8:00 8--90 - 9:00 9:00 - 10:00 ~C ]0 - 11:00 TOTAL TRAFFIC VOLUMES INTERSECTION OF SILVERBROOK DRIVE AND BIRCHFIELD DRIVE moSo SILVERBROOK 0 0 5 0 0 0 5 5 15 5 5 5 5 10 10 15 ~5 25 5 5 0 155 S.B. SILVERBROOK E.B. INTERSECTION SILVERBROOK TOTAL BIRCHFIELD TOTAL 5 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 5 10 15 20 10 30 15 20 30 50 10 25 20 45 5 10 5 15 10 15 15 30 10 15 5 20 5 10 10 20 5 15 20 35 10 20 15 35 10 20 15 35 10 20 15 35 10 25 5 30 15 40 10 50 15 20 5 25 20 25 5 3O 0 5 10 ~15 0 5 5 10 0 0 5 5 175 330 220 550 THIS INTERSECTION DOES NOT MEET THE WARRANTS FOR STOP CONTROL DURING ANY HOUR OF THE DAY. Z 0 U 0 I , I ~ I I I I ' I ! i. ; ! RECEIVED