HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA MEDIAN ISLAND 04-21-80DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: . REDEVELOPMENT No. 4 4-21-80 APRIL 11, 1980 ~ l~ter--,~o~ DAN BL~.,.:~S.tIP, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOB L[D:.,~[CKER, DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER l AUTHORizatION TO AD.~RTISE FOR BIDS MEDIAN ISLAND LEFT TURN POCKET 245 L~,S, FIRST STR~c~ AGENCY The attached Redevelopment Agency resolution is for the Agency's approval of plans and specifications and directing the secretary of the Agency to advertise for bids for the ~odificati~n of the median island at 245 East First Street to provide for a protected left tL:rn pocket. The City Council at their meeting of April 7, i]~0, approved this project with ~ ~ ,-~ . ~ project ~ eo~]~at~ cost oF this s financin~ by Re~e..~,omm~nt Agency Funds. The ,-~" ~' . ST,lOS.OO. ~:~a~e schei~,ie for this project is as Follows: Authorization by Rede'Felopment Agency to advertise for Bids ........................ April 21, 1980 1st Legal Advertisement ........................ April 24, 1980 2nd Legal Advertisement ........................ May 1, 1980 Open Bids ...................................... May 8, 1980 Award BiJ ...................................... May 19, 1980 Commence Construction .......................... June 2, 1980 Complete Construction .......................... July 2, 1980 RECOMMENDATION: it is recommended that the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency at their April 17, 1980, meeting adopt the attached resolution approving plans and specifications for the median island modification at 245 East First Street and direct the secretary to advertise for bids, and that additional funds be appropriated in the amount of $7,!00.00 in the Redevelopment Agency budget. BOB LEDENDECKER Director of Public Works/ City Engineer BL:rvm Attachment cc: City Clerk '? Finance Department 2 $ RESOLUTION NO. ao-3 A RESOLUTION OF THE TUSTIN COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CENTER MEDIAN MODIFICA- TION - FIRST STREET 200'± EAST OF PROSPEC[ AVENUE. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Tustin Community Redevelopment .Agency of the City of Tustin, California, to construct certain street im- provements and appurtenant work as described herein, and; WHEREAS, the City Engineer has presented plans and specifications f~r the construction of said work; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the plans and specifications presented by the City Engineer be and are hereby approved as the plans and specifications for: Center median modification - Fi~-st Street 200'± East of Prospect Avenue BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary is hereby authorized and directed to advertise as required by law for the receipt of sealed bids ~- proposals for the doing of the work specified in the aforesaid pldns ard specifications which said advertisement shall be substantially in the ~llowi~q? words and figures, to-wit: "NOT[CE TO ?O~lTD~' ~ l .... SEALES P?.OPOSALS will be received at :~r~ c=fi:-(-_' ;f the Tustir~ COiil- ~ unity F, ede.elopment Agency Secretary, Tustir! City Hail, 3qO Centermial ',..~y, Tussin, California, until l~:O0 A.M. ~ the ?th da) r~f May, l?q, at .,,'qich t! 'e t~ey '.,,'ill be publicly opened an:! ~-eac!, fo~" perForminm ?.,r~r~' as ~S l 1 ows: CENTER MEDIAIi MODIFICATIOtl - FIRST STREET 200'~ EAST OF PROSPECT AVENUE e!ds are r=m~ired for the entire work described hereir: A-1 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 16 SCHEDULE OF WORK ITEMS :rem No. Unit Quanti~ Description. 1. Lin. Ft. 148 Sawcut 2. Lump Sum 1 Removal, Disposal and Excava- tion 3. Lin. Ft. 119 !. Each 1 Type B-1 PCC Curb PCC Median Nose 5. Ton 76 Asphalt Concrete Pavement Lump Sum 1 Replace Dichondra Sod Each 1 Relocate existing Olive Tree Lump Sum 1 Modify Irrigation System and Relocate Elect. Pull Boxes The foregoing quantities are approximate only, being given~as a basis for the comparison of bids, and the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency does not, expressly or by iTDlication~ agree that the actual amount of work will corresDend therewqtn, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the amoun~ c= any clas~ or portion of the work, or to omit portions of the ..mrk as ma: be deemed '~ecessary or advisable bw the Engineer. Plans. smecificat $~s and prooosal forms to be (~sed for bidding on this proje;; can only .$e obtained by prospective bidders at the office of the Tusti~ Community Rede:elopment Agency Secretary, Tustin City Hall, Centennial az Main Street, Tustin, California, 92680, upon p~yment of 35.~0 ?e,~ set ...,'hich amo_mt shall be non-refundable. P;anz .... specific;orions will only be mailed out upon payment of _~19.00 :er set which a' c~n~ shall be non-refundable. · ~a~ Of , ~ In ctr=crmance ~,,,'~:~ ~ection 3,~, the Government CoJe a~l bids shall be F,,-esented unde:- sealed cover on the proposal form provided and ~cconlpanie~~ ~', one of -~=_,_ followinq~ form~, ~ of bidder's securit'/'. a. C~S,q b. cashier's chec'~ ~ade payable to the Tustin Community Redevelop- F:ent .Agency c. cer'~ified chez:; made payable to the Tustin Community Redevelop- n=ent Agency d. b~der's bond e:~ecuted by an accreditec surety insurer. ~ade ?a/able to the -'~stin Community Redevelopment Agency. The 5e;urity sba] [e in an amount e~!'.;al te at least ten percent 'lO ) of ire anount of tFe bid. & bid st;all not be considered unless :ne of t~e =or~;~s of b"~Jer's security is enclo-sed therewith. A Surety ~ond for "a.:vent of 'labor and materials will be required in she amoun: of fifty percent (50) of the estimated total contrac~ price 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 !8 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 il and a Faithful Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (1007]) of the estimated total contract price in the form attached to the contract documentst Said bonds shall be issued by a Surety Company rated grade A or better and Class IX or better by the latest edition of Best's Key Rating Guide. Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and/or waive any informality on a bid. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening thereof. The contract will be awarded to the lowest qualified bidder. ~?ovisions of the State Contract Act are not applicable, and pros- pecti.e bidders will not be required to be prequatified. All work to be done under the direct supervision of the City En- gineer, City of Tustin. All work to be paid For ac the unit prices bid from appropriate lllonies. Said Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency, pursuant to the Labor Code of the State of California, has ascertained and determined that the general prevailing rate of hourly and per diem wages in the locality in which ~he said work herein described is to be performed, for each craft or tyFe of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract and als() the ger, eral prevailing rate <o," legal holidaTs, and overtime work for each craft or type of workman er mechanic, to be as :,ndicaced in City Council Resolution 77-52 as previously publi~-he~ in ~ newspaper of general circulation, and on file in the office ~.f ti~e City Clerk. £mployer payments other thar~ those itemize~] therein, as defined in Section 1773.1 of the Labor Code, are to be F)ai:] in accoFdance with the terms of the col!ective barmaining agreement ap$1icas', to the type or classification of the workme?, 3F mechanics e~ ul~./ed on the project. Sopies of all collective bai'qainina ....... ~ ~ agr~. ~ ~ relating to the work as set forth in the afore:entioned !abor Cede are en file and avail- able for inspection in the office of the Depart,~ent of Industrial Reia- tions, Division of Labor Statistics and Research. BY ORDER Or THE TUSTIN COF. MUNITY REDEVELOPF. L%I AGENCY OF TttE CITY OF TUSTIN, CA!.:FORNIA Dated: Sec?etar'/ o- the Tustin Community Regevelop en% Agency, California A-3 2 3 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 1U !g 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 30 ' BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Tustin Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of Tustin has ascertained and does hereby determine that the general prevailina rate of wages and employer payments in the locality of the City of Tustin, California, for each craft or type of workman needed to execute the work herein above specified is as.~forth in City Council Resolution No. 77-52. PASSE?~ AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the Tustin Community Re- developmen: Agency, California, this day o? , t980. CHAIRMAN ,~TEST: SECRETAR'~ Advertise in Tustin !lev, s: April 24, 1980 May 1, 19.~], A-4