HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL 04-21-80DATE: TO: FROM: S UBJ ECT: April lq, 1980 NEW BUSINESS No. 1 4-21-80 Inter-Corn DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR NORMAN HOWER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER TRAFFIC SIGNAL INVESTIGATION AT IRVINE BOULEVARD AND "B" STREET The intersection of Irvine Boulevard and "B" Street has been investigated for meeting the conditions for a traffic signal as requested by Mr. James D. Rashid and the Helen Estock School PTO in the attached letters. This intersection was last studied in October, 1979, with approximately the same results as the current study. This location has a crossing guard and is con- sidered a controlled intersection. As such, it cannot warrant signals specifical- ly for school children. This intersection could not meet any of the traffic sig- nal warrants as shown on the attached warrant sheets. In observing the intersection, the crossing guard was having obvious problems stopping traffic at times. The crossing was observed for approximately 7 hours, and no traffic enforcement was seen during that time. It may be advisable to oc- casionally have enforcement in the area. The guard had good control over the children and they appeared to behave very well. Most of the conditions exist as in the previous study with the exception that traffic volumes have increased slightly. This may be a seasonal fluctuation. There have been 4 accidents at this location since January 1, 1979. Three of these were rear end accidents and one involved a driver that had been drinking, losing control and striking the median island. Two of the rear end accidents in- volved vehicles stopping for the crossing guard and a signal may or may not have prevented these. The number of this type of accident normally increases when signals are installed. It is recommended signals not be installed at this location since none of the conditions can be met. It is suggested that more enforcement be in the area while children are crossing at peak traffic periods. Attached are the prior study, letters of request, collision diagram, signal war- rants and children and vehicular volumes. NORMAN HOWER Traffic Engineer NH:rvm Attachments cc: Jim Rashid Helen Estock PTO DATE: 15, 1979 TO: SU,gJECT: .ne. :ntors~.Lrtion of lrvi.~J Bc~l!evard oas :: Stree~ has been investi- ns~a_~a~ion of traffic[ s~ -'~ ~i co~ro! as reuuested It w~s also inves:igated far school area} rca!fie signals and flashing yellow schoD1 s!g.~a~s . 5!~J:TAi,5 - This intersection was investicate! fcc meeting the accepted warrantt, for cigna] installations, it could not me.~t any o= the war- rants for a t~affir_ _sianal.. . SinF:e there -~ s an e::istt~c]... ~rossin~~ guard at =his !ac~tion, ~ is consi~:crec a con~ra!!ed intersection for scho~l~ c~o ....... ::~inq cu~o~.2: and as such ii~ cannot wlrra~ ~ a school area uhis i;l%er'scction durin~ thc times when chilireu zr:. going uo and from schl'j!, in wa,:chinu the crossing operation, it appeared that the guard had good ocntrct over the children, but, at tir~es, only fair con- tro~ -~ e~.. vehicles ....... ~ eve ..... When +he crossing guard wc~t'~ from the north sis.~__ of the street, she had. difficulty stoum~ng_ =_ th;:~ eastbound traffic until she had passed thc center of the street . It is believed that because of the curvature of the street and the planters and trees in the median, the northerly half of the crosswalk is not readily visible until the drivers are close to th~2 intersection . Also, a contributing ~a,.tcr is that the guard at this location Is rather short and is dif- ficult to be seen above the planters. She had little trouble stopping the westbound ~ =6' ~.a=.lc, and when she was working from the south side of the street she had little trouble with either direction of travel . The children were well behaved and walked their bicycles across. The cros- sing guard indicated that at times she had difficulhy stopping east- bound traffic. This intersection was signed some time ago for No U- Turns on Irvine Boulevard due to their interference with the crossing operation and it appears little attention is paid to th i s restriction and U-turns are being made except when the police are present. VISIBILITY Visibility of the northerly half of the crosswalk is very poor for eastbound traffic due to trees and planters in the median area as indicated above . visibility of the crosswalk and sidewalk areas was good for the other directions ef travel. Northbound vehi- cles on "B" Street have some problems geeing eastbound vehicles Irvine Boulevard due to shubbery that is outside of the right-of-way. The crosswalk at this location has not been crosshatched , and this should be done for maximtlm visibility of the walk. BO~ LEDENDECKER October 15, 1979 [~age 2 Ci ]MING AND STRIPING - Signing and striping on Irvine B~ulevard is adequa and in good rondition. School crossing sigas and legends are in place. It may be advisable to install larger school crossing signs on Irvine ~ouievard to increase their visibility. i%ECOMMENDATiCN3 It is recommended that signals, or flashing yellow schcol signals, not be installed at this intersection ~ince none cf the standard warrants can be met. it is recommended that the crosswalk be crosshatched an2 larger school crossing signs be installed for maximum visibility. Enforcement seemed to be adequate and police were observed nn the area thccking for speed and cross%calk violations, although viola- ti~ns were occurring when officers were not in the area. '?ual fic E~; i:.z~ e r 9-4 SlGtJALS Ah~D LIGHTING TRAFFIC MANUAL Figure B-iA TRAFFIC SIGNAL ¥¥ARRANTS ,~ ~'' ~ ....... ISOl2'.e:I 33mmbn,'w 3I l?,C'30 pop. - ....... i~ · ' ,,~0-: SAT lc;F-_3 Yes j :.', ,"iff,.4UM REOUIRF-_MF_N TS Street Volurr~ t R,m r, ed tC:OO 7~ 150 Fee', 100R! SATISFIED 80°4 SATISFIED //// Yes ~_~ Yes ~ No [] I fl S/W ....... fi j Yes ~ Ho ~ t ¥iA~RANT 4-- c. ..... . ,, Cross, .... r,.j.; No', Appl ~ca.':t e [] See School Cross;:Lqs ',',~arr,]n! Sheet [] TRAFFIC ~ANUAL . SIGNALS AND LIGHTING 9-5 Fi~,u r e 9-1D TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS Ye2 ,_r-'] No ~ ~csE] ~o [] SIL,!'~ALS Ah'D LIGHTING Figure 9-!D SCHOOL PROT£CTiON WARRANTS 9-7 .SCHOOL AREA TRAFF;.3 SIGNALS Volume AND IRVINE BOUhEVARD AND "B" STRU%'? 5:,i_ ?:00 ~2 4 '':00 i9 2 .31 7 They may be - --'-'~ ~::nia]l.t::., ...: ..... :"4't .i' :' 2, tT 10-05 unecnh-oll,:d l::t?r~ec~;.z or m(dbh~ck loc:;:icn at Yehi '],,s per vehicles per L .~:- purpose. A fiasbhL: y,.ll~'.v only wh,-n a clock or aetu.:t,.,! by An a~reenu, nt :,h:uld b:' ,,x~ct;te;] '.~'hh ':,'h..,1 provide a:c,:_; ['.r ~'?eral;.?n ;t:: . :: :~:: hz:'. e of the :~[~::,.~ .:.[ t;~" ~:~ t:u, ind. : ; :::1,?:' .? 30 90 o 3o 0 ;~ 3 1 3 3.u I !7 7~u~K i 570 7 .' } ~ :' 530 ' 720 ,: ~o0 96 J ..... 300 553 i 5 240 51 '3 5 5 5 5 2O 4O 6O 330 8 I s 93 1 31 l S 22 772 48 1878 77 21t7 67 1657 53 i 62 S ,~ z 1597 33 ~7~c, I C i 128 2 o 137 ~s. 79 43 40 720 15 8 333 i ,~!4 25,654 17) I !60 laO , ~ 2 ,440 579 ?--- ~ we'll': _ ire -_ .... l'.t . --. -~ ,-,. .... . - ; i;-;r LO ' ~ ' ' · ...r.'ZS .:' -;- :~:~ '~:: : ': '.';_: a .' - ',~ rz : .... :-fic ii .... ~,,- ~,'~ the chili-- ..... ------ - --,~,~ ',.,--r,~ ] ' ~n the ~rv:ne Plaz~ vii--' m'k:h _or 7he 2ouno~].x -~:.{} ---- ~nd~rstand~ng. f CITY OF TUSTIN LEGEND-SYMBOLS LOCATIri'Vi. -- Roving Vehicle Out of ,_o,,troi -- P~.rK~ .... V ~hicle Pades kri~n Xnjury ACCIDENT SU~.~,tA RY TRAFFIC S~GNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic iVlanual 'FRAF?iC $1G,'g-~- WARRANTS ~.~j~ Str,le~ 6o9 i 420 720 5~, 1645 '"~' c*-'''''~'--~ '7,35 ~ '~JO [] : c ~9': SAY S::',EU Yes ~'1, No ,L~ - ~ oo 50 196d 2oT~975Ll~g5, 213:,! 2435 2360 9o[ 65 I 65 I 7S t lOS I so 70 ~/,;-~P, RAN[ 3 -- M,mmum Pe~es:rl~n ',/o~ume k'l'4',h',UM FIEQUtRFMtN TS ,;,oth ~,p~ No .~.~:.d,an 600 !20 , M~;or Street (48c 335, IV I ,,me Raised ~000 700 ~_.~ u,--__ 4 lc,03' 550 iPed s Oq Hi,~hest V~lume "'.< I 165 150 Feet 100° SATISFIED // ('~r" N/E ...... ft ,:, ....... Yes [] No [] Yes [] ,%'o [L%1 / Ho)Jr ?,ARRANT 4 - School Crossings Not Applicab',a See School C ossings Warrant Sheet T~AFF'tC SIGNAL ?¢ARRANT S - Combination of Warrants (Used /! no one war,ant saoahed ~aO%,,; Sat isfied Yes T,be sF, t¢s/6~.tion of a warrant ~$ not necessar¢/y just/t/cation for s/gna/J, Delay, co&qestzon conlus~on or other ewdence ol the need tot right o! ;'/ay assL.?nment must be 'shown. Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING 9-7 Fi,2ur e 9-1D SCHOOL PRO'Fff. CT~ON WARRANTS N. HOWER 04/08/80 ~ ~ ,..'. ~ N. HOF~R 04/08/E'1) S: ~:~ s,ree~ of a~orcasn tra~ c ~ ~ mph ...................... ~ RURAL (R) U Ri~AN (U'I AREA TRAF?;C S!GNALS Pedestrians iitl Each2 hoursCfi 50 l sso 2265 2020 I1" ~.a¢, oi r ---~ I' ,~---'- ' i ' 70 t AND pARr B IRVINE 5, OULEVARF~ AND 'B" STREEq~ SCN]i L CHII,DRKN CROSSING I?ViNE BOU~K~i,~ ¢'ROSSING "N" SiPFE! I NTEP~ECTi ON I RV ! NE IRVINE 65 65 35 25 20 2 % 10 !5 30 75 1{30 =: :: 435 11 )3 - - = ' l 02 :: l: ~ - 97b 98r~ !648 920 ~.::- 775 ?, 475 i ~:% 375 2~5 315 !='5 230 TOTAL IRVINE 130 65 175 780 1830 21 50 20 ? o ;975 21 35 2435 2360 1665 1035 710 610 4 ? ' 0 o o o 20 :i 70 5 5 S .B. "B" 0 0 0 O 5 2O 5 60 45 55 25 1.5 5 TOTAl, 0 0 0 0 0 5 3O 55 130 ]_65 125 125 45 30 2O 5 10 u INTERSECTION TOTAL 130 65 45 3O 45 180 1885 2265 2185 20~0 2')~5 2300 2560 2485 1710 1065 730 615 435 26{ 43