HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 2 GAS PRICING SIGNS 04-07-80DATE:
April 7, 1980
No. 2
nter - C om
Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
Community Development Department
Pricing Signs - Gasoline Sales
Under local City regulations, pricing signs are permitted as part of the allow-
able sign area and by use permit may be permitted for stations having reached
maximum allowable area up to an additional ten square feet. Such signs are not
mandatory under local regulation.
Staff contacted the Consumer Affairs Division of the Human Services Agency of
Orange County regarding pricing regulations. Orange County does not have a manda-
tory price posting requirement as Los Angeles County does. The only requirement
for posting they discovered was "at the pump", in accordance with federal pricing
Staff reviewed ,he November 13, 197g State of California "State of Emergency"
guidelines. The only required postings fo be clearly identifiable from "off
the premises? concern days and hours of operation, emergency rules Jodd/even,
half-tank minimum, etc.), availability Iregular, unleaded, ethyl) and appropriate
flag signals. No price posting is included under those guidelines.
In discussions with two retailers, reasons given for discontinuance of existing
changeable copy signs for pricin9 included: daily changes with deliveries, re-
duction in employees, time consumin9 compliance with other required postings and
changes, general lack of time, and inadequate area and copy material.
If ,he City Council believes that pricing notification to the public is desirable
and necessary af gasoline sales facilities, beyond the limits of the on-site
pumps, if would be recommended that a resolution urgin9 the Board of Supervisors
fo adopt such regulations be promulgated. If such a proposal were not forth-
coming on a county-wide basis, the City could then pursue adoption of regulations
affecting such facilities within ifs own jurisdiction.
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