HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 3 RES CARE FAC'S 04-07-80DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: April 7, 1980 NEW BUSINESS NO. 3 '4,-7~80 Inter-Corn Honorable Mayor and City Council via City Administrator Community Development Department AB 2290, Residential Care Facilities Adoption of a resolution similar to Buena Park's in support of legislation to return local control over the establishment of such Facilities by the Tustin City Council would be appropriate. The term "residential care facility" often evokes an image oF a children's day care center, however, such operations may include 24-hour operations, special population groups (seniors, battered children, autistic, rehabilitation, etc.) and the use oF full time employees. The definition of such opera,ions has been expanded by the State ,o include up ,o 12 persons in place of ,he old limitation of six or less. This also changes the Uniform Buildin9 Code defini,ion of occupancy to ,ha, of a "school" rather than a residen, ial occupancy. In some cases, such facilities might not be appropriate in specific residential neighborhoods end the author(fy of the City fo regulate this situation is open to question. SB 2093, the current legislation removed such facilities from local Control and the pendin9 legislation AB 2290 proposes to allocate approval authority back to the local communities. MWB:mm C TY C A L I Stephen L. ~chuster,'5~YOR City of Tustin Centennial at ~ain Tustin, CA 92660 OI:I::IC:~ O; TH~ MAYO~ Dear Steve: Enclosed is a copy of our Resolution #6693 relating to SB 2093 and its provisions for the establishment of Residential Care Facilities %cithin our con%munities. SB 2093, passed in 1978, essentially eliminated local government's traditional authority tc require special use permits, to enforce zoning ordinances, or'require fire inspection clearance in the establis~hment of Residential Care Facilities. 5;uch concern has been generated, not only in our.City but other cities as well, in'regards to this legislation and its encroachment into the affairs of ~l ~u~_ government. Assem~lyr~n Ross Johnson has authored AB 2290 which Z feel will remove the mandates of SB 2093 and again return the responsibility for authority in this matter to the appropriate level of government. AB 2290 has been ~i.g~ed to the Committee on Human ~e~ources ~ ba~ b~n ~et ~or h~r- lng on March 18th at 9:00 a.m. in Room 2133. ~ez~ers of this Committee are: Richard Alatorre, Chairman; Pat Nolan; Douglas Bosco; Robert Cline; Jim Costa; Jack Fenton; Bill Lockyer; and Gwen Moore. i would appreciate your. support of this legislation byyour con~munication tc the Com~ittee as I believe that it addresses a specific issue which affects all cities. May I hear from you in regards to your city's position cn this matter? Th~nk yo~, ~ ' ~ Don R. Griffin ~ Mayor DRG: '; iak encl. cc: Council RESOLUTION 6693 A RESOLUTI~; OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BUENA PARK REQUESTING ACTION BY THE STATE LEGISLATURE TO RESTORE THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE OF SPECIFIC SECTIONS OF THE STATE HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE AND WELFARE AND INSTITUTIONS CODE IN REGARD TO LOCAL AUTHORITY IN THE ESTABLISH- MENT OF RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES. WHEREAS, revisions introduced into Section 1502 of the State Health' and Safety Code and Sections 5115, 5116 of the State Welfare and Institu- tions Code by the enactment of Senate Bill 2093 in September 1978, have completely eliminated local government's legal and traditional authority to require special use permits or to enforce zoning ordinances in the es- tablishment of residential care facilities; and WHEREAS, the authority of fire inspection clearance is also similarly restricted; and WHEREAS, the original statute of 1972 wisely provided cities and counties with the ability to protect the health and 'safety of the residents in the co~nunity by allowing conditions to be applied for this type of use; and WHEREAS, such local ordinances are intended to maintain standards and serve as a safeguard for the residents; and WHEREAS, local officials are responsible for the well-being of the. community as a whole; and WHEREAS, Senate Bill 2093, as enacted, severely encroaches upon this sphere of local rights and responsibilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Buena Park requests action and support from our State Legislators to restore the original language of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code and Sec- tions 5115, 5116 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, as enacted by the 1972 statute, thereby returning authority over this matter to the appropriate level of government; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Buena Park be directed to send a copy of this action to Assemblymen Ross Johnson and Chester Wray, Senators John Briggs and Paul Carpenter, and Collier McDermon of the State Department of Education. PASSED AND AOOPTED th'is called vote: AYES: '5 coU~czI~: NDES: 0 COUNCTT.~EN: ABSENT: o COU~CTTLVdmt: day of November, 1979, by the following Davis, Jarrell, Meyer, Reese and Griffim None None A1-FEST: Mayor City Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regularly passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Buena Park hel this 5th day of November, 1979. City Clerk