HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 8 TRAFFIC SIG INVEST 04-7-80DATE: APRIL 1, 1980  NEW BUSINESS NO. 8 - '4-7?.80 -Corn TO: DAN BLANKENSHIP, CITY ADMINISTRATOR FROM: NORMAN HOWER, TRAFFIC ENGINEER SUBJECT: TRAFFIC SIGNAL INVESTIGATION AT WALNUT AVENUE AND FRANKLIN AVENUE A traffic signal investigation has been conducted at the intersection of Walnut Avenue and Franklin Avenue in the Irvine Industrial Complex as requested in the attached letter from the Linwilco Laboratories at 2832 Dow Avenue. This intersection is in approximately the center of the complex and handles not only through traffic, but also traffic circulating within the center itself and has a high afternoon-evening peak period corresponding to the release of workers from the local industries. Walnut Avenue is a Primary Arterial on the Arterial Highway System and the inter- section with Franklin is fully improved. Visibility is very good in all directions. Walnut is speed zoned for 45 MPH with Franklin zoned 40 MPH for southbound and 35 MPH for northbound. Franklin is now stopped for Walnut Avenue. This intersection has met the State Traffic Signal Warrants for Minimum Vehicular Volume (Warrant 1) and Accident Experience (Warrant 6). The intersection had 7 accidents in the 12 months between April 1, t979 and March 31, 1980 that could possibly be corrected by signals (right angle accidents). Most of these accidents occurred in off-peak peiods and usually the comment of the driver on Franklin was that the vehicle on Walnut was not seen even though visibility is very good. Observation of the intersection during the evening peak has shown difficulty in entering onto Walnut from Franklin with considerable backup resulting on Franklin at times. At the time Walnut Avenue is opened beyond Myford Road it is anticipated that there will be an increase in traffic on Walnut with a possible slight decrease for southbound Franklin. But, in all proba~lity, the peak period problem and accident problem will remain the same or increase. The decrease would result from through tPaffic that now takes the Franklin-Michelle- old Myford route transferring to Walnut. It is anticipated that there will be an increase in traffic in the future on all approaches to this intersection. It is recommended that traffic signals be installed at the Walnut Avenue and Franklin Avenue intersection and be included in the 1980-81 budget. Estimated cost of installation would be approximately $55,000. This signal would be inter- connected with the future signals at the Walnut-Jamboree and Walnut-Myford inter- sections. Attached are Signal Warrants, Intersection Volumes and Letter of Request. Norman Hower Traffic Engineer · rv ~. ~ac~ments J 2832 DOW AVENUE · TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA 92680 . AREA CODE 714/832-9700 March 21, 1980 Bob Ledindecker City Engineer 300 Centenial Way Tustin, Ca. 92680 Dear Hr. Ledindecker, Before a serious accident occurs, please install an electric s~gnal at the intersection of Walnut and Franklin. Traffic has increased so much in the past year, due to the expansion of the Tustin-Irvine Industrial Complex, that numerous close calls have taken place. This intersection is a definite hazard. 12-1979 TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Traffic Manual Figure 9-1A TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS Major St: WALNUT AVENUE Minor St: FRANKLIN AVENUE CALC CHK N. HOWER DATE 3/31/80 DATE 45 mph 35-40 mph Critical Approach Speed Critical Approach Speed RURAL (R) URBAN (U) Critical speed of major street traffic_~ 40 mph ............. In built up area of isolated community of .: 10.000 pop. WARRANT I -- Minimum Vehicular Volume APPROACH LANES I~oth Apprch~. Major Street Highest Ap::)rcr~ 150 Minor Street · MiNiMUM REOUIREMENTS 10~4 SATISFIED Yes ~[] No [] mo~ show. ,. s.^cK[*s~ 8~.~ SATISFIED Yes ~ No D U R U R O0 ~0 O0 0 0 0 ~ O0 0 0 O0 o .oo o ~ 3~ ~ 420 ~oo~ ~zso~ ~.o~ :~s, 630 555 780 595 485 615 590 495 ~o5 2~ ~ 155 245 265 175 185 380 375 340 (841 (160) ','~ARRANT 2 -- Interruption of Continuous Traffic '~ot h App r c I',,~. Ma jew Street . H~ghest AF~rch Minc~ Street ' UiNlUUM REQUIREMENTS 100% SATISFIED Yes [] NO [] I I , 8oDo%SA~IS~IEI~ ,Yes O No {~[] u R u R ~o oo oo o~ oo oo oo oo oo ~o/ .... /..~/oo~ o~ o/o o 7~ ~5 ~ ~ ~o~ (~) ~zo~ (so~ 1070 630 555 780 595 6~5 590 495 75 ~* ~ 70 ~o) ~42) mo) m6~ 105 155 245 265 175 380 375 345 · NOTE: Heavier of /ell' turn moveCnent from Majo~ Street included when L T-phasing is p, oposed WARRANT 3 - Minimum Pedestrian Volume Both Apprch~. NO Median Major Street Voh,xne Raised ,4' Media~ Pad's On Highest VolLa~e X-Walk Xincj Mal~' Street 600 420 1000 700 150 105 10~/¢ SATISFIED Yes [~ No [] 80~ SATISFIED Yes [] No I~ II!i111 WARRANT 4 -- School Crossings Not Applicable I~ See School Crossings Warrant Sheet r'l T$-tOA Traffic Manual TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND LIGHTING Figure 9:1B TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANTS WARRANT 5 -- Progressive Movement Satisfied Yes [] No [] MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS DISTANCE TO NEAREST SIGNAL FULFILLED · 1000 It N --- , S --- ft, E --- ~ft, W 5600 ft YES~ NO ['~ ON ISOLATED ONE WAY ST OR ST. WITH ONE WAY TRAFFIC SIGNIFICANCE ADJACENT SIGNALS WARRANT 6 -- Accident Experience Satisfied Yes [] -- -- ~ ............................ No [] \ FULFILLED X YES [] NO [] [] [] WARRANT 7 -- Systems Warrant Satisfied Yes [] CHARACTERISTICS OF MAJOR ROUTES MAJOR ST MtNO~ ST NO [] ¥ YESES1 NO [] WARRANT 8 -- Combination of Warrants fu~e~ It no o~a wa??ant set,stied 100%) Satisfied Yes I-1 No I-1 FULFILLED YESr'~ NO [] 12-19~9 The satisfaction of a warrant is not necessarily justification for signals. Delay. congestion. Confusion or other evidence of the need for right o! way assignment must be shown. INTERSECTION VOLUMES WALNUT AVENUE & FRANKLIN AVENUE ] :00- 1:00 AM ~:00- 2:00 2:00- 3:00 :00- 4:00 4:00- 5:00 :00- 6:00 -=:00- 7:00 7:00- 8:00 ;:00- 9:00 9:00-10:00 :O0-11:O0 ~.:'~-12:00 22:00- 1:00 PS~ .:SO- 2:00 2:00- 3:00 3:00- 4:00 --~:00- 5:00 5:00- 6:00 3:00- 7:00 7:00- 8:00 5:00- 9:00 --9:00-10:00 !0:00-11:00 1:00-12:00 1 EoB. WALNUT 15 5 0 5 15 95 740 960 470 245 220 315 5OO 435 325 325 230 175 105 9O 70 55 45 35 5475 WoBo WALNUT 30 10 10 0 0 2O 50 110 160 140 120 240 28O 160 160 290 360 320 140 7O 3O 50 20 3O 2800 TOTAL N.B. S.B. WALNUT FRANKLIN FRANKLIN 45 0 60 15 0 10 10 0 10 5 0 5 15 0 0 115 0 5 790 25 65 1070 50 105 630 60 155 385 110 120 340 120 115 555 215 245 780 265 245 595 175 160 485 185 135 615 185 380 590 315 375 495 205 340 245 80 130 160 45 60 100 10 45 105 15 25 65 10 40 65 5 40 8275 2075 2870 INTERSECTIO~ TOTAL FRANKLIN TOTAL 60 105 10 25 10 20 5 10 0 15 5 120 90 880 155 1225 215 845 230 615 235 575 460 1015 510 1290 335 930 320 805 565 1180 690 1280 545 1040 210 455 105 265 55 155 40 145 50 115 45 110 4945 13220