HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 6 EXT OF NEWPORT 03-17-80DATE: March 17, 1980 CONSENT CALENDAR No. 6 3-17-80 TO: Honorable Mayor & City Council F R0'~t: City Engineer 5U3J[CI: Negative Declaration for the Extension of Newp0rk Avenue The attached documents are a supplement to the application which was submitted to the Public Utilities Commission (1979) for the extension of Newport Avenue across the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway and the Orange County Flood Control District Right-of-Way. RECOMMzENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution No. 80-25 which approves the Negative Declaration for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. , ........ (date) Ncgat!vc Declaration - EnvirOnmental lmoact 1,h}port 'YO: Addz~ ...... es ReforcnCC: Section 15083, Chapter 3, Division 6, 2_~tl, !4, California Administrative Code. ,-r'p "- Newport Avenue Extens{on to EdJnger Street PI{C),iECT Y_.Lr,. ' - · ~: .... ' ~:'T')N Construction of Newport Avenue across the A~chison, Topeka and San~a Fe Railway in Tustin. Southerly end of Newoort Avenue in ~:~")'oONNN'~': City of Tushin .................... ---- and ~!-ssJ:ssme/:c. Of the f~u.., and ~{~-c-n~,~.oc, s of the b_.. n::-ejc:.~kr based u;oon tho ~.Ahe-_l~gs of the - ' t,,au the ' 1: v:i]t x._,:'.cn._.,. } :re-:~, [: finding ].s made ~" = pro3c'c ~iEASBURiJiS (!f &nV): Railroad crossing - ,- 'r . E n C !: Initial Study Add ]7o.% s e C: s: App1 i can t Planning Agency City Council .~T~Communlty~ Development D] rector Cou;~ty Clerk of Orange County Form: A-- 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 !o [3 15 16 19 2O 22 23 25 ~9 [~E SOU. J] tON NO. 80-2_5 A RESOi_L~[i()N OF ]HE Ci FY COdNr.'.tl OF ~l-iE CITY Of I'UST!!,i., f INDING AND DECLARILS A NEGAq Itt, PACT f:'O~ CONSTRUCT t ON OF NEV.¥~ORT AVENUF ACqOSS Tl~E A]CI-ItSON, TOPEKA ANP SANTA FE WAY ANt) T;i[ ORANGE CO'JN]Y FI. OOD CONTROL DIStRiCT RIGtlT-OF-%AY. .H~RcA:~, an analysis of potenliat er~vironm-~ial irnpec'l' has been made for -~ n~' ~ Atchic~on, Topek:a and Santa the construction o[ Ne,,,port Avenue ~cr-~.~ .... F-e P. ailv,a,v iocaled al ihe southerly end o'~ ;~,~e',,vpo~-i Avenue. ,? ~/~c upon ,~-c,~,_ ,J, r-ev fha Tusl-in sta,~t, the City Council finds no adverse impact uoor~ Ihe physical, cconOrnic, oi soci;Jl envil onment as ~ resull o¢ lhe projecl. NOW, IH~REFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED that 1he Ci~y Council of /he City el~ Tustin does hereby declare ~nd i.~:,sue a Declaration of Negative Imi~act for the pr'cposed ¢ons~;-:~ciion ot: Ne',,~[}orl Avenu.J across ihe A~chisor~, Topeka ~nd Sanla Fo R~il~u%,' ~nd ihe Orange Co'4nt;, Flood Control District ri ghl-oi-v..a7, r,,SS'z,, AN[) ,~_~O?TED at ~ r'eaular meeting el: the Tusl'in (:;fy Council~ held on the 1'/th day of CJI},' Cler~