HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 3 ARTICLE XXXIV 03-17-80DATE: March 17, 1980 NEW BUSINESS No. 3 3-17-80 TO: FROH: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members Community Development Department Participation in Article XXXIV Referendum Election DISCUSS!OH: On February 28, 1980 the Board of Supervisors of Orange County passed a resolution, authorizing a special election fo be held on the same day as the General Election, June 2', 1980. The purpose of the Special Etecfion is fo obtain ihe approval of its citizens in an "Article 34 Referendum." Article 34 of the State Constitution provides for the distribution of state and federal funds to the County or participating cities for the construction, de- velopment, or acquisition of rental housing for elderly, handicapped, and lo,v- to moderate-incoin~ ho..Jsgholds. Before these funds can be distributed fo cities or the C:,unfy, the a?~rovaJ of the citizens in the community is needed. The County is asking alt cities in Orange County to participate in the r'eferendurn election upon pass~ge :: a resolution so electing. A city parficipalin9 in the elect~cn will have its ,cote tallied separately, and if a majority of the vo~ers withi:': the city approve :ne refer'endum, the city would be authorized fo receive housin9 assistance funds, lhis would allow the city of Tusfin to receive an allocation composed o[ both Section 3 rent subsidy funds and assisled housing funds. No City general fund monies may be expended for such housing. The referendum is not a commitment of any local funds or a bond issue. Of special note are the provisions of the County's resolufion providing For notice of hearing prior fo application fo HUD or CHFA for funding of a specific projecf. This provision reassures the citizenry and council ~haf they retain ultimate aufhorit7 conferred by the passage of the referendurn. In addition, the entire cost of the elections will be paid from the Community Development Block Grant. If the City of Tusfin approves the resolution, auihorizing our participation in the Special Election, then a copy of the resolution must be submitted to the Registrar of Voters of the County of Orange on or before March 21, 1980. R E cOhVAE N DA T 1 ON: 'The Corr~unify Development Department recoF~ends that the City Council approve Resolution No. 80-24, authorizing our participation in fha Article 34 Referendum eleclion. EMK: mm 1 2 5 6 ? 8 28 32 RESOLUTION NO. 80-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF TUSFIN, TO PARTtCIPAIE IN A SPECIAL ELECTION CALLED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ORANGE COUN-IY TO APPROVE RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOP,Y~ENT FOR ELDERLY, HANDICAPPED~ LOW- OR I NCOtAE PERSONS, WHEREAS, the Board o¢ Supervisors of fha County of Orange has approved a resoluiion calling a special election ¢or the approval of rental housing developments for low- and moderate-income, handiapped, and elder'ly per- sons; and, WHEREAS, the Federal Community Development Block Grant regulations require the adoption and implemenfa[ion of' a Housing Assislance Plan which identi- fies the housing n~eds of the Ic'.,.'~ and moderate-income, handicapped and elderly households and which identifies the steps to be taken to speak to those needs; and, WHEREAS, the primary sources o,~ funding to speak to the housing needs idenlified in ~he adopled Housing Asslstance Plan are available throu.qh the California ffousing Finance Agency (CHFA) and lbo Feder'al Deparlm~;nl' o~ Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and, WHEREAS~ the use o{ OHFA funding and assislance ~or new consiruction and substantial rehabililation fo meet the housing needs identif'ied require that ~he r:~a_~:~-ify o~ the qualified electors of the county and ils c()oper'aling cities vo;e on and %prove the d.~velopmen~, construction, and/or ~inancing of rental r}ousing developments For Io,~- and moderate-income, handicapped, and elc',e-Iv zersons¢ pursuant lO the provisioas or Article XXXIV of the Califorr,;a Ec-~rifut~on; and, WHEREAS: :;~e City of iuslin may choose to par'ticipafe in the special election, called for this purpose by the Board of Supervisors of tt~e County of Orange, b'). adoptin9 this resot ~tion; and, WHEREAS, The entire uosl of the election, including the cilies choosin9 fo pari'icipate in lhe sp:~cial election~ will be paid from the Co¢,;muni~y De- velopment Block Gran~; NOtV¢ 'THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVbD, 1hat fha Ciiy Counci I of the Ci ~y of Tuslin does hereby request to participate in the special election called bi, the Board of Supervisors of the Courtly of Orange lo approve renlal housing de- velopments for elderly~ handicapped, Iow- or" moderate-income persons; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolufion be submitted to the Registrar of Voters of the County of Orange on or bef'ore ~arch 21~ 1980, and that the Registrar of Voters be notified of the request of the Oily of Tusfin that the votes cas1-witi~in lhaf city be tabulated separately from the unincorporated area and any other parficlpalin9 cities. APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS day of , 1980. ATTEST: Stephen [, Schuster ~ayor Ru~h C. Poe City Clark