HomeMy WebLinkAboutNB 4 LITTLE LEAGUE SIGN 3-17-80Da, T E:
March 17, !980
· New Business
No. 4
Honorable Mayor and City Council Members
Community Development Department
Little League Sign for Columbus-Tustin Park
.~ ~,,:. ,_,. ..... . AND D I SCUS$ I ON
A reque,:,f bas been made by Tusfin Western Lit~ le Leagae to place a 96 square
foot., 1! foot fall, free-standing sign in Columbus-Tustin Pa:k, adjacent 1o
the baseball field of Coiumbus-Tustin Intermediai'e School. Tt~e sign would dis,---
play an extensive iisi- oS league sponsors.
The :.;;to is zoned Public and Institutional, and Article Viii, Section 12 of the
Sign Code requires a uso permit for alt signs in fbat district. However, the
prop._r'fy is under the jurisdiction of the City' requiring Council authorization
for ~i ling a use permi? request.
In re~'e,'ing the pro?cs:i, the following items should be taken into consid(;:a+ion:
!. ~: s:'~tlar req.::.sf f::~ Pepper ~ree Park was denied by lhe City Council
es ate sign
o q:z£. At 96 sc, i:., fha sign is as large as the large.ql Feel ~ ,
~._.'hcrized in ina S c~ Code,
3. T>~ pr-ecedent o: a':;norizing the exclusive use of public property for ad-
ye:rising by a private organization. If the use of the play field expanded
t~. include additiona! leagues, i.e. soccer-, football, soi:lball, etc., fhe,'e
could be other req}esls for sponsor identify. Such reques/s should be
granted similar privileges that are granted to Little L. eague.
Structure intrusion into a park. This sign would be another slructure ir, a
park which is set aside For maximum enjoyment of open space.
5. As time passes, there is the danger that the sponsor list becomes a quasi-.
advertising space.
6. The lack of proper maintenance could result in an unattractive element in
I he park.
It is recomznended that the request be denied. If the Council, on the other
hand, ~,,ishes to grant such a request il is recommended that lhe roi lowing
conr!itions forla a part of the approval:
!. The sign not exceed 64 sq. fl'. and that it be mounted on the exisl lng con-
cession building. If the sign is free-slanding, ~he cleuraace from the
Little League
h',arch 17~ t980
page 2.
bottom of the sign to the ground should be at least 7'0".
2. The signing should be easily removable so as to be displayed only during
the sports' season.
3. Detailed construction plans and specifications should be submitted for plan
check fo the satisfaction of the Building Official. Of great importance
would be the wind loading calculations and provisions.
4. A mainfainance agreement should be required in which lhe sign users agree ~o
maintain the structure in a safe and attractive manner. A performance bond
should be provided fo the City to ensure strict compliance with such an
-ii~e limitations of sponsor identify,fo preclude adveriising copy, should
also be addressed in the agreement.
5. An insurance agreement satisfactory to the city attorney shall be submitted
to the City prior to issuance of permits.
AG,';: ~:n
Tom Orr
George Fague
-4 $2-.;ET'f OFFiCEH
T~stin City Council
TustJ. n City Hall
Tustin, Ca. 92680
Mai-ch 10, 1980
Dear Council..,Members;
We come before you seeking permission to erect a
]u~,t~n Park, desiqnati.:~q itt
signboard ~t Columbus .... ' ..,
the "off[cAal" heme ef Tustin Western L~Ltle League.
It is not ot~r intention to create commercial adver-
tising space on City' property.
Instead, we are st]re you can undeuF;tand our desire
te thank and acknewledge the many supporters ef our
1 e ~ig ue.
rKlL is a non-profit orqan~zation, benefitting
c?ildren off Tustin, anc~ operated at no cost
C[_~:y. ~e depend greatly on these suppoL-LerS and
t'is sign is simply ou~ way of saying "/hanks".
~',i--~out their smppore the leaque could not exist.
V.{shing to make this acknowledgeu!enh in as tast,qEul:
a m~{nner a,q .possible, we conhache~ a professioF~l
s~gn' co~''=,,,,~.~,:,.,~ .... ~Lc)~ their assr'stance,. Yot~ can see hy
the attached drawing that they have dene a credJ tai~le
job and the sign will be aeskRekically acceptable
to a]_] members of the community.
zhan, you for your consideration and swift apnreval
in this matter
gil.~ Russ{ill.
Advert_~se~s & Sponso~s
17922 Theodora Dr.
Tusbing, Ca. q2680
(714) 544-0033